
  • Are you having a hard time replacing old habits with new ones? Do you keep procrastinating getting started or getting something done? Change can be scary ("What if I fail?") and overwhelming (" I don't even know where to start."), but change can also be incredible!  

    Everyone has something in their lives that they’d like to improve, whether that’s managing stress more effectively, being more organized, eating healthier, feeling more purposeful, or carving out more time to rest. But many struggle to take consistent action to make it happen. 

    This week’s guest, coach, author, and well-being consultant Linda Bonnar, provides the right tools and techniques to making change more manageable. Her tools help you eliminate the resistance that keeps you from taking action, inspire you to make space, and how to deal with the imposter syndrome. You are in charge of your life, keep showing up for yourself, one day at a time!


    2:15 What life events inspired Linda to write her book “Just Three Things.”

    3:55 How do we find time for change? 6:19 The awareness of how you spend your time is crucial.

    8:30 Creating a conducive space is necessary! Physical and headspace.

    9:56 Linda’s advice for cleaning out your mind and dealing with issues.

    12:00 De-clutter your life! Audit yourself and your things every so often to see if they still have value to yourself.

    13:28 Approaching the fear of change.

    15:49 You become the people that you hang out with.

    16:20 What is the Imposter Syndrome? Who does it affect? How can we overcome it?

    19:00 Labels are for jars. Stop labeling yourself and others.

    23:01 Creating big changes by implementing small steps.

    25:40 Take the pressure off yourself on your journey. Comparison is the thief of accomplishment. Be flexible with the process.

    28:14 How to put an end to procrastination!

    31:55 The challenges that Linda is still working on today. Hint: don’t forget to take a vacation.

    35:58 Feel free to stay int touch with Linda Bonnar based on the mentioned accounts. 


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Are your (new year) goals body and health related? Has it been hard to reach your goals in the past?

    This week’s guest, fitness trainer Emily Eckstein, will help you get focused and explain how you can improve your mindset around losing weight, body shaming, and loving yourself. This is an invitation to go deep within and get vulnerable with yourself, because knowing your WHY will be the driving force of your actions.  

    When we put in time and energy working towards a goal and we don’t see the desired results quickly, we get discouraged and feel unmotivated. We need to reevaluate our mindset and the way we invest time in ourselves in the long run.  

    Emily and Jill also talk about other success factors such as: scheduling workouts, setting monthly goals, and choosing exercises you enjoy and make you feel good. We function better when we feel good, so let's keep moving and raising our vibrations!


    1:55 Is it worth making excuses?

    2:40 Importance of scheduling in what’s important

    4:30 Mindset before physical goals

    7:55 Top tips making lasting goals!

    11:30 Finding your “why” to your goals

    12:54 The power of being honest and vulnerable to yourself

    13:36 Goals are like a marathon. No need to sprint off the bat

    15:15 Emily’s journey into fitness. Healthy?

    19:26 Emily’s like changing moment when she was hit by an 18-wheeler

    24:22 Mindset tricks to help you start to believe in yourself

    27:55 The energy you put out into this world, comes right back


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • Would you benefit from drinking less alcohol? This week’s guest, alcohol-free lifestyle expert Amanda Kuda talks in-depth about drinking and how it affects our mind, body, and life. 

    We often drink because we want to “be more” and “feel less”. Even though drinking is socially acceptable and seems pretty harmless (when not drinking excessively) alcohol can become a crutch and stunt emotional growth. A no-alcohol challenge like Dry January offers a reprieve - a reset - and a time to reflect on the impact alcohol has on our lives.  

    Amanda explains that there are two types of people: moderators and abstainers ,and that it helps to know what category you fall into. 

    Don't worry, this episode is NOT intended to get you to stop drinking alcohol all together, but to provide insight and to inspire you to take a closer look at your drinking habits.


    2:10 Amanda’s history with alcohol

    7:04 The benefits Amanda has felt living alcohol free

    9:45 Great alcohol substitutes

    12:16 The two personality archetypes of living life (with alcohol). Which one are you??

    15:20 Why do people drink? Do you really need it?

    19:07 How to handle social situations without alcohol (when alcohol is around)?

    21:00 Test if you are an empath. Empath’s have a tendency to cover up stimulation with alcohol.

    24:00 Dealing with friends not wanting you to quit drinking. Can be very difficult!

    30:00 Is the root of drinking just connection seeking behavior?

    32:00 Is alcohol stopping you from going in the direction you need?

    33:34 What to say (when you aren’t drinking) when someone asks if you’d like a drink.


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Is life feeling a bit rough? This week's guest, fat loss expert and high-performance coach, Natalie Jill says that every vision starts with a decision and when we focus on our obstacles, we get stuck, but when we focus on our opportunities, we get unstuck. You can become an entirely different person by changing your thoughts, actions, and habits. Life can deal us unforeseen challenges, disappointments, and occasional crushed dreams. But we are resilient and capable of powerful transformations, which all start with a small decision! Natalie also shares the power of creating a vision board, how to kill the FAT (False Assuming Truth,) and the importance of an anti- inflammatory diet.

    Episode Timestamps:

    2:04 How did Natalie become a master at shifting her mindset?

    3:20 What was the spark the changed Natalie’s life?

    5:50 The power of using a vision board

    8:27 Natalie journey and diet to becoming a fitness model at 36

    10:45 Natalie’s two pieces of advice to her younger self

    11:30 Advice on pushing out the negative thoughts that control our mindset

    13:45 Mindset is the most important thing to accomplishing goals

    15:50 Natalie’s game-changing nutritional advice? Hint: eating anti-inflammatories are key

    16:50 Having muscle on your body is key to preventing injury as you age

    19:36 How to lose that stubborn 5-10 lbs

    21:00 Crowd out the bad stuff with as much good stuff as possible

    23:10 Natalie shares how she was able to save her marriage by changing her approach and perspective

    26:50 What are some keys to ‘aging in reverse’?

    28:15 What foods hurt us the most?

    29:08 Natalie introduces her exciting new program that is starting in January!

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Are you having a hard time staying consistent with exercise? This week, massage therapist and yoga instructor Sparrow Heatley shares how she learned new skills, faced her fears, and showed up for herself while training for her first sprint triathlon. Exercise is usually our last priority when we are busy and overwhelmed. But that’s when we need it the most! Exercise reduces stress and increases energy, resulting in a great ripple effect. After a workout you choose to eat healthier, sleep better at night, and experience an uplifted mood. Sometimes exercising to lose a certain amount of weight or to look a certain way is not juicy enough to keep us motivated for long periods of time.

    In this episode, we uncover how setting a big goal with specific benchmark dates is the key to staying motivated and consistent - even when we are at our busiest or feeling our lousiest. We invite you to say YES to the challenge you’ve had in mind for yourself! 

    Episode Timestamps:

    2:43 How did Sparrow’s first Triathlon change her?

    3:54 Calming your anxiety in high pressure races

    5:02 Overcoming the feelings of “I can’t do this”

    8:17 The unique environment a triathlon community provides

    11:25 A victory over a triathlon can empower you throughout other aspects of your life

    13:05 Learning the importance of self-care during training

    17:39 How has triathlon training affected the rest of Sparrow’s life


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Do your dreams feel out of reach? Sarah Pendrick, author of the new book Beautifully Brave, and creator of the women’s empowerment and self-development event “GirlTalk Festival” shares how to deal with self-doubt by believing you are worthy of all that you desire! It’s never too late to chase your dreams. Sometimes we just have to get out of our own way! This episode is filled with ways to get inspired to make brave decisions, learn how to deal with self-doubt, and how to have hard, confrontational conversations rooted in love, to get you moving toward your dreams.

    Feeling jealous? Take a moment to check in with yourself on why you’re feeling that way. Is it something you want? There is a good chance that these emotions arise when you see something you want manifest in your own life. And by recognizing those desires you are one step closer to achieving your biggest ambitions. In life, we don’t regret the things we do, we regret the things we don’t do. And it all starts with the courage to pursue them! Listen this week to learn how to start your journey towards your ultimate desires.

    Episode Timestamps:

    2:03 Making the big move away from home

    3:41 Opening doors in a brand new city

    5:34 Overcoming self-doubt and negative self-talk

    8:11 Tools to start your day off in the right way

    10:35 Using “The 5 Love Langauges” on yourself

    14:33 Tips on how to deal with hard conversations

    19:10 What does women supporting women mean, and how does GirlTalk spearhead it?

    21:50 Using jealousy positively for yourself

    23:35 Sarah shares the “4 A’s to get out of “comparisonitus””

    27:03 How did Sarah start her business?

    30:43 Tips and tricks for generating money for a personal business

    32:03 Sarah shares advice on getting her voice heard in such a saturated market

    33:38 What would Sarah tell her younger self? 


    Get Sarah's book: https://amzn.to/3gesbtv

    And learn more about Sarah on her website: https://girltalknetwork.org/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Could you be one question away from going into a new direction to living your best life? This week’s guest Marc Champagne believes that at any point we are only one question away from a different life. Asking yourself constructive and tough questions can provide the clarity and confidence you need to make better choices. If we question what we believe, what we stand for, and who we are, we are constantly working to improve ourselves, resulting in increased happiness. When we stop asking questions we stop learning, and asking questions forces your brain to make new patterns, challenging your old ways of thinking.

    In this episode Marc shares how to ask the questions that will open your mind for new possibilities, outcomes, and actions. Upgrade your life by asking yourself the right questions and answer with radical honesty. 

    Episode Timestamps:

    1:41 Marc shares about his journey developing a popular self help app

    3:42 Marc asks the big question that changes his life forever

    5:27 Finding the power to ask questions` to make a big change in your life

    7:36 Keeping your mind healthy is integral to making big changes in your life

    9:04 Jill shares the question she was asked that changed the trajectory of her life

    10:58 The mind needs silence and peace in order to make clear decision making and intentional thought

    13:00 The importance of journaling and radical honesty

    16:04 What are you pretending not to know?

    19:04 What are you willing to struggle for in life?

    21:02 Noticing your daily triggers and preparing for them through journaling and mental fitness

    24:04 What is a ‘Happiness List’ and how to use it

    29:08 Marc shares his top questions to break the ice and build meaningful conversations with anyone

    30:16 Great dinner table questions to ask friends or family

    32:08 A healthy practice to finish off every Friday

    33:49 What is not worth your time any longer?


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Alyson acts as a pure conduit and instrument to receive "messages" and in this episode she talks with Jill about our pain body, doing shadow work, and liberating ourselves from shame. We are not here on Earth to suffer, but suffering is often a precursor for a more aligned and purposeful life. Some of the greatest lessons are learned during the toughest of times. What may feel like a burden now may be seen as a blessing down the road. Dive deep within and do the inner work, free yourself from triggers and unhealthy relationships, and trade it in for an uplifting relationship, starting with yourself.

    Episode Timestamps:

    2:22 What is shamanism?

    5:30 What is ‘shadow work’ and how can we confront it?

    7:55 Dealing with behaviors and patterns that aren’t serving our highest good

    9:45 Managing our personal “pain bodies.” 


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • How can we make better decisions for ourselves and for the planet? Author, Podcast host, and co-host of  Down to Earth with Zac Efron, Darin Olien shares how our small contributions can truly make a difference! Darin shares how to vote with every dollar you spend, how to protect yourself from EMF's, and how to make a difference for yourself and the planet with everyday decisions - they may seem small, but they really do add up!

    We are all aware of increasing climate change, melting ice issues, rising air pollution, toxins in our food, and it can all feel pretty daunting! But what can we do? The decisions we make day-to-day impact the current and future state of the environment.

    Though you may already take part in recycling, Darin shares a multitude of ways to decrease your environmental impact such as buying local, fresh produce, purchasing from environmentally conscious brands, and so much more! If you're looking to have a healthy Earth, and sustain it for future generations, you're going to love this episode!

    Episode Timestamps:

    1:58 Darin shares why he is now living in a yurt

    3:30 Growing your own produce and becoming self sustainable

    5:30 Darin shares how he grew up, and how he became focused on health and wellness

    7:40 Fulvic and travel minerals, sacred geometry, and the things that have blown Darin’s mind recently

    9:22 Sacred meals while traveling

    12:00 3 things the average person can do that benefits both them and the planet

    20:21 What is the baruka nut, and why should we care?

    24:30 All things EMF. What is it? And what can we do to help ourselves?

    31:00 Grounding. Placing our feet on raw Mother Nature. Do we even need to worry? 


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Does lifting weights make you 'bulky'? No! Strength training is the best way to lose weight, gain strength, and grow your confidence! Personal trainer Chelsey Rose is a big proponent of strength training for women and gives tips on how to stay consistent and motivated even when life gets in the way.

    No time? No problem - even if you are not getting enough sleep, your motivation fades, and you barely have time for a workout, you can still get results. We all know it’s good for us to move our bodies, strengthen it, and to stretch, but most people have a hard time working out consistently. Does this sound familiar: you start out excited and motivated, but as soon as life gets crazy and you're feeling overwhelmed, exercise falls off the priority list. It's all about choosing the right exercise for your goals and being consistent. (A 30 minute workout is 1/48th of your day!) Tune in if you want pro tips to 'finding time', you're looking to lose weight, gain muscle and be done with body shaming, enjoy "treat meals" instead of "cheat meals", and remind yourself that exercise is a privilege and a reward, NOT a punishment.

    Episode Timestamps:

    1:45 How did Chelsey get into strength training and what exactly is it?

    4:40 Should you be looking at your weight on the scale?

    7:00 How to stay consistent with your workout schedule

    11:37 Should women worry about getting “bulky” when strength training?

    14:00 Balancing diet with strength training

    17:12 Chelsey’s tips on getting quality protein in your diet

    19:00 Animal based diets and their role in energy

    20:00 The psychology behind the “cheat meal”

    22:00 Chelsey shares about her past experience with body shaming

    27:00 Is doing Pilates enough?

    30:00 Do you not have enough time to exercise? Yes you do!

    32:35 Chelsey shares her favorite “At Home” Fitness tools

    35:45 Alignment, alignment, alignment. Why should you care?


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Are you in a low vibrational state? Is your breath compromised by stress? Renegade pharmacist, breath work expert Niraj Naik offers advice and exercises to bring balance and harmony back in your body & mind with breathing exercises. You’ll learn about the benefits of breath types (reduced breathing, breath holds, nose breathing, diaphragm/belly breathing), the root lock, and the power of guided rhythmic breathing meditation.

    The quality of every breath we take matters! It’s quite miraculous that we humans breathe without making a conscious effort, and our breath adapts to all circumstances: eating, sleeping, exercising, etc.  Did you know? Shallow breathing can negatively affect our health (and the opposite is true too.)

    When you learn to breathe better you can slow down, reverse the aging process, and improve your health.


    1:47 How did Niraj get started as a renegade pharmacist?

    4:59 What was the one thing the had the biggest impact on healing Niraj’s colitis?

    7:45 Why is shortening our breath healthy? What is hypoxia?

    13:23 What sorts of things cause over breathing?

    15:28 Is HIIT training bad for us? 16:35 What is a root-lock technique?

    20:30 The in’s and out’s of breath retention

    25:20 What is brain-wave music technology?

    29:30 Example clip of Niraj implementing music into his breathing techniques?

    32:04 Heart-rate vs breathing-rate?

    33:25 What is the “right” way to breath?

    35:48 Niraj shares about vibrational energy and elevating his state

    38:50 Niraj shares one thing that most people don’t know about him

    42:10 Full SOMA breathing lesson clip!


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Is your food adding undue anxiety? Liana Werner Gray, certified nutritionist, natural food chef, and author of Anxiety Free with Food, reveals which food deficiencies and chemicals added to your food can cause anxiety. (WHAT?!) This episode is all about how to best manage your anxiety: by elevating your food choices, getting enough rest, and reframing your thoughts. Stress and anxiety come in many forms and from many sources: the pandemic, relationships, past trauma, finances, etc. the list goes on! But by introducing anxiety reducing habits in your life, you can start to relieve the pressure by making simple, healthy choices. Get ready to be inspired and take action!

    Episode Timestamps:

    2:06 Liana shares how anxiety has impacted her life and what was the cause

    4:25 Where can you get an omega and amino profile test?

    4:50 How has Liana’s life changed by taking supplements?

    5:32 What does Liana recommend most people should remove from their diet?

    6:26 How bad is refined sugar actually for us?

    8:00 What sorts of fats should we avoid?

    9:03 Avoiding chemicals/dyes that are hidden in foods.

    11:22 Liana shares her special healthy cookie dough recipe.

    12:48 What is Liana’s morning routine?

    15:20 The experience of moving away from a big city

    19:17 Using tools to help get in control of your mind

    21:00 Liana shares her daily pre-bed routine.

    21:43 What is in Liana’s brand new supplement?

    23:00 Details on the supplement giveaway!

    25:00 Why and how much for dark leafy greens

    26:00 Chlorophyl as a supplement.

    26:45 Eating good healthy fats and anxiety reducing foods.

    29:17 Always start your day by “swallowing the frog.”

    30:00 How organizing your outside life can help your mental game.

    35:50 Don’t forget about the Models Do Eat book. :) 


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Do you wish you felt motivated to cook? Certified holistic nutritionist and healthy chef Maria Marlowe shares her favorite kitchen hacks: from easy meal prep ideas, must-have time saving tools, and mouthwatering, healthy recipes, you'll be inspired to reward yourself with some homemade happiness.

    Making healthy, and delicious meals can feel overwhelming: from shopping to prepping, cooking to cleanup, it can feel like another chore on your to-do list. But this episode is all about getting you excited to cook more of your own meals by making it fun, quick, and rewarding!

    Author of The Real Food Grocery Guide  and host of the Happier & Healthier Podcast, Maria shares her insight and food wisdom to help you improve your health, one delicious bite at a time. She uses spices as her medicine cabinet, is all about 20 minute recipes, and shares how she makes vegetables taste so good, you'll be craving them every day!

    Episode Timestamps: 

    2:02 Maria’s basic steps to making a healthy meal

    3:14 How did Maria first get started in the culinary field

    6:04 Maria and her skin care issues that connect to diet

    8:50 How to make vegetables taste better

    10:00 Maria’s favorite kitchen tools and cheat codes

    12:00 Making fresh nut milk

    13:27 Tips for cooking meal for busy people

    17:15 Maria shares some easy and healthy recipes

    21:07 Going with the flow vs meal planning

    22:50 Cooking with salsa and spices to add flavor and keep dishes healthy

    26:25 Some of Maria’s favorite new vegetables at the farmers market

    27:30 What is a lotus root?

    28:48 Having a large variety of vegetables in our diet

    30:15 Adding good fats to our diet

    33:35 Tips for picking healthy snacks of junk food


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Are we in charge of our destiny? Living in an action driven society that tells us that constantly pursuing our goals will pay off and give us control. But what about the circumstances we cannot control?

    When we are down we may think that revenge, fighting back, and avoiding our emotions is how to get past it. Surrendering? No way! That feels like defeat. But what if we change the way we view surrender?

    Surrendering does not mean giving up! Kute Blackson, transformational teacher and author of the book “The Magic of Surrender," offers a modern day manual on how to live in surrender every day. Kute offers practical ideas and soul stirring wisdom that ignites the heart and inspires courageous action. 

    Episode Timestamps:

    1:47 Kute shares his story of how he got involved in motivational speaking.

    8:28 Breaking self imposed barriers.

    11:00 What do telling lies to yourself cost you?

    13:30 Best tips on how to check in with yourself to stay on the right path.

    17:06 What is ‘surrendering’ and how can it help us?

    23:36 Allowing things to happen that are out of our control. Is the universe out to get us?

    26:05 What's the reason behind our hopes and dreams not manifesting?


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Looking to achieve long-lasting success? It's all about constantly evolving!

    Author, spokesperson, and fitness professional Gabby Reece shares important lessons learned (upgrading from rigid discipline to adaptability and flexibility), how she creates equilibrium in her life, and her dedication to building new health and fitness methods.

    A firm believer of constantly upgrading her 'software' to help her to be a better functioning being, Gabby shares how she is constantly working on growing her perspective and skill sets, and how this continued learning helps her with mental and emotional health.

    Already a leader in the health & fitness industry, Gabby openly talks about parenting, her marriage, her health & fitness routine and what she wants to focus on next.

    Tune in to hear why she is fan of incorporating heat & ice, therapy balls, and the tens unit into your routine.

    Episode Timestamps:

    1:10 How has the pandemic changed Gabby’s life?

    1:50 The simple things that give Gabby pleasure

    2:47 Entitlement and the downfalls of it

    4:01 Gabby shares the biggest lessons she’s learned from parenting

    5:10 The idea of ‘want’ vs ‘need’

    6:23 Gabby chats about her ‘North Star’ and how her response to fear is what keeps her grounded

    8:13 What lessons has Gabby instilled into all her girls?

    9:23 Creating a life on your own terms?

    10:09 Challenging traditional norms

    13:43 Balancing out a personal life, work life, and family life

    17:08 Gabby shares about her XPT pool program

    20:48 Heat and Cold Therapy

    23:05 Bouncing back from Gabby’s knee injury and surgery as an athlete

    24:20 Gabby’s favorite fitness products

    26:30 Gabby’s top dietary health products

    27:50 Mindset for transitioning into a healthier diet

    28:40 Gabby chats about how she navigates a healthy relation


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Are you confused about nutrition? Should you be drinking celery juice daily? Do you need collagen or fish oil supplements? Nutritionist Monica Reinagel, host of the Nutrition Diva Podcast, serves up simple, painless ways to upgrade your eating habits! Get ready to explore, clarify, and debunk nutrition questions about sourdough bread, kale, salt, and how to detect nutrition deficiencies.

    Nutrition advice is not one that fits all, but there are plenty of things that improve most people's health and wellness. In this episode, let’s explore together so you can feel more informed and make better decisions for yourself and your health. And remember: if a food fad, diet, or service sounds too good to be true, you can assume it is.

    Episode Timestamps:

    2:02 Monica shares about why she started working in the nutrition industry

    3:32 The necessity to have more protein the older you get

    5:04 How do we translate ‘what we know’ into solid habits for ourselves?

    7:45 Setting yourself up for success in nutrition

    9:38 Replacing bad habits with FUN good habits

    13:32 Is sourdough bread really a healthier choice?

    16:32 Do we benefit more from using certain kinds of salt in our food?

    18:55 Monica shares why fish oil is actually not as great for you as we originally thought

    21:48 Is celery juice the cure all daily drink that its been poised as?

    24:00 Monica shares that collagen supplements aren’t as effective as you might think

    28:05 Should the average person be purchasing an at-home test kit to screen for nutritional deficiencies?

    30:45 Is raw kale the new villain its been made out to be?


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Is fear occupying space and holding you back in life? Koya Webb, author of "Let Your Fears Make You Fierce," invites you to acknowledge and use your fear to help get you to a place of healing, empowerment, and accomplishment . On the other side of fear is exhilaration, excitement, confidence and freedom.

    Fear is feedback for the places within yourself that need to be nurtured; it may be rooted in trauma or sneak in when you worry about the future or experience something new. In this episode Jill de Jong and Koya Webb explore the importance of setting boundaries, not getting too caught up with work, and filling up your own cup first. Are you ready?

    Episode Timestamps:

    0:58 How did Koya adjust her job to all the changes COVID introduced to her life?

    3:45 Koya shares her evolution in ‘setting boundaries.’

    5:35 The importance of constantly being present and checking in with yourself.

    7:40 Jill shares a story about the Hawaiian missile threat from North Korea, and how it affected a close friend.

    9:28 Koya on fear being used as feedback. Your fears make you fierce.

    14:10 Koya on fear of success.

    19:21 Turning pain into power, to create your own reality.

    22:20 3 ways Koya brings peace back into her life.

    25:11 Jill shares a story about her friend conquering her fear of swimming.



    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Have you never really enjoyed meditation? Would you rather move your body than sit still?  A meditative state of mind is not only available for the ones that sit cross legged with their eyes closed; Meditation teacher Mimi Bouchard redefines meditation by introducing innovative movement meditations: a hybrid mix of manifestation, visualization, walking/ running /stretching & Pilates. This meditation is not just about quieting the mind; it's about conditioning the mind to create the positive change you'd like to experience in your life. 

    If we keep doing the same things all over again nothing is going to change. We need need actionable steps, do the work and become the person we envision ourselves to be in the near future.With new thoughts, new habits and actions form and that will shape your next chapter.

    Mimi also shares how she created her online thriving business during the pandemic,  how  to un-numb yourself and how limiting your technology use can make room for the things you now don't have time for.

    Visit mimimethod.com and sign up for a seven day free trial for Mimi's innovative moving mediations.

    Episode Timestamps:

    1:15 How has Mimi used meditation to create change in her life?

    5:18 How is Mimi’s meditation platform different than traditional “quieting the mind” practice?

    7:00 Feeling abundance attracts abundance

    8:40 Practice and doing the work is necessary to achieving the goal

    9:43 How does one work on self-worth and realizing that we deserve everything we want?

    13:00 How do we build inner confidence?

    15:35 How can we “show-up” more for ourselves?

    17:15 How did Mimi gain the confidence to try a new business model during the pandemic?

    20:30 What drew Mimi to focusing her new business on meditation?

    24:52 Mimi's top 3 reason why you should meditate?


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Are you hyper aware of your body’s imperfections? Are you or a loved one struggling with disordered eating? You are not alone! It affects so many of us. In our Western culture we are obsessed with weight and body- almost all of us are too obsessed of how our body looks and how it’s functioning or not functioning.  Psychotherapist EMDR Practitioner Angela Taylor joins Jill de Jong and explains that shame and grief are the triggers and birth ground of disordered eating. She also describes how to recognize the signs, how to best address and support others suffering from it, and reveals the best ingredients for the road to recovery.  It’s about being more, not less. It’s about feeling more, not less. It’s about feeling safe to be ALL of you.

    Learn more about Angela Taylor here: https://www.angelataylorlcsw.com/

    Episode Timestamps:

    1:11 What are some signs that we need to be aware of indicating disordered eating

    5:00 The power of shame and your mental state

    6:15 Disordered eating and finding your healing path

    7:34 What are some of the most common events that lead to eating disorders?

    8:43 Grief caused eating disorders

    9:27 Do lack of security and control lead to eating disorders?

    12:36 What are the dos and don’ts when offering help to a friend of family struggling with an eating disorder?

    15:15 Eating disorders and the use of numbers

    18:00 Becoming the chosen one to be vulnerable with

    19:00 Mothers helping daughters with eating disorders

    21:44 Can you address to someone that you’re worried?

    23:29 What are the most important steps to the road to recovery?


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Are you a self sabotager? It's time to get out of your own way! In this intimate conversation, actress and writer Nadine Velazquez shares how a second chance made her life long dreams come true: Lacking drive, passion, and a sense of self, Nadine was in a dark time in her life. But, with an extraordinary turn of events, and help from the renown Will Smith, she grabbed the chance, put in the work, and showed up to fulfill her greatest dreams and aspirations.

    In this episode, Nadine shares her story in-depth: from her self-sabotaging habits that led to her being fired from a major role (cast opposite of Will Smith), to grabbing the chance of a lifetime. Nadine discusses that even though it was far from easy, she showed up, did the work, and dug deep to get it done. The lack of purpose that she experienced had been replaced by a new, purposeful drive and now she's writing her own show with Will Smith as the executive producer.

    Second chances are game changers!

    Nadine Velazquez is an actress with an extensive resume on television and film. Her career began with a fun and sexy role on the hit comedy show My Name is Earl. She’s known for starring in other hits such as, Real Husbands of Hollywood, Major Crimes, and opposite Denzel Washington in the film, Flight.

    Episode Timestamps:

    1:29 What is the most memorable moment of Nadine’s acting career?

    4:22 Building trust in yourself

    5:55 What is the inspiration behind Nadine’s new TV show Latina?

    8:17 Learning to create a TV show with no experience!

    10:00 Emotionally maneuvering from acting into writing

    11:59 What is a “tramedy” show?

    12:35 How does Nadine shake-off the character emotions that she develops when acting?

    13:30 Mentally preparing for a fully nude scene on set

    15:30 Nadine’s thoughts on beauty as she gets older

    17:40 Nadine’s thoughts on medical aesthetic procedures

    20:50 The power of meditation, positive thinking, and God


    Learn More: https://www.curtco.com/lifedonebetter

    Have questions, feedback, or suggestions for a topic for Jill? You can call her and leave a message at: (323) 522-5006‬

    or send her a message on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_modelsdoeat

    Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/_lifedonebetter

    Hosted by: Jill de Jong

    Produced and edited by: AJ Moseley

    Sound Engineering by: Steve Riekeberg

    A CurtCo Media Production


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.