
  • Starting a membership program can seem daunting. Especially when your audience size is small.

    You might be asking, "Can I start a membership with a small audience?" The answer is a resounding yes.

    In fact, a small audience can be a powerful asset. It allows for a more personal connection. It fosters a sense of community.

    This podcast will guide you through the process and provide actionable insights on leveraging a small audience for membership growth. Let’s get started!

    🔹Understanding the Power of a Small Audience

    🔹Defining Your Value Proposition

    🔹Creating Exclusive Content for Members

    🔹Leveraging Social Proof to Attract Members

    🔹Email Marketing: Converting Subscribers to Members

    🔹Building a Community Around Your Membership

    🔹Membership Tiers: Catering to Different Audience Segments

    🔹Member Retention: Keeping Your Audience Engaged

    🔹Utilizing Feedback to Improve Your Membership Program

    🔹Personalization: The Key to Connecting with Your Small Audience

    🔹Case Studies: Success Stories of Small Audience Memberships

    🔹Setting Realistic Membership Growth Goals

    🔹SEO and Content Marketing for Membership Attraction

    🔹Starting Small and Scaling Up

    Links for This Episode on starting a membership with a small audience.

    Content Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/contentcalendarDiscover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizHow to Use our Digital Marketing Team
    https://jennielyon.com/vateamSchedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Creating killer content each week is no small feat. It requires a deep understanding of your audience, a knack for storytelling, and a strategic approach. But why is content so important?

    As you most likely know, content is king. It's the lifeblood of your online presence, the fuel for your marketing engine.

    Good content can attract, engage, and convert your audience. It can turn strangers into followers, followers into customers, and customers into advocates.

    But creating good content is easier said than done.

    You need to know what your audience wants. You need to deliver it in a way that's engaging and easy to digest. You need to optimize it for search engines and social media. And you need to do all this consistently, week after week.

    That's where content creation strategies come in.

    These are the methods and techniques that successful content creators use to produce high-quality content on a regular basis. They help you plan, create, and distribute your content in a way that maximizes its impact and reach.

    So, are you ready to take your content creation to the next level?

    Let's dive in.

    🔹Understand Your Audience Deeply

    🔹Audience Research Techniques

    🔹Creating Ideal Client Avatars

    🔹Tailoring Content to Audience Needs
    🔹Leveraging Audience Feedback

    🔹Optimize Content for SEO and Conversion

    🔹SEO Best Practices for Content Creation

    🔹Crafting Compelling Headlines and CTAs

    🔹Using Analytics to Refine SEO Strategies

    🔹Develop a Consistent Brand Voice and Style

    🔹Establishing Your Brand Voice

    🔹Content Style Guidelines

    🔹Maintaining Brand Consistency Across Platforms

    🔹Plan and Schedule Your Content

    🔹Benefits of an Editorial Calendar

    🔹Generating and Organizing Content Ideas

    🔹Batch Creating and Scheduling Content

    🔹Repurpose and Promote Your Content

    🔹Maximizing Content Reach Through Repurposing

    🔹Effective Content Distribution Channels

    🔹Leveraging User-Generated Content and Social Proof

    🔹Recap of Key Strategies

    🔹This Week’s Homework

    Links for this episode on cranking out weekly content.

    Content Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/contentcalendarDiscover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizHow to Use our Digital Marketing Team
    https://jennielyon.com/vateamSchedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

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  • Growing a business is a challenging task. It becomes even more daunting when you're working with a limited budget.

    But what if I told you that you could significantly grow your business with just $500 a month? Yes, it's possible. And the secret lies in leveraging digital marketing and a virtual assistant.

    Digital marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It allows you to reach a global audience, engage with customers, and drive sales. All without breaking the bank.

    A virtual assistant, on the other hand, can help you manage your digital marketing tasks. They can handle everything from social media management to content creation, email marketing, and more. This frees up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.

    But how exactly can you use digital marketing and a virtual assistant to grow your business? That's what we're here to discuss.

    In this article, we'll explore 3 types of marketing you can collaborate with a digital marketing team and virtual assistant on for $500 a month.

    So, whether you're a small business owner, a startup founder, or an entrepreneur, this article is for you. It's time to take your business to the next level without spending a fortune.

    Ready to get started? Let's dive in.

    🔹Content Creation: Engage and Inform Your Audience for $500 a Month

    🔹Content Research and Planning

    🔹Writing and Editing Your Content

    🔹Video Production and Editing

    🔹Podcast Production and Promotion

    🔹Time Management and Productivity

    🔹Social Media Marketing: Build an Engaged Community for $500 a Month

    🔹Social Media Strategy Development

    🔹Social Media Content Creation and Scheduling

    🔹Social Media Community Management

    🔹Social Media Advertising

    🔹Social Media Performance Tracking and Analytics

    🔹Email Marketing: Build an Engaged List of Raving Fans for $500 a Month

    🔹Building an Email List

    🔹Email Campaign Strategy

    🔹Email Content Creation and Personalization

    🔹Email Automation and Drip Campaigns

    🔹Email Marketing Performance Tracking and Analytics

    🔹This Week’s Homework

    Links for This Episode on growing your business with $500 a month.

    Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizHow to Use our Digital Marketing Team
    https://jennielyon.com/vateamHow to Start a Podcast Workbook
    https://jennielyon.com/podcast Content Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/contentcalendarSchedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Podcasting has become a powerful medium for storytelling, education, and entertainment. It's a platform that allows creators to connect with audiences on a personal level. But how do you ensure your podcast reaches the ears of those who would most appreciate it? How do you grow your audience and promote your podcast effectively?

    These are questions that many podcast creators grapple with. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to provide you with actionable podcast marketing tips. These tips will help you enhance your podcast promotion efforts and boost your audience growth.

    So, if you're ready to take your podcast to the next level, let's dive in.

    🔹Understanding Podcast Marketing
    🔹Defining Your Podcast’s Unique Value Proposition
    🔹Identifying Your Target Audience
    🔹Crafting Quality Content
    🔹SEO Optimization for Podcasts
    🔹Leveraging Social Media for Podcast Promotion

    🔹Collaborations and Networking

    🔹Email Marketing for Podcast Promotion
    🔹Encouraging Reviews and Ratings
    🔹Paid Advertising and Sponsorships
    🔹Analytics and Feedback: Measuring Success
    🔹Repurposing Podcast Content

    🔹This Week’s Homework

    Links for This Episode on podcast marketing.

    Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizHow to Start a Podcast Workbook
    https://jennielyon.com/podcast Content Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/contentcalendarICA Template


    Making the Most of Social Media Workbook
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediaworkbook SEO Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/seo Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • One trend in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape has taken center stage: Social Media Stories. These fleeting, 24-hour posts have become a powerful tool for brands and businesses.

    But why are Stories so popular? The answer lies in their short-lived nature.

    Stories offer a fresh, engaging way to connect with audiences. They provide a sense of immediacy and exclusivity that traditional posts can't match, leading to a surge in their use across various social media platforms. From Instagram to Facebook, TikTok to LinkedIn, Stories have become a staple of social media marketing.

    But how can you harness the power of Stories for your brand? How can you create compelling, engaging Stories that resonate with your audience? And how can you integrate Stories into your overall marketing strategy?

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    🔹Understanding Social Media Stories and Their Impact
    🔹What Are Social Media Stories?
    🔹The Psychology Behind the Popularity of Stories
    🔹The Short-Lived Nature of Stories and User Engagement
    🔹Statistics on Social Media Stories Usage and Effectiveness
    🔹Crafting Your Social Media Stories Strategy
    🔹Aligning Stories with Your Marketing Goals
    🔹Platform-Specific Strategies for Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and More
    🔹Creating a Content Calendar for Stories
    🔹Measuring the Success of Your Stories

    🔹Best Practices for Engaging and Visually Appealing Stories
    🔹The Role of Visual Storytelling in Brand Narrative
    🔹Tips for Creating Compelling Story Content
    🔹Utilizing Interactive Features to Boost Engagement
    🔹Story Highlights: Curating Your Best Content
    🔹Adapting Content for Different Audience Segments

    🔹Navigating Legalities: Music, Images, and Video Content
    🔹Case Studies: Brands Excelling in Social Media Stories Marketing
    🔹Brand Storytelling Success Stories

    🔹Innovative Uses of Stories in Marketing Campaigns

    🔹The Future of Social Media Stories Marketing
    🔹Upcoming Trends and Features to Watch
    🔹Integrating Stories into Your Overall Marketing Strategy
    🔹Recap of Key Takeaways
    🔹This Week’s Homework

    Links for This Episode on How to Use Social Media Stories in Your Marketing

    Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizContent Calendar Template


    Social Media Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediacalendar Weekly Social Media Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediachecklist Holiday Hashtag Calendar
    https://jennielyon.com/hashtags Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • You know you should be marketing your business. Still, as a small business owner, you're most likely already wearing many different hats, and adding marketing to your never-ending list of to-do items can feel overwhelming.

    If you don't have experience in marketing, it can not only feel overwhelming; it can be a rabbit hole that you get sucked into again and again. The solution? A digital marketing virtual assistant!

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    🔹What is a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant
    🔹How Do I Start Working with a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant
    🔹Stage 1: Foundation
    🔹Branding, Messaging, Ideal Client Avatar Development & Funnels (Lead Generation)
    🔹Stage 2: Promotion
    🔹Content Marketing, Email Marketing & Social Media Marketing
    🔹Stage 3: Scale
    🔹More Funnels, Online Courses, Webinars, Memberships, Launches and Paid Advertising
    🔹Tips for Selecting the Right Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant
    🔹Integrating a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant into Your Business
    🔹Overcoming Challenges and Building a Strong Working Relationship
    🔹Measuring the Impact of Your Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant
    🔹The Future of Digital Marketing And Virtual Assistance

    Links for This Episode on How to Start Working with a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant to Grow Your Business

    Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizBrand Building Workbook


    How to Create Your Core Lead Magnet
    https://jennielyon.com/websiteauditIdeal Client Avatar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/ica SEO Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/SEO Social Media Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediacalendar Weekly Social Media Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediachecklist Holiday Hashtag Calendar
    https://jennielyon.com/hashtags Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Email marketing is considered one of the most powerful instruments in a company's marketing toolkit. By utilizing email marketing, businesses cannot only connect with their target audience but also establish and nurture relationships with potential customers, drive sales, and increase revenue.

    In this podcast, we will discuss the key strategies and tips for acquiring your first 1,000 email subscribers and provide insights on how to grow your email list effectively over time.

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    🔹Why is Email Marketing Important
    🔹Direct Communication with Your Audience
    🔹Higher Conversion Rates
    🔹Cost Effectiveness
    🔹How to Get Your First 1,000 Email Subscribers
    🔹Create High-Quality Content
    🔹Use Lead Magnets
    🔹Optimize Your Website for Conversions
    🔹Leverage Social Media
    🔹Collaborate with Other Businesses
    🔹Use an Email Marketing Virtual Assistant
    🔹Tips for Growing Your Email List
    🔹Common Mistakes to Avoid
    🔹Homework: Take Action to Grow Your Email List

    Links for This Episode on Getting Your First 1,000 Email Subscribers:

    How to Create Your Core Lead Magnet
    https://jennielyon.com/websiteaudit Ideal Client Avatar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/ica SEO Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/SEO Social Media Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediacalendar Weekly Social Media Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediachecklist Holiday Hashtag Calendar
    https://jennielyon.com/hashtags Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • In today's fast-paced digital landscape, it's crucial for small businesses to harness a wealth of resources to navigate the ever-evolving realm of online marketing.

    When executed with precision and foresight, online marketing can be a powerful tool for attracting new customers and expanding your business.

    Today, I’m offering insights and practical strategies to elevate your online presence affordably and effectively.

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    🔹Why Online Marketing Matters for Small Businesses
    🔹Establish Your Online Branding
    🔹Optimize Your Website
    🔹Mobile Responsiveness
    🔹SEO Optimization
    🔹Utilize Social Media
    🔹Invest in Email Marketing
    🔹Collaborate with Other Businesses
    🔹Use Google My Business
    🔹Create High Quality Content
    🔹This Week’s Homework

    Links for This Episode on Affordable Online Marketing Strategies for Small Business Owners:

    Website Audit Workbook
    https://jennielyon.com/websiteaudit SEO Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/SEO Social Media Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediacalendar Weekly Social Media Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediachecklist Holiday Hashtag Calendar
    https://jennielyon.com/hashtags Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Hey there! 💫 Are you interested in taking your sales funnel to the next level and achieving remarkable success? If so, it's time to embark on an exciting journey towards unlocking your business's potential. Today, we'll explore sales funnels in depth and reveal the three secret weapons that can elevate your strategies and set you up for unstoppable revenue.

    This is an opportunity to equip yourself with the tools and insights to supercharge your business. We'll delve into innovative approaches and provide actionable tactics to transform your sales funnel into a revenue-generating powerhouse. By making simple yet powerful changes, you can achieve significant results and set the stage for sustainable growth and extraordinary success.

    So, are you ready to dive into the details of sales funnels and unlock their full potential? Let's embark on this journey together and uncover strategies to take your business to new heights. Get ready to harness the power of these secret weapons and witness the remarkable transformation of your sales funnel. Let's get started

    This week Jennie talks about:

    🔹What is a Sales Funnel & Why Do I Need One?
    🔹Four Stages of a Sales Funnel
    🔹Three Sales Funnel Secret Weapons
    🔹Secret Weapon #1: Compelling & Targeted Content
    🔹Personalization in Content Marketing
    🔹Personalized Messaging
    🔹Personalized Follow-Up Content
    🔹Secret Weapon #2: Personalization
    🔹Personalization in Lead Generation
    🔹Customized Sales Interactions
    🔹Personalized Post-Sales Support
    🔹Secret Weapon #3: Optimized Conversion Strategies
    🔹Personalization in Conversion Points
    🔹Customized Offers and Incentives
    🔹Timely and Relevant Follow-Ups
    🔹Homework: Putting Your Knowledge into Action

    Links for This Episode on Creating a Powerhouse Sales Funnel

    Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Social media has become an integral part of our lives. It has changed how we communicate and interact with each other and how we operate our businesses. With millions of users on various social media platforms, it can be challenging for small business owners to stand out and connect with their target audience.

    One way to make your business stand out on social media is by showcasing your brand personality. Doing so can build a strong connection with your audience and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

    If you feel that your brand's social media presence is a bit scattered, or you're posting content but lack cohesion, preventing you from building a solid and engaged audience, this guide is for you. Today, we will discuss what a social media style guide is, the benefits of having one, and the resources to create one for your business today. Let's jump in!

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    🔹What is a Social Media Style Guide
    🔹Why Does Your Brand Need a Social Media Style Guide?
    🔹What are the Benefits of a Social Media Style Guide
    🔹What to Understand Before You Create a Social Media Style Guide
    🔹Define Your Brand Identity
    🔹Define Your Target Audience
    🔹Ask Super Specific Questions
    🔹Define Your Keywords and Messaging
    🔹Understanding the Social Media Post Requirements
    🔹Examples of Great Social Media Style Guides
    🔹Make Your Social Media Guide Work for You

    Links for This Episode on Creating a Social Media Style Guide

    Social Media Style Guide Questionnaire
    Want your own social media style guide? I'll create one for you for $27 - email me at [email protected] a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • The pending TikTok ban has caused quite a stir among small business owners who have relied heavily on the platform to build their businesses.

    With the potential loss of a significant marketing channel, it has become even more critical for small business owners to diversify their marketing strategies and explore other options.

    Let’s jump into my favorite online marketing strategy that you OWN, which will make you $42 for each $1 spent!

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    🔹Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Marketing Basket

    🔹Why Having an Email List is Important

    🔹The Differences between Social Media Marketing and Email Marketing

    🔹How to Choose an Email Marketing Platform
    🔹How to Start Building an Email List with a Free Lead Magnet

    🔹How to Get the Most Out of Your Email Marketing

    🔹The Best Types of Free Lead Magnets

    🔹Creating a Free Lead Magnet that People Can’t Resist

    🔹How to Create a Nurture Sequence for Your Free Lead Magnet

    🔹How to Turn Your Free Lead Magnet into a Full Cycle Sales Funnel

    🔹This Week’s Email List Building Homework

    Links for This Episode on How to Build an Email List

    List Building Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/listbuilding How to Choose Your Core Lead Magnet


    Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • As a small business owner, you know how important having a solid online presence is. However, with so many different marketing strategies available, it can take time to determine where to focus your efforts.

    In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the five online marketing mistakes I often see small business owners and entrepreneurs make. I’ll highlight the marketing strategies you can use to fix them.

    Join me as we journey to enhance your digital footprint and propel your business to new heights. Whether you're a novice entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, this guide is your roadmap to optimizing your online marketing efforts so your business can flourish like never before.

    Let’s jump into the five common online marketing mistakes small business owners make and how to fix them.

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    Content Overview

    🔹Not Defining Your Target Audience

    🔹Why Define Your Target Audience

    🔹Actionable Steps to Define Your Target Audience

    🔹This Week’s ICA Homework

    🔹Neglecting Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    🔹What is SEO and Why Does it Matter?

    🔹Actionable Steps to Improve Your Website’s SEO

    🔹This Week’s SEO Homework

    🔹Focusing on Quantity Over Quality

    🔹Why Quality Matters

    🔹Action Steps for Qualify Over Quantity

    🔹This Week’s Quality Driven Homework

    🔹Ignoring Social Media

    🔹Why Social Media Matters

    🔹Actionable Steps for Social Media Success

    🔹This Week’s Social Media Homework

    🔹Not Measuring Your Results

    🔹Why Measuring Results Matter

    🔹Actionable Steps for Measuring Results

    🔹This Week’s Results Homework

    Links for This Episode on 5 Common Online Marketing Mistakes & How to Fix Them:

    SEO Workbook
    https://jennielyon.com/seo ICA Worksheet
    https://jennielyon.com/ica Content Calendar
    https://jennielyon.com/contentcalendar Weekly Social Media Workbook
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediachecklist Making the Most of Social Media Workbook
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediaworkbook Holiday #Hashtag Yearly Calendar
    https://jennielyon.com/hashtags Social Media Marketing Calendar
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediacalendar15 Free Social Media Graphics
    https://jennielyon.com/15free Pinterest Tips & Tricks
    https://jennielyon.com/pinterest SMART Goals Worksheet
    https://jennielyon.com/smart Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • From the moment I started my business, I’ve been focused on email growth. Studies have shown that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, the average ROI (return on investment is around $42). My email list is at 30k with great subscriber engagement! If I’ve said it’s once, I’ve said it a million times - you want to always be growing your email list in the background!

    Being a business owner is a lot of work and the quicker you can grow your subscriber list, the better! A healthy email list is the life blood of your business!

    I broke this guide down into several effective strategies for growing your business. You don’t have to do them all everyday, but if you spend just 30 minutes per day doing some of them, you’ll start to see growth in your subscribers.

    Today, let’s dig into how you can gain traction with your list building efforts and start growing that email list like crazy!

    Let's get started!

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    Content Overview

    🔹Block Off 30-Minutes Per Day to Focus on List Building

    🔹What is Time Blocking and What are the Benefits

    🔹How to Get Started

    🔹Get into the List Building Mindset

    🔹Set SMART Goals for your List Building

    🔹Strategies for Email List Growth

    🔹Hit Up Your Current Audience

    🔹Hang Out with Your Audience

    🔹Go Live

    🔹Ask Your Subscribers for Help
    🔹Email List Growth Tracking Sheet

    🔹Homework/Action Plan

    Links for This Episode on Growing Your Email List

    SMART Goals Worksheet
    https://jennielyon.com/smart Email List Growth Tracking Sheet
    https://jennielyon.com/listbuilding Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team
    https://jennielyon.com/vateamThe Digital Marketing Success Path Quiz

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Welcome to the era where remote teams reign supreme, and in the dynamic realm of digital marketing, they're not just a trend – they're the new normal. Picture this: cost savings, flexibility galore, tapping into global talent pools, and a productivity surge that's off the charts.

    But hey, let's keep it real – working from afar has its quirks. Communication hiccups, collaboration calisthenics, and the occasional performance management cha-cha.

    In this blog, I've got the down-low on tips and tricks to not just navigate, but master the art of supercharging your digital marketing game with a remote team.

    Let's get into it.

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    Content Overview

    🔹Defining a virtual digital marketing team
    🔹Why opt for a virtual digital marketing team
    🔹What tasks are handled by the digital marketing team
    🔹How to communicate and collaborate effectively with your remote team
    🔹How to manage your time and tasks efficiently
    🔹How to fine-tune your digital marketing strategies
    🔹 Homework/Action Plan

    Links for This Episode on Creating Weekly Content
    🔹How to Use our Digital Marketing Team
    🔹The Digital Marketing Success Path Quiz

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • According to a survey by Adobe, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. Moreover, 75% of consumers admit to making judgments about a company's credibility based on their website design.

    What does this mean?

    A website redesign can help you attract more visitors, increase conversions, boost sales, and enhance customer satisfaction.

    In this guide, I will show you how to redesign your website in 2024, following the latest trends and best practices in web design and development.

    Ready to get started? Let's dive in!

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    Content Overview

    🔹Understanding the need for a redesign
    🔹Assessing the current state of your website
    🔹Planning your redesign strategy
    🔹Content and information architecture
    🔹Preparing for a smooth website launch
    🔹Success Stories
    🔹Homework and Action Plan

    Links for This Episode on Website Redesigns

    🔹The Ultimate Website Audit Workbook
    🔹SEO Checklist
    🔹SMART Goals Worksheet
    🔹Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    🔹The Digital Marketing Success Path Quiz
    🔹Schedule a Free Consultation

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Email marketing rocks! Sending emails? Super effective. Segmentation matters!

    But guess what? Subscribers aren't clones. They're unique, with different tastes and habits. So, ditch the generic emails; it's time to get personal because not all subscribers are cut from the same cloth. They've got different needs and vibes, affecting how they respond to your emails.

    Wondering how? Segmentation is the game-changer. This blog post is your easy guide to why it rocks, how to do it, and the tools you need.

    Ready to level up your email game? Let's dive right in!

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    Content Overview

    🔹Why Email List Segmentation?
    🔹Types of Segmentation
    🔹Crafting Segmentation Criteria
    🔹Personalization Techniques
    🔹Tools and Platforms
    🔹Avoiding Common Pitfalls
    🔹What’s Next/Homework + Action Plan

    Links for This Episode on Email Segmentation

    🔹The Digital Marketing Success Path Quiz
    🔹Schedule a free call with Jennie today!

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • In a world where trends come and go like flickering candle flames, evergreen content is that steady beacon guiding your business's journey. It's not a quick story that vanishes; it's a narrative echoing through time.

    So, why should you care about evergreen content for your business? It's the solid ground where your brand story stands, unaffected by passing trends.

    We'll explore the art of crafting messages that endure, dive into meeting universal customer needs, and adopt a strategic mindset for content that weathers any storm.

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    Content Overview

    🔹What is Evergreen Content?
    🔹The Art Of Messages That Stick Around
    🔹Identifying What Customers Always Want
    🔹Strategies for Creating Evergreen Content
    🔹Leveraging Video and Visual Content
    🔹SEO Practices for Lasting Visibility
    🔹Keeping Your Refreshing And Evergreen Content Alive
    🔹Building a Timeless Brand Identity
    🔹Measuring Evergreen Impact
    🔹What’s Next/Homework + Action Plan

    Links for This Episode on Creating Evergreen Content

    How to Boost Your Brand with Engaging Video Content5 SEO Tips That Will Boost You in Search + Free Checklisthttps://jennielyon.com/seoThe Digital Marketing Success Path Quiz
    https://jennielyon.com/quizSchedule a Free Consultation

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • If you haven't dipped your toes into the Instagram Stories pool, let me fill you in. These are snappy, attention-grabbing videos or photos that vanish into thin air after a mere 24 hours. You'll spot them right at the summit of your Instagram feed, and with a gentle tap or swipe, you dive into a world of momentary magic.

    Now, you might be wondering, why are Stories such a game-changer in the realm of brand storytelling? Trust me, there's a lot more beneath the surface than meets the eye!

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    Content Overview

    🔹What are Instagram Stories?

    🔹Unleashing the Potential of Instagram Stories for Your Business

    🔹The Numbers Don’t Lie

    🔹Navigating Instagram Stories: A Deep Dive Into Audience-Centric Strategies

    🔹Instagram Insights - The Insider’s Guide

    🔹Instagram Stories - A Direct Line to Your Audience

    🔹Automation Tools - Chatbots and Direct Messages

    🔹Competitive Analysis - Spying on the Cool Kids

    🔹Social Listening - Eavesdropping in Style

    🔹Trendy Hashtags - Join the Party

    🔹3 Epic Ways to Tell A Story with Your IG Story

    🔹Refining the Storytelling Strategy

    🔹What’s Next/Homework + Action Plan

    Links for This Episode on Storytelling with Instagram Stories

    🔹3-Month Content Calendar
    🔹Hashtag Holiday Calendar
    🔹Social Media Content Calendar
    🔹Social Media Checklist
    🔹The Digital Marketing Success Path Quiz
    🔹Schedule a free call with Jennie today!

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Today, we're diving headfirst into a game-changer: the Social Proof Game. But first things first – what exactly is social proof? Well, it's the secret sauce that can transform your business landscape. Social proof is when people look to others for guidance, especially in decision-making. It's that powerful force shaping opinions and actions.

    Now, why should you care? Social proof is the real deal in the business world. Think of it as your golden ticket to winning over customers, building trust, and supercharging your business growth.

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    🔹Understanding the Psychology Behind Social Proof
    🔹Robert Cialdini’s Principles of Influence
    🔹How to Leverage Social Media for Powerful Social Proof
    🔹How to Showcase User-Generated Content for Authenticity
    🔹Tips for Building Trust through Expert Endorsements
    🔹Collaborating with Industry Leaders and Authorities
    🔹Incorporating Thought Leadership to Establish Credibility
    🔹Using Certifications and Accolades for Trustworthiness
    🔹Strategies for Encouraging Positive Testimonials
    🔹Integrating Social Proof into Your Marketing Strategy
    🔹Dealing with Negative Social Proof
    🔹The How to Use Social Proof Action Plan

    Links for This Episode:

    🔹Weekly Social Media Checklist

    🔹15 FREE Social Media Graphics

    🔹The Digital Marketing Success Path Quiz

    🔹Schedule a Free Consultation


    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie

    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Content remixing. It's not just a trendy term; it's your ticket to boosted reach and SEO success. Imagine crafting a killer blog post and then picture that content reaching a wider audience, not just once but multiple times. That's the magic of content remixing. It's about making your existing content work smarter, not harder.

    In this episode, I go over the following:
    🔹Understanding Content Remixing
    🔹Identifying Evergreen Content
    🔹Content Remix Strategies
    🔹Infographics and Visual Storytelling
    🔹Podcasting: Turning Video Insights into Conversations
    🔹Micro-Moments: Reel in the Engagement
    🔹LinkedIn Insight: Crafting Article Magic
    🔹Checklist Creation: Transforming Steps into Action
    🔹Cheat Sheet: Condensing Wisdom into a Handy Guide
    🔹Key Metrics for Tracking Your Content's Impact

    Links for This Episode on Creating Weekly Content

    🔹The Digital Marketing Success Path Quiz

    🔹Schedule a Free Consultation


    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie


    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing