Arts – Switzerland – Popular podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.
    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to Robbie Williams and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Judith aka Streusel und Simon sprechen über Kulinarisches und ihr Leben.

  • The Storytelling Lab covers everything you need to know about personal and professional stories to leverage their power to deepen your connections, increase your sales + donations, and serve your audiences better with real-life examples and experts.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Der offizielle "LIEBEZURBIBEL" Podcast zum bestehenden Instagram und YouTube Kanal von LIEBEZURBIBEL.

  • A retelling of the classic Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms in a way that’s more accessible to a Western audience. See for more.

  • تاریخچهٔ واژگان
    واوکست یه روایت از داستان
    کلماتی هست که خیلی برامون آشنا هستن، و هر روز باهاشون سروکار داریم.
    شنیدین که میگن وجه تسمیه این اسم چیه؟
    اینبار روشن رفته سراغ ریشه بعضی کلمات و اگه داستانی دوروبرشون باشه در موردشون حرف میزنه

  • Die c't-Stories als Podcast: Pechschwarze Technikmomente

    In nahezu jeder Ausgabe der c't veröffentlicht die Redaktion eine Story, die sich um Hightech und soziale Folgen, um Science Fiction und Gegenwartsbezug oder um greifbare Ausblicke in die technische Zukunft drehen.

    Gelesen von Isabel Grünewald und Ulrich Hilgefort.

  • As an ex-professional dancer and owner of @AlignFitnessByAllie, a cross training studio for dancers, Allie shares her mission and information to empower healthy, strong, well rounded dancers. Bringing Professional Dancers, Sports Medicine Doctors, Dietician, Trainers, Directors, and more who have centered their careers around dance to share their knowledge in one spot. Join us as Allie brings diverse leaders in the dance world together to assist you to be an informed dancer and parent as you reach your goals in dance.

  • Hörbücher von SRF – wann und wo Sie wollen. Erzählungen, Romane, Novellen. Gelesen von bekannten SchauspielerInnen und neuen Stimmen.
    Wenn Sie die Augen woanders haben müssen … Literatur gibt’s bei uns auf die Ohren! Klassiker und spannende Neuerscheinungen, aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt.

    Nach einer Pause produziert SRF Hörspiel in unregelmässigem Rhythmus wieder neue Lesungen und fischt Perlen aus dem Lesungs-Archiv.

  • Information: Dieser Video Podcast wird per Ende Juli 2021 eingestellt. Künftige und bisherige Episoden finden Sie auf unserem Play SRF Portal ( Zeit für Kulturdokumentarfilme. Bei «Sternstunde Kunst» werden international relevante Kunst-Strömungen sowie Künstlerinnen und Künstler vorgestellt.

  • Corey Greene brings some of Queer Literature's profound pieces straight to your ears.
    Join Corey in Queer Literature as he not only reviews these powerful selections but as he acknowledges, embraces, and celebrates all that is Queer Literature.

  • L’émission d’Attac sur Radio Aligre et Spectre.

    Chaque mois, l’association Attac (Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et l’action citoyenne) vous donne rendez-vous autour d’un sujet d’actualité avec des invités pour en débattre, et vous présente un panorama du mouvement social.

    L'image qui sert d'illustration à ce podcast a été réalisée à partir d'une photographie prise par Attac lors de l'action du 3 juillet 2021 à la Samaritaine.

  • Sci-fi and fantasy audio drama from the Wireless Theatre Ltd. Also look out for our award winning series 'Red Moon' and 'The Springheel Saga' at

  • Gespräche und Reportagen rund um das Alter und das Altern. Sans tabous, nous parlerons de tout; les prisons pour seniors, Altersheime für bestimmte Gemeinschaften, Altersarmut, la mort, mais aussi les relations sexuelles chez les seniors.

  • Pötikare, NTVRadyo'nun moda kültürü ve moda tarihi programı.

    Hepimizin bildiği pötikare desenli kumaş ilk olarak Hollanda sömürgesi Malezya ve Endonezya'da çıkmış, 17. Yüzyılda Avrupa ve Amerika'ya ihraç edilmiş. Gingham, Malezya’da çizgili anlamına gelen "genggang"dan geliyor. Endonezya'da ise bu desen zıt renklerin bir arada olmasını, iyiyle kötü arasındaki savaşı sembolize ediyor.

    18. yüzyılda Avrupa ve Amerika'da üretilmeye başlıyor. 1900 ve 1920'lerde minimal sitilin temsilcisi, 30'lar ve 40'larda kullanışlı, ucuz ve dayanıklı kumaşlarla yazlık ve plaj kıyafetleri modası. 1950'lerde ise aile saadetini temsil ediyor. Evlerinde resmedilen, fotoğraflanan kadınların elbisesi hep pötikareli. 1960'larda gençliğin, modern giysisinin deseni. 1970-90 arası mutfakta perde, masa örtüsü ya da raf örtüsü... Ve 21. Yüzyılda kıyafette retro!

    Her daim nostaljik ve gençliği temsil eden Pötikare adını taşıyan programda, geçmişten bugüne modayı, modayı etkileyenleri, mini etekten çorap çizmeye, pötikareden şal desenine, sokak modasından hippi modasına, Dior kadınından Twiggy kadınına her yönüyle modayı konuşacağız.

    Erkek modası da var, kadın, koltuk, vitrin, plak kapağı tasarımı modası da. Toplumsal olaylar, siyasi ya da ekonomik durumun modaya etkisini soracağız. Mini eteğin çıkışını neyin etkilediğini, 1'inci ya da 2'nci dünya savaşlarının modayı nasıl dönüştürdüğünü soracağız...

    Nacide Berber terzi, modacı, moda tarihçisi, tasarımcı, moda yazar, sosyolog ya da araştırmacı, modayla ilgili olanlarla her hafta modayı konuşacak.

    Aynur Altunkaş'ın editörlüğünü üstlendiği programın prodüktörü Umut Şatıroğlu.

    İyi dinlemeler

  • Le chef d’œuvre officiel qui leur tombe des mains ? L’écrivain avec lequel ils aimeraient passer une soirée ? Le livre qui les réconcilie avec l’existence ?... Pour Le Monde, en partenariat avec le Salon du livre du Mans "Faites Lire", 6 auteurs se prêtent au jeu du "Keskili", une sorte de questionnaire de Proust élaboré par Le Monde des Livres pour découvrir leur rapport à la littérature et à la lecture. A partir du 15 octobre, retrouvez tour à tour Olivier Adam, Augustin Trapenard, Ananda Devi, Jean-Baptiste Del Amo, Jakuta Alikavazovic et Thomas Reverdy. Un podcast diffusé tous les vendredi sur Le et sur toutes les plateformes d'écoute.

    Hébergé par Audion. Visitez pour plus d’informations.

  • Barks Remarks is a podcast exploring the adventure stories of Donald Duck/Uncle Scrooge comics legend Carl Barks, in chronological order.

    My guest hosts and I discuss the stories, their cultural background, and how they hold up today.

  • Murder and madness, witches and war: Macbeth, perhaps Shakespeare's best known tragedy. Macbeth, a general in King Duncan's army, is given a prophecy by a trio of witches: he himself will become king. Fired by ambition and goaded by his ruthless wife, he murders Duncan and assumes the throne. More killings follow as Macbeth attempts to retain his crown, until he discovers that prophecies are not always what they seem.

    View our full collection of podcasts at our website: or YouTube channel:

    This is a Librivox Recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain.