
  • It's very discouraging for both a husband and wife when a man gets stuck in the cycle of falling back into pornography. Use every few weeks or months.

    In this situation, a wife feels continual anxiety, just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    A husband feels discouragement and hopelessness feeling like he's not making progress despite his best efforts.

    In this episode, I share with you exactly how to break this cycle for good and how you can create safety in your relationship, knowing that the root of the problem is resolved and the pornography use is eliminated.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Click here for info to work with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support.

    It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:

    Rebuild Trust Workshop

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Click the Couples Healing website and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

  • When pornography use is discovered in a relationship it undermines the very foundation and security.

    It often creates suspicion, fear, uncertainty, and a total lack of security and connection.

    After having worked with hundreds and hundreds of couples, I want to share with you the three of pillars that I've seen help create connection and security, faster than anything else.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Click here for info to work with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support.

    It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:

    Rebuild Trust Workshop

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Click the Couples Healing website and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

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  • One of the biggest fears that women have in this process is that her husband will return to pornography since she won't know about it.

    She’ll bring down her wall, start to trust him again, and then the other shoe will drop and she'll be devastated again.

    How can she know if he is still stuck in his pattern?

    If there’s been dishonesty in the past, how can she know if he is telling the truth or not now?

    It's critical for a husband to demonstrate change in a way that helps her to believe him again.

    It's very discouraging for him when he really is trying and is making progress, but no matter what he does he feels down when she doesn’t believe him.

    In this episode I'll share how you can approach this together to help build security and confidence that things really are different as a result of the new actions he's taking.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Click here for info to work with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support.

    It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:

    Rebuild Trust Workshop

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Click the Couples Healing website and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

  • Have you ever wondered why you haven't been able to quit pornography permanently?

    Do you feel like you know the tools but just aren't using them in the moment you need them most?

    If the tools you've been trying to implement haven't brought you freedom yet, you're using the wrong ones.

    This creates a problem in a relationship as well –

    A woman can't trust her husband who keeps returning back to pornography, even if he is trying his best.

    There's nothing wrong with you, it's just the approach that you've been taught isn't working.

    In this episode, I share with you how you can identify what tools you need to be using instead and how you can change your approach to really get traction and find success.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Click here for info to work with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support.

    It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:

    Rebuild Trust Workshop

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Click the Couples Healing website and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

  • Many couples fear that it's not possible to eliminate pornography use from their lives. Men struggle for decades with urges and temptation without the right tools.

    This leads them to fall back into old patterns and makes them believe they can't ever quit.

    Kevin was a man who went through my program and not only got the tools to quit pornography for good, he lost the desire to view it at all.

    No more temptation. No more urges. This is what freedom looks like.

    In today's episode, he shares with you the steps he took and how he approached things in order for him to find this freedom.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Click here for info to work with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support.

    It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:

    Rebuild Trust Workshop

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Click the Couples Healing website and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

  • Many couples struggle with feelings of uncertainty and insecurity in their marriage.

    Years of deception and lying erodes the foundation of trust, and a lack of communication or transparency keep things stuck.

    In this episode episode, I share a very easy-to-implement tool that can help you to build security in your marriage again. But missing this can keep your wheels spinning in your marriage despite making progress on a personal level.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Click here for info to work with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support.

    It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:

    Rebuild Trust Workshop

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Click the Couples Healing website and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

    To get more tools to help you resolve communication breakdowns, check out these previous episodes:



  • Many men and women wonder if quitting porn is actually possible to do or if it's something that just needs to be managed for the rest of their life.

    The good news: YES! It's 100% possible to quit and never return.

    In this episode I'll share with you specifically what I've seen work best to help men quit Porn and never return.

    The more you have about what the underlying problem is, the more the solution becomes obvious.

    Once you implement those solutions, the old patterns lose their power, which gives husbands confidence that they can move forward without messing up again, and it gives a wife peace of mind knowing she can actually be safe and let her guard down when he's done the work.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Click here for info to work with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support.

    It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:

    Rebuild Trust Workshop

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Click the Couples Healing website and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

  • One very difficult hurdle that many women struggle, with is the idea of forgiveness or staying in the relationship with someone who hurt them so much.

    If she forgives him, does that mean he's getting away with everything?

    Does it make her feel like she has no dignity left if she stays in the relationship? That she just accepts behavior she completely stands against?

    In this episode, I share with you a different way to look at the situation to help you feel more comfortable staying in the relationship without feeling like he's getting away with it.

    I also share how a husband can help facilitate closure and healing in the relationship when she’s struggling in this phase of the journey.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Click here for info to work with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support.

    It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:

    Rebuild Trust Workshop

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Click the Couples Healing website and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

  • Rebuilding sexual intimacy after damage by pornography can be a challenge for many couples.

    A wife often has fears and concerns like:

    How do I know he's not fantasizing when we're intimate?What if he's just using me and I'm being manipulated?I feel inadequate and not attractive enough

    A husband often wants to know how to help his wife through her triggers and how to restore their intimacy together.

    In this episode, I meet with a couple live and help them work through these blocks and know what tools to implement to repair their physical intimacy and develop a deeper connection together.

    If you like this style of episode, please send me an email and let me know! I'll be doing a few more of these to see if it helps you as a listener. If it does, I'll do more. If it doesn't, then I won't!

    You can send your feedback to [email protected]

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Click here for info to work with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support.

    It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:

    Rebuild Trust Workshop

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Click the Couples Healing website and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

  • Going out into public can create a lot of anxiety for both a husband and wife.

    She's worried about who he's looking at and what he's thinking about, and he's worried about her getting triggered and feels anxious not knowing what to do or how to help her.

    In this episode, I share with a few specific things that you can do to address this issue to help build security in your relationship.

    If objectification has been a problem, I also share tools to help you break those patterns and overcome the behavior altogether.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Click here for info to work with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support.

    It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:

    Rebuild Trust Workshop

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Click the Couples Healing website and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

  • If you had to get to the other side of a mountain, would you rather take a tunnel through it or climb all the way up and around it?

    It still takes effort and intention to get to the other side, but one path is far more streamlined.

    In this episode I share with you 3 things that can help take you through the tunnel when it comes to repairing your relationship.

    There isn't a one size fits all approach when it comes to restoring your marriage and overcoming pornography, but there are principles that the most successful people focus on in order to get the results they want.

    In today's episode, I share with you 3 of them that can make a huge difference for you and your progress.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Go to http://stopporn.info/ for more information about working with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support.

    It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:

    Rebuild Trust Workshop

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Click the Couples Healing website and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

  • When pornography use is discovered in a relationship, there is often a lot of grief and hurt that surfaces.

    Shock about how this could have happened. Feeling stuck in pain not knowing how to make sense of it.

    And grief about what the relationship once was and uncertain about how to move forward.

    In this episode I share a few specific ways to approach grief, sadness, and hurt that enables healing and closure from the past.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Go to stopporn.info for more information about working with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support. It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:


    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

  • After pornography use, a husband becomes a source of pain as well as a source of comfort for his wife. this can be such a confusing place for both people to be.

    Sometimes she doesn't want to be around him at all, but other times she needs him close and for him to provide reassurance.

    As a man, oftentimes he doesn't know what to say or how to help so he ends up giving space when really what she needs is his support.

    In this episode, I share with you specific things that you can do in order to turn the relationship into a place where is felt.

    I also share tools for a husband to know how to navigate the ups and downs of conversations and how to support her in the moments she needs it most.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Go to stopporn.info for more information about working with me directly.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support. It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Get access to my trust building workshop:


    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

  • Understanding and resolving the underlying issues that lead pornography use is essential.

    Without addressing the root cause, you're bound to continue to struggle with triggers and temptations.


    Trust is a critical part of rebuilding your relationship after pornography use has damaged it

    So, I decided to do a special trust building workshop, where for 90 minutes I’ll be doing a deep dive and sharing with you specific steps you can take, tools you can implement, and practical ways that you can rebuild trust in your relationship.

    There are 2 ways to access the training - it's on my website for $97 or you can access it for free by joining my free online community where I'll be doing live monthly workshops, live Q&A sessions, and offering support to members who need guidance and help on this path.

    If that sounds interesting, you can join by registering here and you'll get the link to the free online community where the workshop will be hosted:


    Today’s Episode:

    Sometimes it can feel really difficult to identify the underlying issues that lead to pornography use.

    Is it from childhood? Is it something that developed afterwards? Is it just a habit? Why does it keep happening? And how to I fix it?

    The key is to start by identifying and resolving the underlying issues that lead to this behavior.

    Addressing things on a deeper level is also important for a wife because she won't be able to fully trust without knowing he's dealt with why the pornography use has happened in the first place.

    In this episode, I want to share with you a very clear way to identify what issues are still unresolved so you can work through them directly.

    Once you do, the triggers and temptations will naturally dissipate, which enables you to feel freedom and peace instead of having to keep your guard up.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Go to stopporn.info for more information about working with me directly.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support. It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

  • Announcement!!!

    Trust is a critical part of rebuilding your relationship after pornography use has damaged it

    So, I decided to do a special trust building workshop, where for 90 minutes I’ll be doing a deep dive and sharing with you specific steps you can take, tools you can implement, and practical ways that you can rebuild trust in your relationship.

    There are 2 ways to access the training - it's on my website for $97 or you can access it for free by joining my free online community where I'll be doing live monthly workshops, live Q&A sessions, and offering support to members who need guidance and help on this path.

    If that sounds interesting, you can join by registering here and you'll get the link to the free online community where the workshop will be hosted:


    Today’s Episode:

    Trust is a foundation of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Pornography use shatters trust and feelings of security, which leaves couples in a state of fear and self protection.

    In this episode, I want to share with you the five indicators that trust has been significantly damaged and four things that you can do to repair it.

    After having worked with hundreds of couples, I know that rebuilding trust is possible with the right direction.

    So tune in to today’s episode to discover how you can apply the right tools to help you find closure from the damage and move forward with security.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Go to stopporn.info for more information about working with me directly.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support. It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

  • Announcement!!!

    Trust is a critical part of rebuilding your relationship after pornography use has damaged it.

    So, I decided to do a special trust building workshop, where for 90 minutes I’ll be doing a deep dive and sharing with you specific steps you can take, tools you can implement, and practical ways that you can rebuild trust in your relationship. Before I offer the workshop for sale, I’m doing the live version of it for free.

    If that sounds interesting, you can join by registering here:


    Today’s Episode:

    Have you ever had the experience where things feel relatively calm between you and your spouse?

    And you think things are going well, then out of nowhere she brings up her pain from the past, and her husband is completely caught off guard.

    Just the mirror mention of the past that she is still hurting seems to cause things to spiral or him to shut down because of discouragement.

    It’s a reminder that things aren't back to normal yet and that there are still issues that haven’t been resolved.

    In today's episode I want to share with you how you can navigate these moments and a new way to look at this situation to give you some encouragement and hope that you guys can get through this.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Go to stopporn.info for more information about working with me directly.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

    Join the free, private men’s community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support. It's even better because it's not on Facebook anymore, it's on a much better platform that will facilitate a lot more support and help for men:

    Join the Private Group Here

    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

  • Have you ever felt so hopeless and discouraged as you've tried to quit pornography that you thought that there's no way out?

    Despite how hard you've tried, you just haven't been able to get this problem out of your life.

    This is how Braden felt before we started to work together.

    He tried everything he possibly could, but it still didn't work.

    After discovering there is a new way he could approach quitting pornography, it gave him hope to try one more time.

    In this conversation, Braden outlines the five specific things that helped him the most.

    He shares how different his life is now that he's actually been successful at eliminating pornography.

    His personal life and marriage are flourishing, and he feels so much excitement about wanting to help others experience the same fulfillment that comes from resolving this issue.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Go to stopporn.info for more information about working with me directly.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

    Join the free, private men’s Facebook community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support:


    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

  • Pornography use damages a relationship in deep and significant ways.

    Trust is broken and her wall goes up.

    The idea of forgiveness can feel impossible to offer, and a husband feels despair wondering if they’ll ever move on from the past and find closure.

    This episode I share with you how you can navigate this painful situation in a way that will feel comfortable for both of you.

    While forgiveness is an important step, when and how you focus on, it makes all the difference.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Go to stopporn.info for more information about working with me directly.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

    Join the free, private men’s Facebook community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support:


    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

  • When a woman discovers her husband's pornography use, her whole world gets turn upside down.

    Oftentimes she now thinks that everything was a lie. Their whole relationship was fake. They don't even know who their husband is anymore.

    Given how much damage is done, many women experience what's called betrayal trauma.

    In this episode I share with you the 5 indicators that a woman is experiencing betrayal trauma, then I share with you three specific things that you can do to address it together.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Go to stopporn.info for more information about working with me directly.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

    Join the free, private men’s Facebook community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support:


    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.

  • When a spouse is gone for the day or weekend and a man is all alone, it's a common trigger.

    In this episode I share 3 specific things you can do to make sure that those periods of being alone won't cause another setback.

    For therapy with Sam:

    I will work with you for 12 weeks to help you eliminate pornography use and the root cause that started it.

    If after the 12 weeks you haven’t fully been able to quit, I’ll work with you 1-1 for free until you do.

    Go to stopporn.info for more information about working with me directly.

    Follow Me on Instagram for daily tips and tools you can implement to overcome pornography addiction.

    Join the free, private men’s Facebook community here for Q&As, live trainings, tools, and support:


    Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?

    Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.