The Demon Slayer Manga Reading Club, where we go through a chapter of the Demon Slayer Manga every Wednesday. Keywords: Manga, Demon Slayer, Demon Slayer Manga, Demon Slayer Podcast, Anime, Pop Culture, Comics, Comic Books, Shonen Jump, Indie Comics, Movies, Television, DC Comics, Marvel, Marvel Comics
One Anime Superfan’s attempt to get his friend into Anime, without geeking out too much on him. Done as anime reviews hear honest takes and hilarious rifts on what a specific title is for both new and long time fans of the medium Support this podcast:
A podcast that's mostly an excuse for Colton and Sakaki to finally watch through all of the Dragon Ball tv series and movies, just so they can say they did!! Join them as they discuss how the anime captures the story, characters and the world they inhabit created by Akira Toriyama! Currently watching Dragon Ball (1986). Album art drawn by @taysamey! Support this podcast:
We jump into the DC Animated Universe to breakdown the episodes of Justice League and JL Unlimited. This review podcast gives you a view into that world.
This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at -
The Anime Nae (@the_animenae) is joined by guests to discuss the latest episodes of Attack on Titan, season 4. Gear up as they recap, analyze, and say goodbye to the final season! Support this podcast:
Ich bin Zamia und das ist mein Podcast "so wie so" in diesem Podcast geht es um verschiedenste Themen und mein Leben. Zur zeit gehe ich auf eine Highschool und habe sehr viele Hobbys. Wie ich das alles hin kriege werde ich euch auch in meinem Podcast zeigen.
Viel Spass eure Zamia✨ -