Med kunskap och humor tar Henrik Torehammar, Torbjörn Nilsson och Maggie Strömberg sig an skvallret i riksdagens korridorer, djupdyker i politikens historia, spanar framåt och analyserar både sakpolitik och rävspel. Nytt avsnitt varje tisdag och på fredagar svarar de på lyssnarnas frågor.
En podd från Svenska Dagbladet, SvD.
Ansvarig utgivare: Lisa Irenius.
Ivar Arpi i samtal med vänner och fiender. Utan filter eller skygglappar. -
Anna-Karin Wyndhamn och Ivar Arpi slår både näven och handväskan i bordet om aktuella och rykande inaktuella händelser. -
Sen lunch med PK är ett program från Uppsala Politicesstuderandes förening UPS! Programmet har fokus på inrikespolitiska frågor så som verklighetens folk, könsdiskriminering, demokrati, kommunpolitik och facebooks politiska agenda.
Vi tar ner Sveriges makthavare på jorden och analyserar allt från deras politik till deras frukostmacka. Lyssna på studentradions politiska svar på Linda Rosing när det begav sig live på varannan onsdag 18.00.
Utan krusiduller och rakt på sak delar Dan Eriksson, ordförande för Det fria Sverige och Europa Terra Nostra, med sig av sina kommentarer, analyser och resonemang. Nationalism, traditionalism och frihetlighet är grundpelarna, i övrigt är formatet fritt. Aktuella händelser, ideologiska spörsmål, filosofiska funderingar - men alltid kort, koncist och konkret. -
Charting The Rise Of A Multipolar World Order
Philip Pilkington is an unorthodox macroeconomist.
Andrew Collingwood is an equally skeptical journalist.
Lately, both have realised that - post-Ukraine, post-Afghanistan withdrawal - the old, unipolar, US-led world order is in its death throes.
In its wake, something new is being born. But what shape will that take? That will depend on a combustible combination of economics and geopolitics; trade and military muscle.
Each week, our duo take three off-radar news stories and explain how each is shaping our multipolar reality. -
Uncover the hidden forces shaping our world.
Zev applies his skills gained as a journalist and news executive for 30 years to give viewers and listeners an unparalleled view of events changing our world.
Narativ is Where Truth Lives. -
Varje vecka bjuder vi på fördjupning och analys med utgångspunkt i egna publiceringar och andra viktiga nyhetshändelser inom Expos bevakningsområde. Ansvarig utgivare: Daniel Poohl
En poddradio för framtidens arbetarrörelse. Vi förklarar och fördjupar aktuella ämnen i samhällsdebatten utifrån ett demokratiskt, socialistiskt och sekulärt perspektiv.
Podden med de heta politiska ämnena. Vänsterpartiets riksdagsledamot Ulla Andersson intervjuar gäster. Månadens händelser kommenteras i "Sista ordet". Denna första har Stefan Sundström som gäst.öm -
Join the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention for biweekly news updates as well as occasional long-form conversations about genocide patterns and prevention with scholars, activists, and survivors from around the world.
Find more of our work on our website or check us out on Instagram, X, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Telegram, and WhatsApp.
The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention is an all-volunteer organization that relies on donations from individuals like you to cover operating costs. If you appreciate the clear-eyed, evenhanded, and frank assessments of situations you care about, please consider making a one-time contribution or monthly gift on our Support Us page, or subscribe to this podcast on Patreon.
Tim Constantine broadcasts from Washington DC to listeners all across the United States. He combines his background in TV and Radio, his experience in public office, his controversial fall from grace and his hard-nose business approach with his understated sense of humor for one of the most entertaining radio programs anywhere.
\Constantine has the unique position among Talk's elite as having been on the other side of the interview microphone almost as much as he's been the one asking the questions. His conservative approach doesn't stop him from questioning the motives and effectiveness of politicians of all stripes. Never mean, but always seeking truth and accuracy, Constantine is a breath of fresh air in today's world of mindless talking points from the left or the right. -
Οι "ανέντακτες" εκμπομπές του TPP.
@OASinfoService on twitter! OAS is an imperialist cat's paw founded by bourgeois sicko nelson rockefeller that does coups. Pic is of martyr Manuel Buendia. Hosts: @jreq13
@willyyboiii1 -
Journalist & opinionsbildare som förespråkar nationsgränser -
Welcome to the NEW HOME of Mea Culpa – the ONLY place to find new episodes of Michael Cohen’s hit podcast. Cohen, the former attorney and personal “fixer” for Donald J. Trump, once vowed to take a bullet for the President. But that was before the country was brought to its knees by Trump’s lies and personal madness. While Cohen was imprisoned in his own home, with his life, reputation, and livelihood destroyed, he went on a mission to right the wrongs he perpetuated on behalf of his former boss. Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen, is a raw and unfiltered podcast that shines light into the dark corners of our current American Apocalypse. Tune in twice weekly for exclusive interviews and candid conversations with the New York Times best-selling author and self-proclaimed “gangster lawyer,” as he sets to dismantle the Trump legacy and uncover the truth… and nothing but the truth.
Lisa Bjurwald är politisk redaktör på VLT. I Bjurwald & co får du spännande gäster och fördjupande samtal om aktuella ämnen.
Fångar samtidens signaler
2024 will be one of the most consequential elections of our lifetime. This year, we will follow the journeys of five voters from Florida, Ohio, California, Arizona and Pennsylvania, hand-picked by the team at Tangle, as they navigate through fact and misinformation. We’ll find out what issues really matter to them, what their values are, and ultimately, who will earn their vote.
A Tangle Media Production
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Samhällsspaning med humor och glimten i ögat. Tre skarpsynta personligheter tolkar tecken i tiden och ger oss sina personliga visioner om framtiden. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.Ansvarig utgivare: Peter O Nilsson