Siit leiad kõik Levila lugude audioversioonid ning meie taskuhäälingud ja kuuldemängud.
Ajakirjanikud Marii Karell ja Piret Tali kommenteerivad nädala olulisemaid teemasid ja selgitavad Laseri telelugude telgitaguseid.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is the podcast about foreign policy, international relations, politics, security, defense... My name is Andrej Matišák. I'm a journalist, deputy head of foreign desk in Slovak daily Pravda. So far this is mostly a small side project. Maybe it will grow. I'll see. Anyway, I hope that you will like it and you will support it by listening, sharing and subscribing. Of course, there are gazillions of projects like this but I think that this is the only one from Slovakia. :-)
Donut Racing Show: An F1 Podcast brings a cheap beer mindset to the champagne-popping podium of Formula One racing. If you only watch the race on Sunday, you’re missing 70% of the picture... and that’s where we come in. Let Donut Media’s Nolan Sykes, and motor-journalists Alanis King (Business Insider, Jalopnik) and Elizabeth Blackstock (Jalopnik), be your friendly guides to the wild world of Formula One. From the frustrations (FERRARI!) to the glory (RED BULL!) to the downright disappointing (MERCEDES?!), Donut Racing Show is here for you.
For advertising opportunities please email [email protected].
We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can:
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Love the royal family? You've come to the right place!'s Kinsey Schofield interviews royal commentators and authors about the history of the British royal family. Created by Kinsey Schofield, is a pop-culture take on the British Royal Family and a celebration of the life of Princess Diana. Fans of Diana, Prince William, or Kate Middleton are sure to enjoy. Thank you for visiting To Di For Daily's official podcast.
Join Christian & Thad as they enjoy supporting local with cold brews, good friends, and nonsense weekly!
Welcome to My Playstion and Me! Where MC Fixer and Guest host Talk all things PlayStation
Talk with Shazia is about topics affecting our lives. We talk about music and dreams and just about anything. I want to experience being listened to even when I am disabled, that people care about my voice, about me. At least here, I can voice out my opinion on things. Also, just to enjoy life. I do Song covers too.
You can email me at [email protected] -
Never before has one known the true depths of cluelessness as these two bumbling idiots attempt to make sense of the divine mystique without someone accidentally cursing their families or something. This stuff can come with kinda ominous warnings. Have you seen thatOuija movie? It wasn’t very good, but hoo boy, it has got me worried. Imagine if that happened to us on an episode one day? Ha,ha, man that would be wild. You wouldn’t even be able to tell because it would all be audio! You’d just hear us screaming and being haunted and all that. Who would have even uploaded the audio? Spooky! Anyway. Join our neophyte foretellers as they explore the wide range of different ways these walking apes we call humans have tried to predict what will happen to them tomorrow from Miley Cyrus to Mesopotamia.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The big rock podcast is brought to you by amateur enduro/hard enduro dirtbike riders Forrest Rogers and Brandon west!
Jasmin St Claire interviews some of the top conservative newsmakers every Friday on Ice Cold Conservative.
President Kersti Kaljulaidi taskuhääling. Olulistest asjadest.
There is a pressing need to marshal Scotland’s formidable expertise on international affairs to support the formulation of public policy and to lift the level of debate over international questions in the public sphere.
The Scottish Council on Global Affairs is the first all-Scotland international relations institute providing a hub for policy-relevant research and a home for informed, non-partisan debate on all areas of foreign and security policy.
The Council provides a forum to bring together the public, private and not-for-profit sectors with civil society and academic expertise to encourage dialogue, debate and the dissemination of research on issues of global importance.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
В этом подкасте я (бывший журналист) и Миша (бывший сотрудник ДПС) рассказываем и разбираемся в новшествах в ПДД, законах и всех различных сферах и изменениях, касающихся водителей машин, мотоциклов и другой техники, передвигающейся по дорогам общего пользования. Это подкаст не перечитка новостей автомобильной сферы, это, в первую очередь, мнение, которое никто не спрашивал. Но мы опережаем время и делимся им до того, как начали появляться вопросы.
Сами мы находимся в городе Кирове и проецируем все изменения и новшества на родной город.
True crime. Real prosecutors. Expert analysis.
Experienced prosecutors from San Diego, CA discuss the latest crime news, interview criminal justice leaders, and bring you their expert analysis. -
The Trek Profiles podcast is devoted to the idea that Star Trek changes lives for the better. Each episode, we sit down with a different Trek fan, examine how they discovered Star Trek and what it’s meant to them. In doing so, we hope to figure out why Trek means so much to us!
Я — журналист-расследователь Андрей Захаров. Каждую субботу или воскресенье с утра я подвожу новостные и личные итоги недели. Иногда с настоящего похмелья.
В подкасте используются фрагменты из фильма «Москва слезам не верит» («Мосфильм», 1979). -
В этом подкасте мы будем обсуждать различные темы. Я буду приглашать гостей и вести монолог. Вы сможете задавать мне вопросы и участвовать в обсуждении.
Telegram: Z891848967190Отправить донат:По вопросам сотрудничества: [email protected] -
Improteater on üks tore hobi mis erinevaid inimesi kokku toob et omavahel mängida ja avastada, naerda ja mõelda, vahel isegi enda kohta midagi uut teada saada. Tihti juhtub ka nii, et mängime ära ja siis lähme pärisellu tagasi ning ei jäägi eriti aega rääkida ellest, et mida me mõtleme ja mida me tunneme.
See podcast on hea võimalus seda aega võtta ja rääkida - või kuulata, päriselt kuulata. Mõnikord leiad, et teine inimene mõtleb samamoodi kui sina, teinekord jälle avastad mõne täiesti uue perspektiivi.
Põnev on igal juhul :)