
  • HR practices are rapidly evolving. To support these practices, the creation of a new operating model for people analytics is essential. 


    In this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green sits down with Erin Gerbec, Director of People Analytics at Cardinal Health. Erin is a visionary leader who has successfully redefined the operating model for her people analytics team, transforming it into a high-functioning, consultative unit that aligns closely with business goals. 


    In listening to this episode, listeners can look forward to learning more about: 


    Erin’s insights on the challenges and strategies involved in creating a new operating model for people analytics A detailed look at the steps taken to standardise reporting across the HR function, enabling a shift towards a more consultative approach The impact of this shift on the way the people analytics team interacts with HR partners and the broader business Key initiatives for training and upskilling that supported the transition to a new operating model The technological advancements that facilitated the transformation and enhanced the customer experience Practical advice on understanding customer needs through building personas and the benefits of collaborating with other business units 


    For HR leaders looking to innovate and drive strategic value through people analytics, this episode offers invaluable insights and actionable strategies. 


    Support for this podcast comes from Crunchr, a platform that integrates an HR data lake with state-of-the-art people analytics. Whether you're an advanced user or just starting out, Crunchr's generative AI co-pilot helps you unlock insights with ease. You can learn more by visiting www.crunchr.com 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In an era where technology is advancing at breakneck speed, the potential of AI to revolutionise HR and people analytics is undeniable. Yet the challenge for HR leaders lies in how they can effectively harness these innovations to drive real value for their organisations. How can they keep pace with the rapid advancements and ensure that AI is delivering tangible benefits? 


    To discuss this ever-important topic, on this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green sits down with Armand Sohet, Chief Sustainability, HR and Communications Officer at AkzoNobel. Armand is a dynamic and forward-thinking leader with an impressive background at GE, Thales and Novartis, bringing a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective on AI’s impact on HR. 


    Listeners can look forward to: 


    Armand’s reflections on how technology has reshaped the HR landscape over the years An in-depth look at the AI applications currently employed at AkzoNobel and the significant enhancements they have brought to HR processes Real-world examples demonstrating how a data-driven approach to HR has led to substantial cost savings and efficiency gains for the organisation Strategies for measuring the productivity impact of technology within HR teams and overcoming the generational challenges of tech adoption Projections on the future landscape of HR discussions as Gen Z continues to integrate into the workforce The intriguing question of whether we will ever fully understand AI 

    This episode is packed with insights and strategies for HR leaders aiming to stay ahead of the technological curve and drive meaningful change in their organisations. 


    Support for this podcast comes from Crunchr, a platform that integrates an HR data lake with state-of-the-art people analytics. Whether you're an advanced user or just starting out, Crunchr's generative AI co-pilot helps you unlock insights with ease. You can learn more by visiting www.crunchr.com 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • What does the current landscape of HR and people analytics look like today? 


    In this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green is joined by Dirk Jonker, CEO of Crunchr, to discuss the latest developments for the industry.  


    From organisational network analysis to the current focus on skills and generative AI, topics covered in the discussion include: 

    Insights into how people analytics is enabling HR to play a more active role in business transformation and strategic alignment The importance of partnering with finance to enhance cost management and demonstrate the commercial value of HR initiatives The critical role of building data literacy within HR teams to leverage analytics effectively and drive informed decision-making The essential role of middle managers in driving organisational change and how data can empower them to lead more effectively An urgent discussion on why HR needs to start gathering and reporting on ESG metrics to meet new regulations and drive sustainable business practices The future of people analytics and how HR can become a central part of any executive committee 


    Join David and Dirk as they delve into these key topics and provide valuable insights for HR professionals looking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of people analytics.  


    Support for this podcast comes from Crunchr, a platform that integrates an HR data lake with state-of-the-art people analytics. Whether you're an advanced user or just starting out, Crunchr's generative AI co-pilot helps you unlock insights with ease. You can learn more by visiting www.crunchr.com 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Driven by technological advancements and shifting workforce dynamics, the future of work is changing at a rapid pace. For Kate Bravery, Global Leader of Advisory Solutions & Insights, and Ilya Bonic, Head of Strategy and Career Business Leader at Mercer, this means adopting innovative strategies to navigate these changes effectively. As such the dynamic duo have paired up to put these into action through their book, "Work Different: 10 Truths for Winning in the People Age."  


    In this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, David Green welcomes Kate and Ilya to unpack their 10 truths for thriving in the modern workplace. Exploring how their insights are transforming HR practices and helping organisations build more resilient and agile workforces, in this conversation, you can expect to learn more about:  


    The key concepts from "Work Different: 10 Truths for Winning in the People Age" and how they apply to today's work environment Key findings from Mercer's Global Talent Trends 2024 report, focusing on human-centric productivity, trust and equity, and digital-first cultures Real-world examples from the London Stock Exchange, Novartis, and Infosys, highlighting innovative talent management and skill development practices The role of AI in transforming HR processes and enhancing talent management, from predictive analytics to personalised employee experiences Practical strategies for HR leaders to build trust, foster transparency and create inclusive workplaces How to use analytics to identify and bridge inclusivity gaps, ensuring fair and equitable treatment for all employees 


    If you are an HR Leader looking to gain a competitive advantage in the future of tomorrow, this is an episode you do not want to miss.  


    Support for this podcast comes from Crunchr, a platform that integrates an HR data lake with state-of-the-art people analytics. Whether you're an advanced user or just starting out, Crunchr's generative AI co-pilot helps you unlock insights with ease. 

    You can learn more by visiting www.crunchr.com 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What does cutting-edge DEI look like in action? 


    For Daisy Auger-Domínguez, author of the influential book, "Inclusion Revolution", it means shaking off the outdated DEI initiatives that no longer serve us and embracing modern strategies that truly drive systemic change. 


    In this episode, David Green is joined by Daisy to dive deep into the transformative world of DEI. Together, they explore how her approaches are redefining what it means to foster an inclusive and equitable workplace. 


    Not only does the conversation cover the evolution of DEI to date and Daisy's unique experience working with top-tier organisations like Warner Bros, Disney, and Google, but topics covered in the discussion also include:  


    The pitfalls that companies often encounter with traditional DEI efforts and Daisy's recommendations for avoiding these common traps 


    An overview of the four-step model from "Inclusion Revolution" (Reflect, Vision, Act, Persist) and how these principles can be practically applied to instigate meaningful change 


    Strategies for HR leaders to effectively leverage analytics and data to align DEI initiatives with broader business objectives 


    The critical role of deep, genuine engagement with employee feedback to form strategies that go beyond surface-level understanding 


    Tips on how to maintain momentum and commitment to DEI in the face of resistance or slow progress, ensuring that initiatives are impactful and sustainable 


    This episode is essential for anyone eager to push the boundaries of traditional DEI work and champion real change within their organisation.  


    Support for this podcast comes from Crunchr, a platform that integrates an HR data lake with state-of-the-art people analytics. Whether you're an advanced user or just starting out, Crunchr's generative AI co-pilot helps you unlock insights with ease. 

    You can learn more by visiting www.crunchr.com 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • As the world of HR and people analytics evolves, how can we best leverage the tools, insight and technologies available to us? 


    In this thought-provoking episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green sits down with Craig Starbuck, Head of People Analytics at Roku, to explore the critical decision every HR leader faces: should you build your analytics capabilities in-house or buy them from external providers? 


    Leaning in on his ten-year background building and leading people analytics functions to excellence, Craig discusses the benefits and challenges of each option, guiding listeners through the strategic considerations vital for making informed decisions. 


    But this is not the only topic of discussion. The episode also delves into: 


    The importance of aligning people analytics with finance to drive substantial improvements in business outcomes Framing analytics insights in the language of the business to effectively support strategic decision-making How Craig is integrating passive and active data at Roku across a multitude of use cases Insights from Craig's book, "The Fundamentals of People Analytics: With Applications in R" on upskilling HR teams in advanced analytics tools and methodologies 


    This episode is proudly supported by Worklytics, a people-centric analytics solution that combines passive listening with Organisational Network Analysis (ONA) to help you understand how work is getting done.  


    Curious to see how it works? Worklytics is offering a free Collaboration Analysis to the first 10 qualified companies who express interest by clicking on the following link: www.worklytics.co/DigitalHRLeaders 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We all know the world of HR is changing. With the introduction of new technologies and a shift toward more holistic approaches to employee experiences, the traditional boundaries of human resources are rapidly evolving. 


    So, what does modern HR look like today?  


    At LEGO, it looks like a groundbreaking HR model they call "People, Places, and Culture”.  

    To explore how this innovative HR framework is setting new standards in the industry, in this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green is joined by Loren Shuster, Chief People Officer at the LEGO Group. 


    Topics covered in the discussion include: 

    An examination of LEGO's holistic approach to integrating "People, Places, and Culture," and how it aligns with broader business objectives A discussion on how this model influences LEGO’s strategies in talent management, workplace design, and cultural development Insights into how LEGO utilises technology and analytics to support its innovative HR practices and maintain its commitment to continuous innovation An analysis of the impact of these HR practices on creating a flexible and adaptive organisational culture An exploration of the broader implications for other organisations looking to innovate their HR practices in similar transformative ways 


    For anyone interested in understanding how an integrated HR framework can transform an organisation’s approach to workforce management and enhance overall organisational effectiveness, this episode is a must-listen. 


    Support from this podcast comes from Worklytics, a people-centric analytics solution that combines passive listening with Organisational Network Analysis (ONA) to help you understand how work is getting done.  


    Curious to see how it works?  Worklytics is offering a free Collaboration Analysis to the first 10 qualified companies who express interest by clicking on the following link: www.worklytics.co/DigitalHRLeaders 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What constitutes an effective manager today?  


    Worklytics’ research found that the role of the manager has changed exponentially since pre-pandemic. With the rise of hybrid models and distributed teams, greater employee expectations and the need to integrate new technologies – these significant shifts in the workplace are all making the role of managers more complex. 


    To discuss these shifting dynamics, in this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green is joined by Catherine Coppinger, Head of Customer Insights at Worklytics. Together, they delve into Worklytics’ latest findings on manager effectiveness, revealing some surprising insights that challenge the traditional views of management. 


    Topics covered in the discussion include:  


    How the role of managers has evolved post-pandemic due to hybrid work models, distributed teams, greater employee expectations and new technology integrations Explanation of what passive data is and how it can be utilised to assess manager effectiveness from workplace tools Analysis of how a manager’s network density affects the effectiveness of hybrid and return-to-office strategies Insights into the optimal frequency of communication between managers and their remote or hybrid team members Examination of the effects of delayering trends in large organisations on manager and organisational effectiveness Exploration of the best team size for maximising managerial effectiveness based on recent research findings Discussion on the ethical considerations in using passive data to inform business and HR strategies 


    For anyone interested in understanding and enhancing team dynamics and manager effectiveness through data, this episode is for you.  


    Support from this podcast comes from Worklytics, a people-centric analytics solution that combines passive listening with Organisational Network Analysis (ONA) to help you understand how work is getting done.  


    Curious to see how it works? Worklytics is offering a free Collaboration Analysis to the first 10 qualified companies who express interest by clicking on the following link: www.worklytics.co/DigitalHRLeaders 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Creating a data-driven HR function isn’t just about number crunching. It is about the ability to turn these insights into stories that captivate, persuade, and inspire action. 


    In this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, David Green sits down with Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, for a deeply insightful conversation on the transformative power of storytelling in the context of HR data and analytics.  


    With the world having shifted dramatically towards distributed teams and digital-first communication, the tools and strategies we use to make our case to stakeholders have also had to adapt. Cole, fresh off the publication of her third book, "Storytelling with You: Plan, Create, and Deliver a Stellar Presentation," dives into how these shifts affect the way we should approach storytelling with data today. 


    Listeners will walk away with a wealth of knowledge on the following topics: 


    How AI technologies can enhance storytelling skills Strategies to better understand your audience and customize your presentations for maximum impact Essential guidelines for presenting data to stakeholders Cole's secrets to captivating an audience, from confidence and tone of voice to avoiding common speaking pitfalls Best practices for seeking and utilising feedback to continuously enhance your presentation skills  


    Support from this podcast comes from Worklytics, a people-centric analytics solution that combines passive listening with Organisational Network Analysis (ONA) to help you understand how work is getting done.  


    Curious to see how it works?  Worklytics is offering a free Collaboration Analysis to the first 10 qualified companies who express interest by clicking on the following link: www.worklytics.co/DigitalHRLeaders 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, David Green is joined by Nickle LaMoreaux, Chief Human Resources Officer at IBM, to explore the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HR.  


    With a spotlight on IBM’s pioneering work in integrating AI into HR practices, Nickle shares her invaluable insights into how AI is revolutionising the way we think about talent management, employee engagement and predictive analytics. 


    Key topics discussed in this conversation include:  


    The evolution of AI in HR at IBM Examples of how IBM is harnessing AI to transform HR practices How IBM turned the challenges of implementing AI in HR into opportunities How IBM ensures ethical and responsible use of AI The emerging trends and the skills HR professionals need to stay ahead in the digital age  


    Support from this podcast comes from Worklytics, a people-centric analytics solution that combines passive listening with Organisational Network Analysis (ONA) to help you understand how work is getting done.  


    Curious to see how it works?  Worklytics is offering a free Collaboration Analysis to the first 10 qualified companies who express interest by clicking on the following link: www.worklytics.co/DigitalHRLeaders 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • How can people analytics enhance the strategic influence of HR? 


    In today’s episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, we will be exploring that exact question, through the lens of start-up financial services organisation, Chetwood Financial.  


    Having only been on their people analytics journey for a year now, Louise Millar, People Director, and Olivia Edwards, Colleague Engagement Lead, have seen a remarkable shift in the perception of HR by the overall business.  


    From reshaping company culture to gaining buy-in from senior leadership, Louise and Olivia offer invaluable insights into how people analytics is reshaping the future of HR. As such, listening to this episode, you can expect to learn: 


    How Chetwood Financial initiated and embraced their people analytics journey Tangible examples of how data-driven insights have revolutionised HR strategies and reshaped organisational dynamics The role of people analytics in reshaping company culture and fostering employee engagement Strategies employed by Louise and Olivia for gaining buy-in from senior leadership and reshaping organisational values The transformative impact of people analytics on the future of HR and organisational success 


    Support from this podcast comes from global platform leader for employee experience, Culture Amp. Learn more about how Culture Amp can help you create a better world of work at http://cultureamp.com 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • As HR is increasingly becoming a strategic partner in driving organisational success, the call for evidence-based practice (EBP) in HR is louder than ever.  


    But what exactly does it mean to adopt an evidence-based approach? How can it transform how we attract, develop, and retain talent? And how is it different from people analytics? 


    In this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, Rob Briner, Professor of Organisational Psychology at Queen Mary University of London and Associate Director of Research at the Corporate Research Forum, underscores the simple yet profound impact of integrating data, scientific research, stakeholder insights and professional expertise to improve HR effectiveness. 


    Throughout the conversation, David and Rob explore: 


    The principles of evidence-based practice and its critical role in contemporary HR strategy Practical case studies demonstrating the application of evidence-based HR and guidelines for its implementation within organisational structures  What the differences are between evidence-based HR and people analytics  How these two approaches complement each other to enhance the HR function Recommendations on when HR should lean towards people analytics versus evidence-based HR practices to make informed decisions A debate on whether all HR practices should be evidence-based Expert recommendations for Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) and HR leaders on incorporating EBP into organisational frameworks  Essential skills and competencies HR professionals that are vital for mastering evidence-based HR  


    This episode is a must-listen for HR professionals eager to build a data-driven HR function and elevate their strategic value and effectiveness through evidence-based practice, a testament to the power of integrating science with the art of human resource management. 


    Support from this podcast comes from global platform leader for employee experience, Culture Amp. Learn more about how Culture Amp can help you create a better world of work at http://cultureamp.com 


    Additional Resources: Evidence-Based HR: A New Paradigm 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In an era where the financial justification for HR initiatives is scrutinised more than ever, proving the ROI of culture and employee engagement initiatives is a critical challenge that many HR leaders are facing. However, demonstrating the financial impact of these initiatives is essential if we are to achieve board buy-in and ensure the sustainability of organisational culture in times of change and economic uncertainty. 


    This pressing issue is at the heart of this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, where host David Green is joined by Didier Elzinga, CEO of Culture Amp. Together, they will be discussing: 


    The pivotal role of a thriving culture in driving business growth The challenges businesses face in cultivating and maintaining a strong company culture, alongside practical strategies to address these challenges Key findings from CultureAmp’s research (link below) on the impact of organisational changes, such as layoffs, on employee engagement, and the lessons learned about engagement recovery times The remarkable resilience of employee engagement in regions like the UK and Germany Effective approaches for HR leaders to demonstrate the financial impact of culture and engagement initiatives to the C-suite Guidance for HR professionals on measuring the ROI of their culture and engagement efforts 


    This episode is an essential listen for HR leaders, chief people officers, and people analytics leaders looking to navigate the complexities of fostering a positive workplace culture in today’s economic climate. It offers not just insights and data but real-world advice on aligning culture and engagement initiatives with financial success. 

    Support from this podcast comes from global platform leader for employee experience, Culture Amp. Learn more about how Culture Amp can help you create a better world of work at http://cultureamp.com 


    Link to CultureAmp’s ground-breaking research with Forrester:  https://tei.forrester.com/go/cultureamp/analyticsplatform/ 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Do you struggle to be proactive with your long-term goals? Are you constantly putting out fires, with no time to strategise for the long game?  


    In this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green sits down with Dorie Clark, a distinguished professor at Columbia Business School, successful entrepreneur and author of the influential book, "The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World." 


    Together, they discuss the three-time celebrated Top 50 Business Thinker in the World’s invaluable insights into the essence of strategic patience and long-term thinking in today's short-term oriented world. Highlights from the conversation include: 


    Actionable advice on how HR leaders can carve out time from their busy schedules to focus on long-term goals The importance of prioritising and the strategic value of turning down opportunities to ensure focus on the most critical projects Insights on aligning objectives with business strategy while remaining flexible to adapt to unforeseen changes How embracing failure can drive innovation and creativity Understanding when to hold steady with your strategies and when to pivot 


    This episode is an essential listen for anyone in the HR field looking to break free from the cycle of reactivity and take a more strategic, long-term approach to their work and leadership. 


    Support from this podcast comes from global platform leader for employee experience, Culture Amp. Learn more about how Culture Amp can help you create a better world of work at http://cultureamp.com 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In the face of unprecedented changes in the world of work, driven by rapid technological advancements, shifting work models and the global economy's volatility, strategic workforce planning has never been more critical. 


    What can we learn from global tech giant, Microsoft, who have been leading the way in navigating these turbulent waters? 


    On this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green sits down with Becky Thielen, Senior Director of People Analytics at Microsoft, who has been instrumental in charting the course for Microsoft's strategic workforce planning initiatives. 


    This conversation will unveil: 


    Microsoft’s critical ingredients for strategic workforce planning success  The strategy behind building a resilient workforce planning framework Insights into the common challenges faced and how Microsoft has navigated these to establish a strong planning foundation An exploration of the tools and data analytics Microsoft uses to drive workforce planning and decision-making The tangible benefits realised from strategic workforce planning  


    This episode promises to be a rich resource of knowledge, strategies and insights for anyone interested in the future of work and strategic workforce planning. 


    Support from this podcast comes from global platform leader for employee experience, Culture Amp. Learn more about how Culture Amp can help you create a better world of work at http://cultureamp.com 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, the future of HR and its people strategies are going to be data-driven. However, as we navigate through this digital transformation, finding the optimal equilibrium between human intervention and AI automation within HR processes is key if we are to effectively harness the potential of these technological advancements.

    In this episode of the Digital HR Leaders Podcast, David Green, and guest Bernard Marr, the author of "Data-Driven HR: How to Use AI, Analytics and Data to Drive Performance," delve deeper into this critical balance and its implications for the future of HR.

    Therefore, listeners can expect to learn more about:

    Insights into how HR is transitioning towards a data-driven approach, highlighting the pivotal role of AI, analytics, and data in reshaping HR strategies;Real-world examples and use cases where the synergy between human expertise and AI automation is most beneficial in HR;The ethical considerations surrounding the integration of AI in HR, ensuring fairness, transparency, and compliance;The transformative potential of immersive technologies like VR and the metaverse in enhancing the employee experience;How AI is revolutionising the field of people analytics and enabling HR professionals to make more informed decisions;The essential skills that both current and future HR and people analytics professionals and leaders should cultivate to thrive in this era of rapid technological advancement;The pivotal role of HR in redefining workforce skillsets for effective collaboration with AI and emerging technologies

    This episode is for current and aspiring HR and people analytics leaders seeking valuable insights into striking the balance between data-driven decision-making and human intervention, as well as understanding the transformative potential of AI, analytics, and immersive technologies within HR.

    Support from this podcast comes from ScreenCloud – the digital signage platform that helps HR around the globe elevate their digital employee experience, with 'screens that communicate'.

    To learn how ScreenCloud can enable your organisation to increase employee engagement, drive productivity, and improve compliance, visit screencloud.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Despite an abundance of research highlighting the importance of AI in enhancing HR processes, the vast majority of organisations are still at the earliest stages of adoption.  

    Even among those that have already implemented AI in HR, many are using it only for one or two niche applications. This is largely due to the perceived complexity and high costs associated with implementing AI technologies. 


    To tackle this issue, host David Green is joined by Eric Siegel, founder of Machine Learning Week and author of 'The AI Playbook: Monitoring the Rare Art of Machine Learning Deployment' to discuss how organisations can overcome these challenges and effectively integrate AI into their HR functions. Listeners can expect to learn more about:  


    The current state of AI adoption in HR and the barriers to widespread implementation The potential benefits of using AI in HR processes, including improved efficiency and decision-making Practical advice for organisations looking to adopt AI in their HR strategies How HR professionals can prepare for the impact of AI on their roles and responsibilities The role of ethics in AI adoption and how organisations can ensure responsible and ethical use 


    You can also expect to hear about real-world examples of successful AI adoption in HR, as well as insights on the future of AI and its potential impact on the evolution of the HR industry. So tune in to this episode to learn more about how AI can revolutionise HR and what steps your organisation can take to embrace this powerful technology. 


    Support from this podcast comes from ScreenCloud – the digital signage platform that helps HR around the globe elevate their digital employee experience, with 'screens that communicate'. 


    To learn how ScreenCloud can enable your organisation to increase employee engagement, drive productivity and improve compliance, visit screencloud.com  

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • As HR professionals and leaders, if we want to start taking a more strategic approach that will elevate the business impact HR has, we need to evolve from being process-focused to becoming strategic partners. This means taking ownership of people data and insights, and using them to drive decisions that have a real impact on the business. 


    Take, for instance, employee experience. How can we make this more strategic? What can we learn from marketing and the strategies that they use to enhance the customer experience? 


    To delve deeper into this topic, on this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green sits down with Kaz Hassan, Employee Experience Industry Lead at Unily, and Luke Farrugia, VP of Marketing at ScreenCloud.  


    Both guests bring unique insights and expertise on the topics of employee experience, internal communication and digital transformation, having both dedicated their careers to helping businesses improve their employee and customer experiences alike.  


    In this episode, listeners can expect to learn: 


    Lessons from marketing on their data-driven journey and how HR can apply these strategies Innovative strategies for effective employee listening and engagement Insights into why retention is still a major issue and the importance of focusing on employee engagement and a high-quality experience Strategies for enhancing digital experience, including the effective use of digital signage and internal communication tools Areas where HR professionals can upskill themselves to effectively manage the transition towards a more digital experience-driven workplace. 


    This episode is for every HR professional responsible for improving the employee experience and driving digital transformation in their organisation.  


    Support from this podcast comes from ScreenCloud – the digital signage platform that helps HR around the globe elevate their digital employee experience, with 'screens that communicate'. 


    To learn how ScreenCloud can enable your organisation to increase employee engagement, drive productivity, and improve compliance, visit screencloud.com  


    Link to research article referenced in the conversation:  


    Have employee experience leaders given up on retention?  

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It is undeniable that the role of People Analytics in HR strategy has become increasingly significant. However, despite its immense growth, career progression in the field is still a topic of concern for many People Analytics professionals.  


    In this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green sits down with renowned People Analytics expert Serena Huang to discuss the common career paths observed in the field and how they have evolved over the years. 


    Throughout her years of experience as a leader in iconic companies such as GE, Kraft-Heinz and PayPal, Serena has gained valuable insights into the field of People Analytics. Now as the founder of her own company, Data with Serena, she brings a unique perspective on the evolution of careers in this field. 


    Join them as they dive into various topics such as: 


    - The common career paths in people analytics and their evolution over the years 

    - The future of people analytics and how career stagnation issues can be addressed by individuals and organisations 

    - The impact of AI advancements on the people analytics role, career structures and necessary skill sets 

    - The strategic value of people analytics to CHROs and the challenges in leveraging it for strategic decision-making 

    - Strengthening the relationship between people analytics leaders and CHROs 

    - The role of people analytics in supporting employee wellbeing 

    - Essential skills for aspiring people analytics professionals and leaders in the coming years 


    If you are looking to gain insights and knowledge on the current state and future of People Analytics careers, then this podcast is for you. 


    Support from this podcast comes from ScreenCloud – the digital signage platform that helps HR around the globe elevate their digital employee experience, with 'screens that communicate'. 


    To learn how ScreenCloud can enable your organisation to increase employee engagement, drive productivity and improve compliance, visit screencloud.com  

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • 2024 has arrived, and for those who have been following the Digital HR Leaders podcast since its inception in 2019, you know it's our tradition to start the year with a deep dive into the top HR trends and opportunities based on David Green's LinkedIn annual HR trends and predictions.  


    This year, however, we are going to kick things off with a spin.  


    Joined by Dawn Klinghoffer, Global Head of People Analytics at Microsoft and a Board Advisor at Insight 222, Jeremy Shapiro, Global Head of Workforce Analytics at Merck & Co, and Thomas Rasmussen, VP of Organizational Development and Learning at Shell, David and his esteemed guests will be shining the spotlight on the future of people analytics (rather than solely on HR) in 2024 and beyond.  


    Listeners can expect to gain valuable insight on: 


    - The integration of human intuition and data-driven decisions in people analytics 

    - Strategies for leveraging data to influence organisational decisions 

    - Balancing quantitative data with qualitative human insights 

    - Real-world people analytics examples and case studies from leading companies 

    - Prioritising and strategising analytics projects in HR 

    - The evolving role of AI and machine learning in people analytics 

    - Ethical considerations and transparency in handling HR data 

    - The criticality of HR and finance collaboration for measurable outcomes 


    So if you are looking for some inspiration on how to seize the window of opportunity in 2024, then this episode is for you.  


    Support from this podcast comes from ScreenCloud – the digital signage platform that helps HR around the globe elevate their digital employee experience, with 'screens that communicate'. 


    To learn how ScreenCloud can enable your organisation to increase employee engagement, drive productivity, and improve compliance, visit screencloud.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.