Explore the art and science of kitchen herbalism. Each episode delves into the fascinating world of botanical medicine - how it can enhance our lives and support our well-being. Build your own personal kitchen apothecary, a medicine cabinet stocked with all that is good for your families, friends and yourself.
Welcome to the Let's Talk Yoga podcast—your ultimate online destination for everything yoga. Think of it as your virtual yoga school, offering something for everyone—whether you’re a seasoned yoga teacher, a dedicated student, or simply curious about the deeper layers of yoga.
Join host Arundhati Baitmangalkar, an immigrant yoga teacher, studio owner, global mentor, and creator of some of the most sought-after yoga teacher training programs in the world. Each week, we bring you valuable insights, in-depth conversations with renowned yoga teachers, and an abundance of yoga resources designed to inspire, educate, and transform.
From mastering the art of teaching to navigating the complexities of yoga philosophy and business, this niche podcast is your go-to resource for all things yoga. Ready to deepen your practice and expand your understanding? Hit subscribe now and never miss an episode of Let's Talk Yoga!
Dans ce podcast, je pratique une astrologie engagée et inclusive tout en démystifiant cette pratique millénaire. J'espère te donner de nouvelles perspectives sur cet art et t'inspirer : la créativité est un style de vie et l'astrologie est mon outil de prédilection pour t'aider à gagner en clarté et imaginer un nouveau champ des possibles.
Abonne-toi pour ne manquer aucun épisode et n'hésite pas à laisser un commentaire et 5 ✨
Si tu veux en savoir plus sur mon univers :
Newsletter : https://lartdelastrologie.myflodesk.com/nl-podcast
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lartdelastrologie/
Site : https://www.lartdelastrologie.com
Mon autre podcast Sphères & Symboles : https://spheresetsymboles-lepodcast.carrd.co/
Crédit photo : Claire Bergès https://clairebstudio.com
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Euphoric the Podcast is the most empowering show on the limitless possibilities of an alcohol-free lifestyle. It’s made for the intuitive woman who knows she is made for more than hangovers.
Hosted by the bestselling author of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You, and leading alcohol-free empowerment expert, Karolina Rzadkowolska helps you build a vision that is so much bigger than a beverage and discover what your bigger dreams are—and then go after them.
Ranked in The Top 1.5% of podcasts globally by Listen Notes, the show helps women clear their blocks around drinking and step into more fulfillment and purpose as alcohol gets smaller and smaller in the rearview window. With a mix of solo episodes and prominent guests, get ready to manifest your dream alcohol-free life with Euphoric.
Download your free guide, 50 Things To Do Instead of Drinking Checklist:
Follow Karolina on Instagram:
Learn more at:
Get Euphoric the Book:
www.euphoricbook.com -
Empowering. Mind-expanding. Radical Healing!
We’ve all heard of the placebo, so we know with certainty that our minds have healing abilities. That’s a fact. However, Brandy takes this common awareness to a whole new level! She coaches live volunteers to use their own mind to achieve radical healing results in just minutes! Brandy is not "healing people" instead she is showing people how to heal themselves so you can witness her unique process. She then provides you with a combination of practical tools and spiritual insights to help you take your health AND life to the next level! If are looking for insights on self-healing, chronic pain, mind-body healing, metaphysics, consciousness, spirituality, psycho-spiritual, or self-help, then you will LOVE this podcast! Come join Brandy Gillmore on this incredible journey! -
The Easy Stress Cures show gives you the tools, techniques, and mindset to create optimum wellbeing. You'll learn easy and proven techniques and science based information so you can experience a happier, more positive way of living.
Each week we discuss how laser therapy is changing healthcare and how you can benefit.
The Antonio Neves Show'—where best-selling author, top executive coach, and internationally recognized leadership speaker Antonio Neves, delivers powerful stories and actionable insights to elevate your personal and professional life.
Ben jij ook op zoek naar intens geluk en je beste gezondheid? Carolina neemt jou mee in de wereld van gezonde voeding en de relatie met intens geluk voor vrouwen. Samen met co-host Nina en wisselende gasten ontvang jij wekelijks de ultieme geluks-en gezondheidsboost door je speakers die je van top tot teen zult voelen. Er wordt onthult wat veel vrouwen geheim houden en taboe onderwerpen besproken met een flinke portie humor. Welkom bij de Foodie-ness podcast!
Deze Nederlandstalige podcast neemt je mee in de vertraging; de podcast laat je stilstaan bij dagelijkse gebeurtenissen om zo over te gaan tot onthaasting en zelfreflectie. Waarom reageer ik in die situatie op die manier of herval ik telkens in hetzelfde patroon ? Deze podcast zorgt voor ontspanning en energie. Tijd dus om op de pauzeknop te duwen.
Bezoek ook de website www.yogancoach.be en ontdek meer over de maker, Tine Sneyers, en haar activiteiten met Shine - yoga ‘n coach.
Inspiratie en meditaties die een aanvulling zijn op de wekelijkse yogalessen.
Deze podcasts worden ook via de Puur-Yoga blog gedeeld.
www.puuryoga.com -
De podcast die je helpt navigeren door de wereld van holistische en natuurlijke geneeswijzen en levensstijlen. Elke aflevering is een bom aan informatie waar je zelf je eigen gezondheid mee naar een hoger niveau kan tillen.
Welcome to You Lost Me at Namaste! If you’ve ever wondered what having a blocked root chakra means or if the Law of Attraction really works or how to tap into happiness and joy any time you want, then this podcast is for you. It blends modern wellness, wellbeing and spirituality at a real world level...along with a little pop-culture and travel thrown in. As seen on CBS and ABC, host and well-being alchemist Michelle Schoenfeld, explains and demystifies today’s most popular and not so popular wellness trends from around the world. Leaving you feeling inspired, awake, healthy and in-the-know. Michelle is a master energy healer, storyteller, broadcasting in the balance between Prada and Prana from Washington DC and Bodrum Turkey.
Join her as she interviews wellness experts, healers, celebrities, and every day interesting souls to get you laughing, learning and inspired. Learn tips on how to feel happier, let go of past pain, heal, have more positive days, manifest abundance, and navigate through this paradigm shift in a time of mindful awakening.
Enjoy casual chats with purpose designed to support and empower your knowledge in order to expand into your best life. We are all connected and the mission of this show is to help you find what resonates with your soul, laugh more, and feel increased authentic joy in your life. Join the collective community of like-minded listeners in over 100 countries and growing. The more love and light we share, the better the world will be.
I'm so glad you found this show! The Universe led you here for a reason so stick around and enjoy!
If you like what you hear, please subscribe, share with your friends and write me a review. Thank you and until next time,
~Namaste -
Hosted by shaman and author, Alyson Charles, Ceremony Circle Podcast (CCP) takes you on an experiential, mystical voyage that returns you to your full power, further activates your own spiritual awakening, and teaches you how to experience life as a massive miracle (aka, ceremony), all while remembering to have fun.
CCP brings you diverse spiritual rituals, real-life mystical stories, million-dollar mindsets and life-changing immersive practices from the biggest, most respected and transformational spiritual leaders from all over the world.
CCP also uniquely immerses you in a different, potent ceremonial experience at the end of every episode.
Alyson shares her own powerful shamanic medicine and embodied spiritual gifts to honor our planet’s sacred truths and awaken your soul to the forgotten mysticism inside you.
You’ll hear from master hypnotherapists, energy healers, astrologers, Akashic records readers, mediums, best-selling spiritual authors, plant medicine and soul shamans, multi-million-dollar spiritual business owners, good witches and more. With every episode, you’ll be sitting in a ceremony circle with fully activated and highest energetic transmissions, and you’ll receive blessings from the most epic and embodied, spiritual teachers walking the Earth.
Prepare to leave each episode feeling more connected, energized and empowered than ever before and with a new, super-charged ceremonial practice to implement in your own life.
About Ceremony Circle host, Alyson Charles:
Alyson is a world-leading author, teacher, medium and shaman who is called to bring sacred rituals and shamanic teachings to the mainstream in powerfully unique ways. Forbes magazine named Alyson a “Full-fledged Guide into Your Psyche” and a “Leading Shaman and Author for Expanding Others into Their Full Power and Gifts.” Oprah Magazine recommends Alyson’s work as a “Top Meditation to Try.” Dazed Magazine says Alyson has, “One of the Top Seven Wellness Accounts on Instagram” and Marie Claire calls her, “The Next Big Thing.” Her work has been featured in The New York Times, National Geographic, and many other publications. Alyson has shared shamanic journeys for audiences larger than 15,000 and was the resident energy guru for the world’s top wellness platform. Her book and card deck, Animal Power, will be published in the fall of 2021 by Chronicle Books.
Please visit https://www.alysoncharles.com and https://www.instagram.com/iamalysoncharles for more information
Due to the powerful energies shared on the show, it is highly recommended that you listen to Ceremony Circle in a comfortable space where you can fully receive all the benefits of this podcast experience. -
Bonjour cher auditeur, sois le bienvenu dans ce podcast.
Reiki et Vitalité est une ressource hebdomadaire pour ceux qui souhaitent ressentir le bien-être et la vitalité au quotidien, grâce au Reiki.
Elle s’adresse à ceux qui veulent passer de la théorie à la pratique et en savoir plus sur les outils du Reiki, sur ses applications et les techniques.
Chaque épisode vise à apporter un éclairage sur l’utilisation du Reiki dans la vie de tous les jours et aussi un accompagnement pour devenir acteur de son épanouissement personnel.
Chaque épisode contient un bonus sous forme de méditation, de soin à distance, d’une carte d’oracle, d’invitations motivantes à t’aligner sur l'énergie de la semaine et accueillir le flux du Reiki.
Je tiens l'intention que ce podcast soit une source de motivation, un soutien puissant et efficace sur ton parcours avec le Reiki. Et si tu souhaites aller de l’avant avec le Reiki, abonne-toi sans tarder !
De tout cœur avec toi,
🎁 Pour aller plus loin, tu peux aussi accéder aux articles et aux ressources disponibles sur mon site: https://www.reikihumaniste.be
💛 Pour faire émerger une nouvelle conscience dans le monde, commence par prendre soin de toi
🙏 Merci de partager ce mail si toi aussi tu souhaites faire une différence dans le monde
Sonia Tollet - Enseignante de Reiki Usui et praticienne passionnée, j'aide les personnes en quête de Bien-Être à retrouver leur énergie et redécouvrir leur potentiel créateur 💛 -
Deze podcast gaat over mijn verandering van een vegetarisch/veganistisch eetpatroon naar het meer en meer eten van - ook - dieren. Naar meer natuurlijke eetpatroon, met nadruk op vetten en eiwitten in plaats van koolhydraten. Noem het keto, carnivoor of animal based. Ik deel over mijn persoonlijke reis en deel de verhalen van anderen die op deze manier eten, leven of voedsel produceren. Ik ga opzoek naar wat beter eten is: beter voor je vitaliteit, beter voor je mentale gezondheid en beter voor de natuur. Los van alles wat we hebben geleerd over wat goed en fout is, los van welke ideologie dan ook. Steeds meer in contact met mijn gevoel, mijn lijf en de natuur.
Hiermee hoop ik jou te inspireren je eigen stappen in deze reis te zetten. -
THIS is the magic place where doubt, hope and action meet!
Let's find JOY and COLOUR on the other side of alcohol!
We don't have to hit rock bottom, we're allowed to want something different and we CAN choose to improve our lives from this point onwards.
Sarah was 40 and reconsidering her relationship with alcohol.
She was tired and overwhelmed; she'd got a lot on her mind and a glass of wine or a G and T at the end of the day seemed like a treat or escape but... deep down she knew she wasn't doing herself any favours with this habit.
Are you thinking about drinking less? Sarah brings you tips, advice, motivation and believes that the changes we bring into our lives when we choose to be alcohol free are worth celebrating and shouting about (she also believes in YOU)!
Sarah Williamson retired from drinking alcohol in 2019 and now uses her extensive coaching and mentoring experience to help and support others to do the same!
www.drinklesslivebetter.com -
The power to bring about change on a grand scale lies within each of us. By shifting our inner world, we change our outer world. A small step by each one of us moves the needle on a Universal level.
Join Paul Galloro and Catherine Stilo as they explore the 12 permaculture principles as accessible ways to living a joyful life.
Through stories, discussion and a little “OM-work”, they share their passion for wellness and Regenerative Living.
Remember, we're meant to thrive ... how will you Come Alive!?
Join the conversation in The Living Spirit-fully! Collective Facebook Group. -
Welcome, this is a place where we have conversations on sovereign and instinctual womanhood and motherhood, cultivating thriving wellness, and much more. I'm Bethany Wilde, a mother and author of the book: "Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy". Find me at bethanywilde.com
Xavier, l'animateur du podcast est aromatologue spécialisé en hydrolathérapie. Il a plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans le domaine de la pharmacie naturelle et les soins de beauté. A côté de ce podcast, il anime des ateliers, de conférences et des formations.
Dans ce podcast, il partage avec vous les trucs et astuces en utilisant des hydrolats. Les sujets saisonniers sont abordés, tant au niveau de la santé que de la beauté, mais également des recettes culinaires à base d'hydrolats. Il parle parfois d'hydrolats spécifiques comme la camomille et la rose, mais également des thèmes comme le stress, la fatigue, la digestion, le sommeil, et plein d'autres encore... Pour en savoir plus, abonnez-vous! C'est gratuit et ça fait du bien.
Ce podcast est sponsorisé 😃 par la marque d'hydrolats "Oflor" qui gère le webshop www.oflor.eu . Ceci veut dire que de temps en temps, des codes promos sont annoncés lors des émissions. 😉