
  • In today's culture, teaching children they belong within the family unit is desperately needed. Feeling needed is a core need we all experience, but it's especially important to cultivate this core need within our family.

    This week, I focus on understanding and meeting one of our children's fundamental core need.

    Home is where our kids learn belonging, worth, and value.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/each-belonging-to-your-children/

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  • Is the future classroom for students' education going to include Artificial Intelligence? How will this cutting-edge technology intersect with everyday learning? In our latest episode, I'm discussing the pros and cons of AI as it relates to our kids.

    Is AI a powerful ally in personalized education, or is it a silent saboteur that undermines critical thinking and creativity?

    Join me as I unpack the pros and cons of AI in education, featuring insights from educators, tech experts, and students themselves. Discover how AI is reshaping the way we learn, the potential pitfalls we must navigate, and the future of education in an AI-driven world. Tune in and get ready to consider the role of AI in your child's education.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/the-impact-of-ai-on-students/

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  • Do you wonder how to raise boys to become strong, godly men?

    Men who will one day lead a family, a company, a community, or maybe even a country. We want our sons to be risk-takers, adventurers, innovators, and creators, but it's hard when we live in a culture that does more to confuse boys than help them.

    Summer is the perfect time to re-air one of ETB's most-listened podcasts. Mark Hancock, CEO of Trail Life USA, and I talk about what you can do to raise boys to become responsible men filled with integrity, honesty, and determination.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/raising-boys-re-air/

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    Thank you ~ Connie

    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • I'm excited to share with you Raising Creative Children Part 2. Part 1 aired last week, and parents and educators loved it.

    The world needs help creative children who are innovators, risk-takers, and adventurous who create beautiful art, music, dance, and movies that reflect God's creation. Creative children need parents and educators to consider their need for time and space when putting together a daily schedule.

    Join me for this episode of Raising Creative Children Part 2

    You can read my notes from the show here: https://conniealbers.com/raising-creative-children-part-2/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • All children are creative. The struggle for parents is knowing how to nurture their children's creativity throughout childhood so they can flourish. Whether your child is a musician, a dancer, a photographer, a singer, a videographer, or an artist, you can help them hone their craft and bring beauty to the world by using their God-given talents.

    Tune in this week and come back next week for part 2 of Raising Creative Children.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/raising-creative-children-part-1/

    Episodes you may have missed:




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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • When you think of the word motherhood, what comes to mind?

    Have you ever paused to consider the profound impact you have on your children's lives? In a world that often underestimates the significance of motherhood, it's crucial to remember that motherhood is a ministry. It's a high calling, a divine appointment, an opportunity to shape the hearts and minds of the next generation.

    Motherhood is a ministry, an intricate blend of love, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment. It's a role that God has uniquely designed for you, with your specific children in mind. In every smile, every tear, and every step they take, they are counting on you to be there, guiding them with your wisdom and nurturing their souls.

    That's the focus of today's episode. Next time you feel overwhelmed, overlooked, or underappreciated, remember this: motherhood is indeed a ministry, and you are doing a remarkable job.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/the-ministry-of-motherhood/

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    When you do, it helps others see the show in their feed. Also, would you kindly share this with a friend or two? Equipped To Be might be an encouragement to them, too. Thank you ~ Connie

    Previous episodes:




    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Have you ever felt like you're falling short as a mom, constantly comparing yourself to the picture-perfect lives of other moms? What if I told you there's a way to break free from this exhausting cycle and find joy in your unique journey? In today's episode, I'll be sharing five principles to help you navigate motherhood without comparisons that can transform the way you see yourself and your role as a mom. You don't want to miss this episode.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/navigate-motherhood-without-comparison/

    If you enjoy listening to Equipped To Be, would you kindly leave a review and a five-star rating? It is easy and will only take a few seconds. When you do, it helps others see the show in their feed. Also, would you kindly share this with a friend or two? Equipped To Be might be an encouragement to them, too. Thank you ~ Connie

    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Do your children get stressed out when faced with final exams, group projects, graduation requirements, and other end-of-year assignments are due? The truth is, most kids do. That's common. But we can help our kids reduce their school year stress so they can enjoy this season of life and not be filled with anxiety.

    In this episode, you can apply to reduce your child's school-year stress by learning how to manage the extra load.

    Last week, I focused on preparing for the time When Children Move Out. Though we are never fully prepared for that day, there are ways you can take a bittersweet moment and turn a bittersweet moment into a joyful experience for all.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/reduce-kids-school-year-stress/


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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • It's hard to picture your active toddler moving out. But it happens faster than you can imagine. Letting go of our children as they venture into adulthood is a bittersweet journey that all parents must face. This transition involves understanding how children naturally seek independence, which is a necessary part of their development. As parents, our role changes too. We move from being needed to day-to-day tasks to prayer warriors, advisors, and supporters.

    It isn't a process of stepping back- it's about reshaping our relationships to respect their new-found status while continuing to offer unconditional love and trusted friends.

    How do you prepare to let your children go well? Today, I'm focusing on the heart of transformation, exploring the emotional and rewarding journey of letting go from a mom who has walked this path many times. I'll share real-life stories, expert insights, and practical advice to help you navigate the complex feelings of pride, loss, and love that come with watching your children grow into independent adults.

    Whether you are facing an empty nest, grappling with new career choices your child makes, or adjusting to their new life relationships, this episode can help you embrace this new chapter with confidence and joy.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/when-Children-Move-Out/

    Episodes you might have missed:






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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • We all encounter obstacles in life, but the keys to overcoming them are developing the skills and using the right tools to turn these challenges into stepping stones. There is no reason to spin your wheels or fret over what to do but to change your approach and stop doing what isn't working.

    Today's podcast focuses on how you can overcome the obstacles in your life by assessing why your stuck, identifying triggers and patterns, readjusting your thoughts, and developing new skills. Whether you're feeling stuck in your work or personal life or your child is, there's a way to get beyond the obstacle and begin moving forward.

    Though obstacles are common, how we navigate them makes all the difference.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/overcoming-obstacles/

    Episodes you might have missed:

    Stop Mom Shaming

    Let Kids Play Outside with Ginny Urich

    Raising Boys with Mark Hancock

    The Power of a Child with Raymond Arroyo

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Overcoming rejection is possible when we focus on our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual actions. No one wants to be rejected, but overcoming rejection is a part of life that we must learn to do well so our relationships stay strong.

    This is part II of learning to manage being rejected.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/overcoming-rejection/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak at your homeschool conference, moms retreat, or school assembly send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Do you fear being rejected by your child? Does the thought of breaking the bond of closeness cause you to parent differently? Navigating rejection is part of the rollercoaster world of parenting, where the highs are dizzying, and lows can knock the socks off you. You're not alone, and there are ways you can handle any rejection while maintaining your relationship.

    To any parent or grandparent walking through the shadow of rejection, know this isn't the end of your relationship.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/navigating-rejection-part-i/

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  • Are you lying awake wondering why trouble seems to find your tween or teen? Do you find yourself worrying about how to keep your teen out of trouble or on track? If you're nodding along, feeling the weight of these questions, you're not alone. In this episode of "Trouble with Teens" I'm sharing truths to help parents trying to navigate the season of adolences.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/trouble-with-teens/

    Addtional episodes you might have missed:



    If you enjoy listening to Equipped To Be, would you kindly leave a review and a five-star rating? It is easy and will only take a few seconds. When you do, it helps others see the show in their feed. Also, would you kindly share this with a friend or two? Equipped To Be might be an encouragement to them too. Thank you ~ Connie

    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Have you found your community? In the whirlwind journey of parenthood, amidst the sleepless nights and endless laundry, there exists and invaluable gift that makes family life easier: community.

    Building a community of families who share similar visions and values can foster growth and confidence for parents and children. A community of friends has dual purposes: to provide a network of support for parents and to create a nurturing environment for our children.

    Friends, we are not designed to live isolated lives. We need families to connect with. Today's episode focuses on how to build a community and what to expect from friendships.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/community-of-friends/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Tired of being judged for every parenting decision you make? Join me for an encouraging episode on "Stop Mom-Shaming," where I share the truth about how harmful it is to shame moms and provide ways to stop it. From breast feeding battles to work-life balance struggles, I'm breaking down the barriers that perpetuate guilt and inadequacy among mothers. Tune in for insights, heartfelt stories, and honest conversations that celebrate your journey of motherhood.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/stop-mom-shaming/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Parents want to raise resilient and compassionate children who can navigate everyday life and succeed in adulthood. Join me as I share 5 Skills Parents Must Teach Children! From cultivating self-control to fostering collaboration and celebrating achievements, you'll gain insights that can help you teach your children.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/5-skills-parents-must-teach-children/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Is it possible for a marriage to fully heal after years of infidelity and betrayal? Yes! My guests, Phil and Priscilla Fretwell, will join me to share their story of how God rebuilt their shattered marriage after twenty-eight years of betrayal and infidelity. You will enjoy this transparent conversation and discover what you can do to strengthen your marriage.

    Read the full show notes with links here: Full Healing After Marital Infidelity ETB #205

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Welcome to "Embracing the Storms Not Chasing Them," where my guest, Tracy Smoak, and I discuss how life's challenges can become stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. We explore the idea of storms and how these difficult moments can be used as a catalyst for growth and change when we rely on the Lord and not ourselves. You will be encouraged to see storms a little differently.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/embracing-storms-not-chasing-them/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Raising boys to become godly men is a question I'm frequently asked. As a mother of three boy, I know parenting boys requires some different skills and knowledge. Today Mark Hancock of Trail Life USA joins me for in important conversations about what boys need and how we can help them.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/taking-a-break/

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/

  • Ever felt a little intimidated cracking open the Bible? You read page after page, but you don't understand it. You're not alone. The delightful Annie Weber joins me to discuss how you can find astounding truths hidden in the pages of scripture that can bring you joy and give your life purpose. Join us for episode #202 Finding Joy in Learning Biblical Truths.

    Read the full show notes with links here: https://conniealbers.com/finding-joy-in-leaarning-biblical-truths/

    The Value of Community

    The Urgent Need to Retreat

    Embracing Your Fierce Calling with Doris Swift

    Feasting on Truth with Erin Warren

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    Have a question? Interested in having Connie speak? Send an email to Connie here: https://conniealbers.com/contact/