
  • This episode can help you improve both your Pickleball and running game. Tune in and learn more!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:22] Introduction

    Coach Caroline introduces the topic of Pickleball and what happens when you take a break from exercising

    [01:04] The Importance of Side-to-Side Movement

    Coach Valerie discusses her experience playing pickleball after a two-week break and the soreness she felt in her calves.

    Side-to-side movements, which are not common in running, are crucial for overall fitness and to avoid muscle fatigue.

    [03:39] Fitness vs. Muscle Fatigue

    Coach Valerie explains that muscle fatigue is not necessarily related to fitness level, but rather to the specific movements one performs regularly.

    She gives an example of hiking in Utah and feeling different muscles being activated due to the change in activity and altitude.

    [05:10] Identifying the Source of Soreness or Pain

    Instead of just blaming running, when runners experience soreness or pain, Coach Valerie asks for a video and inquires about other activities that may be causing the discomfort.

    [06:39] The Difference Between Soreness and Injury

    Coach Valerie discusses the soreness that often occurs after attending a running clinic where participants learn new movements and techniques.

    It’s important to distinguish between soreness and injury. Stretches and warm-up exercises may also help you recover from soreness.

    [09:52] The Value of Online Resources

    Providing online resources, such as videos is important to help runners remember the techniques and advice given during clinics and to address common concerns like calf soreness. That’s why working with us is so valuable. We give you everything you need to run pain free.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • Is your ego killing the joy of running? Listen and learn what to do about it.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:22] Introduction

    Coach Caroline introduces the topic of numbers, ego, and how people feel they need to hit certain numbers in running.

    [01:13] The Obsession with Numbers in Exercise

    Coach Valerie discusses how people have always been fixated on numbers in exercise, whether it's sets, reps, miles, or heart rate zones.

    Most people work better with perceived exertion rather than relying on gadgets and data.

    [03:51] The Challenge of "Easy" Runs and Zone 2

    The concept of an "easy run" or staying in "Zone 2" can be confusing and challenging for runners, especially beginners.

    Instead of focusing on arbitrary goals like heart rate or pace, RunRX teaches the skill of running and emphasizes cadence.

    [06:24] Setting Attainable Goals and Letting Go of Ego

    It's important to set attainable goals and understand that it takes time to improve as a runner.

    Runners should focus on running by feel and look at their watch data afterward, rather than letting the data dictate their run.

    [09:43] Not Everything Is Easy

    Accepting that not everything will be easy and being willing to push through discomfort is crucial for progress.

    [11:42] Balancing Intensity and Recovery

    There needs to be a balance between high-intensity workouts and recovery runs, with variation in training.

    Endurance athletes often struggle with pushing themselves and going to "the pain cave" during interval sessions.

    [14:24] Finding the "Free Fall" in Running

    Letting go of tension and finding the "free fall" feeling in running can be exhilarating and help runners break through mental barriers.

    [16:00] Your Body is Capable of So Much

    Allowing the body to show what it's capable of, rather than being constrained by numbers, is key to enjoyable and successful running.

    [17:42] RunRX Can Bring Back Joy in Running

    We analyze running form and movement through video check-ins, providing individualized feedback and assignments.

    [21:55] We Can Help Wherever You’re At

    RunRX helps members improve their movement efficiency and reach their goals.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

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  • We never make a “to don’t” list before doing an activity. Tune in and learn why we focus on what you should be doing to run pain free.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:22] Introduction

    - Coach Caroline introduces the topic of focusing on "dos" instead of "don'ts"

    [00:36] Giving Runners Actionable Tasks

    - Coach Valerie explains the importance of giving runners specific tasks to improve their movement, such as "pull your foot up" or "hold your body up"

    - Focusing on what to do leads to better movement and a better run

    [02:06] The Problem with "Don'ts"

    - Coach Caroline discusses how constantly telling yourself not to do something can lead to you doing that very thing

    - The language used is important, and focusing on "dos" is more effective than "don'ts"

    [04:37] Building a New Movement Pattern

    - When runners start thinking about their movement while running, it's a sign that their body and mind are working together

    - Developing a new movement pattern takes time and consistency

    [07:20] Returning to Natural Running

    - Working on relearning proper running form helps runners go back to the basics and their body's natural movement

    - Limitations in range of motion and mobility can lead to different movement patterns over time

    [08:23] The Process of Learning a New Movement

    - Runners may question the simplicity of the drills and exercises, but focusing on the "dos" and trusting the process leads to improvement

    - Having a coach provides accountability and guidance throughout the learning process

    [10:20] Soreness vs. Pain

    - As runners adjust to new movement patterns, they may experience soreness in different areas of the body

    - There’s a difference between soreness from using new muscles and pain that needs to be addressed

    [13:29] The Benefits of Coaching

    - Even for runners who have tried various methods to address pain, working with a RunRX coach for just one month can be highly effective in changing movement patterns

    - We provide guidance, support, and a gradual approach to learning new movements

    [15:19] Join the RunRX Membership!

    - Join the Run Rx membership if you are experiencing pain or feel like you are not meant to be a runner

    - Learn about the various membership options available at https://www.runrx.fit/

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • Why are we telling you to train with your arms over your head? Learn the correlation between this and running pain free in this episode!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:41] Importance of Posture and Head Position

    - Poor posture, especially the head moving forward, can affect overall balance and movement

    - The head is the heaviest part of the body, and the body is always trying to balance it

    [02:08] Lack of Overhead Pressing in Typical Runner Strength Training

    - Many runners focus on bench press, push-ups, rows, and pull-downs but rarely do overhead pressing exercises

    - Using a lightweight tool like a broomstick or PVC pipe can help improve shoulder mobility and strength

    [03:49] Consequences of Poor Posture and Lack of Mobility

    - Starting to work on upper body alignment early on can make a significant difference later in life

    - Poor posture can lead to issues like the "dowager's hump" in women, where calcium deposits try to strengthen weak muscles

    [06:21] Importance of Consistency and Daily Practice

    - Incorporating short, daily exercises can help develop the ability to hold the head in proper alignment

    - Consistent practice of exercises like arm circles and glute walks can improve overall movement

    [07:40] Benefits of Proper Alignment in Running

    - Runners who achieve good alignment often report feeling the "fall" and improved running sensations

    - Many runners mistakenly attribute issues to tight hips, weak glutes, or other areas, but alignment plays a significant role

    [10:23] Introducing Overhead Work and Unweighting Concept

    - Coach Valerie shares her experience with incorporating overhead weight training and its impact on her running form

    - Let’s talk about unweighting and the importance of training in the position specific to the movement (e.g., standing vs. planking)

    [12:03] Developing Full Body Strength and Efficiency

    - Pressing overhead using lightweight tools helps develop a sense of balance and strengthens the upper body

    - Improved overhead strength and head position can enhance overall feelings of walking, standing, and moving better

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    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • What are the makings of a REAL runner? Tune in now and find out!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:04] - Introduction and Boston Marathon Discussion

    - Coach Caroline introduces the topic of the Boston Marathon, curtailing the number of runners allowed, especially charity runners and slower runners.

    - Coach Valerie discusses the increasing popularity of marathons, and how the Boston marathon is making qualifying even more competitive.

    [03:22] Defining a "Real Runner"

    - Coach Valerie talks about the early days of marathons when everyone tried to run the whole way, before run-walking became more accepted.

    - The coaches discuss whether marathons should require qualifying times like Boston and whether or not that's fair to slower runners.

    - Coach Valerie emphasizes that if you run, you're a runner, regardless of pace or distance. Let’s be honest - the term "real runner" is considered condescending.

    [09:33] Accommodating All Runners in Marathons

    - The coaches address the question of whether slower runners should be allowed to take up spots in marathons.

    - They discuss the logistical challenges of supporting runners who may take 12 hours to finish a marathon, like road closures and city resources.

    - Trail runs are a great alternative that accommodates slower paces and longer times.

    [11:50] The Joy and Journey of Running

    - Coach Valerie encourages new runners to focus on enjoying running first before jumping into marathons. Focus on gradually building up distance instead of trying to go all in all at once.

    - Finding joy in running is so important. This is especially true for slower runners who spend more time on the course.

    [13:42] Training for a 5K to Reset and Improve

    - The coaches discuss a member who wants to reset her training by focusing on a 5K instead of longer distances.

    - Coach Valerie shares her experience training for a 5K, and how it helped her improve her speed and running efficiency.

    - Training for a 5K is a great way to let go of tension. This can lead to breakthroughs in running performance.

    [17:55] The Transformative Power of Proper Running Form

    - The coaches discuss how their training program helps runners connect with proper form while running.

    - Coach Valerie shares her own transformative experience of truly falling and feeling like a kid again.

    - Regardless of pace, learning to run efficiently is key to enjoying running and achieving goals.

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    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • If you’re thinking about triathlon training, and want to do it pain free, you need to listen to this episode. Tune in now!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:22] Introduction to Pose Method for Triathlons

    - The Pose MethodÂź of Triathlon Techniques is the best book, even for non-triathletes.

    [01:16] Coach Valerie's Personal Experience with Triathlons

    - Coach Valerie shares her experience of getting into triathlons and training for the Danskin Triathlon in Austin.

    [02:06] Importance of Learning the Correct Position

    - Coach Valerie emphasizes the importance of learning the correct position or "pose" for each movement in triathlon (swimming, biking, running).

    [04:25] Working with Dr. Romanov and Olympic Teams

    - Coach Valerie discusses her experience working with Dr. Romanov, the creator of the Pose Method, and how he worked with Olympic teams from Mexico, England, and America.

    [05:45] Benefits of Pose Method Drills for All Skill Levels

    - Coach Valerie highlights the benefits of Pose Method drills for swimmers and cyclists of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned athletes.

    [06:58] RunRX Triathlon Training Approach

    - Coach Caroline and Coach Valerie discuss the RunRX triathlon training approach, which focuses on movement efficiency and incorporates skill work alongside regular training sessions.

    [07:36] Membership and Training Plan Options

    - Coach Caroline shares about the $99/month membership, and the availability of training plans for those interested in triathlon training with RunRX.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • Considering a Hyrox event and need Hyrox Training? If we’re speaking Greek to you, tune in now to find out what all the hype is about!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:46] Introduction to Hyrox

    - Coach Valerie explains what Hyrox is: a race run event with 8 kilometers of running and 8 stations with various exercises like ski machine, rowing, burpee broad jumps, lunges, wall balls, and farmer carry.

    [01:41] Valerie's Decision to Participate in Hyrox

    - Coach Valerie shares her decision to participate in Hyrox after watching a friend compete and being asked by a 62-year-old woman she trains.

    - Valerie believes that participating in Hyrox will help her better understand and train others for the event.

    [03:13] Diverse Group Training for Hyrox

    - Coach Valerie mentions that she has women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s joining her in training for Hyrox.

    - She emphasizes that regardless of age, everyone can follow the same training plan and movement patterns, even if their speeds differ.

    [04:18] Importance of Running in Hyrox

    - With 8 kilometers of running in Hyrox, Coach Valerie stresses the importance of being comfortable with the running aspect of the event.

    - She hopes to spread the message that people of all age categories can do this event safely with less chance of injury while still enjoying the running experience.

    [06:00] Hyrox Appeals to Older Women

    - Coach Valerie notes that many older women are getting into Hyrox because they love the competition and the opportunity to work hard without feeling like they might hurt themselves.

    [06:28] RunRX YouTube Channel to Feature Hyrox Training and More

    - The RunRX YouTube channel will document and feature the Hyrox training, showcasing how the same movements can be performed by people of different ages and in various settings, such as home gyms. It will also feature a bunch of other things we’re trying out so you can see what we are up to. From pickleball to triathlons, we’re going to share a bunch more over there.

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    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • Is it a myth that you can’t run anymore if you’re in menopause? What about after menopause? Tune in as our coaches bust some myths about menopause and running!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:22] Myths about Menopause and Running

    - Coaches Valerie and Caroline introduce the topic of myths about menopause and running.

    [01:07] Myth 1: Exercise, Especially Running, is Too Hard for Menopausal Women

    - Coach Valerie explains why the idea that running is too hard for menopausal women is false.

    - She emphasizes that women should continue running and being active during menopause to maintain bone and joint health.

    [03:57] Myth 2: Running Worsens Osteoporosis in Menopausal Women

    - Coach Valerie discusses osteoporosis and how running can help maintain bone density.

    - She stresses that running is a natural movement and that pain during running is often due to inefficient movement, not the act of running itself.

    [06:25] Importance of Movement and Proper Technique

    - Coaches Valerie and Caroline discuss the importance of movement and working on minimizing impact to prevent worsening osteoporosis.

    - Coach Valerie emphasizes the benefits of running when done with proper technique and strength training.

    [09:31] Myth 3: Menopausal Women Won't See Fitness Gains Due to Hormonal Changes

    - Coach Caroline asks if menopausal women can still see fitness gains despite hormonal changes.

    - Coach Valerie states that women can manage their fitness and weight during menopause by adjusting their diet and exercise routines.

    - She provides examples of older women achieving impressive marathon times, proving that fitness gains are possible at any age.

    [13:16] Maintaining Fitness as You Age

    - Coach Valerie discusses the importance of balancing strength training, endurance work, mobility, and recovery to maintain fitness as you age.

    - Coach Caroline wraps up the episode by encouraging listeners to seek help with their movement, regardless of their age, by visiting our website.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • Discover how personalized coaching and attention to alignment can help you overcome setbacks and improve your running, even if you've taken a break from training.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [01:05] Importance of the First Month Foundation

    The first month immersion provides runners with the foundation they need. Even if runners take a break, they still have the basics when they return.

    [01:50] Creating Your Own Perception as an Adult

    Adults tend to think they're doing movements correctly based on their own perception. Coaches need to ensure runners are actually doing the movements properly when they return.

    [03:56] Holding Your Line - Alignment and Posture

    Many returning runners struggle with maintaining proper alignment and posture. Issues often stem from muscular imbalances, such as between glutes, hip flexors and lower back.

    [04:54] Body Weight Affects Running Form

    Proper posture is crucial for balancing body weight while running. Runners can end up chasing their own body weight if posture is off.

    [06:04] Gender Differences in Posture Issues

    Women tend to lean backwards in their posture, while men tend to lean forward. These issues often arise from daily habits like working at a computer.

    [09:48] Connecting the Body from Toe to Shoulder

    The body is interconnected - tension in the big toe can affect the shoulder and arch. Standing with your knees locked can negatively impact joints and your running form.

    [11:59] Customizing Coaching Within the Program Structure

    Our coaching program is customized to each runner's needs through check-ins and feedback. We provide specific advice and exercises based on each runner's form and issues, while still maintaining the overall program structure.

    [13:49] We’d Love for You to Join RunRX

    Our coaching calls are all recorded and you can listen later. Then, you can come back to them and listen again. We will meet you where you are, and help you run pain free. We hope you will join us!

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • Let’s talk about the difference between running with conditions vs running with injuries. The RunRX coaches share some valuable insights on how to run pain free in this can’t miss episode!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:04] Running with Arthritis

    Coach Caroline introduces the topic of helping runners with arthritis.

    [01:46] Difference Between Conditions and Injuries

    Coach Valerie explains the difference between osteoarthritis (a condition) and compartment syndrome (an injury caused by inefficient movement).

    [02:23] Pose Method of Running

    Coach Valerie discusses the Pose method of running, which reduces stress on the knees by 53% and is used by the US military to prevent running injuries.

    [05:39] Helping Runners with Conditions

    Coach Valerie, who has osteoarthritis herself, emphasizes the importance of working on mobility and range of motion to keep moving better, even with a condition like arthritis.

    [06:24] Analyzing and Improving Running Form

    Coach Valerie analyzes a runner's gait and identifies areas for improvement, such as reducing ground contact time to minimize impact on the knees.

    [09:15] Relearning Movement Patterns

    For those with injuries, RunRX recommends starting with static drills to relearn proper movement patterns before returning to running.

    [14:53] The Process of Changing Running Form

    Changing running form is a gradual process that involves both physical and mental adjustments, typically taking 2-3 months of consistent practice.

    [15:24] Adapting to New Movement Patterns

    Coach Valerie discusses the initial awkwardness and stubbornness runners may feel when learning new movement patterns, as they have to change their perception of a familiar action.

    [19:02] The RunRX Method

    While the RunRX method is based on the Pose method, it incorporates her own coaching style, cues, and strength training programs.

    [22:07] Coach Valerie's Experience with the Pose Method

    Coach Valerie shares her personal history with the Pose method, which she discovered in 1999 and has been teaching and evolving ever since.

    [26:04] Helping Runners Achieve Pain-Free Running

    The coaches emphasize their commitment to helping runners achieve pain-free running, as long as the runners are willing to put in the practice and be coachable.

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    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    “Running skill development can reduce impact on knees by up to 50% (Arendse, 2004) and running technique is an important component of running economy and performance (Folland, 2017).” From Pose Method

    2017 study - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28263283/

    2004 study - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14767250/

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

  • Discover how to optimize your diet and hydration for peak running performance and recovery, as the RunRX coaches share insights from their own experiences and the latest sports nutrition research.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [0:22] What to Eat Before and After a Run

    - Coach Caroline introduces the topic of what to eat before and after a run for optimal performance and recovery

    [02:05] Individual Nutrition Needs

    - Coach Valerie emphasizes that nutrition needs are highly individual past the basic elements of running form

    - The coaches discuss their experiences trying different nutrition approaches like carbo-loading, paleo, and keto for running performance rather than weight loss

    - Coach Caroline shares how different runners have varying results with pre-run foods

    [05:47] Testing What Works for You

    - The coaches advise testing and retesting to see what nutrition approach works best for each runner

    - Most people have enough stored energy for runs under a half marathon without extra fueling

    - Loading up on hydration, protein or carbs right before running often leads to problems

    [08:47] Changes in Sports Nutrition Knowledge

    - Coach Valerie reflects on the evolution of exercise physiology and sports nutrition understanding since the 1990s

    - The coaches discuss the introduction of engineered sports nutrition products like the PowerBar and share a professor’s recommendation to eat Snickers instead for a more balanced fuel source

    [11:32] Fueling Differences Between Road and Trail Running

    - Coach Caroline shares her experience with different fueling options and the needs in trail running vs road running

    - Coach Valerie shares her experience testing a fat-adapted low-carb approach vs. a high-carb approach during a 50k trail race

    [16:34] Wrapping Up with Our Key Takeaways

    - Finding the foods that make you feel your best while running and being consistent with them in training and racing is key

    - The coaches can provide guidance on fueling, hydration and weight management as part of the holistic RunRx coaching approach, but we do not prescribe specific diets

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    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • Want to know the best stretches for runners? If you answered yes, you need this episode!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:56] Motion vs Flexibility

    - Runners benefit from some muscle tension, but should focus on having good range of motion in all joints

    - Examples of common stretches like hanging feet off a curb or pulling leg back to quad

    - Sitting on feet is a more efficient alternative to pulling leg back

    [02:33] Dynamic vs. Static Stretching

    - Dynamic stretching involves movement, taking muscles and joints through their range of motion

    - Examples include seated hip openers, opposite hand to opposite leg, and arm circles

    - Static stretching involves holding stretches

    - A mix of dynamic and static stretching can be used depending on whether it's before or after a run

    - Consistency and hitting all major muscle groups is key

    [05:30] Upper Body Tension and Lower Body Pain

    - Many runners focus on stretching the area of pain, like the calves, but the source may be elsewhere

    - Tightness in the shoulders can affect alignment and cause issues in the calves and feet

    - Proper alignment involves ears over shoulders, over hips, over lifted ankle

    - Relaxing the shoulders and maintaining balance can alleviate calf pain

    [08:15] A Holistic Approach is Important

    - Coach Valerie talks about a time when she got really bad shin splints and the evolution of treatment from ice to stretching, strengthening, and skill work

    - A coach and community can help identify root causes of pain and provide tools for long-term progress

    [11:26] The Effects of Proper Alignment

    - The principles taught for running can improve standing, sitting, and walking posture

    - RunRX offers a holistic "prescription" for pain-free running through their membership and annual clinic

    - There are multiple ways to work with RunRX and see improvement in running

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    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • Tune in and discover the power of a supportive running community. Conquer injuries, perfect your form, and reignite your passion for the journey!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:22] A Run Generator?

    - Caroline shares a funny story about mistaking "run generator" on her calendar for an AI-generated running workout, when it actually referred to running their gas generator

    [02:21] Changes to RunRX Membership Structure

    - The membership is now available month-to-month without a long-term commitment

    - This change has been working well, with people staying for multiple months. They understand it takes time to learn

    [03:20] Benefits of Going Back to Basics with New Members

    - New and experienced members learn together in Zoom calls

    - Returning to fundamentals helps experienced runners gain new insights

    - Learning a new movement connects brain cells and requires ongoing practice, not just a one-time lesson

    [08:21] The RunRX Coaching Approach

    - Many members have never had a running coach before

    - The program provides skill work, strength training, self-care, and a supportive community

    - Coaches provide feedback, corrections, and accountability through check-ins, Facebook, email, and Zoom

    [13:40] Upcoming RunRX clinic in June 2024

    - The intensive 2-day clinic allows for hands-on learning and repetition

    - Participants practice efficient running form, self-care, and strength exercises

    - Live gait analysis lets runners see their improvement and that of others

    - The clinic is beneficial for both new and existing members

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • How do you craft the perfect training plan? Tune in and learn how to build endurance the right way in this must-listen episode of The RunRX Podcast.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    Components of a Good Training Plan

    [01:31] Coach Valerie outlines the components of a good training plan, including three days of running, a long run, interval training, strength training, self-care, injury prevention, and a recovery day.

    Training Plan Duration

    [02:27] Coach Caroline asks about the appropriate duration of a training plan based on the runner's goals.

    [02:46] Coach Valerie explains that the duration depends on the runner's starting point and provides examples for 5K, 10K, half marathon, and marathon plans.

    Building Endurance

    [04:21] Coach Caroline asks about the variance in the time ranges provided in the training plans.

    [05:28] Coach Valerie explains that the focus should be on practicing the correct movement rather than the duration, and this approach helps build endurance.

    Run-Walk Intervals

    [07:57] Mixing up run-walk intervals helps your mind avoid anticipating breaks.

    [08:50] It's okay to take breaks and not to beat yourself up if you need to walk during a run.

    Breathing While Running

    [09:57] Coach Valerie mentions the "up 2 3" method, which incorporates breathing into the running rhythm.

    [10:42] She shares a meme that emphasizes the importance of practicing running rather than practicing breathing.

    Up 2 3 Method and Counting Pulls

    [11:55] Coach Caroline explains how she uses the "up 2 3" method and counts pulls to refocus her mind during challenging runs.

    Free Training Plan

    [13:35] Visit the RunRX website or social media channels to access a free training plan. Whether you’re a beginner, returning to running, or recovering from an injury - we can help.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/ 

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • Can cross-training supercharge your running performance and keep injuries at bay? Tune in and find out!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    Benefits of Cross-Training

    [01:17] There is a common misconception of cross-training as just another cardio session. But, it can include strength training.

    Strength Training for Running

    [02:46] Strength training for running is about getting strong enough to hold and balance one's body weight, which is crucial for peak running performance.

    [03:55] Strength training plans RunRX has developed can be done in conjunction with running because they focus on body weight exercises rather than heavy lifting.

    Bodyweight Exercises

    [05:31] Bodyweight exercises are sufficient for most runners, but RunRX does offer options for adding dumbbells or barbells for those who want to add more strength work.

    Core Strength Movements

    [06:16] Coach Caroline asks about the core strength movements they recommend, such as toe touches and plank pulls.

    [07:29] Coach Valerie explains that RunRX focuses on exercises that work the whole body and mimic the coordination needed for running, such as shoulder taps, toe taps, and glute bridges.

    Coordination in Running

    [08:05] Coordination in running is critical and the RunRX exercises we recommend help develop this skill.

    Caution with Cross Training

    [09:31] Use caution when trying new, strenuous activities on cross-training days, as they may lead to soreness that could be mistaken for running-related pain.

    [10:36] Cross-training should be a supplement to the main running training and many daily activities can count as cross-training.

    Joining the RunRX Membership

    [12:17] We invite you to join the RunRX membership for access to our training plans, gait analysis, and support for various running goals.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/ 

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • Trying to pick out new running shoes? Listen to this episode before you do!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    Neutral vs. Stability vs. Motion Control Shoes

    [01:12] Coach Valerie discusses the different types of running shoes and emphasizes that comfort is the most important factor.

    [02:21] She explains the idea behind motion control and stability shoes, and why they may not be the best choice for runners.

    [04:17] Coach Valerie talks about the problems with gait analysis and how shoes shouldn't control foot movement.

    Proper Running Technique

    [05:16] Having a loose and free ankle while running is critical. The foot should land neutrally on the ground.

    [07:33] The focus should be on the correct movement of pulling the foot, rather than foot strike and impact.

    Minimalist vs. Cushioned Shoes

    [08:25] There should be a balance between having enough cushion for comfort and protection, but not so much that it disconnects the runner from the ground.

    [09:03] We recommend trying to go as minimalist as your foot will allow.

    Trail Running vs. Road Running

    [10:15] Running is running, regardless of the surface, but Coach Valerie acknowledges that trail running may require shoes with more protection, such as a rock plate.

    Proper Shoe Fit

    [13:08] Being able to move and wiggle the toes inside the shoe is important. You don’t want to feel constricted.

    [13:37] Coach Valerie emphasizes the importance of trying on shoes, with or without socks, to ensure a proper fit and comfort. If possible, walk around in the store to make sure they feel right.

    [14:17] One reason the shoe needs to fit well is to avoid sliding around, which can cause blisters.

    Blisters and Running Technique

    [15:03] Blisters often come from chafing and can be a sign that the runner's foot is moving forward or back too much, indicating a need to focus on pulling. However, other causes of blisters can be weird stitching in the shoe or wet and bunched-up socks.

    [15:36] Blisters during downhill or trail running can be caused by the foot coming out in front and sliding in the shoe.

    Wet Conditions and Shoe Integrity

    [16:40] Wet shoes or socks can lose their integrity and cause sliding - again, this can lead to blisters.

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    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/ 

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • Interested in learning how to improve running speed/endurance? We’ve got you covered!

    In this episode, Coaches Valerie and Caroline explain how interval training, hill repeats, proper running form, and overcoming mental barriers can help runners improve their speed and endurance.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    How to Improve Running Speed and Endurance

    [00:50] Interval training allows you to work the body at a higher level and then rest. Long runs help you build endurance. Coach Caroline asks how this works within the RunRX teachings?

    The Benefits of Varied Training for Runners - Interval training and speed workouts

    [01:25] Varied training like intervals is key for improvement. Intervals build strength and speed with intense effort followed by rest. Long runs alone won't make you faster. Coaches should first teach mechanics, then proper acceleration.

    How Do I Extend My Stride?

    [03:35] Running faster is about learning to use gravity by falling forward at a higher angle. This allows runners to tap into more existing speed potential in a controlled way. It also helps them do hill and interval sessions correctly to get faster without injury.

    Overcoming Mental and Physical Barriers

    [05:50] Many runners hold themselves back mentally and physically without realizing it. Understanding how to use gravity and let go enables runners to control speed on downhills versus feeling scared.

    Coaching for Proper Form and Movement 

    [08:48] Video analysis and coaching helps identify inefficient movement patterns. 

    Starting with short practice sessions to feel proper form is more beneficial than trying to immediately run long distances.

    Refining running form and movement frees runners from overcompensation and injuries.

    Applying Lessons to Trail Running

    [09:27] Two runners in their 50s learned efficient uphill and downhill form. Using hill training to improve strength and speed, they overcame previous injuries and age concerns to excel at trail running.

    Rebuilding Excitement and Performance

    [13:49] Correcting form deficiencies gives runners hope and excitement again. Achieving efficient movement for even 10 steps at a time builds confidence to continue improving. 

    Proper form enables runners to rebuild performance regardless of age or previous limitations.

    [15:45] RunRx offers customized gait analyses, coaching calls, training plans, and an online community. Our flexible membership model meets runners where they are currently at.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/ 

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

  • Want to know how to prevent running injuries? This is the episode for you!

    In it you’ll learn the RunRX top tips for preventing running injuries. We’re talking about proper warm-ups, cool-downs, gradually increasing mileage, strength training, and focusing on the 3 primary running mechanics.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    How to Prevent Running Injuries

    [00:21] Coach Caroline introduces the topic of preventing running injuries, which is the #1 question runners look up on search engines. She outlines the 3 main tips: proper warm-up/cool-down, gradual mileage increase, and strength training.

    Importance of Proper Warm-up and Cool-down Routines

    [01:30] Warm-ups and cool-downs mentally and physically prepare your body for running and help prevent injuries. RunRX recommends simple 3-4 minute routines before and after runs.

    Remembering to Warm Up When Injured 

    [04:01] The irony is that people remember to warm up when injured, but often forget when healthy. Consistency regardless of whether or not you’re injured is critical to both prevent AND heal injuries!

    Cool Downs Help Your Body Recover

    [05:12] Cool downs are important to realign the body after using a lot of elasticity while running. Cool downs should include light strength training to aid recovery.

    Better Late Than Never for Cool Downs

    [08:59] Are late cool downs still beneficial? Yes! Sprinkling in mobility throughout the day may be even better than cramming it all after a run.

    Gradual Increase in Mileage and Intensity

    [11:09] You don’t wanna overdo anything!

    [11:45] Coach Valerie recommends focusing on movement quality rather than distance/time when coming back from injury. Slowly increase mileage by blending running, walking, drills if pain-free.

    Introducing The RunRx Restart Program

    [13:48] The new 4-week Restart program on YouTube goes back to the foundations of running mechanics, warm-ups, strength and self-care for beginners or returning from injury.

    Our program is all about incorporating strength training and flexibility exercises into the routine so that you can run pain free.

    3 Running Mechanics

    [14:05] The RunRx approach simplifies running mechanics into 3 elements - pose, fall, pull. This gives runners specific cues to focus on.

    Proper Alignment and Posture While Running 

    [15:23] Proper alignment and posture while running are important. Hip lifts and glute bridges help strengthen muscles for this.

    Simplifying the Running Routine

    [17:35] Having a simple "to do" list versus just going for a run aimlessly makes running more enjoyable.

    Advice for Beginners and Returning Runners

    [18:34] The RunRX Restart program is perfect for beginners or those returning from injury who want to restart running properly.

    Want a taste? Check out our YouTube channel and the 30 day reboot playlist below!

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

  • In this episode, Coaches Caroline and Valerie dish on the contradictory running advice in magazines, introduce their 4-week RunRX Reboot for resilient running, and share tips for maintaining joy on the roads while avoiding injury.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    The Problem with Running Magazine Advice

    [00:36] Running magazines often give contradictory advice, like improving your stride in one article and saying not to overthink running form in another. These are just some of the mixed messages runners receive.

    The Fear of Losing Running Joy

    [01:09] New clients often fear training will replace running joy with constant drills and exercises. She aims to enhance joy through balanced training.

    The Need for Consistent Baseline Exercises

    [02:09] Doing a consistent minimum of mobility, strength, and skill exercises helps keep the body resilient for running vs. spending hours on them. 

    The Risk of Overdoing It With Training

    [03:40] Some runners may overdo new training like yoga or reboot exercises due to their high-volume mindset. Moderation is key.

    Introducing the 4-Week RunRX Reboot

    [04:18] Coach Valerie introduces the 4-week RunRX Reboot program focused on foundation running skills. Each week builds on the last.

    The Focus on Efficiency Over Volume

    [05:31] The reboot aims to develop efficient form vs. spending extensive time on exercises. Consistency matters more than duration.

    Appealing to the Runner's Mindset

    [06:20] The reboot is structured to appeal to the runner's mindset, with attainable consistency rather than hours of exercises.

    Teaching 20+ Years of Running Resilience

    [07:59]  The key exercises in the reboot distill 20+ years of teaching running resilience. They counter reliance on shoes alone.

    Overview of the Reboot Launch

    [10:21]  Coach Caroline provides an overview of the reboot launch in early February with video, print, phone and other formats. Take our quiz and get on our mailing list! https://runrx.fit/quiz

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- Take our quiz and get on our mailing list! https://runrx.fit/quiz

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/ 

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

  • At the risk of sounding like a Tom Cruise movie quote, if you feel the need for speed, you should rush to tune into this episode of the RunRX Podcast!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    Speeding to the Finish Line

    [00:34] Coach Valerie discusses the quote about "the need for speed" that caught her attention. It highlighted the benefits of speed work beyond just VO2 max.

    Importance of Speed Work

    [01:11] The benefits of speed work for running economy, form, muscle recruitment, and communication between the brain and muscles. However, there is a misunderstanding that speed work is only for performance.

    Introducing Speed Through Drills

    [03:19] RunRX introduces speed work through short distance drills. We have runners try sprinting in place or for 3-5 strides to get the feeling of running fast without worrying about distance.

    Giving Yourself Permission

    [05:05] Coach Caroline talks about giving yourself permission to try speed work without pressure. You can experiment with "letting go" and falling during a run like driving in an empty parking lot. 

    Overcoming Intimidation of Speed Work

    [06:29] Coach Valerie talks about being intimidated by speed work as a new runner. She had no experience with tracks or stopwatches. The drills help introduce speed without that intimidation factor.

    Training at Your Base Speed First

    [08:14] Training your base with strength before speed work is important for success. The muscles, body and brain all need to be ready before sprinting or increasing volume. The drills help prepare the mind and body for the speed when it’s time to introduce it into your running regimen.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/ 

    -- Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX