Yann ilunga from The Jazz Spotlight brings you conversations with music industry experts, club owners, festival organizers and world’s renowned such as of Dave Holland, Grammy Award-winning singer Dee Dee Bridgewater, Gary Burton, Kool & The Gang, Cyrille Aimée, Jamie Cullum, Snarky Puppy and José James. Get inspired and listen to advice that will help you be a better independent musician – from how to master your craft to finding gigs and promote yourself online.
This is Beyond the Patch: the podcast about synthesizers modular and otherwise hosted by Karl Vorndran and Jon Sonnenberg. Each episode we talk about techniques, theory, history, and gear relating to synthesizers and electronic music. We aim for this podcast to help and inform both beginners and enthusiasts alike.
Welcome to Spacemusic Season 9 - At the end of the Horizon, something New is waiting - tune in for a brand new season of the best ambient and electronic music. This Season brings you known and unknown releases. Audio format is .m4a NonStop®Mixes and .mp3 LOG files. Visit for shownotes and links to stores and artists' websites. Questions? Send an e-mail to [email protected] --- ENJOY---
The TalkOver Podcast is a place for DJ's to listen in, seek advice and gain an invaluable insight into the music industry. Politics, music trends, or just general tech chat we cover it all whilst bringing in regular guests from across the globe to sit with us and provide that extra perspective. Giving our unfiltered and honest opinions about anything that comes up in conversation.
Look out for weekly episode drops. on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music and Youtube.
Got anything you want us to talk about? Drop it in the comments & we'll do the rest.
Follow @TalkoverPod on socials. -
Musician, former television host, and podcaster Jamey Jasta (Hatebreed, Kingdom of Sorrow, Jasta and the former host of MTV's Headbanger's Ball) interviews your heroes every Monday and Thursday. The newest 15 episodes are always free, but if you want access to all the archives, watch live, chat live, access to the forums, and get the show a week before it comes out everywhere else - you can subscribe now at and use the code JASTA to save 15% on the entire network.
Tervetuloa Herrasmieshakkereiden kartanoon takkatulen ääreen. Tässä ohjelmasarjassa käsittelemme tietoturvaan ja vääjäämättömään kybertuhoon liittyviä asioita ja ilmiöitä. Oppaananne verkon alamaailmassa toimivat Suomen tietoturvakentän wiralliset wanhukset Mikko Hyppönen ja Tomi Tuominen.
Kartanomme ylläpidosta huolehtii WithSecure. -
A podcast hosted by Jason Tate of about music, the music industry, news, pop-culture, and other semi-related topics. Some weeks we have industry special guests, some feature interviews with artists, some are a breakdown of a specific album, and others are kinda random.
If you like alternative, punk, and/or pop-punk music ... you'll probably like this podcast.
(Formerly the AbsolutePunk Podcast.) -