Business – Latvia – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Pirmais podkāsts Latvijā, kas veidots darba ņēmējiem, kam svarīgi zināt par savām darba tiesībām, darba iespējām šobrīd un nākotnē, par arodbiedrības lomu, koplīgumu, pārrunu vešanu, sociālo dialogu sabiedrības un biznesa izaugsmei tagad un pēc COVID19. Podkāstu vada Dr. iur. Irēna Liepiņa, Latvijas Sakaru darbinieku arodbiedrības PRO prezidente, Vidzemes Augstskolas docente.

  • Wir bringen die Entscheider der deutschen und europäischen Politik mit den Entrepreneuren und Visionären der Fintechs zusammen. Themen sind das digitale Finanzieren und Investieren, die Disruption der Finanzmärkte - und gerne auch 'mal das große Ganze.

  • Welcome to the Talent Transformation Podcast where we talk about the latest news, techniques, and technology for future-proofing your career and your business through continuous learning, reskilling, upskilling, and more — preparing yourself and your workforce for the next BIG thing.

  • $1600 in a few hours. $10,000 in 4 days. $20,000 in one month. No, these aren’t random numbers, these are real income results from women just like you who decided to ditch the self-doubt and go all in on building a business that works for them, even when they’re not working (yes, it really is possible to make money in your sleep).

    And guess what? You’re next. How do I know? You chose this podcast, which tells me that something inside of you is ready to go all in — and I’m here to show you exactly how.

    Whether you're a stay-at-home mom looking to start a side hustle, a woman who's tried her hand at business before but couldn’t find what worked for you, or a multi-passionate entrepreneur looking to build extra revenue streams, my podcast is here to show you what's possible.

    Every Tuesday, join me as I bring you honest, actionable advice on how to make sales every single day using the power of digital products. We'll dive into the nitty-gritty of what's working NOW on social media, how to grow an engaged community that can't wait to buy from you, and the mindset shifts you need to make it all happen.

    Expect a mix of solo episodes where I share my own journey and hard-won lessons, as well as interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are killing it with their online businesses. We're talking real numbers, real strategies, and real conversations about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

    Whether you're just starting out or you're ready to scale to your first $10k-, $20k-, or $50k-month and beyond, this podcast gives you the tools and inspiration you need to make it happen. From marketing and sales strategies to productivity hacks and self-care tips, we cover it all.

    So if you're ready to ditch the overwhelm and build an online business that gives you the freedom, flexibility, and income you've been dreaming of, grab your sneakers, head out on your hot girl walk, and let’s do this together.

  • Meeting place for Entrepreneur Anonymous, where stories that never get published on LinkedIn come to the surface. In each episode, we invite an entrepreneur to share their raw, unfiltered journey and the lessons they've learned. Whether you're in the trenches seeking validation or advice, or simply wondering if starting is worth it, this is your space.

  • Welcome to the Revenue Rebels podcast, hosted by Alan Zhao, cofounder of We feature B2B SaaS sales and marketing leaders who have challenged traditional methods to achieve remarkable results. In each episode we cut through the fluff and dive deep into modern tactics used to achieve success: intent-based outreach, social selling, B2B Netflix, video marketing, warm calling, customer led sales, influencer marketing and more.

  • As a founder, you get to pick the parts of the business you’re great at and make them into your ultimate competitive advantage.

    Founder-Led, hosted by Collin Mitchell, 4x Founder, and 3x Exit Sales Leader, takes a deep dive into the journeys of founders who followed their passion and led their businesses from $0 - $1 Million and beyond by playing to their strengths and excelling in their chosen specialty.

    Tune in weekly to peek into the minds of founders who are living the dream and making it happen.

  • The leading yacht broker in South of France and Monaco.

  • Running a language school and having a busy teaching schedule are essentially two full-time jobs. How do the most successful language school owners manage not only their work/life balance, but also their owner/teacher balance?Every episode, Rich Pav will find answers to the burning questions that challenge all language school owners. Listen to interviews with experienced people from around the world who can offer actionable solutions.Whether you're already a successful language school owner, an aspiring one, or even an independent teacher, you'll find great value and advice in this podcast which you can take advantage of right away.

  • Highway to NIL analyzes the legal landscape concerning college athletics and the regulation of name, image, and likeness (NIL) rights of student athletes. The podcast provides key insights into the current state of affairs, focusing on the NIL guidance and policies coming directly from the NCAA; the various enacted and amended state NIL laws; and NIL enforcement, including how the NCAA, state attorneys generals, and other regulators may investigate and punish schools for NIL violations.

  • This is the perfect podcast to take a listen to if you are starting a company and need a little advise,or motivation. I am your brother in grind and spirit. I want to see everyone who inspires to be some thing go on to be self less and legendary. Support this podcast:

  • Brand Builder | Insights Junkie | Undervalued Business Advocate | Change Agent - I spend my days helping million-dollar businesses reach their billion-dollar aspirations.

  • Good Work is a show about what it really takes to make impact at scale. These are long-form interviews with founders, scientists, authors, adventurers, and other talented people using their careers to build a more beautiful future.

  • Welcome to Sustainability in Motion!

    Join the ED4S team as we engage thought leaders in sustainability, uncovering the latest trends and their practical implications.

    Discover how various sustainability factors influence businesses and finance in a rapidly changing world. Our expert guests share actionable strategies and best practices for professionals, investors, entrepreneurs, and sustainability enthusiasts alike.

  • CONGRATULATIONS! We’re millennials. That means EVERYTHING about being alive is expensive.

    And the boomers have so generously gifted us with least affordable housing in the history of the world along with:
    - Inflation.
    - Student loan debt.
    - Expensive medical insurance that doesn’t cover our therapy bills.
    - Randall Cunningham (to which we are very grateful. Go birds.)
    And likely very vague wills leaving us to pay for them well after they’re gone.

    Don’t worry. Seth and Jenn can help.

    We’re Philly-based millennials and top-producing realtors.

    Ok—admittedly Seth's a borderline GenX'er—but he was in the trenches of dial-up internet with us. And he’s really good at getting down payment assistance money from parents who we didn’t think would be giving down payment assistance, so we'll let it slide.

    We’re here to call BS on all the myths and bad real estate advice floating around like what you just heard from the 22-year-old TikTok investment guru who stops your scroll for way longer than you’d like to admit, or some article that was clearly written with some off-brand version of ChatGPT.

    No. It doesn't matter to the buyer that the Zestimate is $485k. The Seth-stimate is $430k. And one of these is still successfully servicing home sales and the other is not…I’m just saying.

    We’ll talk about all the things millennials need to know. Like how to find money in life’s couch cushions.

    What you should be doing now if you want to get into the market as a first-time home buyer.

    How to size up into a place that actually fits your life even if you’re sitting on a 2.9% rate.

    What all the puzzle pieces are, and how they fit together.

    Why Jenn does so much Boomer bashing even though she says she’s not that into it.

    And it’s all lightly salted with some Phillies, Flyers, Sixers, and Eagles enthusiasm.

    Check it out. I mean—it can’t hurt.

  • Get the systems, strategies, and support you need to grow a successful podcast and take your show to the next level! Podcasting Sucess Secrets is for anyone who wants to take advantage of the power of podcasting to spread their message, build their platform, or grow their business. We'll talk about all things podcasting: recording, editing, publishing, and promoting -- and share the stories of how other successful podcasts grew their podcast. Hit the subscribe button and leave a rating/review about your favorite episode!

  • Hustle is a new podcast focused on exploring the business journeys, trials and wins of underrepresented entrepreneurs, as well as discussing topical business news in an engaging way.

  • Tim Soulo (Ahrefs' CMO) interviews the most interesting people from the worlds of online business and digital marketing. There's a lot we can learn from them. So let's learn together!

  • Welcome to the Staking Rewards Podcast, providing valuable insights and investment tools for staking enthusiasts. Join us for thought-provoking discussions with industry leaders on the latest staking developments and innovations in cryptocurrency and DeFi.