
  • We are continuing on with our celebration of Pride Month with this week's episode all on queer joy!

    What has queer joy looked and felt like for us over our own evolution? What are the simple moments of queer joy? The larger ones? What makes these moments so impactful and necessary?

    Queer joy can carry different meanings for each individual, but the common thread we hear is just that little spark you feel that brings something unique to your queer experience. We would love to hear what some moments of queer joy for you have been!

    AND, as E offered mid-episode, your ticket to the 21 Day Challenge all about the question of "Will Polyamory Actually Work For Me?" can be found here! It's completely free and is running from June 4th until the 26th. Sign up at any time and you still get all the recordings from amazing poly experts and professionals delivered straight to your inbox!

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • Ooooh happy PRIDE month y'all! For the month of June, we are going to be focusing on topics solely connected to being queer and celebrating those who are members of the alphabet mafia!

    This first episode of our Pride Month series is all about how our relational patterns often block us from our fullest queer expressions. We dive into the patterns that we both experience in this realm, and E has some breakthroughs of clarity for herself!

    Come and learn with us about the challenges we have faced, what has helped us to move through them (which includes having this podcast), and get curious around how this all plays out for you!

    AND, as E offered mid-episode, your ticket to the 21 Day Challenge all about the question of "Will Polyamory Actually Work For Me?" can be found here! It's completely free and is running from June 4th until the 26th. Sign up at any time and you still get all the recordings from amazing poly experts and professionals delivered straight to your inbox!

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Unmet expectations in relationships are some of the biggest causes of upset.

    We have said that as part of a number of episodes, but in this week's episode, we are diving right into the heart of it. This is something we see in our work with clients ALL the time - getting lost in the expectations (whether made known or not), rather than being with the reality of the situation.

    And it is so often that resistance to being with the reality of a situation, person, relationship, experience, etc. that we create even more suffering for ourselves and our loved ones.

    So, how does this show up in queer and poly dynamics? Well, a lot of different ways and we go over some of the common ones that we see play out, as well as those that we have experienced ourselves. And don't worry, we don't leave you hanging without any actions you can take around this for yourself and your relationships!

    What have been some challenging expectations that you have had to release or address when they are not lining up with the reality of your relationships?

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • We have LOTS of lessons from therapy, both individual and couples therapy, but in this first round, we go over one of the lessons that clicked for E in a much more embodied way last year.

    So often we see with clients, and also know from personal experience, that we try with all our might to not impact our partners. We think about all the ways that we can avoid bringing up a tough topic or just "deal" with it when there is something that is bothering us in a relationship out of fear of upsetting the other person.

    In this episode, we talk about what this lesson has meant for us personally, and how we have seen it playing out with clients, as well as giving you practical points to consider and reflect on to better understand how this is playing out in your relationships!

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • Got a case of "comparisonitis"? Have no fear, the queer and poly coaches are here!

    But, seriously, let's talk about comparison in your poly relationships. We dive into what we have seen as common pitfalls in this area from working with our clients, as well as questions to ask yourself to help determined what insecurities may be most common in these types of experiences for you.

    What are some actions to take to help yourself? What conversations need to be had? What conversations don't need to be had? All this and plenty more in this episode on a very natural human phenomena in any style of relating.

    P.S. You still have today (May 15th, 2024) to score on our birthday discount! All you need to do is use the code BIRTHDAY35 at purchase for either the Love Deeper Online Course or Love Deeper e-Workbook. To learn more and to register for the program, click here. To snag your workbook, click here!

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • Okay, so this is not going to be a step-by-step process on how to find partners...but, we will go over what actually works in connecting with people that are actually aligned for you and what you want! This is based on what we have experienced personally in the poly dating space, as well as what we have seen with the clients we coach.

    On this episode, we dive into the pitfalls and limiting beliefs that we see come up when people ask, "but, WHERE do I actually find polyamorous people to date??". We scope out a bit more broadly to navigate answering this question, but then hone right back into the important pieces that will actually help you create the dating experience you truly want.

    P.S. You still have until May 15th to score on our birthday discount! All you need to do is use the code BIRTHDAY35 at purchase for either the Love Deeper Online Course or Love Deeper e-Workbook. To learn more and to register for the program, click here. To snag your workbook, click here!

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • Happy birthday to us and the Queer & Poly Podcast! It's been a wild ride of a year where we have learned a lot about ourselves and relationships, so we wanted to share some of our insights with you all.

    Whether it is a lesson from our relationship with ourselves, partners, friends, family, or even emotions, we have some takeaways from this past year that you can hopefully relate with, as fellow, complex human beings.

    We would love to hear what you learn from this episode for yourself, as well as what insights you have gained for yourself around relationships.

    AND, as Li shared in the episode, we have a birthday sale happening on the Love Deeper online program, as well as the Love Deeper e-workbook. This sale is going until May 8th and all you need to do is use the code BIRTHDAY35 at purchase. To learn more and to register for the program, click here. To snag your workbook, click here!

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • You know it's a good one when there is a "should" in the title. In this episode, we take some inspiration from a question that came up from a client and explore the pros and cons of there being a definitive definition of polyamory.

    There are rants, lots of poly terms, and a trip to IKEA made to guide us along this conversation.

    What are your thoughts on the question that we pose in this episode?

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • Building from last week, here comes part 2! As you can tell, we could talk for hours on green flags and some of the components to look for in a compatible partner.

    We explore a little more on NRE, compatibility, the balance of structure and flow in a dynamic, and also have a little treat for you at the end!

    If you are looking for an extra resource around dating in polyamory and wondering what in the world to ask questions around, look no further than the FREE PDF on that very topic that E created for you all! It's extensive, it's juicy, and again, it's free. Click here to get the PDF delivered with love to your email inbox.

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • That's right, this is just part 1! We talked on red flags in the last episode so it was only fitting to go right into green flags.

    Yes, we identify specific green flags to keep an eye out for in queer and poly relationships, but we also dive a little deeper in the nuances of dating different genders and the expectations that arise there.

    Li goes on a rant, E laughs, and it's just another day in the neighborhood of the shenanigans that ensue when two relationship nerds go into this requested topic. Stay tuned for even more on green flags in part 2 coming out next week!

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • A juicy topic that often brings up a lot of questions from people...red flags in relationships. What are some major red flags, as well as some that are more subtle? How do you address them?

    We could talk a lot more on this subject (and probably will in future episodes), but today we share about red flags that we have experiences, as well as some that we see from clients in their queer and poly relationships.

    What are some red flags that you would add to what we shared?

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • We are building from the last episode (so go check that out if you haven't!) and diving deeper in to the topic of self-expression in relationships.

    What does it even look like to create relationships that actually have the space to not only have you be fully self-expressed, but also the space for your continued growth and evolution in your self-expression?

    Come and join us as we share more on our own experiences, and what we have seen work successfully with clients in creating these relationship dynamics!

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • It can be one of the most courageous acts in a relationship...to be fully and completely self-expressed.

    You are a dynamic being, ever evolving and changing. Do your relationships allow for your expansion of self and is that celebrated?

    We dive deep into what it means to be fully self-expressed in relationships, as well as the consequences that come when you find that you are unable to. Through our own experiences and stories, we will share what has helped us to feel more self-expressed in relationships, and what we have learned from working with clients on this very important piece of relating.

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • Coming from the perspective of someone assigned female at birth and raised in the societal expectations for a woman, what happens when you become more masculine in your appearance, mannerisms, and place in society?

    This is a tale from Li's perspective on what they have noticed from their experience in their evolution of self and we also get to hear from E's perspective as Li's partner in this evolution.

    What has been your experience in dancing in the areas of your feminine and masculine expressions?

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • Let's talk about the s3xy, s3xy in this episode! And specifically in the realm of s3x with women.

    From having conversations around what s3x is, what actually feels good, change happening and being okay, and what you need to do when you trigger your partner...this is a jam packed episode with lots of goodies.

    What would you add or change from what we shared? We would love to hear it!

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • Today we dive into a very light topic...unconditional love.

    We go into what it is to each of us and some of the misconceptions that surrounds this idea. And let's make it clear - unconditional love does not mean unconditional tolerance. Oh yes, we go into it.

    What does unconditional love mean to you? And what would some ways that you could express that to someone else?

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • There are a lot of misconceptions about being queer, and especially about being in a queer relationship!

    In this episode, Li and E talk and laugh about the biases, assumptions, and silly questions they've encountered after coming out.

    What misconceptions about being queer have you encountered?

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • When you hear the word "romance", what do you think about? Flowers, bubble baths, chocolates? We all feel romanced from different experiences, and knowing how your and your partner/s feel romanced is important in your relationships!

    In this episode, E and Li discuss romance, things that make them feel romanced, and how to incorporate romance into polyamorous relationships.

    What makes you feel romanced?

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • Dating is tough! While we are all individuals, we are formed by our surroundings, giving us different perspectives on dating and relationships.

    In this episode, Li gives tips for dating based on their perspective as a lesbian. From the small to the large, these suggestions can uplevel your queer relationships, and any relationship!

    What tips do you have for queer dating?

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.

  • Working with a partner has its ups and downs. Needs for privacy, autonomy, and time alone combined with financial stresses mix with career success and exhilaration. But what if both of you are excellent relationship coaches?

    In this episode, E and Li focus on how working together has benefited their relationship and grown their love for each other. Instead of the negatives, it's time to rave about the positives!

    Have you ever worked with a partner?

    Sending you so much love!

    Love our show? Please rate and review!

    You can follow us on TikTok, IG or Twitter (@queer_and_poly).

    Need guidance? Come to our monthly Q&A calls.

    Want to work with us? Sign up for a Discovery Session!

    Find out more on our Linktree.

    Until next time, keep loving y'all.