Each week on the Bart Ehrman Blog Podcast, John Mueller will read two posts from the Bart Ehrman Blog – the first will be a post from the not too distant past, and the second will be from the blog archives (one published roughly the same calendar week but from years 2012 to 2016).
The Bart Ehrman Blog was created in 2012 to raise money for charities devoted to fighting poverty, hunger, and homelessness. Each week, Dr. Ehrman publishes 5 or 6 posts (approximately 1000 words each post) providing his insights, opinions, and illuminations on important issues and topics pertaining to the Historical Jesus, the New Testament and Early Christianity. To stay current with all of Dr. Ehrman’s new posts, to read any of Dr. Ehrman’s previous posts, to comment on any of his posts, to read Dr. Ehrman’s responses to comments, and to access other features of the blog, you must become a member of the Bart Ehrman Blog. Cost of membership is minimal (less $4 for a monthly membership or less than $25 for an annual membership) and ALL PROCEEDS from membership go to charity. To join, go to
Dr. Bart D. Ehrman is a renowned scholar of the Historical Jesus, the New Testament, and Early Christianity; he is the recipient of numerous academic awards, grants, and fellowships; he is a frequent lecturer, debater, and media pundit; he has authored more than 20 books including five which made the New York Times Best Sellers List; he is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; and among numerous other accomplishments, he is an incredibly great guy. -
Sunday morning Bible teachings from the pastors and teachers at Calvary Spokane in Spokane, WA. For more information visit us at
Folka fra Impuls fører gode samtaler med spennende mennesker om ungdomstid og ungdomsarbeid. Impuls er en kristen ungdomsbevegelse som eksisterer for å oppmuntre og utfordre unge mennesker til å elske Jesus og være kirka.
Reclaiming Feminism for Christianity
Gain an understanding of the whole self. Learn to have success in your family, finances, health, and a close relationship with God. Gain a bible perspective of prophecy and see how that applies to daily life.
Two friends. Two pastors. Two theologians explore the greatest questions of life and the mystery of God. In each episode, Dr. Wes Arblaster and Dr. Ethan Smith probe a question of spiritual life in conversation with Scripture and figures from the first 1000 years of the church. In the process they discover that the God Christians worship is more mysterious and compelling than we ever imagined.
This Undivided Life Podcast will give you real advice to help make life whole again. Join Troy Mclaughlin, co-host Scott Perkins and guests as we talk real life. We bypass simple platitudes and the generic “just love yourself” gibberish, and dive headlong into the challenges pulling us a million different directions. Life is fractured; from your calendars chocked full of commitments, to the black hole of entertainment in the palm of your hand, and the constant buzz of iPhone alerts. For most of us, the hum of anxiety is always present. You struggle to keep up with life’s frenetic pace, social media’s comparison game, or the far-fetched promises of our consumer culture. You feel divided, out of sorts, maybe even broken because of past experiences. Here’s the good news, we’ll talk about ways to combat those feelings; things you can do, habits to break or create, and practices to put in place. If you’re looking for gurus, quick fixes, or hacks, this is not the show for you. If you’re looking for fellow sojourners, people on a similar journey, you’ve found your show.
We have been on a relentless journey for over a decade to live whole hearted and connected to God and others (actually connected). As a byproduct of this journey, we became life coaches (by accident) in 2018 and have now worked with over 32,000 believers. We have committed to documenting what we've learned in our lives as well as what we've learned from our clients and that's why we started the Alive & Free offer whatever we can to other believers that don't want to settle for mediocre connection in their lives and relationships. We cover conflict, pain, forgiveness, addictions, coping, sin, codependency, as well as many other topics. Welcome to the conversation.
IKOfon er en podkast for deg som jobber med kirkelig undervisning - som ansatt eller som frivillig medarbeider. Gjestene i podkasten til IKO - Kirkelig pedagogisk senter er forskere, forfattere og andre som kan formidle noe om kirkelig undervisning. Annbjørg Dalland og Asbjørn G. Håkonseth snakker med dem om bøkene og utgivelsene deres.
Professor Carl Fredrik Wisløff (1908-2004) har gjennom sitt forfatterskap og sin undervisning hatt mye å si for klassisk kristendom i Norge. Dette er opptak av hans undervisning i troslære fra Menighetsfakultetet. Podkasten er presentert av den kristne ressurssiden
Denne podcasten er til deg som jobber med ungdommer og konfirmanter i menighet. Og for deg som bare er interessert i samtaler om teologi. Vi er samles på gølvet og snakker fag på en måte som er lærerikt og nyttig for feltarbeiderne i Den norske kirke og andre menigheter. Vi er Linn Sæbø Rystad førsteamanuensis i praktisk teologi, Tor Olav Gauksås kateket og redaktør for, og Brage Molteberg Midtsund, kapellan og forfatter. I tillegg har vi med oss gjester som gir oss ny innsikt og reflekterer om hvordan vi bruker faget i praksisfeltet. Drodling på kirkegølvet er et samarbeid mellom Borg Bispedømme, og MF Vitenskapelig høyskole for Teologi, Religion og Samfunn.
Building the Kingdom of God by uniting Jew and Gentile Christians as One New Man in Christ Yeshua.
LED-podden er Pinsebevegelsens lederpodcast.
Her får du som kristen leder undervisning i form av inspirasjon, faglig påfyll og åndelig dybde.
Vi håper du får utbytte av den! Del gjerne med en venn. -
Her snakker vi om ALT OG INGENTING
Podcasten blir holdt av Elling Myklebust, Kristoffer Skjæveland, Markus Urstad og Ole Dragsund. Vi er en kompisgjeng som driver med kristent ungdomsarbeid og har lagd denne podcasten for å snakke om hva unge møter i deres hverdag.
I denne podcasten håper vi å utfordre deg til å leve brennende for Gud gjennom historier, undervisning og spesielle gjester!
I serien Bibelguiden ønsker vi å ta deg som lytter med gjennom Bibelens bøker. Bibeltekstene blir lest, og ulike forkynnere og bibellærere er med oss og kommenterer teksten.
Feel at PeaceAbide is a non-denominational biblically grounded meditation app where you can experience peace and progress in your relationship with Christ. It’s the most trusted place for busy Christians, like you, to connect to God. By providing a safe & still place where you can listen to a trusted friend in an environment without condemnation, you can feel at peace. Biblical Affirmations can help you center yourself on the truth found in God's word. Each biblically grounded affirmation begins with deep breathing, includes 6 affirmations with gentle music and ends with a heartfelt prayer.
When you download the Abide App, not only will you gain access to our premium ad-free content, you can customize your content. We meet you where you are at and point you to the best meditations and sleep stories we genuinely believe will help you grow in your relationship with God. For a 30 day free trial, your trusted friend for meditation is right here: -
En podcast med ønske om å gjøre undervisning om bibelen tilgjengelig for flere.
Følg også på instagram @dulytter, og se episodene på Youtube -
Truth or lies?
What we believe informs our actions, and actions have outcomes, whether good or bad. Believe it or not, even to life or death! So let's cut to and through the lies that cost us - replacing them with truth - and see life transformed for the better!
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32