The Reliants Project is a podcast about how networks shape your wellbeing, relationships and community. Through conversations with the leading thinkers in the field of network science the show will help you actively cultivate your network, whether your goal is to build your relationships more deliberately, make better introductions, or activate networks to make an impact in the world.
We assume you don’t rush out to get the latest book about our broken healthcare industry. So we do it for you. From time to time we’ll break them down and fill you in on the secrets you should know.
This is one of the best -- about the worst of the healthcare industry. It’s called
An American Sickness, by Elizabeth Rosenthal.
We have both read this. And we have both seen exactly what she’s talking about. The American people are being hoodwinked and scammed by the healthcare industry. That doesn’t mean all people in the healthcare industry are evil, but it certainly means they are stuck in a system that is working purely for profits and not for your healthcare outcomes.
It was released in 2017 is a real shocker about what goes on behind the healthcare industry’s closed doors.
She lays out the “Economic Rules of the Dysfunctional Medical Market.”
Although there are 10 rules, we’ll discuss only the first 3 here...
Let’s go through them.
1. More treatment is always better. Default to the most expensive one. Some people will say this is because of malpractice suits.
The second economic rule of a dysfunctional medical market is -- A lifetime of treatment is preferable to a cure. She documents a researcher at Harvard medical school who believed she was only steps away from curing diabetes. And yet -- no pharmaceutical company or nonprofit would step forward – to fund her research -- including the juvenile diabetes Association. -
A crash course in feminist environmental health! Learn with us through case studies of products marketed to women and girls including cleaning products, cosmetics/personal care, menstrual/intimate care products and more. We discuss the health effects of toxic chemicals in these products and hear from feminist scientists and activists who are designing creative solutions by raising awareness, advocating for policy reform, and community organizing for action!
Contact:[email protected] -
As a way of recognizing the individuals who best exemplify the mission and objectives of the TCOM community, the TCOM Champions Award was first bestowed in 2004.
Hosted by Timothy Fall, creative producer for the University of Kentucky's Center for Innovation in Population Health, the IPH center, and produced by IPH Center Director and TCOM's original developer, Dr. John Lyons, and Lauren Mergen, this podcast marks the approach of the 20th anniversary of the TCOM Champions Award. Past winners talk about the impact of TCOM's tools on their lives, their work, and most importantly, on the lives of those they seek to serve.
In upcoming conversations, we check in with champions across the country, even around the world, to learn how TCOM is working, how it's changing the way care providers deliver help to families who need it, and capturing and sharing powerful data that supports the decisions made inside its framework.
TCOM is Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management, a person-centered approach to creating helping systems. -
Hver ONSDAG udkommer “Hva så?! forklarer alt”, hvor jeg, som titlen antyder har kastet mig ud i at forklare alt, i samarbejdet med forskere, astronomer, historiker, biologier og alle mulig andre kloge hoveder. Vi starter ved The Big Bang og så går rejsen ellers bare der udad. Podcasten kører rundt via kommercielle-samarbejder og kan derfor indeholde reklame.
Join Jonathan Youssef for a candid look at the Christian faith. Each week, Jonathan will tackle tough issues, answer the hard questions, and will host thought-provoking conversations with respected Christian leaders. Topics include theology, Biblical parenting, healthy sexuality, world religions, engaging a post truth world, and so much more.
Room410係由幾個香港人成立既本地知識型資訊頻道每星期會定期開直播節目,以及不定期發送短片懸案節目《懸疑未決》逢星期五晚上10:00,準時放送鬼故節目《迷離夜話》每隔個禮拜二放送獵奇節目《獵奇物語》每隔個禮拜三放送縱然世界再壞,都可以嚟Room410暫時歇一會【課金贊助】https://streamlabs.com/room410/【Room410 Instagram】https://www.instagram.com/room410hk/【Room410 Telegram】https://t.me/joinchat/hzcwWAlgK3plNDRl--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Welcome to Jem's Coffee Shop! Feel free to take a seat and sip on your favourite beverage while I talk about anything and everything every Tuesday! Follow @jemscoffeeshop on IG to stay updated! Please email [email protected] for all business inquiries :)
Join retired police detective and private investigator Derrick Levasseur and true crime Youtube creator Stephanie Harlowe as they discuss the crimes making headlines while also taking a deeper look into cases that have fascinated them both personally and professionally. They’ll give plenty of insight and safety tips along the way to help make sure that no listener becomes the subject of the next episode….
Loqomotions est une émission qui parle de transports, de mobilité et de l’influence qu’ont ces derniers sur notre quotidien et plus largement sur la société.
Que ce soit des modes de transports innovants, des applications que l’on utilise au quotidien ou actualités qui défraient la chronique
Yoann alias Ken Bogard épaulé de Chloé et Victor, vous partagent leurs expériences, leur vision et donnent du relief à des sujets que vous connaissez bien, puisque que vous vous déplacez tous les jours !
Chaque épisode traite d’un sujet sous l’angle de chaque chroniqueur, qui vous amènera à vous questionner sur vos déplacements, ceux des autres et ceux de demain.
Chaque chronique pourra être commentée et débattue sur le discord de Qualiter
Ecoutez Loqomotions sur Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/loqomotions/id1480202487
Ecoutez Loqomotions sur n'importe quelle app de podcasts: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/d3e6d361-76c0-5ce2-be98-4a8bdd9bdfab
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This monthly podcast will provide you with snippets on how to live a clutter-free life. Your host, Derria, is a strong believer in self-care and encourages anyone to live a joyful and clutter-free life on purpose.
Please send questions to [email protected].
New episodes every last Tuesday of the month.
About the Host
Derria Murphy is a seasoned organizer and host of the Declutter Empress Radio Podcast. With a passion for functional living spaces and effective organizational strategies, she guides her audience on achieving serene and clutter-free environments. Known for her practical tips and engaging storytelling, Derria empowers listeners to simplify their lives and create personal oases at home. Her expertise extends beyond decluttering, as she also explores productivity tools and mindset shifts necessary for maintaining organized, peaceful living spaces.
Music from Uppbeat:
Forest of the Ancients License code: 0KOOY8HJKZR12GWC
Make me Clean License code: DVF8I1ZGBMCSA75W -
The Original and the Very First Story Narration Podcast from the Philippines since 2017! Inspired by the likes of Anything Ghost, No Sleep Podcast, Lore and CreepyPasta comes stories fiction and non-fiction that will trigger your imagination of the weird, strange and most of the time creepy but unforgettable creatures, lore, facts, history and culture in the Philippines and the rest of the world. Come and listen as we deliver weekly compilations of stories that will surely keep you up and entertained. Make sure to check us on our social media accounts! Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/storiesph/supportSupport this show http://supporter.acast.com/kwento. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.