Fiction – Israel – Suositut podcastit

  • The mythical village of Chelm is where, in the mid- to late-1800s, the Wise Fools lived. Where everyone was a fool, no one was aware of being foolish. These are their stories--unlike other stories in the Chelm genre, very short-form tales as read aloud in synagogue over many years. (But you don't have to be Jewish! All are welcome.)

  • New to DUST? Start with Season Three: CHRYSALIS, starring Corey Hawkins, Toni Collette, and more!

    DUST is the premier destination for immersive science fiction audio stories.

    Previous Seasons:

    Season Three, CHRYSALIS: When an AI awakens after the genocide of the human race by an unknown alien species, it sets off on a path of vengeance across the known universe...and beyond.

    Season Two, FLIGHT 008: Eleven of the biggest writers in science fiction, through eleven unique stories, follow one single thread: a non-stop flight from Tokyo to San Francisco that passes through a wrinkle in spacetime and lands in the year 2040.

    Season One, HORIZONS: An anthology of audio stories ranging from Philip K. Dick and Ray Bradbury to the new voices of today.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • לאורך השנים, הוקלטו בקול ישראל מאות תסכיתים - מחזות רדיו. עם פריצת הטלוויזיה בישראל, מחזות הרדיו הלכו ונעלמו.  כעת, עם התחייה שעובר המדיום הקולי בזכות ההסכתים (פודקאסטים) אנחנו חוזרים להקליט מחזות מעובדים לקול. כאן הסכתים משלבים כוחות עם תאטרון תמונע המושבת, ודווקא בימים אלה נותנים יד להפצה של יצירה ישראלית מקורית.

    תסכיתי "ובכל זאת" הופקו במסגת פסטיבל תמונע 2020

  • All Nerdy, No Dirty! We are a group of pop culture addicts who love to talk scifi and pop culture with our guests! Support this podcast: Buy us a Coffee!

  • لو بجد مدمن رعب ده احسن بودكاست ممكن يعيشك الرعب على اصوله
    عيش تجربة رعب حقيقية بعيدا عن كلاسيكيات القصص المتداولة على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بوعدك بلحظات مثيرة وغامضة واسلوب سرد فريد واحترافي مصحوب بزخات المطروصوت الرياح الصحراوية او احتراق الحطب والمزيكا التصويرية الغريبة هاينقلك لعالم غامض غريب وممتع

  • הספר "הארי פוטר והשיטה הרציונלית" הוא פאנפיק שנכתב על ידי אליעזר יודקובסקי, המבוסס על ספריה של ג'יי קיי רולינג. זהו לא חלק מהקנון המקורי אלא יקום חלופי: מה היה קורה לו הארי פוטר, במקום לגדול אצל זוג דודים מרושעים ובורים, היה גדל אצל פרופסור באוקספורד ומתחנך על מיטב המסורת המדעית המוגלגית?
    סדרת הספרים (שאורכה כחמשת הספרים הראשונים של הארי פוטר) נכתבה במקור באנגלית, ותורגמה לעברית על ידי קהילת 'רציונליות ישראל'. למידע נוסף ולקריאת הספר בעברית:
    לספר המקורי באנגלית:

    קרדיט לאיור הקאוור: CatoPhilosophus

    ליצירת קשר:

  • Paramecia is a One Piece inspired Fancast. each episode we'll discuss the latest chapter as well as dive into different One-Piece related topics each week!

  • Guided meditations and musings from your digital assistant.

  • Spybrary is a podcast for fans of spy books, spy tv and spy movies since 2017. We bring you author interviews and reader discussions on our favorite spy books and novels.

  • Come visit Broken, Alaska! It's an indie Audio-fiction podcast about a tiny town with BIG stories! Improvised and odd, the locals disagree about everything from business to love, but still manage to live together. The resulting comedy genius from these dozen actors takes you on a wild ride full of mystery, comedy, and heartfelt friendships. You'll want to live in Broken!

  • Rivers of the Mind is a psychedelic Urban Fantasy/Superhero audio drama set in the Texas Hill Country. It centers around an underground laboratory concealed underneath a water treatment facility--formerly a part of the MK Ultra program, but today used to test secret technology for space travel. It's first main character, John is a homeless geologist who takes LSD outside of the lab one night and develops the ability to read minds, who is eventually joined by Meagan, a cashier at Walmart who receives "The Gift of Language" from a field of psychedelic mushrooms, and Sapphire, the ghost of a test subject who died in the 1960s. The show also features a "show within a show" following a police officer whose memory was erased by John just as he developed empathic superpowers, and an internet conspiracy theorist trying to help him discover the truth. (S1E2, S1.5E1, S1.5E3, S1.5E5, and S1.5E6, plus all of Season 2.5)

  • The GBR boys tackling all subjects! Good weed, good food, and great life experiences! Thank you for giving us a listen!

  • GIRL, come over here!
    Our topic is based on celebrity drama to see whether these astounding accusations are worth our attention.

  • שיר ראובן ודור סער מן קוראים שוב את הארי פוטר, מההתחלה ועד הסוף

  • ¿Sabes en qué estoy pensando? Escúchame para entender algunas de mis reflexiones, acciones y opiniones sobre la vida en general, los comportamientos humanos, la resiliencia, y mi perspectiva de este mundo subjetivo. Soy Nicole Manjarrez, busco mi pasión mientras escribo y este es mi podcast.

  • Two friends define their terms & talk stories.

    Narrative analysis through the lens of the Sorting Hat Chats personality taxonomy system (, inspired by the Harry Potter Houses.

  • Star Trek YouTubers Lore Reloaded, Lorerunner, Jessie Gender and sometimes Ketwolski band together to form the worst and often most corrupt crew in all of Starfleet, as they take on everything from the Borg, the Romulans, Section 31 and their own incompetence in this Star Trek RPG podcast based on the D20-based Star Trek Adventures tabletop game.

  • Got a minute? Well...maybe three or four? Then step up and let me tell you a story that puts the FLASH in flash fiction. In today’s hurry-up world, we’re all frazzled by our jobs, families, and those dang domestic responsibilities. So who’s got time for something like a story? Right? Just give me those three or four minutes. I’ll prune away the flowery adjectives. Kill the adverbs and cut the story down to its roots. Then lay out a smack-in-the-forehead finish. Not EXACTLY an ambush, but about as close as I can come without losing my literary license.

  • A view of the world that seems dark but it’s really not. Just have an open mind!