Связанные с
The Demon Slayer Manga Reading Club, where we go through a chapter of the Demon Slayer Manga every Wednesday. Keywords: Manga, Demon Slayer, Demon Slayer Manga, Demon Slayer Podcast, Anime, Pop Culture, Comics, Comic Books, Shonen Jump, Indie Comics, Movies, Television, DC Comics, Marvel, Marvel Comics
بودكاست نيملس هو المكان اللي نتواجد فيه عشان نشارك إهتماماتنا في عالم الترفيه المتنوع خصوصاً الإنمي
The Death Note Manga Reading Club is a Manga Podcast where we go through a chapter of the Death Note Manga every Saturday. We are proud members of the Weird Science Manga Network. Keywords: Death Note, Death Note Manga, Manga, Anime, Comics, Comic Books
.بودكاست جار
,نتناقش ونتكلم عن أخبار الانمي والمانجا
الفيديو قيمز, البورد قيمز
تركيزنا الأكبر على الأنمي والمانجا -
Testing things out to see how it all works and goes
Just a chill conversation between two friends (and guests!) with passion to discuss, often opposing but friendly. Discussions on Anime & Manga, NBA, Football.. Etc. نتحدث العربية!
One Anime Superfan’s attempt to get his friend into Anime, without geeking out too much on him. Done as anime reviews hear honest takes and hilarious rifts on what a specific title is for both new and long time fans of the medium Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wanwapodcast/support
A podcast that's mostly an excuse for Colton and Sakaki to finally watch through all of the Dragon Ball tv series and movies, just so they can say they did!! Join them as they discuss how the anime captures the story, characters and the world they inhabit created by Akira Toriyama! Currently watching Dragon Ball (1986). Album art drawn by @taysamey! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/anotherdbpod/support
Old school discussions on what makes new episodes of a classic cartoon series great, transitions of our classic cartoon corporations and impact of old school cartoons expectations of the future.
We jump into the DC Animated Universe to breakdown the episodes of Justice League and JL Unlimited. This review podcast gives you a view into that world.
This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/2922314/advertisement -
The Anime Nae (@the_animenae) is joined by guests to discuss the latest episodes of Attack on Titan, season 4. Gear up as they recap, analyze, and say goodbye to the final season! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-animenae/support
بودكاست عربي عن عالم الكارتون والألعاب التي تمثل الكارتون ونظريات فان فيكشن الكرتون يعني شغل مكرتن صح. جزء من مجتمع المتفردون
Anime podcast that helps you figure out the best shows to watch!
Welcome to Anime Clubhouse! Here we get to talk about our love for Anime. We have some dope content planned and we hope you enjoy!
Questo PODCAST trasforma le trame degli ANIME in perfette favole della buona notte, recitate sempre in RIMA, per tutti quei bimbi che queste serie non le hanno mai viste PRIMA.
The Only Anime Podcast
Ich bin Zamia und das ist mein Podcast "so wie so" in diesem Podcast geht es um verschiedenste Themen und mein Leben. Zur zeit gehe ich auf eine Highschool und habe sehr viele Hobbys. Wie ich das alles hin kriege werde ich euch auch in meinem Podcast zeigen.
Viel Spass eure Zamia✨ -
Eventualmente y segun el humor del director haremos programas sobre temas tan importantes como inutiles para pasar el rato
بودكاست متخصص في نقاش فصول الساغا الأخيرة من مانجا ون بيس
A Szóbeszéd Podcast egy három egyetemistából álló kis csoport, aminek célja az egészen hétköznapi eseményektől, a megkérdőjelezhető, és provokatív kérdéskörökig, különböző és változatos témák kibeszélése.