Welcome to DEAR THERAPIST! I'm Jasmin Schott Carvalheiro, clinical psychologist, somatic therapist & Somatic Experiencing trauma therapist. This podcast is for those eager to learn about somatic therapy & holistic healing methods for individuals & couples. I will speak about my unique blend of science-based methods & shamanic healing techniques. In our new season, featuring episodes in both German and English, you'll find solo sessions, interviews, and deep conversations with fellow therapists. Let’s dive in together into these fascinating topics and explore how we can deeply heal and connect.
За последние годы здоровый образ жизни превратился в огромную индустрию. Она объединяет самые разные понятия и направления. И как и в любой гуманитарной сфере, в ЗОЖ существует множество белых пятен, мифов и заблуждений. Подкаст студии SoundStream «ЗОЖ: правда и ложь» будет разбираться в главных из них. Ведущие Катя Акулич и Игорь Лисник обсудят и попробуют разобраться, каким советам стоит следовать, от чего отказаться и что изменить в своем миропонимании, чтобы правильно вести Здоровый Образ Жизни.
Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс» — [email protected] -
Listen to people share candid stories about the moment it clicked that they have ADHD. Host Laura Key, who’s had her own ADHD “aha” moment, chats with guests about common topics like ADHD and shame, mental health challenges, and more. Through heartfelt interviews, listeners learn about the unexpected, emotional, and even funny ways ADHD symptoms surface for kids and adults.
Gathering inspiring stories of how we navigate through this life in our human meat suits. From sharing tools for your body, mind and soul to talking about my own experiments with yoga from Western 'good vibes only' to strict classical yoga at an ashram, meditation and silence, psychedelics and microdosing, travels as a way to forget and embrace new me and most recently mindblowing Burning Man and re-inventing my own life from a very bottom of depression.Why? Because I want to know. Because you inspire me. Because together we grow, through support, understanding, compassion and love.Reach out, leave a comment and connect - IG: [email protected]
The SavvyCast is a podcast of the Family Savvy blog, where Jamie Tarence will host savvy guests to discuss real life topics that affect us all. Food and family. Marriage and divorce. Fitness and health. The Enneagram and relationships. Each episode is designed to entertain, educate and inspire all who listen. Everyone is welcome at the table! So grab a cup of coffee, and let’s talk.
Psiholoģe un psihoterapijas speciāliste Ginta Ratniece dalās ar savām pārdomām un pieredzi...
gintaruna.substack.com -
Modern Mindset investigates how our beliefs, values, and psychology influences our modern life and emotions. From business and finance to relationships and communication, Adam talks to experts from around the world to provide practical ways in which psychology and mindset give can you the edge in the minefield of modern life.
The Manifest That Miracle Podcast brings strategy, mindset and tools to do what seems impossible for those who want an extraordinary life.
Your host is Lana Shlafer - mindset coach, law of attraction expert and author of the best-selling book Manifest That Miracle: Learn Why You Don’t Have What You Want and How to Get It.
Over the past decade, Lana has empowered thousands to manifest what seems out of reach, including crossing 7-figures in their business, healing from a chronic illness, and meeting their ideal partner.
Now she's bringing practical advice and inspiration for those looking for more miraculous freedom, abundance, health and fulfillment. -
No 21.janvāra katru ceturtdienu būs klausāms 10 podkāstu cikls par mentālo veselību "BŪT". Kopā ar dažādiem ekspertiem Kristīne Garklāva runās par to, kā jūtamies šajā sarežģītajā laikā un, ko darīt, lai spētu justies labāk. Analizēsim mūsu paradumus, attiecības ģimenē un attālinātās attiecības ar apkārtējiem, runāsim par to, kā justies laimīgiem arī šajā laikā. Sarunas, kuras sniegs atbildes uz skatītāju jautājumiem un iedvesmos domāt citādi!
Informationen und auch Erklärvideos zum Thema Brustkrebs gibt es auf unserer Homepage: www.pink-brustkrebs.de
Podcast „Wir erklären Brustkrebs“
Diagnose Brustkrebs. Und jetzt? Wie geht es weiter? Was passiert, wenn man einen Knoten in der Brust getastet hat? Oder bei der Vorsorge etwas auffällig ist? Wie wird die Diagnose gesichert? Wie kann man die ganzen medizinischen Fachbegriffe in den Befunden und Arztbriefen verstehen? Welche Therapien passen für mich? Operation? Chemotherapie? Strahlentherapie? Antihormontherapie? Antikörper-Therapie? Und wie ist das überhaupt mit den Nebenwirkungen? Mit der Diagnose Brustkrebs stürzen diese und noch mehr Fragen auf die betroffenen und doch zuerst vor allem schockierten Frauen ein. Die meisten stehen medizinisch auf fachlich fremdem Boden und sind mit der eigenen Entscheidung, die nötig und gefordert ist, oft überfordert. Und was dann? Bauchgefühl? Der Bauch signalisiert gerade vor allem Angst, keine verlässliche Quelle also. Wie kommt man dann als Patientin aus dieser Orientierungslosigkeit wieder hin zur Selbstbestimmtheit? Und was kann man selbst tun, um gesund zu werden und gesund zu bleiben?
Prof. Dr. Pia Wülfing ist als Fachärztin für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe seit 20 Jahren in Klinik und Forschung mit dem Thema Brustkrebs intensiv beschäftigt. Sie hatte die Idee zu einem Podcast, der das Thema Brustkrebs fachlich fundiert, aber für Patientinnen, Angehörige und andere Interessierte gut verständlich erklärt. In ihrer langjährigen klinischen Erfahrung erlebte sie immer wieder, dass ihre Patientinnen mit dem Tag der Diagnose händeringend nach Informationen zu ihrer Situation suchten und nach Aufklärung zu dem, was auf sie zukommen könnte. Um nicht nur ärztlich zu informieren, sondern ganz besonders authentisch auf die Nöte und Sorgen um die Diagnose Brustkrebs einzugehen, trifft sich Prof. Wülfing für „Wir-erklären-Brustkrebs“ einmal wöchentlich mit ihrer ehemaligen Patientin Gabriele Kob, Autorin und vor 2 Jahren an Brustkrebs erkrankt. Sie berichtet von ihren eigenen Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen und stellt wichtige Fragen aus Sicht der Patientin. Der Ton dieser Gespräche ist sehr lebendig, nicht ohne Humor und verbreitet vor allem Zuversicht.
„Wir erklären Brustkrebs“ hilft besser zu verstehen, begleitet durch die Therapien und zeigt, wie man mit der Diagnose Brustkrebs gut leben kann.
„Wir erklären Brustkrebs“ ist ein Mutmacher.
Unter www.pink-brustkrebs.de finden Sie weitere hilfreiche Informationen von Prof. Dr. Pia Wülfing zum Thema Brustkrebs. -
Welcome to your source of inspiration to uplevel, take action, and transform your business!
Each week we will be giving you support through experts in sales and business about mindset, money, how to attract your dream clients, successfully close sales, and SO much more! Selling doesn’t have to be hard - you CAN have the confidence, and the clarity you need to create and grow your dream business.
I’m Nicole Cramer, your host of Healthy Steps with Nicole. If you have a business, there’s no getting around sales. I found a way to make selling FUN and EASY. And I want YOU to experience the same! Learn more at https://www.healthystepswithnicole.com/ -
Though Sydel Curry-Lee became known in the digital space for entrepreneurship, athleticism, and tastemaking in the beauty community, her mission online has always been to surface the topic of mental health to the forefront of conversation. Having struggled with her own mental health for several years, Sydel aims to de-stigmatize the discussion around mental health and offer first hand advice on how we can all discuss the subject better as well as things we can do to improve our mental health. BECAUSE LIFE centers around an open and honest discussion amongst Sydel, a mental health professional, and listener input regarding topics ranging from confronting anxieties to being a supportive ally when someone close to you is struggling with their mental health. This podcast also shines a light on the under-discussed topic of mental health within the BIPOC community and how that brings with it its own set of unique struggles.
Welcome to the Are You Menstrual Podcast with your host, Amanda, a women’s health dietitian. In this podcast, Amanda helps you navigate the confusing world of women’s hormones and teach you how to have healthy periods. Each week will be diving into a different topic on women’s health and sharing our perspective using nutrition, female physiology, and metabolic health. The goal is to help you wade through conflicting health information and empower you on your healing journey. We hope you enjoy it! Website: https://www.hormonehealingrd.com
Я - Светлана Литвиненко, сертифицированный Коуч PCC ICF, Расстановщик, Супервизор, Фотограф-любитель, Писатель, Иммигрант и это мой личный подкаст о Коучинге и Саморазвитии.
В своем подкасте раскрываю важные и актуальные темы, делюсь своим мировоззрением, знаниями и опытом в разных сферах Жизни. Мотивирую и заряжаю на то, чтобы принимать и любить себя, осознавать свою ценность, действовать и получать удовольствие от Жизни.
Давайте знакомиться. ♥️
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С Любовью,
Светлана Литвиненко ♥️ -
Подкаст Института Нейроинтеграции, где мы говорим о том, как раскрыть потенциал своего мозга для достижения целей в радость.
В подкасте мы разбираем ваши кейсы, рассказывая, как найти лучшее решение на основе метода нейроинтеграции.
В работе мы используем научно-обоснованный подход на базе исследований в области нейрофизиологии, нейрохимии, эволюционной биологии, когнитивно-поведенческой психологии.
Упражнения, рефлексии и практики для самостоятельной работы на нашем Телеграм канале:
Сообщество единомышленников, с которыми можно обменяться своим опытом, найти поддержку и друзей, почувствовать дружественную и теплую атмосферу в общении на канале.
Tired of feeling fragmented and overwhelmed? Fragmented to Whole: Life Lessons from 12-Step Recovery is your guide to creating a life of wholeness, authenticity, and healthy boundaries. Join Barb Nangle, a boundaries coach and speaker, as she shares raw and honest insights from her own journey and the principles of 12-step recovery. Discover how to set boundaries without guilt or shame, overcome people-pleasing tendencies, manage your emotions effectively, cultivate a stronger sense of self, and build healthier relationships. Barb's approach is raw, honest, and sometimes a little bit (okay, a lot) sweary.
Barb doesn't speak for or endorse any particular 12 step program of recovery. Though she's a huge fan of 12 step recovery, and a member of two 12 step fellowships, she cannot speak for them. If you're ready for real talk and practical tools for transformation, tune in! To learn more about Barb, go to https://higherpowercc.com/