Samfund & kultur – Island – Nye podcasts

  • Hvordan kan du holde din krop ung og frisk så længe som muligt? Hvordan skal du motionere, hvad skal du spise og hvornår skal du spise? Og hvor langt er videnskaben egentlig fra at knække koden til det evige liv? Hjælper vinterbadning og kosttilskud overhovedet? Det vil Nicklas Brendborg, der er forsker og forfatter til bogen Gopler ældes baglæns og vært Frederik Dirks Gottlieb forsøge at finde svar på i Jagten på det evige liv.

    Værter: Frederik Dirks Gottlieb og Nicklas Brendborg.
    Tilrettelægger og producent: Frederik Dirks Gottlieb.
    DR Redaktør: Cecilie Egholm Tonnesen.
    Klipper: Nikolaj Kirk.
    Musik: Selina Gin.
    Produceret for DR af Firkantede Øjne og Forlaget Grønningen 1.

  • Hlaðvarpið þar sem þú lærir að skapa besta samband sem þú getur ímyndað þér.

    Ertu með spurningu sem þú vilt fá svar við í hlaðvarpinu? Sendu mér línu!

  • Viðtöl og fleira sem tekin voru í tilefni Hamingjunnar við hafið. Flutt á Hamingjurásinni.

  • Viðtöl is a podcast that explores Iceland’s culture and language through a language learner's perspective in conversations with people who live, work, and create in this island nation. The host is a curious learner of Icelandic, who interviews various guests, from artists and musicians to entrepreneurs and educators. This podcast offers insights into Iceland’s history, traditions, literature, music, or cuisine, for anyone who is interested. Viðtöl is a project of the Iceland Association of Chicago. Transcriptions for Deaf/HoH are available on the IAC website.

  • Welcome to DANCING QUEENz, a podcast created by the go go dancing Duo DEMIzBOIz. I (Demi Boi Frostt) accompanied by my partner in crime (Booka Tea) are ready to share our world, stories and more. So join us each episode for a ki, as we discuss balls, alcohol, drugs, hookups, dicks, FAT ASSES and more ....😜.



    J.D. - RADIO is a commentary show/podcast/live interactive experience where I'll talk about day to day things going on in the world and give my opinion on hilarious to serious topics.

  • This is a podcast about sex, where three sex positive friends - who also happen to be globally accredited coaches - share their own journey through super sexy adventures and incredibly fulfilling sex lives.

    By learning how to effectively communicate needs and desires, we unlocked our own sexual energy, and our erotic lives have completely transformed.
    We’ve discovered an amazing new world of possibilities, where you can feel safe to express yourself sexually, guilt- and shame- free, and we’re here to share it with you too. The world needs more healing!

    Will is a psychologist, a journalist, an entrepreneur, a spin doctor, an executive advisor, and a father. For two decades his passion was the world of words and stories. He reported from wars and riots. He wrote communication strategies for national governments and prime ministers. He coached CEOs and rocket scientists. He built companies and made his fortune, changed track, reinvented himself, and refocused his energy on inner meaning.
    Today, Will works as a coach and retreat facilitator, following his vocation to help others unblock their lives and find meaning and happiness. He is fascinated by the power of love, intimacy and sexual liberation to forge profound and connected relationships with others and to unlock the deepest healing forces within ourselves.
    Will is married to Chiara, and could not possibly be happier.

    Chiara is an ICF-certified professional Co-Active Coach®, with a masters degree in business communication. She was a director for a major tech-sector pioneer where she led sales teams for over 15 years. Communication and helping others to perform were her daily bread. Finding herself successful but unfulfilled, she left her first marriage, quit the corporate world and embarked on a new journey – first to reinvent herself, and then to help others chart their own path of meaning and purpose. She rechanneled her energy from masculine overachiever to feminine goddess turned (self)-love mentor.  She reconnected with her body and learned to receive true love.
    Today Chiara specializes in supporting men and women to discover the power of their sexuality, reconnect with their bodies, and become truly ”comfortable” in themselves rather than just ”confident”. She helps people make brave and empowering life decisions, keep the fire burning in romantic relationships, and embark on beautiful adventures in the worlds of sensuality and sex.

    Allie is an experienced meditation coach, sound healer and yoga teacher. She works with individuals and couples to help them reduce stress, find emotional balance, and foster self-awareness.
    Inspired by both science and personal experience, she’s on a mission to discover and share the best modalities to maintain an exciting sexual life.
    Allie has lived and worked in many countries around the world. As a loving mother and wife, she is a fount of knowledge and wisdom on how to balance adventures in non-monogamy and sexuality with the demands of modern life and relationships.

  • Í þátt­un­um fylg­ir Jó­hann­es Kr. Kristjánsson kyn­ferð­is­brota­deild lög­regl­unn­ar á höf­uð­borg­ar­svæð­inu eft­ir í um tveggja mán­aða skeið. Þáttaröðin fer í loft­ið á Heim­ild­inni þann 22. apríl og verða þætt­irn­ir fjór­ir og birt­ir viku­lega.

  • We are diving deep into the world of serial killers and what they could have done to not get caught.

  • Jess Zafarris and Rob Watts unravel the stories behind everyday words.

    Want to watch our episodes too? Subscribe to our YouTube channel:

  • En podd av unga med fokus på våra berättelser och erfarenheter. Genom olika format som krönikor, intervjuer, samtal, reportage och berättelser delar vi med oss av våra tankar om samhället. Varje avsnitt har ett tema som är särskilt viktigt för deltagarna. Vi kommer från olika ungdomsverksamheter i Sverige. Avsnitten produceras av Unga Berättar - Kulturskolan Stockholm i samarbete med oss. Säsong ett finansieras med stöd från Kulturrådet.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Welcome to ‘Angel Connection presents Exploring the Unexplained’ hosted by psychic mediums Melissa Gabriel and Peter Borja. Through informative and inspirational discussions, this weekly podcast discusses the experience of being able to access psychic medium abilities, investigating paranormal subjects, and sharing their experience of navigating the spiritual realm. Join Melissa and Peter in their honest and open discussions on a variety of topics and listen in on their messages that serve as a light and fun experience with each episode while providing invaluable information for those interested in discovering their spiritual selves.

  • This podcast is me sharing stories as I search for balance in an imbalanced world. I discuss topics such as fatherhood, masculinity, and religion through stories of myself and interviews.

  • Telling the life journey, true story, insight in life from work, travelling around the world

  • Join Jenn Roro, Chris Hov & Bea in their raw, unfiltered & organic banter about society, culture, sex and Some Other Shit. Just some Uptown kids coming together to have a clachet vibe and speak about the unspoken.Follow us on IG : _SomeOtherShitHosts @Jenn_sos@[email protected] Support this podcast:

  • My cousin and I have turned our weekly catch-up phone call into a podcast.

    We want to be part of fostering a culture of honesty, empathy and foolery because our friendship has shown us that we are often not alone in the thoughts we have and emotions we feel, from the serious to the silly. And even in the moments the other person can't relate, we are still met with love.

    So now, our open conversations are open to you, and maybe you'll hear some of yourself in us too. Learn more at

  • In the Couplehood podcast, you’ll learn key communication strategies that will help you speak your truth and share with your partner in a loving and constructive way. Hosted by Allison Villa - a registered psychotherapist and relationship expert - with a mission to empower parents to make their romantic relationship a priority. We’ll dive deep into the reasons why so many couples let the little things brew in their relationships — and how you can face these proactively to avoid putting your couple in the breakdown lane. You’ll discover why self-care can actually be the key to having a harmonious relationship and how easy it can be to schedule it into your day — even as a busy parent!