Just a basic bitch making a good life happen. Want to manifest amazing things into your life too? Join me, it's not a cult! I've been practicing the law of attraction for over 10 years with incredible results, hopefully you will leave our weekly sessions together both informed & entertained.
Join today for twice monthly Manifest With The Moon episodes every new and full moon.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The evolution of the MINIMALIST MOMS podcast is now CLEAR INTENTIONS.๏ปฟ
"Clear Intentions" serves as a source of inspiration and motivation for listeners seeking to discover what truly matters to them. By engaging in candid conversations, guests will share their stories or expertise offering you greater clarity and purpose in your own journey.
This is a podcast that advocates intentional living and the pursuit of meaningful experiences, encouraging listeners to release distractions, prioritize what truly matters and embrace a life guided by clear intentions.
Are you looking for ways to help children make positive choices, solve problems, learn from mistakes, and regulate strong feelings? Whether you're a parent, educator, or someone who loves to learn about relationships, this podcast is for you! In each episode, we explore the latest neuroscience and discuss what it means for how we live, parent, and teach. We give you practical and effective ways to use brain-based strategies to promote resilience in children and strengthen your own relationships with others. Your host, Lindsey Kealey, is a family coach, educational consultant, keynote speaker, university instructor of education, and the creator of PAWsitive Choices Social and Emotional Learning. Join us every Tuesday for new episodes of The PAWsitive Choices Podcast.
Hopestream is the defacto resource for parents who have a teen or young adult child who's misusing drugs or alcohol, hosted by Brenda Zane. Brenda is a Mayo Clinic Certified health & wellness coach, CRAFT-trained Parent Coach, and mom of a son who nearly lost his life to addiction. Guests include addiction, prevention, and treatment experts, family members impacted by their loved one's substance use, and wellness and self-care specialists. You'll also hear heartfelt messages from me, your host. It's a safe, nurturing respite from the chaos and confusion you live with. We gather in our private communities between the episodes in The Stream community for moms. Learn more at
A comedy chat show for less-than-perfect parents. Hosted by comedians Ellie Gibson and Helen Thorn and featuring guest parenting experts, comedians and authors. The podcast covers the big issues affecting modern parents - from fish fingers to farting, to play-dates and pelvic floors. Expect frank and funny chat as well as wine, laughter and sophisticated boob jokes. Check out our Scummy Mummies Blog and dates for our Live Comedy Shows -
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to The Single Mom Collective, a space for single moms who are ready to turn lifeโs challenges into their greatest triumphs. Hosted by Amanda Carroll, this podcast is a powerful guide for every single mom ready to embrace her strength, rewrite her story, and create a life filled with love, confidence, and purpose.In each episode, Amanda brings you real talk, raw stories, and the wisdom you need to see single motherhood as your superpower.
Youโll learn from expert guests and inspiring single moms who have transformed their own journeys, and youโll get Amandaโs exclusive 12-step Metamorphosis Methodโa roadmap for healing, building financial independence, and creating the love and life you deserve. Weโll cover it all, from co-parenting with confidence to setting boundaries, rediscovering your identity, and attracting high-value relationships.
The Single Mom Collective is more than a podcastโitโs a movement. Each episode, youโll be reminded that youโre not just a single mom. Youโre a woman with purpose, vision, and the power to create a future youโre excited to live. So if youโre ready to rise, tune in, join the collective, and letโs create something extraordinary together.Subscribe today, and welcome to the life youโve been waiting for. -
Inspiration and ideas for applying the science of wellbeing to your everyday life. Host and Miranda Anderson casually and conversationally shares examples and lessons from her own life as well as some of the latest research from the world of positive psychology. In addition, she lets you in on humorous and engaging stories about living with her husband, three kids, two dogs, two cats, and five chickens in Richmond, Virginia.
Have a strong-willed child who doesn't respond to consequences, argues like an attorney, and refuses to do things your way? Good! You're in the right place. Celebrate Calm Founder Kirk Martin has given over 1,000,000 parents and teachers around the world practical, life-changing strategies to stop power struggles, yelling, and defiance NOW. Based on work with 1,500 challenging kids (many with AD/HD, OCD, ODD, ASD, etc.) in his home, and years spent in classrooms, Kirk's approach is refreshingly practical, honest, and laugh-out-loud funny! Questions? Visit us at or email us directly at [email protected]
The Crystal Paine Show is dedicated to helping you embrace life right where you are and take practical steps to get where you want to go. Crystal says, "My hope is that this podcast will serve as an inspiration to your week, a pause in your day to slow down and reflect a little, a looked-forward-to part of your weekly routine, a place where we can connect on a deeper levelโฆ and ultimately, my desire is that you come away from listening to each episode feeling motivated to bloom where you are planted and take intentional steps to move in the direction you are longing to go." Crystal is a wife, mom of 6, foster/adoptive mom, speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and online entrepreneur, best known for founding
We’re Hannah & Kelty of Upbringing- twins, certified parent coaches + speakers who help caregivers across the globe transcend daily conflict with their kids for sanity + social change.
Most of us had no idea what magical mindset + sensitive skill set would be required to successfully navigate daily drama with our beloved, infuriating kids... No shame in that! From meltdowns to aggression to sibling rivalry to putting down the screen or getting out the door fully dressed + on time, managing kids’ big feelings + challenging behaviors was never meant to be done solo, let alone perfectly.
We’re here to teach you creative, research-based ways to overcome daily obstacles with your sensitive + strong-willed kids, nurturing critical skills like consent, compassion, curiosity + creativity along the way. Our podcast episodes are Live, unscripted Q&As– reach out if you have a question or challenge you’d like us to discuss!
Learning to parent our kids with more connection and less control can feel radical and even impossible at first- we get it. We invite you to explore our shame-free, research-based offerings, each designed to help you heal yourself, nurture your kids + transform our collective future for the better.
Let’s Show Up + Grow Up!
To learn more about us, our speaking services, coaching program, membership collective and shop goods, visit -
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There are LOTS of podcasts for teachers, but Substitute Teachers Lounge is the first podcast ever that also highlights substitute teachers. This podcast is aimed at giving ALL types of teachers the tools you need to teach in K-12 (elementary school, middle school, and high school), including administrative aspects as well as helping students receive everything they need to learn and feel special. We interview teachers, subs and students to make sure we have the information we need in order to "get it right". And, since it is a "lounge", you will have plenty of opportunities to share your stories too!
Hey there, mom! Are you juggling all the things in motherhood from managing your time, getting healthy meals on the table, to being a present wife all while making yourself a priority without feeling guilty? I get it! Itโs overwhelming... and guess what? The fact that you need support... doesnโt make you a bad mom! Thatโs why I created the Real Happy Mom Podcast. The Real Happy Mom Podcast is a weekly show for busy working moms juggling it all. Each week, Iโm bringing you inspirational stories from real-life moms as well as interviews with leading experts in various fields to encourage you on your motherhood journey and help you live an authentic life. In this podcast we will not only navigate motherhood by talking about time management, gentle parenting and self-care. But we will also go deep into topics you may have been afraid to explore, like intimacy with your spouse, communication with your kids, health, wellness and frustrations that come through inner confidence as a mom and wife. Mom life is beautiful and fun, but it's also challenging and messy at times. Motherhood is the one job that we don't get proper training or an instruction manual when we come home with our new baby. Every day is on the job training. Iโm here to help you navigate motherhood that's true to you so that you can be a real happy mom. Welcome to the Real Happy Mom Podcast, mom friend! You are in the right place. Learn -- | Be a Guest-
Parents long to provide a loving and peaceful home for their children. Unfortunately, the stresses of modern-day life and unresolved issues from their past prevent them from being the calm parent they wish to be. We help parents lower stress by giving them the tools they need to release old baggage, increase confidence, and interact with their children in positive ways. Meet your host at episodes are the audio version of my TV show, "Healing Your Families." Watch them at
The Balanced Working Momโs podcast is about helping busy Moms juggle it all. Youโll learn practical tips to make your life calmer, more organized, and less chaotic. Rina Meushaw is a busy Mom like you who wants to enjoy both her family and her work without feeling frazzled and torn between all of her roles. In this podcast, you'll learn small, doable changes you can make that'll create big impacts in your life.
Welcome to the FInancially Intentional Podcast with Naseema McElroy! This is a weekly podcast covering all things personal finance for those ready to build wealth but who may not know where to start. We believe that you have all the tools to improve your finances because you and your family deserve it. Our hope is that by listening to this podcast, your circle of influence is enhanced. Let us be the folks you choose to surround yourself with.