
  • Feeling like you've lost the fire that once fueled your life? Join Rachel Marie Martin and me for a life-changing conversation to help you Kindle Your Spark. We will tackle why so many moms lose their spark and, more importantly, how to get it back. If you've ever felt like you are just going through the motions or wondering, "If this is all there is?" this episode is for you.

    In this episode, Rachel shares the personal and heart-moving story of how she got to the place of realizing she was numb to her feelings. She is candid, funny, and unexpectedly deep.

    Whether you or someone you know has lost their spark, there is hope. We discuss rediscovering yourself, breaking free from self-imposed limits, fighting for your unique story, and embracing vulnerability. It's time to rekindle that spark within your soul so you can live the life God is calling you to live.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/kindle-your-spark/

    Connect with Connie:

    Follow Connie on Facebook | Instagram

    Sign up for Connie's personal weekly letter here

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Parenting can be overwhelming, especially when we start to feel inadequate or judged by others. Today, I'm sharing truths and practical ways you can overcome those feelings of inadequacy many of us struggle with.

    If you feel like you're not enough or that you are doing something wrong when your child acts up or acts out, that doesn't mean you are failing as a parent - it means you're on a journey like every parent. I'll help you reframe these struggles and help you learn to embrace the challenges of raising children. I'll provide real tools and encouragement to help you navigate parenting with confidence.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/feeling-inadequate/

    Navigate Motherhood without Comparing

    The Ministry of Motherhood

    How to Parent a Passive Child

    Parenting Beyond the Rules

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    Have a question? If you want to suggest a topic you'd like to hear me cover, please email me. https://conniealbers.com/contact/

    Also, don't forget to follow me on:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConnieAlbers.Author

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  • Want to raise confident, clear-thinking kids who can communicate their ideas with skill and ease? It all starts with teaching our children how to build a strong argument. In this episode, discover practical, easy-to-follow steps to help your children turn opinions into persuasive points and set them up for a lifetime of thoughtful, respectful communication.

    We can teach our children to form coherent arguments; this episode will help you do that.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/teaching-kids-to-form-coherent-arguments//

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Are you a parent who struggling to balance your hopes for your child with how God made them to be? You are not alone. In this heartfelt episode, I share the art of rethinking our parental expectations and why it's so important to see for who they are, not what we think they should be.

    I'll discuss the difference between guiding vs. controlling, how to set expectations that align with your child's unique strengths and interests, and the incredible transformation that happens when we are willing to adjust our expectations.

    Listen today and discover the power that comes from seeing your child in a whole new light.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/rethinking-parental-expectations/

    Other popular episodes:





    Resources: Parenting Beyond the Rules: Raising Teens with Confidence and Joy

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Watching your teen pull away can be one of the most heartbreaking experiences as a parent. You might find yourself wondering where the sweet child who once adored you has gone or feel the sting of rejection as they seem to distance more each day. It's tough! And there's no sugarcoating it. But take heart: you're not alone in this journey, and it doesn't mean you're losing them forever.

    When your teen acts like they don't like you and pulls away from the relationship, there are things you should do and things to avoid doing to protect your future relationship.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/when-teens-stop-liking-parents/

    Popular episodes you missed:

    The Impact of AI on Students

    Teaching Your Children to Trust You

    Showing Your Child Respect

    Buy Connie's book Parenting Beyond the Rules: Raising Teens with Confidence and Joy

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Helping Homesick College Kids find their way without coming home is the focus of today's podcast.

    Did you know that 70% of college kids experience homesickness and often beg their parents to come home? That shouldn't surprise us. Our children traded what was familiar for the unknown. This big adjustment causes many kids to become completely overwhelmed.

    It takes them time to find their way, but there is so much we can do to help them adjust to their new environment without quitting.

    Tune in to this episode if you or someone you know has a college student. You can help them navigate this season with confidence and joy.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/helping-homesick-college-kids/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • In today's increasingly connected world, it's nearly impossible to shield our children from political discourse. As parents, our role is to equip our children with the tools they need to navigate political conversations with our kids in the safety of our home. When we teach our children how to have these conversations with friends and family in a respectful manner, their confidence and critical thinking skills grow.

    I'm Connie Albers, a veteran homeschool mom who is married to Tom. Together, we have five grown children (three married) and many grandkids. I am committed to strengthening families through live TV, radio, podcasting, writing, and speaking. My book and audio, Parenting Beyond the Rules, Raising Teens with Confidence and Joy, helps parents navigate a critical season of parenting with a focus on building relationships.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/political-conversations-with-kids-part-2//

    To become a sponsor of Equipped To Be, email [email protected].

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • In our fast-paced world, kids are constantly seeing and hearing political news. As parents, it's so important for us to help them understand what's going on around them. By talking about politics in our homes, we're not merely teaching about their rights and responsibilities as citizens; we're also helping them think critically about matters that will impact their future. Helping our children learn how to think critically will help them learn how to make wise decisions as adults.

    Don't miss this opportunity to talk to your children so they learn how to navigate political topics.

    Other popular episodes you might like:




    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/political-conversations-with-kids-part-1/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Today we are continuing with part 2 of Healthy Back-To-School Habits. My guest, Loisann Fowler, and I unpack three of the five non-negotiables for living well.

    We will focus on movement, stress, and relational downtime. You don't want to miss part 2 of Healthy Back-to-School Habits.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/healthy-back-to-school-habits-part-2/.

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • This week, my guest, Loisann Fowler, and I share five healthy habits parents can implement to prepare their children for a new school year. Part 1 of this two-part series can dramatically impact your child's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Don't miss this episode of Equipped To Be. Your children will be glad you listened.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/healthy-back-to-school-habits-part-i/

    Other Popular Episodes:

    Showing Children Respect

    Children Need Structure and Boundaries

    Teaching Children to Trust

    Teach Children Belonging

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Why do children need to be respected by their parents?

    This week, I'm sharing why our children need our respect and understanding and why it's critical for their emotional well-being.

    In this episode of Equipped To Be, you'll learn practical ways to show your child respect and what causes them not to feel disrespected. I'll share practical tips to make your children feel heard and valued, from active listening to valuing their opinions to modeling respectful behavior.

    We want to create a home where respect and love abound. Showing children respect fills a core need that causes them to feel valued, safe, and confident.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/taking-a-break/

    More episodes to help you parent well:

    Children Need Structure and Boundaries

    Teaching Children To Trust

    Teach Belonging to Children

    The Impact of AI on Students

    If you enjoy listening to Equipped To Be, would you kindly leave a review? It is easy and will only take a few seconds. When you do, it helps others see the show in their feed. Also, would you kindly share this with a friend or two? Equipped To Be might be an encouragement to them, too. Thank you ~ Connie

    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Without structure and boundaries, children get confused and anxious. Providing structure and boundaries creates a comforting sense of order and predictability. Plus, it helps children feel secure and protected as they learn to navigate the world around them.

    Join me to learn the benefits of structure and boundaries and how you can help raise safe and secure children.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/children-need-structure-and-boundaries//

    If you enjoy listening to Equipped To Be, kindly leave a review and rate the podcast. It is easy and will only take a few seconds. When you do, it helps others see the show in their feed. Also, would you kindly share this with a friend or two? Equipped To Be might be an encouragement to them, too. Thank you ~ Connie

    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Imagine a world where children can navigate the world with confidence, knowing they can trust the people closest to them. In this episode of Equipped To Be, I unpack the core need of every child: trust! A child's ability to trust their parents and caregivers shapes their emotional well-being and social development, and why it is so vital for their overall growth.

    Trust is essential for children to feel safe, secure, and valued in their relationships with their parents, peers, and, eventually, the broader world. Teaching our children to trust us allows them to build healthy, positive relationships, which is critical for their future.

    You don't want to miss this episode.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/teaching-children-to-trust/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • In today's culture, teaching children they belong within the family unit is desperately needed. Feeling needed is a core need we all experience, but it's especially important to cultivate this core need within our family.

    This week, I focus on understanding and meeting one of our children's fundamental core need.

    Home is where our kids learn belonging, worth, and value.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/each-belonging-to-your-children/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Is the future classroom for students' education going to include Artificial Intelligence? How will this cutting-edge technology intersect with everyday learning? In our latest episode, I'm discussing the pros and cons of AI as it relates to our kids.

    Is AI a powerful ally in personalized education, or is it a silent saboteur that undermines critical thinking and creativity?

    Join me as I unpack the pros and cons of AI in education, featuring insights from educators, tech experts, and students themselves. Discover how AI is reshaping the way we learn, the potential pitfalls we must navigate, and the future of education in an AI-driven world. Tune in and get ready to consider the role of AI in your child's education.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/the-impact-of-ai-on-students/

    If you enjoy listening to Equipped To Be, please leave a review and a five-star rating. It is easy and will only take a few seconds. When you do, it helps others see the show in their feed. Also, would you kindly share this with a friend or two? Equipped To Be might be an encouragement to them, too. Thank you ~ Connie

    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Do you wonder how to raise boys to become strong, godly men?

    Men who will one day lead a family, a company, a community, or maybe even a country. We want our sons to be risk-takers, adventurers, innovators, and creators, but it's hard when we live in a culture that does more to confuse boys than help them.

    Summer is the perfect time to re-air one of ETB's most-listened podcasts. Mark Hancock, CEO of Trail Life USA, and I talk about what you can do to raise boys to become responsible men filled with integrity, honesty, and determination.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/raising-boys-re-air/

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    Thank you ~ Connie

    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • I'm excited to share with you Raising Creative Children Part 2. Part 1 aired last week, and parents and educators loved it.

    The world needs help creative children who are innovators, risk-takers, and adventurous who create beautiful art, music, dance, and movies that reflect God's creation. Creative children need parents and educators to consider their need for time and space when putting together a daily schedule.

    Join me for this episode of Raising Creative Children Part 2

    You can read my notes from the show here: https://conniealbers.com/raising-creative-children-part-2/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • All children are creative. The struggle for parents is knowing how to nurture their children's creativity throughout childhood so they can flourish. Whether your child is a musician, a dancer, a photographer, a singer, a videographer, or an artist, you can help them hone their craft and bring beauty to the world by using their God-given talents.

    Tune in this week and come back next week for part 2 of Raising Creative Children.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/raising-creative-children-part-1/

    Episodes you may have missed:




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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • When you think of the word motherhood, what comes to mind?

    Have you ever paused to consider the profound impact you have on your children's lives? In a world that often underestimates the significance of motherhood, it's crucial to remember that motherhood is a ministry. It's a high calling, a divine appointment, an opportunity to shape the hearts and minds of the next generation.

    Motherhood is a ministry, an intricate blend of love, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment. It's a role that God has uniquely designed for you, with your specific children in mind. In every smile, every tear, and every step they take, they are counting on you to be there, guiding them with your wisdom and nurturing their souls.

    That's the focus of today's episode. Next time you feel overwhelmed, overlooked, or underappreciated, remember this: motherhood is indeed a ministry, and you are doing a remarkable job.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/the-ministry-of-motherhood/

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    When you do, it helps others see the show in their feed. Also, would you kindly share this with a friend or two? Equipped To Be might be an encouragement to them, too. Thank you ~ Connie

    Previous episodes:




    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Have you ever felt like you're falling short as a mom, constantly comparing yourself to the picture-perfect lives of other moms? What if I told you there's a way to break free from this exhausting cycle and find joy in your unique journey? In today's episode, I'll be sharing five principles to help you navigate motherhood without comparisons that can transform the way you see yourself and your role as a mom. You don't want to miss this episode.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/navigate-motherhood-without-comparison/

    If you enjoy listening to Equipped To Be, would you kindly leave a review and a five-star rating? It is easy and will only take a few seconds. When you do, it helps others see the show in their feed. Also, would you kindly share this with a friend or two? Equipped To Be might be an encouragement to them, too. Thank you ~ Connie

    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/