
  • If you've been listening to this podcast for a while, you know that I talk about the 8 reasons why people binge eat:

    * Shame and judgment

    * Restriction

    * Dysregulated nervous system

    * Disconnection from your body

    * Coping mechanism

    * Attempt to control

    * Habit

    * Negative Self-Talk

    Previous episode referenced: Why do I binge?

    I've recently come to realize that it all comes down to one word: disconnection. This means that in order to end your binge eating, the skill you must cultivate is connection. It's the closest thing to a magic pill you're going to find.

    Tune in to discover why connection is so important and how you can begin to cultivate it for yourself. Discover a powerful statement that you can remind yourself of anytime you are eating in a disconnected way.

    If you'd like to learn how to cultivate connection through working with me, let's connect. www.janepilger.com/connect

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    Follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • Do you know where confidence comes from? Most people think that confidence comes from achieving a certain result, or that they won't be able to do something until they have confidence in themselves. That's not how confidence works.

    Tune in to discover the 4 Cs of creating confidence and how to apply them to your journey with food and your body. I share how I've applied these 4 Cs in my own journey to develop confidence on my triathlon bike and give you practical tips to apply to any area of life where you want to become more confident.

    Episodes referenced:

    The Power of the Pause

    Learn to Work with Your Nervous System

    Do you have a plan for what to do after a binge? Would you like to develop more confidence in what to do during those moments? Get your plan here: www.janepilger.com/after

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

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    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
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  • Do you have times in your life when you have a big event coming up and you know that your brain is likely to offer up some less than helpful advice for you? Do you find yourself wishing you could just stop feeling that way during those times?

    Whether it's a family gathering, a work deadline, an upcoming trip, or in my case an upcoming triathlon, your brain is going to have some familiar patterns of thinking and behaving when times get stressful.

    Tune in to the podcast today to discover one of the most helpful things you can say to yourself during any stressful situation, or any time where your brain is acting in a way you might not prefer. This simple sentence can have huge impacts in your life.

    Episode referenced: Permission to Be Human

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    Follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • Have you ever wondered if you are a binge eater? It's a question I get quite a bit. Whether you know for sure you are a binge eater or if you are curious if what you do with food is would be considered binge eating, there is something in this episode for you.

    Tune in to discover what your thoughts are about being a binge eater and what is more important than any label or distinction. Get curious about the energy behind your eating behavior and see if you can tune in and connect with the part of you that wants to binge or eat in secret sometimes.

    Episode Referenced: Getting to Know the Part That Wants to Binge

    Resource: What is Binge Eating?

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    Follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • Chances are that you are very familiar with the concept of the downward spiral - especially as it relates to binge eating or feeling out of control around food sometimes.

    Many people think that once they start binge eating they can't stop for days, weeks or even months. This is a downward spiral. It feels easy to get on and hard to get off.

    Did you know that there is such a thing as an upward spiral?

    Tune in to find out more about what an upward spiral is and how to shift from a downward spiral to an upward spiral with one simple but powerful question.

    This concept comes from the book Body Kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield. I highly recommend it!

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    Follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • Do you beat yourself up and blame yourself when you make a mistake at work or when you binge eat, emotionally eat, or compulsively overeat? If you do, you're not alone. And, chances are, this is keeping you in the cycle of making more mistakes or eating more food than you would prefer.

    Join me as I share a powerful concept that you can apply to yourself and others around mistakes or food choices. I share some personal stories and practical tips for how you can respond to mistakes and food choices in a way that will help you learn, adapt and grow towards the created future you want for yourself.

    Previous episodes referenced:

    The Best Way to Change Your Internal Dialogue

    What Future Are You Creating For Yourself?

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    Follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • How often do you think about your future? For the vast majority of us, your future is coming, no matter what. The question becomes - what type of future are you creating for yourself? There are two types of futures: the default future and the created future.

    Join me as we explore the difference between the default future and the created future. Discover the primary excuses that keep us in the default future and how to overcome them. Gain practical tips on how to envision a created future for yourself.

    Start thinking about your future today. What you do today and how you show up today is a seed that gets planted for tomorrow. You don't have to be perfect, but if you don't take steps to change what isn't working in your life you will continue to create more of it.

    If you want to support in envisioning a created future or stepping away from a default future, let's chat.

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Subscribe to The Peaceful Eater so that you don’t miss a new episode each Wednesday. Receive additional support and resources for your journey with food.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • Are you limiting yourself in life because you don't have the results you want yet? Is it possible to lessen your focus on results and increase your focus on experiences and memories?

    Join me this week as I reflect on my recent experience at the Eugene Marathon and what I learned from it. You'll get to hear all about the race as I share my experience and my personal takeaways. I also offer some questions and insights for you to consider for your own journey with food and your body.

    Previous Episodes Referenced:

    Quitting Ahead of Time

    Acceptance vs Resistance

    Want to see a compelling photo of the finish line of this race? Click here to see that magic moment and subscribe to the Peaceful Eater to make sure you don't miss the support, tools and resources to help you find peace and ease with food.

    Tune in to discover why that finish line moment was more important than any time, pace, or goal.

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    Follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • I was recently asked this question: "What was the biggest change for you that allowed you to go from someone who binges to someone who doesn't do that anymore?"

    Tune in today as I share the immediate answer that came to me in the moment - the 4 things that have changed my relationship with food.

    After further reflection, I've determined that it comes down to three simple yet powerful words: Connection, Compassion, and Curiosity. I share what each of these has looked like in my own journey and ask you to explore how they are showing up in your relationship with food.

    Podcast episodes referenced:

    Learn to Work With Your Nervous System

    Expand Your Emotional Capacity

    If you would like assistance in creating more connection, curiosity, and compassion on your journey to becoming a more calm, relaxed, and peaceful eater, click here to determine your next step.

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • This is the second podcast in a two-part series inspired by my training for an upcoming marathon. Last week we talked about the discomfort that arises when you are working towards a goal that you have never accomplished before.

    This week we are looking into the ways that you can respond to the discomfort that arises in those moments when you want to eat a lot of food and how you can support yourself through it.

    There are some surprising ways that you might be making that discomfort much worse than it needs to be. Tune in to discover strategies that you can implement for any areas of discomfort in your life as you pursue new goals and dreams.

    Additional Resources Referenced:

    This episode is part one of this series:

    Quitting Ahead of Time

    This episode was inspired by the exact same race one year ago:

    What Do You Do When Things Get Hard?

    When it comes to ending binge eating it is as simple (not easy) as ABC. Discover the ABCs of Ending Binge Eating to see if you know your ABCs and learn simple tips you can apply today.

    The ABCs of Ending Binge Eating Workshop Replay

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com (and subscribe, if you haven’t already) to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • This week's episode is inspired by my current goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. When you have a big goal, something that you really want for yourself - one of the most important questions is whether or not you believe it is possible.

    Do you believe it is possible for you to stop binge eating?

    Do you believe it's possible for you to become a calm, connected and peaceful eater? If not, why?

    If you don't believe in yourself you just might find yourself quitting ahead of time.

    Tune in to discover how to hold belief for something you've never been able to accomplish before.

    Don't give up on your dream because you can absolutely find peace and ease with food - no matter how long you've been struggling.

    Other podcast episodes referenced:

    When Things Don't Go According to Plan

    How to Respond to "I Can't Handle This"

    Your Identity as an Eater

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • Have you ever thought to yourself that binge eating is comfortable? That you eat to bring yourself comfort? This is a very common thought process and in some ways it's true. There are some components of binge eating that provide comfort or relief - if that wasn't true you wouldn't binge.

    But is it really comfortable, or is it just familiar? Tune in to explore the difference between comfort and familiarity and discover how to tell yourself the truth about what your eating behaviors provide you.

    There is a surprising truth in all of this that just might help you see things in a new way so that you can choose a different response for yourself in the moment that matters most.

    Want to discover the surprisingly simple yet effective ways to end binge eating? Join me for the ABCs of Ending Binge Eating on April 15th & 16th for new insights and personal support and interaction.

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    Follow me on Instagram and Facebook

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • I'm always looking for stories of inspiration and transformation and sometimes I find them in surprising places. I just finished watching a season of the TV show Survivor and found a lot of inspiration from several participants on the show.

    If you're familiar with the show you might be surprised to hear the source of my inspiration. If you aren't familiar with it - I give you enough context to be able to gain your own insights without needing to watch it for yourself (and there are some spoilers if you happen to be watching it).

    Tune in to find out what inspired me, how you can apply these stories of transformation to yourself, and discover your own sources of inspiration and motivation. They are all around you, waiting to be found.

    Other episodes referenced in this podcast:

    Your Identity as an Eater

    How to Respond to "I Can't Handle This”

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • Do you know the words that float through your mind right before a binge? It's likely that they are some version of "I can't...".

    I can't count how many times I binged, truly believing that I couldn't handle the feeling in my body. (Notice what I did there starting that sentence with I can't...!)

    Today, we are diving into this topic. How do you figure out what is going through your mind before a binge? For many people, there is nothing there - just a compulsion to get the food. Tune in to discover how to gain awareness of the words that send you to the food and how to create a new response for yourself.

    Discover four key steps to going from someone who thinks they can't handle it to someone who is willing to get curious, shift their perspective, and get clear on what is really holding them back. This episode has the potential to transform the way you think about yourself.

    Podcast episodes referenced:

    What Comes After Awareness?

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com (and subscribe, if you haven’t already) to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • Have you ever wondered how being sick impacts binge eating? I've been ill for the past week, so I've been reflecting on this question. Tune in to find out how illness impacts binge eating. Whether you are currently sick or not, you will discover questions that you can explore to uncover your own patterns around how you honor your needs and how that impacts your eating.

    I share my own experience of being sick, how it impacts my eating - and how I am adapting and adjusting to a situation that nobody ever plans for.

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com (and subscribe, if you haven’t already) to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • Are you concerned about your child's relationship with food and their body? Not sure what to do or what to say?

    Tune in for some guidance and suggestions on what to do and what not to do. If you don't have children yourself but have children in your life, this episode will provide powerful insights for you, including surprising information about the times in a person's life when disordered eating is most likely to occur.

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com (and subscribe, if you haven’t already) to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

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    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • You probably haven't heard much about the concept of attunement as it relates to binge eating. It's not something that many people talk about, but it's a key factor in overcoming binge eating.

    Tune in to discover what attunement is, why it's important in changing your relationship with food, and how you can create harmony with yourself – even the parts of you that you have rejected for so long.

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com (and subscribe, if you haven’t already) to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    Follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • Many people understand that food restriction is one of the primary causes of the binge-restrict cycle, but they don't understand all of the ways it shows up and how it impacts the body, both physically and mentally.

    Tune in as I explore restriction – physical, mental, and unintentional. Discover the effects of food deprivation and restriction on the brain, as well as how you can become aware of the restriction in your life so you can stop restricting food.

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    Follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • What do you think when you hear the term self-love? In today's episode, I explore a unique perspective on the importance of self-love and building a relationship with yourself on your journey with food.

    Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you have. Tune in to discover how to start to love yourself and cultivate, nurture, and support your relationship with yourself – it will have a compound effect on every other relationship in your life.

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com (and subscribe, if you haven’t already) to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

    Follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe
  • Food and body image issues in women and men can negatively impact romantic relationships. When you don't feel good about what you've eaten or the way your body looks, you might want to disconnect from yourself and your partner.

    But do you really understand the ways that binge eating impacts your relationships? This Valentine's Day, I dive into one of my lowest binge moments and how to improve romantic relationships, no matter how much you've eaten or how you feel in your body.

    If you want to know the primary reason you feel out of control around food sometimes, take this quiz to find out and get three steps you can take today.

    Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

    Are you finding this podcast helpful on your journey with food? Want to give back to others struggling in silence? Leaving a review and sharing the show can have a huge impact. Help others realize they're not alone and that healing is possible.

    Visit janepilger.substack.com (and subscribe, if you haven’t already) to discuss this episode with other subscribers and to get access to additional resources to support your journey.

    Visit my website at janepilger.com.

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    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit janepilger.substack.com/subscribe