Det digitale liv er blevet danskernes hverdagsliv. Vi surfer, socialiserer og shopper på nettet. Vi fylder vores hjem med smart elektronik og hele vores liv er i højere og højere grad gennemsyret af fikse digitale tjenester og mobile apps som kan hjælpe os med næsten alt.
Elektronista er et uhøjtideligt snakkeprogram om oplevelser, underholdning og produkter der kan sættes strøm til. I hvert program vil den digitale trendekspert Christiane Vejlø invitere gæster i studiet til samtaler med udgangspunkt i det digitale univers. Fra sociale medier, rygter på nettet og nye gadgets, til apps, sladder fra telebranchen og nyheder fra medieverdenen. -
Geopolitics Decanted is a podcast featuring geopolitical analysis and in-depth expert interviews on topics ranging from War in Ukraine, Great Power Competition with China, changing nature of warfare, sanctions and export controls, semiconductors and cybersecurity. This is a podcast for people who care about the details and are seeking a comprehensive understanding of global issues, not just the sound bytes.
It is hosted by Dmitri Alperovitch, Chairman of Silverado Policy Accelerator (, a Washington DC-based non-profit with a mission to promote prosperity and global competitiveness for America and its allies by accelerating bipartisan strategic, economic and technological policy solutions. -
We are living through a paradigm shift from trickle-down neoliberalism to middle-out economics — a new understanding of who gets what and why. Join zillionaire class-traitor Nick Hanauer and some of the world’s leading economic and political thinkers as they explore the latest thinking on how the economy actually works.
Djøfs podcast er til dig, der er interesseret i offentlig forvaltning og som arbejder i spændingsfeltet mellem det politiske og det administrative. Vi skruer ned for tempoet, vi går bag om de dagsaktuelle nyheder og vi giver tid og plads til at tage den rigtige snak om aktuelle forvaltnings-politiske problemstillinger.
Bente Dalsbæk (tidligere debatvært på P1) er vært. Hun behandler i hvert afsnit et aktuelt forvaltnings-politisk emne og taler med eksperter, analytikere og praktikere.
Podcasten er udgivet af Djøf. -
5-4 is a podcast about how much the Supreme Court sucks. It's a progressive and occasionally profane take on the ideological battles at the heart of the Court's most important landmark cases; an irreverent tour of all the ways in which the law is shaped by politics.
Subscribe to our access our premium episodes & much more at
Listen each week as hosts Peter, Michael, and Rhiannon dismantle the Justices’ legal reasoning on hot-button issues like affirmative action, gun rights, and campaign finance, and use dark humor to reveal the high court's biases. Presented by Slow Burn co-creator Leon Neyfakh, and hosted by Rhiannon Hamam, Peter Shamshiri, and Michael Morbius. 5-4 is a production of Prologue Projects.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mængden af love og regler i Danmark vokser i et alarmerende tempo, og i dag findes der tre gange så mange statslige regler som i 1989. Hvis denne udvikling fortsætter, vil antallet af regler være 20 gange højere, når du dør, end da du blev født.
Men hvad betyder det for det danske samfund og for den enkelte danskers liv, når staten gennem love og forbud blander sig i næsten alle aspekter af vores hverdag? I podcasten “Regelstaten” taler Jonas Herby med eksperter og meningsdannere for at gøre os klogere på, hvordan det stigende antal regler påvirker vores samfund, og hvilken betydning de har for vores hverdag.
redigeret af Raurel Adams -
Welcome to MIT Technology Review Narrated, the home for the very best of our journalism in audio. Each week we will share one of our most ambitious stories, from print and online, narrated for us by real voice actors. Expect big themes, thought-provoking topics, and sharp analysis, all backed by our trusted reporting.
Global Security Briefing provides regular insights from leading international experts to help you make sense of the far-reaching changes affecting international security around the globe. Hosted by analysts from RUSI's International Security Studies team, the podcast looks at how the UK can best shape its foreign and security policies in an increasingly dynamic international environment.
The Global Security Briefing channel is also host to a back-catalogue of episodes from the concluded RUSI podcasts 'Bridging the Oceans' and 'Mind the Gulf'.
Running from 2020 to 2023, 'Bridging the Oceans' aimed to create a platform to discuss the key defence and security questions of the world’s most dynamic region: the Indo-Pacific. Hosted by Veerle Nouwens, it explored what the Indo-Pacific is, where its limits lie, and what the fast-evolving defence and security issues are in this dynamic part of the world.
Running from January to May 2022, the 'Mind the Gulf' Podcast Series explored how the Iranian nuclear programme – and international diplomatic efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon – interacts with regional security dynamics and the wider Middle East.
The views or statements expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by RUSI employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the view of RUSI. -
Sæt kikkerten for det andet øje og gå med på opdagelse i alle de overraskende og vigtige detaljer i dansk politik. Politisk kommentator Brian Weichardt finder sprækkerne i en verden af forskønnelse og udenomssnak. Og kalder tingene, hvad de er. Hvis du råber ad fjernsynet, så er ‘Sig det’ løgn’ din nye ven.
Crypto Token Talk is a podcast by host Kelley Weaver for those interested in learning “Crypto 101” and exploring the new frontier of blockchain technology. It serves as an entertaining on-ramp and newbie-friendly gateway to learning resources related to the world of cryptocurrency. Each episode features a different industry expert in the blockchain sphere or their respective field.
Kelley Weaver is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Melrose PR, a leading cryptocurrency and blockchain communications agency based in Los Angeles, California. Melrose PR believes the future of money is digital, and that cryptocurrency is here to stay. -
Nu ude med sæson 10! Dataklubben er podcasten til dig med passion for data, analytics, digitalisering og transformation. I Dataklubben inviterer vi dig tæt på de entusiaster, som tør tale om ambitioner og dele de erfaringer, som skabte resultater – og alt det, som gjorde ondt på både sjæl og bundlinje. Glæd dig til åbne samtaler om mennesker, data og forretning. Dataklubben er drevet af data-entusiaster fra Inspari. Velkommen i Dataklubben!
Thomas Hatch and Jimmy Chunga are The Hacks!
Join them every week as they talk about nerd stuff. If you’re into cybersecurity, DevSecOps, SecOps, DevOps, all the Ops, infrastructure automation, network automation, configuration management, and open source then subscribe now. This will be your new favorite podcast! Because we know you’re thinking it...NO, they don’t live in their moms’ basements...this month. -
Hvis man ikke forstår internettet, så forstår man heller ikke den verden, man lever i. Det er graverjournalist Frederik Kulagers påstand. I denne podcast forklarer han Zetlands lidt (meget) mindre internetkyndige chefredaktør Lea Korsgaard et internetfænomen - fra den nyeste teknologi til et viralt meme.
Frederik forklarer internettet et produceret og udgivet af Zetland. Zetland er en anderledes avis, du kan lytte til.
Zetland koster 139 kr. om måneden (en 50'er hvis du er studerende), og det her er din mulighed for at få en gratis smagsprøve på Zetland. Frederik nævner også noget om et tilbud, hvor du kan prøve Zetland af i to mdr. for en 50'er. Du kan gøre brug af tilbuddet her.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.