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  • If someone would have sat me down 17 years ago and told me to avoid these 17 things... I would have achieved much more, much more quickly. Now I'm sharing them with you so you can avoid my mistakes and get to your destination faster.

  • If you’re tired of running through the same explanation of What you do, Who you do it for, and Why you do it – and people STILL don’t get it

    You should write a book.

    Books are one of the most effective mediums at helping people to understand things, and they have been for hundreds of years. They can help your clients finally “get” what you do.

    That’s something one of our Peaceful Profits clients, Kate Duffy, found to be true too.

    Kate is a Peaceful Profits client who works with families navigating substance-abuse recovery, with the help of a method that “goes against the grain” of most solutions.

    We helped her write her book, with the help from one of our programs.

    And rather than having to go through the same old explanation of her offer that may or may not help her potential clients understand her solution

    Now, she just gives them a copy of her book.

    Listen to this episode to hear how she used a book to finally get people to understand the power behind her offer (in a way that only a book can).

    Connect with Kate here: https://www.tippingpointrecovery.com/meet-kate/

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA

    P.S. Want help writing your book?

    You could have it written, published, and ready to send out to clients just 90 days from now.

    The way to make that happen is by joining the Peaceful Profits Book Writing Sprint.

    Inside that program, we’ll help you write and publish your first (or next) “expert book” in 90 days or less, by working with the same team who've helped hundreds of our clients write and launch bestselling books.

    Head over here to book a call with a program advisor to talk about joining the Book Writing Sprint: https://join.peacefulprofits.com/bac-step-1

  • Are you struggling to find the right traffic for your offers? In our latest podcast series, we reveal the secrets to driving traffic that converts. From warm leads to cold outreach, we'll show you how to navigate the traffic landscape and choose the best strategies for your business. Tune in and learn how to scale your offers with the right audience, minimizing risk and maximizing results.

    Fascination Bullet Points:

    - Warm vs. Cold Traffic: Discover why all traffic isn’t created equal and how to leverage warm traffic for higher conversions.

    - Traffic Selection Secrets: Learn how to choose the best traffic sources tailored to your business’s stage and risk profile.

    - Avoid Common Pitfalls: Uncover the dangers of shiny object syndrome and uninformed optimism when selecting traffic methods.

    - Proven Traffic Methods: Explore effective strategies like podcast interviews, strategic partnerships, and referral systems that drive targeted traffic.

    - Cold Traffic Demystified: Get insights on when and how to utilize cold traffic, and why it’s essential to test with warm leads first.

  • Unlock the secrets to crafting irresistible offers that generate millions. Discover why your Offer Story is the foundation of your business.

    Start with Your Story: Learn why a compelling story is crucial to avoid chaos and frustration. Find or Create Your Story: Understand the difference and identify which path suits you. Real-Life Examples: Get inspired by relatable metaphors and practical examples. Actionable Steps: Follow step-by-step methods to discover or develop your unique story. Expert Advice: Leverage professional help to overcome blind spots and build a successful business.

    Don't miss out on transforming your expertise into lucrative offers!

  • In this episode, we dive deep into the art of crafting offers that not only resonate with your audience but also align with your personal and business goals. Here's what you'll discover:

    - The Power of Storytelling: Why your unique story is the foundation of your offer and how it sets you apart in the market.

    - Finding Your Story: Practical steps to uncover your compelling narrative if you're struggling to identify it.

    - Monetizing Your Story: Strategies to transform your story into a profitable offer that delivers value to your audience and rewards you.

    - Offer Design Decisions: The crucial question you must ask before creating any offer to ensure it aligns with your desired lifestyle and business objectives.

    - Sustaining Energy and Passion: How to maintain the drive and enthusiasm necessary to consistently sell and deliver your offers by ensuring they give you what you want in return.

    Join us for an insightful session that will equip you with the knowledge to create offers that not only generate revenue but also fuel your passion and energy in the long run.

  • Learn the secrets to designing offers that sell effortlessly and support a balanced lifestyle. In this episode, we dive into the art of crafting million-dollar offers.

    Discover the importance of a compelling story behind your offer. Understand how a well-structured offer simplifies your business. Learn why pricing correctly leads to peace of mind and financial success. Explore strategies for creating offers that support your long-term business goals.
  • What if you can’t quantify the outcomes you provide down to a dollar amount?

    How do you even scale a business that’s based heavily on you as the person with the inspiring story that your clients connect with?

    That’s the challenge that our client, Bradley Vinson, was butting up against for a long time in the business before he joined one of our programs.

    After the tragic loss of his granddaughter and going through the process of grief afterwards, Bradley quickly turned his attention to supporting others experiencing grief.

    He found that there wasn’t a lot of support for those that were further out of the immediate “inner circle” of the family – uncles and aunts, grandparents, and extended family – and he wanted to fix that.

    What started out as a part-time hobby is now a successful business for Bradley, and his work continues to make a powerful impact for the clients he serves.

    Listen to this episode of the podcast to see how he did it!

    Connect with Bradley here: https://bradleyvinson.com/

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA


    If you know you do incredibly powerful “heart-work”, but you’re struggling to get people to see the value of what you offer, then the Peaceful Profits Foundations Program might be a good place to get help.

    Inside the Foundations Program, we’ll help you turn the important heart-work you do into an offer people will happily pay $3,000+ for.

    We’ll help you get clients for that offer using totally free marketing methods (no funnels needed).

    And we’ll also guarantee that following the coaching, feedback, and lessons inside of Peaceful Profits Foundations will bring in $10,000 in new clients.

    If any of that is of interest, then head over here to chat with an advisor about joining the Foundations Program:

    >> https://join.peacefulprofits.com/bac-step-1

  • Here’s the cool thing about books:

    Books are your own intellectual property.


    The copyright on them, by law, doesn’t expire until 70 years after your death.

    Which also means:

    If you write a series of books that people read from book #1 all the way to book #6, or #7, or however many books you want to write

then you can literally create passive “legacy money” for yourself, your family, and future generations to come.

    Pretty cool, right?

    If you want to hear about how our client, Maria Secoy, does it, tune in to today’s podcast and listen to this interview we did with her!

    Connect with Maria here: https://www.allwritewell.com/

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA


    It doesn’t have to take long to write your book.

    Actually, your book could be written, designed, and published just 90 days from now if you work with my team inside of the Peaceful Profits Book Writing Sprint.

    (Even if you’re starting from zero and all you have right now is the “idea”.)

    Want 90 days of 1-on-1 support to help you make that happen?

    Head over here to talk to a program advisor about joining the Book Sprint:


  • 80% of the battle is getting people to understand your offer.

    If you’ve ever struggled with people not “getting” your offer, it’s probably because you’re selling clients what they “need” rather than what they “want”


    “I’ll give you a diet plan”


    “I’ll help you lose 20 lbs without giving up pizza”.


    “I’ll run your ads for you.”


    “I’ll take all your marketing off your plate.”

    If people aren’t buying your stuff, it might not be because of the offer itself. It’s probably just the way you talk about that offer.

    In this episode, hear how one of our clients, Emmy Sobieski, has perfected the art of turning incredibly complex topics into concepts that people clearly understand – and solutions people really like to buy.

    Connect with Emmy here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmysobieskicfa

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA

    P.S. How do you find out what your clients “want” vs. what they actually “need”?

    There’s a whole module inside the Peaceful Profits Implementation Program that’ll help you do that.

    Coaches too.

    Those coaches can be your “pretend client” to pitch your offer to, and they’ll give you specific advice on what to change about your pitch to make the thing you’re selling irresistible to your clients.

    There’s no limit to how many times you can get them to look at your offer either. They’ll help you refine it until it’s as good as it can be.

    If you’d like help doing that, book a call with an advisor here to talk about joining the Implementation Program:


  • What happens if you don’t help your clients “make money,” “get clients,” “scale your business,” or do any of the other things you see 1,000,000 ads for in your social feeds every day?

    What if you help your clients fix their relationships, overcome anxiety, discover their true potential, reconnect with their spiritual side, or shift their mindset?

    What if you’re a creativity coach?

    One of our clients, Sharleen Bailey, faced the same challenge selling her offer.

    Sharleen helps her clients go from stuck to unstoppable by harnessing their inner creativity and lifting their limiting mindsets.

    In this episode, she talks about how she made it easier to reach more people and clients – even with an offer that doesn’t fit into that “make money” formula so many of us are taught in webinars, videos, books, and courses.

    Connect with Sharleen here: https://sharleenbailey.com/

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA

    P.S. If you have an offer like Sharleen's – something that’s not “make money” or “get clients” or any number of business-related offers that are harder to fit into the formulas and strategies you’ve been taught to get clients

    My team and I can help.

    My Peaceful Profits Foundations Program is a good start.

    Inside Peaceful Profits Foundations, we’ll help you determine what to say and how to say it to bring more clients into your business.

    We’ll also guarantee that following the coaching, feedback, and lessons inside of Peaceful Profits Foundations will bring in $10,000 in new clients.

    If you’re interested, go here to pick a time to speak with my team and enroll:

    >> https://join.peacefulprofits.com/bac-step-1

  • “You’re only as good as the client allows you to be.”

    Just because you can work with a certain client, doesn’t mean you should.

    There are certain people who are simply in a position to benefit more from what you do than others.

    And if you don’t narrow your focus to working only with those people, then you are adding much more unpredictability and stress to your business than is needed.

    One of our clients, Dr. Bonnie Juul, also recognized this early on.

    Dr. Juul is a holistic chiropractor who specializes in helping “crunchy” Christian women tap into their body's wisdom and ability to heal themselves.

    A super, super specific niche.

But one that gels really well with Dr. Juul’s unique skill set and offer.

    Your clients can quite literally make or break your business, and it’s so, so important to make sure you’re picking the right ones to work with.

    Discover exactly how Dr. Juul does that for her business in this recent interview we did with her here.

    Connect with Bonnie here: https://drbonniejuul.com/

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA

    P.S. If you know you have a valuable skillset, but you’re finding it hard to attract people who actually value that skillset too, the Foundations program might be a good fit for you.

    Inside that program, we’ll help you nail down your offer, make sure you have a compelling message around that offer, and then put that offer in front of the people who stand to benefit most from what you do.

    The program also comes with a $10k profit guarantee:

    If you don’t make at least $10,000 from working with us inside of that program, we’ll refund your money in full.

    Head over here to chat with an advisor about the Foundations program:


  • There are certain “building blocks” that you need to have in place before you can even focus on the other blocks.

    These aren’t interchangeable blocks you can simply add in later. These are blocks that MUST be in place from the beginning.

    For most business owners who are struggling with chaos, inconsistency, and constant stress in their business, it’s almost guaranteed to be a result of “skipping” one or two of those essential building blocks.

    Just ask Jeff Sauer, a Peaceful Profits client who’s been working with us.

    We chatted with Jeff about how he’s been able to deal with the difficult process of launching a new offer to a new audience, even if you do already possess the business skills to go with it.

    He credits the “block approach” that we helped him to implement with a lot of his success.

    You can hear exactly how he did it in this podcast.

    My team and I may be able to help.

    Connect with Jeff here: https://datadrivenu.com/

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA

    P.S. One of the things Jeff lists as a major helping hand was working through the process with his acceleration coach.

    For Jeff, his acceleration coach wasn’t only a source of ideas and accountability, but also a voice to tell him exactly what to focus on when Jeff started to second-guess himself.

    Basically, someone to tell him: “Do this, not that.”

    If you’d like your own acceleration coach to tell you what to do (and what not to do) as you build, launch, and/or scale a premium offer of yours, just go here to book a call with an advisor:


  • One of the hardest about scaling a services business is knowing how to turn a Done-For-You service into a Done-With-You service — without sacrificing the results of your clients.

    What do you add?

    What do you take away?

    What do you change?

    What do you keep?

    ...And after you've gone through that conversation 100 times in your head
how do you even know where to start?

    One of our clients, Callum Armstrong, went through that same frustrating cycle.

    He wanted to turn his current DFY offer into something he could scale — but how?

    In this episode, we find out from Callum himself exactly what helped him finally build an offer he could scale
after over 9 different iterations!

    Connect with Callum here: https://www.pasteandpublish.com/evergreen-leads

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: ‱ New Book One Year Later

    P.S. One of the biggest advantages Callum cites for his success is having a “sounding board” to bounce ideas off about his offer before he took them to market.

    Without this sounding board, it can be easy to get caught in a frustrating spiral of second-guessing yourself at every turn.

    For Callum, that sounding board came in the form of our coaching team here at Peaceful Profits.

    And if you’d like access to that same “Peaceful Profits sounding board” that can make it easier to steer your offer in the right direction, head over here to chat with one of our advisors:

    We have different options for support based on the kind of help you need at this point in your business.

    Maybe you need a sounding board to help you build out your first ever offer.

    Maybe you need help scaling an existing one.

    Maybe you just want a team of people that can steer you in the right direction and give you the “heads up” about any obstacles before you encounter them.

    We’ve got different ways of helping for each of those scenarios.

    That call ^^^ is designed to point you in the right direction and get you the help you need.

  • What do you do when you’ve done everything to build a good offer

    When you’ve tried all the strategies you’ve learned to help you get clients

    When you’ve tried to build systems into your business to remove yourself from the day to day

And nothing is working?

    What do you do?

    We asked a couple of our coaches here at Peaceful Profits the same question.

    Suzanne Burns, Zaida Hager, and Chanelle Neilson are part of the coaching team that help our clients to answer this same question week in, week out.

    In this insightful podcast episode, they share their thoughts on what they wish every client knew about hitting the brick wall of change, despite all their efforts.

    This lesson applies whether you’re at Chapter 1 of your business, or Chapter 100.

    Listen in to hear what Zaida and Suzanne have to say!

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA

    P.S. If you feel like your business is broken, but you don't even know where to start looking, our team of coaches may be able to help.

    They can not only help steer you in the right direction when it feels like you have no bearings, but they can also steer you away from any obstacles they anticipate will be in your way.

    If that’s something you think you’d like help with, then simply book a call to chat with a program advisor here:

    >> https://join.peacefulprofits.com/bac-step-1

    This isn’t a sales call, but simply a call that helps us point you in the direction of what we feel could be the next best step for your business.

  • After selling his software company for 8-figures, Alexx Leyva saw firsthand the strain that building a business can put on people (and what can happen if you don’t prioritize your health alongside that.)

    That’s why Alexx’s next pursuit after his exit was to become a performance expert, helping entrepreneurs optimize their health and performance without sacrificing the growth of their business.

    We recently did an interview with Alexx, and he shared some really important ideas about aligning your health with your business that every business owner ought to know before starting a company.

    Listen to this podcast to hear what he has to say!

    Connect with Alexx here: @alexleyva on Instagram

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA

    P.S. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned about creating a peaceful business is that most stress isn’t actually created by marketing problems, but by offer problems.

    Offers that are stressful to deliver.

    Offers that are totally reliant on the business owner to fulfill.

    And non-existent systems for those offers which actively create unpredictability in the business.

    The state of your business is a direct result of the state of your offer. Period.

    That’s why offers are one of the very first things we start with when working with our clients.

    Helping them charge higher prices. Helping them create more exciting offers that are easier to market. Offers which can deliver incredible results for their clients, whether the business owner is the one fulfilling the offer or not.

    And importantly: Offers that can be fulfilled with or without the business owner needing to provide their input.

    If you’d like help doing that, then please head over here to book a call with a Peaceful Profits Advisor:

    >> Chat With My Team

    This isn’t a sales call.

    We just have different ways of helping based on wherever you’re at, and the aim of that call is to point you in the right direction and find out if that’s the kind of help you need.

  • We recently invited our own expert Book Coach, Tina Konstant, onto the Peaceful Profits podcast.

    She shared her valuable insights on exactly what any author needs to do (new or seasoned) to write books that people love to read, love to share, and love to actually engage with.

    That doesn’t just come from Tina’s extensive work before joining us as one of our experts at Peaceful Profits, but also includes her expertise from having helped us ghostwrite and launch very many of our own clients’ books.

    Rarely do I consider something a “drop what you’re doing and do this instead” kind of thing, but this podcast is definitely one of those things (if you’re interested in writing a non-fiction book).

    Listen to this podcast as soon as you can.

    Connect with Tina here: https://tinakonstant.com/

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA

    P.S. Want my team to help you write your book, turn it into a bestseller, and use it to consistently get clients?

    We can do that one of two ways for you:

    A) Holding your hand through the process and being your sounding board for ideas.


    B) Actually just write the whole darn thing for you.

    Got different options to suit your needs, your budget, all that kind of stuff.

    Just head over here to book a call and chat about what’d suit your goals best:

    Book a call: https://join.peacefulprofits.com/bac-step-1

  • You might have 5-10 clients in your Facebook friend list that need your help right now. The best part is, you don’t have to spend a cent on your marketing to reach them.

    But how do you find those people and get their attention in a way that feels authentic?

    We’ll let our resident Facebook expert and coach, Amanda Kijek, tell you all about the strategy you’ll need in this exciting interview we did with Amanda.

    Discover the big difference between marketing through your own Facebook profile using organic strategies (i.e. no paid ads), and why those differences are important to take note of in your approach.

    You’ll see too just how simple and authentic that approach can be – as well as how effective it is as a client-getting tool, in that chat we did with Amanda here.

    Connect with Amanda here: https://amandakijek.com/about-us/

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA

    P.S. Amanda holds weekly Live Q&A sessions on all things Facebook Organic inside of the Peaceful Profits Implementation Program.

    Pretty much any questions you have about using your Facebook profile to get clients, Amanda can answer.

    She’s also just one of our many coaching experts who provide feedback on a weekly basis to our clients on topics like Sales, Funnels, Systems, Offers, and more.

    It’s almost like having this big ol’ team I’ve built in your pocket whenever you have questions, without actually having to build the team yourself.

    If you’d like to get access to that same coaching team, then please go here to book a call.

    There’s a quick questionnaire to answer.

    We’ve got a couple of different options to suit whatever stage of your business you’re currently at, so answering those questions helps us know how to help you best.


  • If you had to step back from your business for a week tomorrow – with no ability to check in on it in the meantime – could you do it?

    For most business owners, the thought is anxiety-inducing.

    That’s how a client of ours, Dan, admitted he felt when he had to take the first major “unplugged” vacation away from his business a few months back.

    Dan is a filmmaker and business owner who helps other creatives put together mini-movies around messages they want to share, then uses the power of simple advertising to create movements from those mini-movies.

    Before joining us, Dan confessed that his business felt chaotic and unpredictable.

    And it wasn’t until Dan went away on vacation and couldn’t check on his business that he had a breakthrough moment that changed the way he operated his business for good (and for the better, too).

    To his surprise and delight, he came back to find that everything had been running smoothly in his absence.

    Want to see how he did it?

    Listen to the interview we recently did with Dan here where he breaks it down!

    Connect with Dan here: https://minimovies.optimisticproductions.co.uk/book

    How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3

    How We Built A $2.2 Million Business In 12 Months: https://youtu.be/8O9K7YzuUYA

    P.S. – A short message from Mike:

    One of the key pillars we focus on with our clients is the importance of building systems.

    Harsh as it may sound, I actually don’t consider a business a “business” without actual systems.

    It’s just a job that you own.

    Systems are the reason I spend just a handful of hours on this business (Peaceful Profits), yet it’s still a 7-figure company.

    It’s also the same reason I’m able to have a couple of other businesses that each do 6 and 7-figures each, and still have time to hang out with my kids during the week.

    If you’d like my team’s help in building those kinds of “freedom” systems that mean your business can continue to run even if you have to take a vacation then please go here to have a chat with my team.

    We’re currently helping a bunch of business owners, service providers, and “help” businesses across the world do exactly that ^^^.

    I’d love for you to also be one of those businesses.