You’re a parent or maybe you work with young people in your job - but either way, you have a desire to inspire the young people in your life. Hi, my name is Chris Tompkins, a 20 plus years veteran of youth development. Both on the front lines and leading the youth development organization, Muskoka Woods. I’m also a dad.
Shaping Our World is a podcast that invites you into a conversation that will leave you more confident in inspiring and understanding the young people in your life. -
The Go-to Podcast for Ambitious Working Moms Who Want To Find Balance, Live With Intention, And Create Space For What Truly Matters!
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the juggling act of work, family, and everything in between?
Do you dream of being a present, loving mom and wife while still making time for your passions?
Imagine a life where you feel calm, organized, and intentional… where balance isn’t just a fantasy but your reality.
In this podcast, I’m here to help you:
- Create balance through healthy habits that stick.
- Organize your home, schedule, and life in ways that reduce stress.
- Set boundaries that protect your time and energy.
- Live with intention, so you can focus on what truly matters… your family, your dreams, and yourself.
- Take control of your time, say no without guilt, and be fully present in the moment.
- Prioritize yourself... because a thriving mom is the heartbeat of her family.
Hi, I’m Kerri! I’m a wife, mom of 3, and a recovering perfectionist who spent years saying “yes” to everything… except myself. I know what it’s like to feel burnt out, buried under the weight of all the hats we wear as working moms. I also know what it’s like to look at your life and realize you’re missing the moments that matter most. Through years of research, trial, error, and intentional living, I’ve created simple systems and strategies to help working moms find calm in the chaos. Now, I’m on a mission to share them with YOU!
If you’re ready to:
- Feel more in control of your schedule
- Start your days with calm instead of chaos
- Reclaim time for yourself and your passions
- And show up as the best version of yourself
Then you’re in the right place, Mama. New episodes drop semi-weekly! Hit Fellow and let’s start creating a life that feels as good as it looks.
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我是Lily 。
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Your sixteen-year-old needs to be in situations where they can practice healthy decision-making skills. Involving teens in establishing family rules and expectations makes a huge difference in their ability to safely experience the world. There are simple things parents and those in a parenting rule can do right now to build a healthy relationship with their teen while encouraging them to manage their own behavior, solve problems, and make healthy choices. Parenting a teen is not easy. Join the parents who grow their skills using the process and tools available from This podcast shares resources from the website that will enable you to engage your teen in developing the social and emotional skills essential for a successful future. Engaging your teen in honest conversations using the process learned in this podcast will grow the relationship required for enjoying the teen years and beyond.
Parenting a teen is a journey that comes with a lot of joy as well as anxiety. provides parents and those in a parenting role with tools to support their teens’ growth through this critical time of development. The Montana Department of Health and Human Services teamed with the Center for Health and Safety Culture at Montana State University to encourage healthy mental, emotional, and behavioral development through The resources on the website were originally developed to offer skill building to parents in Montana, yet these tools can support parents and those in a parenting role anywhere.
This podcast explains a five-step process: Gain Input, Teach, Practice, Support, and Recognize. Using this process in your daily interactions with your teen engages them in understanding themselves and problem solving while building a strong relationship with you. With practice, you and your teen will become more comfortable with the process and will have the ability to face challenges today and in years to come. Clear communication and a healthy relationship are necessary to teach your teen to overcome struggles and gain the skills needed to thrive. The individual tools available for parenting your sixteen-year-old include: Anger, Back Talk, Bullying, Chores, Confidence, Conflict, Discipline, Establishing Rules About Alcohol, Friends, Homework, Listening, Lying, Mixed Messages About Alcohol, Peer Pressure, Reading, Routines, and Stress. Listen now to work toward being the parent that you want to be for your teen. -
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我們絕對深信每個孩子都是獨一無二的存在,因此無論他們的身體層面、思想層面、情緒層面及靈性層面都值得均衡地發展,而身為療癒師的Fiona及曾擔任過傳統老師的Sabrina (現也是療癒師) 深感【覺知教養】的重要性,因此於這podcast會與父母分享【覺知教養】的理念、知識及實際實踐方法,期望協助父母們更新其不再適合孩子全人發展的教養方式,同時引導父母開始自我覺察及療癒,停止把自己的童年創傷傳到下一代,讓孩子能在有愛、滋養及健康的環境下成長,最終成為成熟及覺知的大人。
同時Fiona亦有提供【覺知教養】諮詢服務、兒童情緒療癒服務、兒童創意正心課程、【覺知教養】講座及課程等,歡迎追蹤【覺知父母】 facebook page: 獲得更多資訊。
welcome to follow us on social media:
Fiona‘s personal pages:
Instagram | @soulpinkbypinkwanderer
Youtube |
Sabrina’s personal page:
Instagram | @illuminate.yourtruenorth
you can also support our work by buying us a drink:
Coffee for Sabrina:
Matcha Latte for Fiona: -
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The Faster, Easier, Better Show is short, fun and jam packed with good ides that you can use to make your life faster, easier and better right away. It's the kind of show we were looking for and couldn't find. Each episode features fast, actionable ideas that can make your life better.
If you want to know how bestselling authors find the time to write their books, the methods they use to be productive and how they find their ideas you will love this podcast. Writing coach Azul Terronez shares interviews with clients such as Pat Flynn, of the Smart Passive Income, Jon Vroman, of the Front Row Factor, and Dana Malstaff of Boss-Mom, Jadah Sellner of Simple Green Smoothies. Learn from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling authors. Want to get behind-the-scenes insights about how first-time authors overcame their fears and found the courage to write? Are you curious about how successful bestselling authors write or learn how to publish and market a book? Have you thought, "I'd like to write a book," but I don't know where to start? I explore authors' journeys, how they craft their stories, become published, and share their art of writing books with the world. You are meant to write the book now and be inspired by those who have done it.
I asked my female and non-binary guests the same four questions, and together, we followed the intriguing threads of story and curiosity as they unspooled.
1 - Where are you and whose traditional (Indigenous) territory are you on?
2 - What’s your favourite fairytale/ancient tale?
3 - What’s your relationship with your body like?
4 - And what’s your connection to your creativity?
These potent conversations are created by mixing creativity + the body + fairy tales + conversation with wild abandon. -
Adoptive Family Success is a podcast created for those that are considering adoption, in the process of adopting or parenting by adoption. The host of AFS Podcast, Yolanda Comparan, provides support, information, resources and honesty in two episodes each week; Monday episodes are for those that have not yet adopted, Thursday episodes are for adoptive parents.
What to eat and when to cheat! Let's decipher between all the “diets” out there. You know what to do but it itsn't working. In fact, your diet could be making you fatter.
Ever wondered if cryo-freezing your fat cells would really work? Should you try acupuncture? A hypnotist? If you do, how do you know if someone’s good?
Salad with a Side of Fries is the podcast that will answer all these questions and more! Talking wellness and weight loss for real life, because most of us are going to drink, eat out, skip the grocery store and who wants a life without fries or dessert?! Host Jenn Trepeck’s expertise as an optimal health coach, in practice for over a decade, along with experts in various modalities will clear up the myths, mis-information, bad science and marketing to reveal the truth of HOW TO EAT and HOW TO CHEAT!*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This podcast, its content and guests are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. -
When you are thinking about having a baby and or experiencing life as a first time mom, it's so difficult to know where to even start looking for answers. Our host, Whitney Rowell, founder of Miracle Milkookies, taps into all of the resources she wishes she had access to as a first time mom, to create a safe place for you to come and listen in on conversations that are sometimes uncomfortable, or tough to bring up. This podcast, Message from Mom, is here as a resource for you!