
  • This episode is Part 4 of our 10-part Yoga philosophy series where we tip toe, take snack bites (whatever you want to call it) into the Yamas and Niyamas. Brahmacharya is the 4th Yama and is traditionally translated to celibacy, but there is so much more to discuss!

    We go far deeper into these Philosophies inside our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. You can learn more about our Yoga Teacher Training program over here. If anything within this Yama and Niyamas Series sparks your interest we'd suggest to continue following that spark... you never know where it may lead you!

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Sexual energy is one of the most natural human states of energy celebrated. Anand Mehrotra says "thinking that Patanjali was asking us to be celibate is ridiculous".Brahmacharya is not just about celibacy but also about channeling your energy and being aware of where your energy is going.It is a state of consciousness where you start to experience things based on their fullest value. When you look at a rose, you no longer label it as merely a rose, you start to look at it differently.Nishala Joy Devi says that Brahmacharya is the art of living a moderate life, but it can be challenging in our modern-day society of excess.If you missed the first three parts of this series, listen to:

    410: Embracing Ahimsa | The First Step in Our Yamas Series

    411: Discovering Satya, the Power of Truth | Yamas Series

    412: The Practice of Asteya in Modern Life | Yamas Series

    If you loved this episode or have more questions about this, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This episode is Part 3 of our 10-part Yoga philosophy series where we dip our toes into the Yamas and Niyamas. It's a snack bite-sized dive into philosophy (haha). Asteya is the 3rd of the 5 Yamas, and is traditionally translated to non-stealing.

    We go far deeper into these Philosophies inside our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. You can learn more about our Yoga Teacher Training program over here.

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Asteya is not just about non-stealing of physical possessions. Being late is stealing time. Distracting ourselves where there is no need for distraction is stealing from our own present moment.Nischala Joy Devi translates Asteya as abiding in generosity and honesty. When we are honest and generous, we experience abundance.Asteya tells us not to steal, but as it expands our hearts, it says give. Don't wait for someone to ask. Be alert and never miss an opportunity to give, give, give.Make sure to give to yourself first: compassion, love, acceptance, non-judgment, understanding, forgiveness. The more we give these to ourselves, the more we give them to others as well.If you missed the first and second parts of this series, listen to 410: Embracing Ahimsa | The First Step in Our Yamas Series and 411: Discovering Satya, the Power of Truth | Yamas Series

    If you loved this episode or have more questions about this, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • This episode is Part 2 of our 10-part Yoga philosophy series where we dip our toes into the Yamas and Niyamas. Satya is the 2nd of the 5 Yamas.

    We go far deeper into these Philosophies inside our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. You can learn more about our Yoga Teacher Training program over here.

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Satya translates to truth and integrity. Our thoughts, words and actions gain the power to manifest.Many of us have spent so much of our lives trying to please other people that we have forgotten what our truth is and who we really are.If you allow a moment to get quiet and peaceful, often it's when the truth will speak to you. Do you actually listen? Do you live that truth out?The more you follow and live your truth and show up with integrity, the easier it becomes.There's a little bit of magic when you begin something new. And, you have to step outside your comfort zone to experience that.If you missed the first part of this series, listen to 410: Embracing Ahimsa | The First Step in Our Yamas Series

    If you loved this episode or have more questions about this, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This episode is Part 1 of our 10-part Yoga philosophy series where we dip our toes into the Yogic philosophies, starting with the Yamas and Niyamas. You'll realise that Yoga is so much more than just a downward-facing dog. 

    Learn more about our Yoga Teacher Training program over here.

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Yamas are the first limb of Yoga. Nishala Joy Devi, an amazing author and Yoga Teacher, translates the Yamas as practices that uncover our true nature.Yamas are often described as the "don'ts".Ahimsa, the first Yama, is often translated as non-violence. How can you show up with more love, with more kindness, not only for others, but also for yourself?Nishala Joy Devi translates Ahimsa as embracing, revenance, and love for all. We experience oneness. With love and kindness, we then experience a connection.Listen to our Chakra series: 353: Joy, Pleasure and the Sacral Chakra, 354: Confidence, self-esteem and the Solar Plexus Chakra, 355: Kindness, love, compassion and the Heart Chakra, 356: Communication, truth-telling and the Throat Chakra, 357: Intuition, making decisions and the Third Eye Chakra, 358: Your higher power, something bigger and the Crown Chakra

    If you loved this episode or have more questions about this, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This is a special episode, we share our 108 Affirmation Meditation from the MerryBody App.

    Meditation welcomes mindfulness and focus, and this creates an ideal state for positive affirmation. Affirmations are positive statements that shift negative thoughts. You can use them to help reinforce your desired beliefs.

    Meditation and affirmations form a powerful duo for personal growth and wellbeing. Together, they amplify each other's effects, helping to rewire the brain for positivity and resilience. When combined, meditation calms the mind and cultivates focus, while affirmation welcomes self-confidence and motivation. 

    Our MerryBody Members are loving this meditation, hear what some of them are saying about it.

    “I just completed the Feel Good Yoga class and finished off with the 108 affirmations, so good” - Jo


    “This morning my body still felt quite tired, normally I would have chosen a Yin class, but instead I pressed play on Nadi Shodhana pranayama and then the new meditation in the MB app, 108 affirmations (amazing! I highly recommend it).” - Allie


    “I just did the 108 Affirmations meditation. I feel so good now, your voice is so calming” - Irene


    “I just did 108 affirmations meditation too! How empowering is it?! So uplifting.” - Tiina


    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    We spoke about the power of Positive affirmations during last week's episode 408: Do positive affirmations work?Find a seat, or tune in while you're walking and experience a amazing shift in your thoughts. Join us for our upcoming 14 Day Challenge on the 20th of May, inside the MerryBody app. We will combine, Movement, Meditation and Affirmation. Download the app and start your 7 day free trial to take part.

    If you loved this episode or have more questions about this, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode, we chat about positive affirmations and their power to shift your mindset. They are very much part of our business journey. When we started our business (11 years ago now) we had them pinned up on all of our walls everywhere.

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    We came to a point where we stopped believing in the power of positive affirmations but listening to the Founders Podcast reminded us of the importance of positive affirmations and a positive mindset.Positive affirmations are essential in shifting mindsets, especially in a stress-laden environment like managing a business.It's important to look at our thoughts and the words that are on repeat in our mind.Positive affirmations are not just woo-woo or whimsical magical teachings. Carla shares her hypnobirthing journey, where positive affirmations are practised, to let go of the stress and anxiety of giving birth.Positive affirmations can help regulate our emotions. If we shift our thoughts, our thoughts create the feelings.It might feel weird when you first welcome in positive affirmations about yourself but you must persist. Over time, the resistance starts to fade.The magic comes when you link it to a regular practice of your life such as yoga, Pilates, and meditation. If you want to feel the power of affirmation combined with movement and meditation, join our upcoming 14 Day Challenge on the 20th of May, inside the MerryBody app. Download the app and start your 7 day free trial.

    If you loved this episode or have more questions about this, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Right now we have over 600 Yoga, Pilates, Yin, Barre and meditation MerryBody classes inside our App. One of our amazing Yoga teacher trainees asked us about the inspiration and decisions that go into the creation of these classes. Thanks for the question Sharon, this was such a fun conversation. 

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    How we first designed our first in-person Yoga and Pilates classes compared to now. We began filming 4 classes a day, now we are filming 10. You have to start somewhere, reflect, learn and then make it better.When you are organised and have a system, it creates the perfect environment for creativity to thrive.If you haven't tried our classes, sign up to our FREE Pilates class called Daily Dose Pilates or try our FREE Yoga class called Desk Worker Upper Yoga.

    If you're interested in joining the 2025 MerryBody Yoga Teacher Training, sign up for the waitlist.

    If you loved this episode or have more questions about this, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode, we chat about everyday anxious thought loopholes that so many of us experience, and how we can better manage these.

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    What is the mind-body connection and how does it impact our physical and mental health?Your thoughts impact your feelings, and how you feel impact the actions you take.Exercise and movement release feel good hormones. If you are sedentary, it can lead to lower feelings and depression.Strengthen your mind-body connection and don't wait for the anxious thought to come. Do the breathwork, hit play on the yoga class and meditate.Meditation increases self-awareness and helps in managing your thoughts and reactions.Check in with the tools you're using for managing anxiety and hold on to the ones that work for you.Keep practising meditation despite initial discomfort and feel the benefits.

    How do you move through your anxious thoughts?

    If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Listen to this episode for a quick burst of motivation to open up your study books (or program). As we start week 1 of our 2024 MerryBody Yoga Teacher Training. We chat about learning as adults and the challenges that come with it. And how do we approach learning and make sure we enjoy it? And get it done!

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Learning is so accessible nowadays, it's easier to sign up for a course, but also easier to fail and not do it.It's balancing discipline, structure, flexibility, and joy in the learning process.When you learn something new, it's going to take time.Don't just focus on getting the results and forget the whole point of the learning.As we get older, it's really easy to just stop learning and just think that we know enough.What lights you up and what makes you feel excited? Learn about that!Some things can get in the way and derail our plans, so it's important to embrace flexibility and self-compassion.Release expectations and detach yourself from how the journey should look.

    If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It's been a crazy start to the year! We've been super inconsistent with the podcast, but here we are! In this episode, we chat about Carla's pregnancy and how we're preparing to balance nurturing a growing business and the arrival of a new life.

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Carla is 22 weeks pregnant and well over the halfway mark. She has had no morning sickness and feels amazing!Emma thought the baby grew inside the placenta, inside the womb. Yes. Serious. Carla's baby bump has popped but she's struggled most with her boobs growing bigger. Her self-acceptance practice (from MerryBody) is so strong and this is helping her a lot. We are feeling confident (yet realistic) about balancing baby and business. We are officially starting our second cohort of the MerryBody Teacher Training on the 17th of March. We already have 27 cohort trainees. We are so excited!If you haven't signed up yet, now is the perfect time to join. It's going to be 16 weeks of potential life-transforming magic.

    It's been an amazing start to the year and we're ready for the coming months! Bring it on!

    If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Check out all the Get Merry Podcast episodes on iTunes and Overcast and Stitcher for Androids. Plus we are on Spotify over HERE! If you loved this episode, if you love this podcast, we would appreciate you leaving us a review on whatever podcast app you're listening to.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It's time for part 2! Emma shares more of her Roman adventure! This episode is more about the places to visit in this wonderful city, and we're not just talking about the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain. Think, majestic medieval towns that are just a short drive from Rome. If you're a foodie, go back to Part 1 of this episode where we talked all about food in Rome.

    If you prefer to read, check out this epic blog post with lots of advice on what to do and where to eat in Rome!

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Tivoli is a small town on the mountain tops and a just a 40-minute drive away from Rome. Throughout history, noble people went to Tivoli for their summers to escape the Roman heat in summer. The Villa d'Este is an ancient Renaissance site with beautiful interiors and mind-blowing gardens.Caprarola is a small town in Lazio region, where Rome is also a part of. The Palazzo Farnese is a Renaissance mansion in Caprarola known for its pentagonal design and amazing frescoes or plaster wall paintings.The Rocca Calascio is a medieval castle on top of the Apennine mountains in Abruzzo.The Castello Orsini Odescalchi is a 15th century castle in the Bracciano region. Here you'll find a massive collection of weapons used during the war and spectacular views. Calcata is a little medieval village on top of a cliff that has a very Bohemian artistic feel with lots of arts and crafts. If you visit Tuscany, it must be an overnight trip to see the beautiful sites such as Volterra.When you go to Orvieto, a small town in Umbria, you can visit the Cathedral. Just book a little train trip from Rome and you're there.The Via Appia is one of the earliest and most important Roman roads of the ancient Republic.Trastevere is a historic neighbourhood known for its narrow cobblestone streets. You can go here for dinner or drinks.Ostia Antica is a massive archaeological site outside the main city. If you are a lover of history, you have to go here.The Aventine Keyhole is a beautiful view where you look through the keyhole and you will see perfectly framed St Peter's Basilica.

    There's just so much to see in Rome and six weeks were not enough. You could walk around the city centre every day and you'll see something new. I also really recommend going at different times of the day. When you travel to Rome. Ahhh, Roma! When you travel to Rome you experience so much, you learn so much about yourself, about the history and culture. You come back a different person.

    If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hear Emma talk about her recent 6 week experience in Rome, Italy. This episode is all about food, from how to eat healthily in Italy to how to avoid tourist traps. Check out this page for all the extra links and more details. Daje!

    Also, my 6 weeks in Rome did not improve my Italian or pronunciation. Scusa! Piano piano. I also skipped so many things, I got overwhelmed! Ahhh well!

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Don't go stressing about putting on weight in Italy. Time is too precious and there's too much fun and deliciousness to experience! Besides, in my opinion, the Italian typical diet is probably far healthier than the standard Australian or American diet. I talk about why I believe this. There's a huge focus on really fresh produce. There's a love and passion for food in general.If you're usually gluten-free (but not highly allergic or celiac) I invite you to consider trying the gluten in Italy. Eat the pasta and the pizza, and just see how you feel. Carla asks: How did you overcome the guilt and anxiety around food? Have a routine and something that gets you present and feeling positive about your body.Book restaurants later in the evening to experience authentic culture and avoid tourist traps. Don't eat dinner at 5:30pm (hahaha)If you want to maintain your budget, you can buy fresh produce from delis and markets to create meals at home.Pizza Nader is an amazing pizza place where you buy pizza al taglio made with ancient grains.Must-try foods in Rome: carbonara, cacio e pepe, alla gricia, all'amatriciana, artichokes, suppli, pizza Romana, puntarelleSweet treats in Rome: maritozzo, oh and of course cornetto.Pasta broth with broccoli was one of the most delicious pastas I've ever had.  

    Italian food culture has played such an important role in healing my relationship with food. It has guided me from a past tainted by bulimia, body image issues and an obsession with dieting, to a present where I feel excitement, love and joy that food can bring.

    In the next week's episode, Emma chats about the places she visited in and outside of Rome.

    We'd love to hear it! If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to 2024! We feel like the first month has just been jampacked. Emma just got back two weeks ago from her 6-week trip to Rome. Her jetlag took about a week to get over (longer than normal!) but now we are back into everything in Merrymaker land. Can you belive it, on Sunday we’ll celebrate our 11th year in business.

    On 17th of March, we’ll start our 2nd round of Yoga Teacher Training. The first round was a huge project that was way bigger than we thought. This round is all about refinement and making small tweaks to make the program flow even better. We already have 21 amazing women joining us and the Early Bird special closes today, so if you have an inkling to join us, visit our site.

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Surrender: our word for the year 2024We can only plan and implement so much, so having the intention of surrender reduces suffering and makes life more enjoyable.Letting go and trusting our path to create a more content and less stressful, anxious life.Our annual challenge, 21 Day I’m Already Amazing Challenge. If you’re not a MerryBody member, you can still join us with a one-off payment.We are also running a live half-day urban retreat on the 17th of February on the Gold Coast, featuring Andrew, our philosophy teacher inside the Merry Body Teacher Training. Use the code MBLOVE and get some nice discounts for you, your friends, and your family.Carla’s having a baby.. and it’s a boy! 

    In the next week’s episode, let’s all experience Rome, as Emma shares her experiences during her 6-week trip.

    What’s your word for the year? We’d love to hear it! If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode, we chat about the holiday blues, a common experience of feeling blue, sad, flat... during the holiday season. We provide 5 simple ways to help us navigate through it all.

    Read more about our Yoga Teacher Training HERE. Checkout the early bird rate! 

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Let go of expectations.Don't compare yourself to others or to past holiday seasons.Limit social media and welcome in JOMO (joy of missing out)!Make the effort to stay connected with your loved ones.Moving your body instantly puts you in a good mood and improves your mental health.Maintaining a routine during the holiday season and ticking off accomplishments throughout the day can help you get out of the holiday blues.

    If you have something to add to our list, do let us know. If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Although the holiday season is typically associated with joy, it is often filled with unrealistic expectations for events, gifts and family and friend time. This can lead to impatience, frustration and arguments. In this episode, we chat about the importance of patience and ways we can cultivate it during the festive time.

    If you're looking for the perfect wellness and calm-bringing gift for the holiday season, we now have gift cards for our MerryBody app. Or, if your loved one is looking to dive deeper into the world of Yoga, we also have our Yoga Teacher training available as a gift card. Best present ever! 

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Patience is a skill that can be learned by adding a pause or taking a breath before reacting.Practising mindfulness and being in the moment helps you gain control and minimise impulsive reactions.Being empathetic helps with being more patient because you become more understanding of other people's situations.Soften arguments through empathy and don't dwell on the problem. Focus on the common goal, which is to have a great Christmas together.Set more realistic expectations of each other or just release all expectations of what might happen. Allow yourself to have fun and not let the little things get to you.Cultivating gratitude and laughter during these moments spent with our loved ones can help us navigate any quirks or annoyances that may arise.Remember, these moments altogether don't happen all the time!

    If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Is it possible to be yourself 100% of the time? We chat about this question in today’s episode. We also provide actionable steps to help you feel more connected to your authentic self.

    If you’re looking for the perfect wellness and calm-bringing gift for the holiday season, we now have gift cards for our MerryBody app. Or, if your loved one is looking to dive deeper into Yoga, we also have our Yoga teacher training available as a gift card.

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    We don’t have to show and share 100% of ourselves, but it’s important that we are being ourselves and we just choose the amounts that we show.Have moments of self-reflection to understand who you are as a person.Our devices are big fat distractions that make us feel disconnected, so it’s good to have social media-free days.Check in with your values and what’s important to you.Self-acceptance is embracing our uniqueness. It’s realising that we are enough exactly as we are.Confidence is the ability to be yourself in a room and then walk into another room and be yourself once again.Practising positive self-talk builds inner confidence.Avoid comparisons, both with others and with your past self. Release expectations that you should look, be and achieve in a certain way.Develop mindfulness through Yoga and Meditation to help you stay present and aware of what is going on.Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and seek feedback when you need it.Learning helps add dimension to your true self.Set boundaries and learn to say no when something doesn’t align with your values or goals.Be patient and kind to yourself.

    Maybe there was one action step that stood out that you can now go and implement. Let us know. We’d love to hear from you!

    If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode, we continue our discussion about our journey in building our Merrymaker business. If you haven’t listened Part 1 and Part 2 yet, we recommend jumping to those just so you can understand exactly where we’ve come from and how we’ve ended up here.

    The waitlist for the MerryBody Teacher Training Program is now open. Our second cohort will start in March 2024. It’s going to be amazing!

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    How we came up with the idea for MerryBody. We were trying to formulate an extensive program, then we simplified it. Often, less is more!We jumped into video with little experience, start before you are ready! The idea of MerryBody was not just our bliss, but it was a really important message to share.We did 3 MerryBody challenges first and then in March 2019, launched our membership.How MerryBody went from a desktop website to a simple app and eventually a custom app. We are so grateful for Jarrod in guiding us through this development.COVID-19 happened and we had a spike in members during the pandemic.We hired a business manager and a virtual assistant to help us build out our systems and processes so we can actually give time to the more important things and put our zone of genius into play.We got distracted with our personal stuff when crypto became a thing.We finally hired Mum! It’s so fun to have her on board and part of it all.In March 2021, we bought an investment property together. And then, we bought another investment property.In 2022, we made the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. What an experience this first decade of business was, we are even more excited about the next decade!

    Business can be hard, so you need to have a strong mindset and believe in yourself.

    If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This is the second part of our 3 part business journey series. If you missed last week's episode, go back to 395: Our Merrymaker Business Journey Part 1.

    Also! The waitlist for the MerryBody Teacher Training Program is now open. It's a 16 week course that will welcome personal growth, self-love and total mind-body transformation. Our second cohort will start in March 2024. If you have an inkling that this is maybe for you, we encourage you to join the waitlist so you are first to know about when our early bird opens.

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Business relationships are super important, some will be amazing and integral for business growth!Going to conferences and networking events was a big positive, but not too many because they can get overwhelming.We said no to a book deal and self-published our very first hard copy cookbook. The self-publishing was a nightmare but we got through it. Listen to Episode 55: How Merrymaker Sisters Self-Published and Launched 2 Hard Copy BooksWe built a recipe app that went #1 in the App Store.We created the Merry Biz Hustle 4-week Challenge and had 49 sign-ups.We created the Merrymaker Club membership but ended up refunding people, and then publishing our second hard copy recipe book.We were featured in SBS Insight which became a very traumatic experience. But it led us to where we are today.In 2016, we moved to the Gold Coast. A year later, Carla signed up to the yoga teacher training and Emma signed up to the Pilates teacher training. We re-found our bliss and this changed everything!We got invited to teach in the studio and we created our own MerryBody 4-week program.

    We'll see you next week for Part 3!

    If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We've been receiving quite a few requests for a podcast episode no our 10 year online business journey. So, this episode is a bit of a walk down memory lane as we share with you some stories, lessons, mistakes and key moments in our business journey. It turned into a 3 part series!

    The waitlist for the MerryBody Teacher Training Program is now open. Our second cohort will start in March 2024. if you have an inkling that this is maybe for you, we encourage you to join the waitlist so you are first to know about when our early bird opens.

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    We were unhappy in our government jobs and wanted a change. "There's gotta be more to life!" In between all of this, we were forever on a diet. We soon discovered the paleo 'lifestyle' (still a diet) and started sharing photos of our dinner on Instagram.We began blogging. We realised this was our bliss!Don't be afraid to not know what you're doing. You need to learn, and the best way to learn, is to do.We created our first recipe e-book and got 300 sales from just one e-mail. Key lesson: don't just promote something once. Keep on promoting for a successful launch.We made a decision to quit our jobs. We were totally naive. Perhaps, this was a superpower!It's very important to have the supportive people around you.Our first online challenge was successful, and we replicated the challenge concept multiple times and focused on content marketing.We started our podcast in 2015.We said no to the accelerator program and yes to diving into the online business world ourselves.

    Stay tuned for part 2 and part 3. They will be published over the next 2 weeks!

    If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Finding your centre is a phrase often used in spiritual, mental health, and wellness context. It is referring to a state of being internally balanced, calm and clear. Clear in your thoughts, emotions and your overall being. The theme inside MerryBody for November is about finding your centre.

    This is what we spoke about during the episode

    Finding your centre is having a sense of balance, calm and presence.All three gunas: tamas, rajas and sattva.Tamas is the state of being flat and blah. Rajas is the state of being in action. Sattva is the bliss state.It all begins with awareness. You have to get out of balance to know where the balance is.Being centred is being present in the here and in the now. Not overthinking about future events or living in the past.Being in alignment with your heart or purpose is also being centred.If you are a MerryBody member, our new meditation called Find Your Centre is now live. Otherwise, download the app and start your FREE 7-day trial. 

    If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.

    Always merrymaking,

    Emma + Carla

    P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.