
  • If you're going to land speaking opportunities (using the tips from my episode #50), you're going to have to get comfortable being visible. And here's the thing: Women of Color don't have an ability problem, they have a visibility problem.

    Think about it, who do you usually see portraying the CEOs of companies on screen? Usually, a white man. Sometimes a white woman. Visibility is often needed to make more money. And I want to be really intentional about not making a systemic issue a mindset issue. Let's be clear: Visibility is hard because of oppression, note because it's a personality trait.

    Even my super successful ex corporate women who climbed the ladder are not immune to this. I coach women who are Directors at Google, who have been SVPs, who worked for the United Nations. And across the board, visibility is hard for us. Being seen can feel unsafe because we've been overly criticized for out natural way of being and had unforgiving standards put on us growing up.

    So here's 7 steps to make visibility easier:

    Acknowledge the emotion.Validate why it’s hard.Ask LESS of the thing you’re doing. What do I need in order to increase my capacity to do this?Rank visibility in terms of what you have the capacity for. Embrace it as a journey vs destination.

    Tune in to episode 51 for the why and how behind each of these steps!

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  • Today's topic is inspired by the celebration of two major things: Hispanic Heritage Month and reaching episode 50 of Cycle Breakers and Money Makers! I know that Hispanic Heritage Month brings a lot of opportunity for speaking engagements, if you know how to play your cards right.

    So in today's episode, I'm breaking down how to be approached to speak in the next 30 days without having to individually pitch yourself.

    We'll start with how to find aligned opportunities in the first place. Because here's the thing: right now, a lot of the public calls for speakers are nothing but engagement bait. So how can you move with intention so you know you're not wasting your time?

    Then, I'll lay out a step by step process for actually landing the speaking engagements that will move the needle for your career. A lot of people pitching with good intentions are falling flat and losing opportunities because they're missing crucial steps.

    So by the end of this episode, I want you to feel totally prepared to go out there and land real opportunities that actually ALIGN with your values and your ideal audience.

    Because I don't believe that just ANY visibility is good visibility.

    In this episode, I'm chatting about:

    The 3 speaking topics + 3 teaching topics to come prepared to pitch How to avoid engagement bait and find the right opportunities Creating an "I Help" statement for you as a speaker What to do once you actually land a gig

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  • I made my first half a million without formulaic strategies that we're constantly told we "need" to make money. My posts didn't have call to actions and my website didn't feature my offers. So how did I do it? That's what we're digging into today.

    I literally had friends asking me "Mariela, how are you selling out? I feel like I never see you selling." Here's the thing: when we get so caught up in templates and strategies, we can forget  the power of storytelling, simplicity, and authenticity in business.

    I turned my sales call notes that were living in a Google doc into a whole coaching program outline. It starts with the power of attention. This google doc eventually allowed me to support a five figure offer and stay booked out 3-4months ahead of time!

    Some of the bells and whistles that are touted as "non-negotiables" are actually more like the cherry on top. Your business can thrive before you have the professional branding, omni-channel marketing, and a full team.

    Here are the things that were actually non-negotiable for me to create 80K in two months before:

    Thought leadership and speaking to a true gap.I led with my stories and repeated them often.I let myself be human > expert. Instead of repeating a promise over and over, I spoke to one person one problem, and one person one possibility at a time.Possibility aware vs problem aware. I taught them how to show up to the decision of working with me.

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  • Ready for a free coaching session? In this episode, take notes while I take you through the visual I use with clients to help them do things that scare them. Sometimes, we get caught in fight, flight, fawn or freeze responses. Especially as entrepreneurs, we're constantly coming up against circumstances that are just...not normal.

    So, let's pretend you've just been invited to do a TedTalk style speech for a very well-known vitamin brand. I use this an example because this is currently happening in Reclamation right now. We've also had people land actual TedTalks and have used this process with them as well.

    Tons of thoughts might be coming up. Things like - What if they say my price is too much? What if I mess up? What if they don't like me? Do I actually have time for this? And on, and on.

    So..how can you get out of these thought spirals and actually move towards something that scares you?

    The answer is: Get in touch with what I call your Internal Boardroom. This is an introduction to parts work - a key focus in therapy and business/life coaching. It's kind of like the movie Inside Out.

    By the end of this episode, you're going to have the tools you need to understand yourself on a deeper level. And when you understand yourself, you can work with all of your inner voices to get out of trauma responses that might be holding you back.

    In this episode, we're chatting about:

    What is Parts Work? Defining the parts of yourself: The Inner Child The Higher Self The Role Self Mine are characterized as: Clipboard Mariela Publicist Mariela An exercise to work with the different parts of yourself How to determine which part is holding the mic in the Boardroom meeting

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  • Don't bypass your natural gifts. As daughters of immigrants, it can feel more natural to recognize and focus on our flaws. For me, it's so easy to recognize these core strengths in my friends. But when it comes to me, sometimes I need a reminder.

    So I wanted to take some time to remind you of your strengths. Even if I don't know you, I know the experience of daughters of immigrants. I actually recorded this episode while on vacation in Puerto Vallarta with four close friends. I always love reconnecting with these friends and sharing stories because it reminds me of how connected we really are as daughters of immigrants.

    Not only am I highlighting the natural strengths of daughters of immigrants, I'm also giving actionable tips to put these strengths to good use. Because for every strength comes an equal and opposite achilles heel. With intentionality and awareness, we can make sure that all of our strengths serve us instead of make life and business harder.

    Here are the 5 natural strengths we'll be digging into:

    You're highly emotionally intelligent

    You are HIGHLY influential if you allow yourself to be. Tune in to hear how you can hone this.

    You know how to make the most of any resource you have (space, time, money, support system)

    You're probably overdelivering in so many aspects of your life and you're not giving yourself credit for it.

    You can access more fluidity than most people

    You're part of multiple worlds. Because of that, you naturally know how to see other people's point of view. This is GREAT for marketing.

    You care DEEPLY

    Because you have had a higher level of responsibility than most people from a young age, you're naturally inclined to take care. And if you truly care, it's impossible to fail.

    You're resilient

    We have the most incredible stories. We just have to learn how to tell them.

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  • When you're building a legacy, you will inevitably come up against push back from loved ones, especially if you’re First Gen. Today's guest, Maya Elious, is taking us behind the scenes on her journey of building a 7 figure business as a daughter of immigrants.

    A major takeaway? Sometimes entrepreneurship as a daughter of immigrants means that you have to get really comfortable making decisions that your loved ones can't understand until they can see it in retrospect.

    Maya Elious is an award-winning business coach and personal branding strategist. She is the CEO of Built To Impact, a coaching and consulting company that teaches overlooked experts how to build a profitable online business in their zone of genius.

    Her biggest piece of advice for her younger self that was still holding out for approval? "Drop out sooner." At 23, she left college because she knew she had unlocked a real opportunity with her business. Did she initially get the support she hoped for from her family? Absolutely not. Was it ultimately worth it? Absolutely.

    I'm excited for you to hear all about Maya's journey - from making $35-$60 per client each month as an 18-year old to hitting that million dollar mark many times over and launching multiple brands, we're digging into the mindset that made this possible for her.

    In this episode, we're chatting about:

    Redefining success as First GenHow to build a personal brand online without trauma dumping The self-trust required to drop out of college and pursue business full time How Maya has been able to navigate increased visibility without self-sabotagingScaling your business from the six-figure mark to millions

    Connect with Maya:

    Build Your Brand ChecklistWebsiteListen to Work Hard Live Soft

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  • This episode is the heart and soul of what I do and why my business exists, which is to solve a huge gap in the mentorship and coaching space, for daughters of immigrants specifically.

    I was able to see this gap because I experienced it firsthand. I achieved it all in school, college and corporate. But when I started my business back in 2019, entrepreneurship required me to unlearn a lot my belief systems and my Self Concepts that came from being First Gen.

    At the time I did market research, speaking to dozens of daughters of immigrants and I began seeing the common challenges they experienced behind visibility, self trust, thought leadership and sales.

    And now after having coached over 100 daughters of immigrants from origin countries all over the world, those approaches are clearer than ever.

    Today, I'm breaking down the patterns that affect how daughters of immigrants show up in business and leadership, where these patterns comes from, and a new ways of integrating these experiences.

    That's why daughters of immigrants need to be mentored differently. Certain advice and strategies may be helpful for others, will only further the disconnect between ourselves and our business.

    Here are a few key issues we face as First Gen leaders :

    You are still figuring out who you are as an adultFinancial scarcity based on being one generation removed from not having enoughBeing our parents retirement planStanding out was usually met with criticism or punishment so it affects visibility and thought leadershipEmotions were often seen as a bad thing, yet they are REQUIRED of business. Being WILDLY uncomfortable with not being "productive" at all times Growing up too fast = holding yourself to unrealistic expectations nowGrowing up with hypervigilance means you're always looking for signs of danger even when there is none there

    If you resonated with this episode, know that you have a goldmine of gifts at your disposal. But part of your journey as a business owner is unlearning a lot of the survival mode behaviors you still carry as First Gen SO THAT you can make more money, become more visible and own your thought leadership.

    You are a walking miracle.

    With that, I invite you to work with me. I have added new ways to work w/ me privately. I have expanded my coaching to span from 3 -6 months so we can deep dive into both your life AND business, and the specific areas keeping you from your next level of growth.

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  • This episode is for you if you’re a parent with a business and feel like NO ONE understands your situation. It's also for you if you're thinking of becoming a parent and wondering how you can do both.

    Folks often tell me “I don’t know how you do it” and that they could never be a single parent. But when the outcome has already decided, you start moving making decisions accordingly.

    The same can go for any goal that feels like “Oh, I could never do that.” In so many ways, being a single parent has blown the lid off what I think is possible. And I think we forget that sometimes...that we've done harder things than the thing we think isn't possible.

    Being a parent can be lonely. It can be overwhelming. You compare your freedom to those of people without kids. But I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

    So here are 7 lessons I've learned growing my business as a single parent:

    1. How you manage your energy matters more than time.

    2. You’re modeling something that changes the way they see their own options.

    3. You become someone who can roll with the punches and handle things not going according to plan.

    4. You have to become an expert at simplifying and getting the minimum viable output out the door.

    5. You need to focus on profit more and protect it.

    6. You rise to the requirements even if you think you can't.

    7. You will have SO MUCH more compassion for yourself

    And remember if you're a parent, you've done more by 9am than most people, so you are doing better than you think. Keeping little humans alive and happy and healthy is a miracle you create every day - even on your bad days. If you can do that, you can absolutely do anything.

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  • Self-trust changed my life and has defined my career and business strategies. Today, I'm sharing 3 ways to double your demand using self-trust. You'll walk away with an action plan to operate from your own center instead of outsourcing your self trust to other people.

    Sometimes it's the simplest things that are the most profound. The thing that feels unbelievably easy to you is the thing you can charge the most for. The marketing tactic that feels as natural as breathing is what will bring in the most clients. If we just have a framework to continually call ourselves home to our own compass, we'll stop being rerouted by other people's maps.

    The three strategies we'll be covering to double your demand:

    #1: Get clear on your thought leadership and the unmet need that you serve in the market. 

    Your thought leadership is your response to the unmet need or gap that you serve. Once you're clear on your thought leadership, you understand that it's actually a good thing that you feel like you're the only one saying what you're saying.

    #2: Embody your expert identity

    We often discount our own expertise. And that trickles down to negatively effect everything else. We'll be covering how exactly you can take stock of things like client results, past experience, and more to build up this trust.

    #3: Lead with your gifts

    And in order to lead with your gifts, you have to understand what those gifts are. So we'll be covering the process of a transferrable skills audit and my signature belief bookmarking process. Both of these frameworks will help you in all three areas.

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  • Today's guest hit her biggest quarter in three years while embracing the art of celebration again in Reclamation. Betty Chan is an authenticity coach who guides code switchers to confidently embrace who they are by shedding their armor.  

    At the core of her approach is the concept of Kintsugi. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with urushi lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. This art reminds us not to abandon parts of ourselves when things fall apart, but to mend them back together with the light of experience.

    Earlier this year, Betty brought her excitement about a few new leads to the Reclamation community. For a variety of reasons, some of those leads fell through and Betty brought her disappointment to the group. By working through this in community and re-grounding into the understanding that every little step should call for celebration, Betty locked in an incredibly successful quarter.

    In this episode, we're chatting about:

    What happened during Betty's record breaking quarter Betty's journey to coaching The power of celebrating micro moments The strength of leading with gentleness

    Connect with Betty:

    WebsiteLinkedinInstagramYoutubeCheck out her other podcast interviews

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  • No cookie cutter strategy that's handed down to you by someone else is going to get you to your goal as fast as a strategy based on your own evidence and data. Making decisions this way is what builds self trust as a CEO because it gives you the confidence to understand exactly WHY you're doing what you're doing.

    After listening to this episode and diving deeper in the Double your Demand through Self-Trust Strategies workshop I’m hosting on July 17, you'll have answers when your self-doubt starts to talk. This process also allows you to work with your natural strengths rather than against them.

    So today, I'm walking you through strategies to build self-trust in your marketing, expertise, and thought leadership. Every strategy involves gathering evidence so that future you knows what to do when it’s time to make a decision.

    To help you trust your marketing, gather evidence of:

    How people are discovering you (these are your visibility strengths)What made them reach out to work with you? (conversion strengths)

    To help you trust your expertise, do a transferrable skill audit:

    What is all the lived experience that you're putting to work to solve problems for your clients? What are all of the skills you now have that help you support your clients?

    To help you trust your thought leadership, ask yourself:

    What have people quoted you on that is unconventional? If you've already been asked to speak at a podcast or convention, what was the topic? What's something you've been making yourself wrong for because you haven't heard anyone or very many people talk about it?

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  • For the first 30 years of my life, I was the last person on Earth I would ever trust. I always looked to other people as a compass, hoping for approval. And this pattern that effects so many of us as daughters of immigrants has repercussions beyond simple insecurity.

    For me, it manifested into an abusive relationship where I was constantly gaslit for years. So I created a system to prove to myself that I am not crazy. In fact, I'm the MOST trustworthy person in my life and I'm entirely capable of being my own compass to make hard decisions and walk a path none of my friends or family have walked before.

    Creating a System for Self-Trust Looked Like:

    Quitting my job to solo travel Moving to London to start a tech company Getting divorced again while I was pregnant and moving back home Making the decision to leave the corporate work force and start a business despite multiple promising job offers

    Because of this process, I’ve made almost a million dollars as a single mom, with a business that doesn’t look like ANYONE elses. I've been on 30 podcasts without pitching and had dozens of speaking engagements without pitching.

    I'm creating a lane that no one else is in by learning how to trust myself. This is why I am the most qualified person to teach you how to rebuild your relationship with yourself through your business.

    In this episode, we're chatting about:

    The story that brought me here - from leaving an abusive relationship to picking up and moving to London How I rebuilt my self trust using a system I now use in my business and with my clients called Belief BookmarkingHow I used the Belief Bookmarking system to bring back self trust when I thought I'd lost it (I wound up making 80k in the last 2 months after having made 70k in the first 10) What those doubled and tripled outcomes and collapsed timelines have looked like for my clients

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    Mentioned in this episode:

    6 Figure Self-Trust Leadership Series

  • Lack of self trust is one of the most expensive and silent problems affecting women owned businesses, especially if you’re a WOC or First Gen. It can even present as something productive!

    If you're investing in different programs and getting all types of certifications, you might think you're doing all the "right" things. But the fact is, entrepreneurship isn't like any other institution that has set guideposts and accolades to collect along the way. In school, it's really easy to understand if you're doing well or not. In entrepreneurship, no one is here to give you A+...no one except you.

    A lack of self trust tends to affect 3 main areas:

    1. You second guess your marketing

    2. You underprice or experience imposter syndrome (bc you’re undervaluing your expertise and don’t fully recognize it),

    3. You water down your thought leadership

    Until you fully re-learn the skill of self trust, you will keep trying to outsource it to different programs, coaches and “figures of authority." And while these programs could be providing a life-changing strategy, you won't be able to make the decisions necessary to execute if you're not able to access your own self-trust FIRST.

    So in today's episode, we're digging into why a lack of self-trust is so common and how it might be showing up in sneaky ways in your business. So if you've been in your head a lot, re-listen to this episode and stay tuned for the rest of the 6 Figure Self Trust three episode series!

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    Mentioned in this episode:

    6 Figure Self-Trust Leadership Series

  • What's the difference between selling to an organization versus individual clients? My Reclamation client Patti Dayleg, exclusively coaches within organizations and May of this year, she already doubled her revenue compared to 2023 through organizational contracts alone.

    Patti is a Leadership Coach and the CEO of Malaya Solutions. Most recently, she was one of Broadway's first directors of equity, diversity, and inclusion. As the eldest daughter of Filipino immigrants, Patti helps BIPOC-led organizations and coalitions to sustain their movements.

    Before joining Reclamation, she was pricing below market rate because she was discounting years of experience she didn't see as relevant. Now, surrounded by other women who are working towards similar social justice outcomes, she's doubled her income by embodying the worth her work actually has. Instead of seeing her rate as "just" an hour of her time, she's seeing her work as the whole culmination of her expertise and past experience.

    Let Patti's story be a catalyst to dream differently. If you don't want to rely on social media to land individual clients, you can have a multiple six figure business that is completely offline and relationship based.

    She has been able to land contracts by leveraging the relationships and reputation she already has.

    In this episode, we're chatting about:

    How she doubled organizational contract revenue over last year, in just the first 5 months of 2024How to leverage your strengths to solve bigger problems for organizations vs individualsHarnessing the network you already have Areas of opportunity that already exist within organizations that you could be solvingHow you can get started working with organizations using your transferrable skills and network

    Connect with Patti:

    LinkedinJoin her weekly email series: A Sunday Kind of Love

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  • If you'd rather send a voice memo than a text, this episode is for you. As someone with ADHD, I identify as a verbal processor and tend to shut down when typing emails on a computer.

    But today's guest, Kirsten Roldan, founder of Million Dollar email, has solved for all the reasons people hate writing email including those who would rather speak than type.

    Kirsten Roldan is a 7 figure business coach and agency owner who helps people become social media optional with email. She then helps them become CEO optional and scale to 7 figures on part time hours through team, systems and mindset.

    I've known Kirsten since we were both at our 9-5s back in 2019-2020, and have watched her evolve through every business model she's ever had, only to ultimately come back to email but teaching it in a revolutionary way.

    I've been a member of Million Dollar CEO since last year and was one of the first people to enroll in Million Dollar Email the first time it launched.

    In this episode, Kirsten and I reference a conversation we had in 2022 when I knew I no longer wanted my marketing to rely on me showing my face on social media because it isn't sustainable, and how switching to email-first creation is a business model decision.

    This is especially true if you're a woman of color and rebuilding the safety to be seen, or if you have more bad mental health days than good ones.

    In today's episode, we're talk about:

    The 3 forms of writing trauma that we (especially women of color) carry and how it gets in the way of us writing emailsWhy verbal processors have a hard time writing emails Kirsten's framework for starting an email without the writer's block How centering problem awareness leads to more sales What we mean when we say "email is a business model"

    P.S. Applications are open for 1:1 coaching to begin the week of August 5th.

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  • The thing about being a WOC business owner is that we tend to use our big hearts against ourselves. When all you want to do is serve, it's understandable that you'd put yourself on the back burner. In fact, that tendency is often the first thing that's modeled to us as children.

    But here's the thing: abandoning our own needs, energetically or monetarily, is a huge disservice to everyone around us. It's the old adage of "put your mask on before putting on your neighbors." For example, if I'm undercharging, I actually can't help people the way I want to because I'm constantly worried about how I'm going to support my daughter.

    So today, I'm going through the four energy and profit leaks that are most common amongst WOC entrepreneurs.

    Here's a quick rundown:

    1. Juggling too many things before you have the profit and support for it.

    We all need to be prioritizing profit first. You need demand for ONE offer before the profit can create out of overflow. Spreading yourself too thin from the beginning looks like trying to create an offer for every conceivable buyer.

    2. We make things “accessible” before making them sustainable.

    You can’t lift 100 people onto a lifeboat. It costs money to run programs at scale. Profit first, then scale. You can help more people for free through your emails, podcasts, and workshops. But focus on making the result so good that you have less thoughts about the price. If we forget to build the belief that our offers change lives, it's hard to sell a sustainable offer.

    3. Tendency to over-index on education and service.

    I'm seeing WOC teaching and running free workshops with no clear sell and leading free groups. But then they’re not building a clear bridge to your offer. Spend more copy “real estate” building a bridge + talking about the offer!

    4. Discomfort with rest and calendar space.

    Most of us associate hard work with keeping us safe. This has been true for past generations, and it was even modeled to us through our mothers. But in business, million-dollar thinking occurs in calendar space.

    If you enjoy this episode, please remember to leave a review and share the show with friends!

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  • It's not uncommon for service providers to feel left in the dust in the online space. A lot of the prevailing advice service providers hear about increasing income comes down to changing their offer suite. Luckily, that's not the only option and people like Mariana Peña are paving the way.

    Mariana joined Reclamation in February with the goal of making 30% more than she did in 2023, with the majority coming from new clients. She surpassed her annual goal this month, only 3 months into the mastermind.

    Mariana Peña is an Instructional Designer and Curriculum Expert. She came into the Reclamation space after (A) having to pause her business to have her second baby and (B) having to start her Instagram account over from scratch after years building her brand.

    Mariana didn't let the fact that she's a service provider amongst many coaches stop her from asserting herself and gaining undeniable self-trust in Reclamation Mastermind. I also hired Mariana to create my client success roadmaps for Reclamation đŸ‘đŸœ

    In this episode, we discuss:

    How Mariana returned to business after a hiatus and used Reclamation as a way of understanding how the market changed in her absence How she set a goal to make 30% more this year than she did in 2023, but from mostly new clients and she DID THAT this month in May! AND she just had a 20k weekAs a Service Provider, the importance of being in spaces where people believe in you AND your work, especially in the moments that you don’t.The power of being a WOC mastermind where you don’t have to explain concepts like “decolonizing curriculum” bc many are doing some form of liberation work.How she's redirecting some of her profit toward one additional day of childcare and more date nights with her husband, so that her quality of life grows as her business does ♄

    This is Reclamation.

    Doors to Reclamation close TODAY, so set up your call now if you’re considering joining and let’s chat.

    We begin in late July and if you miss this round, the next one doesn't kick off til February 2025. This room will change your life. Don't wait.

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  • On today's bonus episode, Rosa Revuelta is sharing the results she has seen in Reclamation Mastermind!

    Reclamation Mastermind opens it's doors in May and November! To learn more, visit https://marieladelamora.com/reclamation

  • If you want to be the creative director of your own business but you DON'T want to be subject to the emotional roller coaster of constantly being wrapped up in your business, this is for you. As a single mom, building a 5 figure offer and learning how to sell it consistently was the key to sustainable entrepreneurship.

    For many of us WOC business owners, the idea of developing enough trust and demand to sell a 5 figure offer might seem out of reach. But in this workshop, I'm showing you exactly why it's not. Here's the thing: entrepreneurship thrives on privilege. And one thing I know after working with daughters of immigrants for the last few years: someone needs to bridge the gap.

    Coaching that doesn't account for a lack of privilege is not going to work as well for women of color. Until we, as daughters of immigrants and Women of Color, have self-trust, we will continue to outsource it. And this outsourcing makes the privilege gap wider and wider. But how can we create really solid self-trust? The answer is in community.

    Here's how Reclamation Mastermind Cultivates Self-Trust:

    Access to psychological safety through coaching that acknowledges and validates fears Strengths based tools VS. a one size fits all approach Changing your environment to include big dreamers and supporters on every level Decentralized Leadership that doesn't create a hierarchy

    How to create demand for a five-figure offer:

    Cultivating psychological safety Identifying an unmet need to support your clients with The Sellable Stories framework Defining your thought leadership Establishing third party credibility

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  • As a business coach, I still have to actively coach MY brain. So part of my process for doing that is in what I've coined the "Belief Bookmarking" process, which is foundational tool in Reclamation Mastermind.

    When my self-belief is high, I like to leave evidence for my future self. Because those moments of low belief and not-enoughness are inevitable in business.

    Growth is not a comfortable process. And of course, I've been getting coached on it and I feel very supported. But part of that support needs to come directly from me!

    So today, I'm sharing a Belief Bookmarking voice note I left for myself right after my last launch where I was still wrapping my mind around bringing in 17 new clients into Reclamation Mastermind with 100% yeses, amounting to a $176,000 launch. đŸ€Ż It was such an identity shifting moment.

    I believe deeply in my own frameworks. So I kicked them into action after experiencing a super successful launch. I knew that the feeling of accomplishment, security, and pride was not going to just stick around forever.

    So on December 19th, 2023 I left myself an 11 minute voice memo for future me who is going to forget. So the Mariela who was sitting in the evidence of her own capabilities in Dec 2023 helped to reaffirm current Mariela's beliefs during THIS launch (I’ve listened to it 4 times in the last week just to reaffirm my identity for this launch).

    I'm sharing this so that you can get a bit of the behind the scenes into my processes. And this is something you can put into practice today to increase confidence later down the line!

    Doors to Reclamation Mastermind open May 15! Reclamation is THE mastermind for First Gen & WOC who want to book out their offers through thought leadership and create demand for 5 figure offers, while feeling more peaceful and grounded in business.

    Workshop attendees will get access first, then my email list, then the public. Get ready to apply as soon as doors open, and Receive a Peaceful Quarter Million 90 minute private strategy call with me If you apply by Friday, May 17th.

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