Education – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Following the developments, stories and innovations in the refurbishment, retrofit and refit sectors. Bricks made from plants, carbon negative materials and building transformations.

    We hear from architects, materials specialists, builders, heating experts, gas and pipe gurus and pioneers of new ways that can help transform housing here in the UK and around the world.

  • Podcast právnika Ondreja Halamu o práve a nehnuteľnostiach. Viac na

  • Podcast by FLE d'OC est un podcast destiné aux étudiants de français.
    Vous trouverez des podcasts pour tous les niveaux, sur des thèmes variés (vie quotidienne, culture, débats de société...) et avec des formats différents (dialogues, dictées, textes argumentatifs...).
    Vous pouvez télécharger les transcriptions sur notre site :

  • Känner du dig förvirrad när det kommer till mode och personlig stil? Brukar du tänka att du aldrig har något att ha på dig? Då har du hittat rätt! I podcasten Garderobssnack hör du Alexandra Petersson & Rodja Pazooki prata om allt som har med garderoben att göra. De delar med sig av sina bästa tips och tricks som förhoppningsvis kan göra det enklare för dig när du ska klä dig. Nytt avsnitt varje måndag. Vi hörs i lurarna!

    Våra sociala kanaler:
    Instagram: @garderobssnack & @withalexstyle @rodjapazooki
    Tiktok: @garderobssnack & @withalexstyle @rodjapazooki

  • 🤔 Le podcast Mouvemental, c'est quoi ?
    Un concentré de connaissances sur l'activité physique, 
    d'échanges autour du mental à travers des exemples concrets, 
    d'expériences de personnes qui sont passées par là avant toi,
    et de sujets variés qui t'aideront à t'amener vers un mode de vie actif à la fois RÉGULIER et DURABLE ! 
    🫶 C'est le meilleur moyen que j'ai trouvé pour t'offrir du contenu de qualité qui te permette d'avancer pour 0€.

    🙋🏻 Tu te sens concerné.e par ce sujet ? Alors je te donne rendez-vous tous les samedis dès le 6 avril.

    📍Où retrouver les épisodes ?
    - en vidéo sur YouTube
    - en audio sur toutes les plateformes d'écoute

    🥵 Tu as du mal à avoir une activité physique régulière et durable ou tu aimerais consolider ce que tu fais déjà ? Vérifie si Mouvemental est fait pour toi par là :

    ❓Tu te poses des questions ? Précise-les moi en commentaires et je ferai en sorte d'y répondre au cours d'un épisode 🙂 
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Gaslight (/ˈɡaslīt/). Verb. Manipulating someone by psychological means into questioning their own reality.

    The Gaslight Effect podcast is hosted by Dr. Robin Stern, co-founder of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and author of the best-selling book, The Gaslight Effect. On her podcast, Robin helps listeners identify gaslighting, to escape the destructive dynamic and reclaim their reality.

  • FIZUHA. Овертайм – серия подкастов, в которой наш ведущий Илья будет обсуждать с гостями весь на свете спорт. Острые вопросы, блицы и «на поразмышлять» – все это вы услышите в нашей новой рубрике!

    FIZUHA - Студенческий спорт для всех!

    FIZUHA на YouTube -

    FIZUHA в ВКонтакте -

    FIZUHA в Телеграмме -

  • 以原住民青年時下熱門議題討論與思考為主,

    Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • Brendan Ecker discusses topics surrounding entrepreneurship, business, branding, personal development, and how to succeed in life while studying the quickest paths to health, wealth, love, happiness, freedom, and time. Brendan Ecker incorporates his experiences and inights from being a serial entrepreneur, author, investor, police officer, and former NCAA student athlete. 

    The Brendan Ecker Influence is a self improvement and growth hub with a primary focus on discussing the mindset required to survive in business, entrepreneurship, and every day life. On this show, we study the rich and teach you how to get rich. We explore the most effective strategies to increasing your earning capacity, chasing your dreams, conquering your fears, and dominating life's greatest challenges. Learn how to Succeed, Accomplish your Dreams, and Develop Multiple Income Streams. 

    "I talk about how I did it, how I still do it, but primarily, the foundations, mindset, and mental frameworks that helped me to crush my goals, and achieve everything I wanted in life".  If you love the content, then be sure the leave a review, as this helps us grow the show and build something special for other motivated entrepreneurs like you. Welcome to the 1%. 

  • Japanese medical students explore various topics to try to develop their English skills.

  • Studying for your ATPL exams? Looking to maximise your time learning the content? Well look no further, hit play and dive in to some light hearted ATPL exam revision on the go with ATPL student pilot and qualified science teacher Sam Piri .

    Mapped to the new ATPL CAA  scheme Sam, a highy trained human anatomist former qualified teacher and trainer of NHS medical professionals and now turned Pilot will walk you through the principles of each subject in this series of podcasts. We break down the content and help you reinforce it, as well as offering top tips for the CAA exams. TEST YOURSELF with recorded poser questions in every episode, formulate answers to based on what's been covered then replay the podcast to determine if you've got it correct!

    Be economical with your learning, gain another perspective or simply use us as background noise, never waste a learning minute with ATPL assist available on demand!

    Listen & learn with us!

  • Everyone should take steps to grow throughout their life, and this Podcast is meant for those who want to grow by learning. Questions about the True, the Good, and the Beautiful are critical for you to consider; these inform what you know, do, and value. These, and related matters, are examined by Philosophy, Theology, and Philosophical Theology, which are the categories of the content you will encounter on this Podcast.

    It may be that you don't have the time or ability to attend an institution of higher education; on this Podcast you will receive College-quality instruction, delivered to you in an engaging way, without you having to attend College. Some of this content will be labeled Beginner, some Intermediate, and some Advanced, but it is hoped all the content will bring you incredible value, regardless of the your familiarity with the topics.

    This channel is part of Timotheus Academy; for more about Timotheus Academy be sure to visit

  • Classic entertainment talk show hosted by Stephen Winzenburg, with interviews that originally aired on WHO radio in Des Moines from 1995 to 2002. The fun topics include books, games, celebrities, Iowa history, health, spirituality, food, and trivia. Additional guest hosting on WHO radio from 1989 to 2016.

  • Somos dos mujeres que han unido sus talentos, energía y vibración femenina para lograr inspirarte, porque si dos locas como nosotras pudimos amarnos, crecer y disfrutar de nuestras vidas, tú también podrás!! Obvio!!Estamos aquí, para que rompas los patrones que no te dejan ver la belleza de tu cuerpo y mente, para que te muestres tal como eres, saques tu voz y poder, porque somos suficientes para hacer y construir lo que queramos!! Y que nadie tenga la osadía de decirte lo contrario!!

  • מירי פורסט מאמנת הריצה רצה קדימה והפעם- פודקאסט!
    פודקאסט קליל על נושאים בועטים.
    השאלות הכי קשות, התשובות הכי מפתיעות.
    בואו, יהיה מעניין