Music – Taiwan – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.
    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to Robbie Williams and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • 「葡萄教軍歌」分為三個部分:​


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  • 由《完全娛樂》製作人小奕主持的《娛樂扭蛋機》,每集將邀請不同的圈內好友,一同聊近期發生的娛樂事件,並從中延伸聊到你我的生活!





    👉追蹤小奕 Instagram

    👉按讚小奕 Facebook

    歡迎來信 [email protected]

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  • Music Sharing
    In anyone's heart; there are emotions to remember
    When you're off duty (when you need space)
    It's the most authentic sound in your heart


    收款 QR Code:

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  • 教育電台週一到週五下午兩點到三點的帶狀節目,這裡只聊音樂。

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  • YouTubeチャンネル史上初のラジオレギュラー番組として注目を集めている、「THE FIRST TAKE MUSIC」。

    「THE FIRST TAKE」に出演したアーティストをゲストに迎え、撮影の舞台裏やエピソードをお届けします。

  • 在這裡我們分享A1(卡帶梗)等級的主題、別的地方下載(MP3梗)不到的觀點、絕不改版(CD梗)的冷知識、精選最經典的歌手與歌曲,陪你倒帶(又是卡帶梗)、再聽一遍40年華語流行音樂,一起暢聊音樂與你我的故事。


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  • 這裡不講古典樂,一個不講古典樂的音樂史節目。
    that's kick it !!!

  • The Mountain Behind


    聯絡信箱:[email protected]

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  • 唱片製作人用流行音樂挖掘你我的共鳴,真實的情感故事都在右聲道。

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  • 歡迎來到《來自山中的聲音:我們》的Podcast節目!這檔節目將帶您深入了解音樂劇中每首歌曲的創作背景與故事。我們將邀請劇中的演員、導演和製作團隊成員分享他們的創作歷程,讓您聆聽到這些動人旋律背後的深情故事。


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  • 我們是一群熱愛音樂的愚人,努力將音樂融入生活的方方面面。透過探討音樂現象、進行歌曲樂評,以及與大家一同交流,我們期待共同逐漸親近音樂。讓這個 Podcast 從我們的生活中剖析,感受音樂在日常中所帶來的美好。通過一起的討論和分享,讓我們一步步發現並享受音樂本身所帶來的樂趣。

  • 「 夢世代 」當愛做夢的少年在只能做夢的世代,從Web2.0走入Web3.0的元宇宙。
    單元( 一 ) - 四個夢
    單元( 二 )- 元宇宙
    從媒體所學出發,進入元宇宙後的經驗分享,探索web3.0的虛擬世界「 夢世代 」當愛做夢的少年在只能做夢的世代,從Web2.0走入Web3.0的元宇宙。
    單元( 三 ) - 雪隧塞車中

    節目週更於世新電台 ,Podcast 想到就會放

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  • 跟著阿堤老師輕鬆學唱歌!


    阿堤 Artie

    ▶更多 #阿堤Artie 相關資訊
    Tiktok |

    ▪聯繫:[email protected]
    #歌唱教學 #學唱歌

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  • A podcast for music producers that make their own music. Curated by E.R.N.E.S.T.O Support this podcast:

  • 蔡旭峰 郭心怡 為您主持「樂來越愛你」讓我們聊聊音樂故事裡的是是非非,也讓音樂更愛你!每週三晚間八點更新節目內容, 歡迎收聽、訂閱、分享..以下位址可以搜尋到我們的節目哦!Apple Podcast: Podcast: provided by SoundOn

  • 由口快阿宏與 DJ Jemp 組成,為夥球擊 / 火氣音樂官方 Podcast,有亂噴的本事但沒有亂噴的膽識,致力於推廣已經比自己還紅的勝味牛肉爐。閒談以音樂產業的日常為主軸,希望透過輕鬆愉快的方式分享更多工作記錄。合作請洽:[email protected] provided by SoundOn

  • Why musicians do what we do. (中文字幕與完整影片請到Youtube搜尋蘇珮卿)

    Hi! This is Paige Su. I’m a singer-songwriter from Taiwan and also the host of “Art to Art Conversations,” a show where we take an in-depth look into why musicians do what we do. I will be talking with super-talented musical artists about their creative journeys and how they overcame obstacles to arrive at the place where they are today.

    If, like me, you are also curious to hear these great minds speak, then let’s dive into these discussions together! Please be sure to like, subscribe and leave a comment to support the show!

    This show is also available on Youtube with full video with Chinese subtitles.

  • 雋永情歌 魂縈舊夢
    柔聲傾訴 重溫時光




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    Player FM Podcast Addict

    Radio Public Castbox

    Castro (iOS裝置)

    Podcast App - Podcasts荷蘭)

    pocket podvine


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  • 耳機傳來的聲響、演出現場的節奏、計程車上的廣播,我們的日常有許多機會和音樂創造連結,音樂幅射出宇宙。此刻,我們試圖透過稔文的視角,折射出音樂場景的一景。



    ​ 主持人
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    曾稔文 Ami Tseng
    DSPS 主唱、DJ。2014 年左右開始創作、2016 年開始發行作品,活躍於台灣音樂場景、2017 年開始於亞洲各地進行演出、2019 年開始 DJ。也以個人名義演出 solo、製作配樂或聲音設計,也做活動企劃、文字、訪問和主持的工作。

    ​ 製播單位
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    水星電台是由編集者新聞社所成立的 Podcast 製播部門。在數位影像的世界裡,看似弱化的聲音,其實所能扮演的角色遠遠超出我們想像,在純粹的聲音世界裡,影像的存在反而限縮了人們的想像能力。期望透過水星電台,重新找回那源自母胎與耳廓內聲響的共鳴及更多想像的可能。

    由台灣《大誌》雜誌創辦人李取中所籌辦的新的媒體公司,期待能夠嘗試提供更多元的訊息內容、更多樣的媒介傳遞形式以及更多媒體運作的可能性。除發行綜合新聞文化報紙《The Affairs 週刊編集》、客家季刊《靛花 TienFaˊ》、兒童報《The Anne Times 安妮新聞》外,同時亦有 Podcast 製播部門「水星電台」,乘載不同的內容傳播形式。


    錄音師|孫藝庭、WalkIn Studio 資源
    片頭片尾音樂|Neil YEN


  • Cyndi Lauper: In the kaleidoscopic tapestry of pop music history, few figures shine as brightly or as boldly as Cyndi Lauper. Born Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper on June 22, 1953, in the gritty heart of Brooklyn, New York, this pint-sized powerhouse has carved a singular path through the entertainment world, leaving a trail of hit songs, eye-popping fashions, and tireless activism in her wake. Lauper's early years were a far cry from the glitz and glamour that would later define her career. Growing up in the working-class neighborhood of Queens, she faced a tumultuous home life and struggled to find her place in the world. But even as she grappled with personal challenges and academic setbacks, including being expelled from high school, Lauper never lost sight of her true calling: music. In the 1970s, Lauper cut her teeth in a series of bands, honing her craft and developing the unique vocal style that would later make her a global sensation. But it wasn't until the dawn of the 1980s that she truly hit her stride. With the release of her debut solo album, "She's So Unusual," in 1983, Lauper exploded onto the pop scene like a neon-hued supernova. "She's So Unusual" was a game-changer in every sense of the word. From the infectious, girl-power anthem "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" to the haunting balladry of "Time After Time," the album showcased Lauper's incredible range and undeniable star power. Tracks like "She Bop" and "All Through the Night" further cemented her status as a pop innovator, blending elements of rock, new wave, and dance music into a sound that was wholly her own. The impact of "She's So Unusual" can hardly be overstated. The album not only earned Lauper a Grammy for Best New Artist, but it also established her as a bona fide cultural icon. With her wild, ever-changing hair colors, her eclectic fashion sense, and her irrepressible spirit, Lauper became a beacon of individuality and self-expression for a generation of fans. As the 1980s rolled on, Lauper continued to prove that her success was no fluke. Her follow-up albums, including "True Colors" (1986) and "A Night to Remember" (1989), further showcased her artistic evolution and cemented her place in the pop pantheon. Lauper's music videos, with their vivid imagery and boundary-pushing concepts, became staples of MTV, helping to define the look and feel of the decade. But Lauper's influence extended far beyond the realm of music. She also made her mark as an actress, bringing her inimitable presence to films like "Vibes" (1988) and "Life with Mikey" (1993), and lighting up the small screen with guest appearances on popular TV shows. No matter the medium, Lauper's unique blend of humor, heart, and raw talent shone through.
    However, to understand the true depth of Lauper's impact, one must look beyond her artistic achievements and consider her tireless work as an advocate and activist. Long before it was fashionable or safe to do so, Lauper was a vocal champion of LGBTQ+ rights, using her platform to raise awareness and fight discrimination. In 2008, Lauper co-founded the True Colors Fund, an organization dedicated to combating homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth. Through this work, she has helped to shine a light on a critical issue and has made a tangible difference in the lives of countless young people. Lauper's commitment to social justice is also reflected in her music, with songs like "True Colors" and "Above the Clouds" serving as powerful anthems of acceptance and resilience. In recent years, Lauper has shown no signs of slowing down. Her induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2024 was a long-overdue recognition of her immense contributions to music and popular culture. True to form, Lauper greeted the news with her signature mix of humility and defiance, noting that while she was honored by the accolade, she didn't need it to validate her life's work. Indeed, for Lauper, the true measure of success has always been the impact she's had on others. Whether she's bringing joy to millions through her music, or fighting tirelessly for the rights of the marginalized and oppressed, Lauper has always been guided by a deep sense of purpose and a fierce commitment to making the world a better place. As she enters the next phase of her career, Lauper remains a vital and necessary voice in the entertainment world and beyond. With her inimitable style, her boundless energy, and her unwavering dedication to social justice, she continues to inspire and empower fans of all ages and backgrounds. Looking back on Lauper's journey from the streets of Queens to the pinnacle of pop superstardom, one can't help but be struck by the sheer force of her talent and the depth of her humanity. She has not only created some of the most memorable and enduring music of our time, but she has also used her voice to speak out for those who have been silenced or forgotten. In a world that often feels divided and broken, Cyndi Lauper stands as a beacon of hope and unity. Her message of acceptance, love, and the power of being true to oneself is more important now than ever before. As she continues to blaze new trails and shatter barriers, Lauper reminds us that music has the power not only to entertain, but also to heal, to inspire, and to change lives. So let us celebrate Cyndi Lauper, not just as a musician or an activist, but as a true American icon. Let us honor her legacy by embracing our own individuality, by standing up for what we believe in, and by never losing sight of the transformative power of art and compassion. In doing so, we can all be a little more like Cyndi, and the world will be a brighter, bolder, and more beautiful place for it. Thanks for listening remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts