The Mobile Workforce Podcast is centered around conversations with experts who have been where you are and have made it to the other side. Each week, our trailblazing guests share their experiences to inspire change, challenge the status quo and share what it takes to travel the road to profitability while managing a remote workforce. If you are looking to improve your operational efficiency and champion processes that maximize profit, these conversations will lead you and your team to the cutting edge. Brought to you by Foundation Software
Goal Diggers is a podcast on strategy, goals, and people management.
With the industry’s experts and greatest thought leaders, we'll cover topics on Objectives & Key Results (OKRs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), strategy, and everything in-between.
This podcast is brought to you by Perdoo: The Performance Management Software to create high-performing organizations.
For more information about Perdoo, head over to: -
A podcast for the in-house legal leaders & functions of tomorrow.
Join us for practical, every day conversations for riding instructors! Whether you're just starting out or have been teaching for years, our podcast offers insights, tips, and advice to help you improve your skills and provide the best possible riding experience for your students. From discussing effective teaching techniques to sharing stories and experiences, we cover a wide range of topics to help you become a better instructor. Our guests are experienced riding instructors, trainers, and equine experts who provide valuable knowledge and perspectives on a variety of equestrian-related subjects. Join us for engaging and informative discussions that will help you take your teaching to the next level!
This is an industry disruptor podcast for florists who want to create consistent 5k Months through hotel partnerships WITHOUT depending on unstable wedding and event income.
Being a people manager is kind of the best. But it's kind of the worst too, right? I mean between questions like, “how do I know what to talk about in a 1:1 meeting?” to “how do I give difficult feedback without being awkward?” to “how do I avoid becoming a micromanager?” – managing teams can be really overwhelming.
Not anymore.
The Managing Made Simple Podcast is your roadmap and compass to help you navigate life as a people manager. Chock full of fun stories from the trenches, concrete tools and strategies, and thought provoking interviews, the Managing Made Simple Podcast will make sure you have everything you need to be a great people manager so that together we can make the workplace somewhere everyone can thrive.
If you’re looking for answers to questions like these, then this is the podcast has all of the manager tips you need:
- How do I give feedback without the conversation being awkward?
- How do I motivate my when I can't pay them more?
- How do I oversee a remote team without micromanaging?
- How do I improve my team’s productivity and output without burning people out?
- How do I help my team prioritize their time?
- How do I delegate and get out of the weeds?
- How do I set priorities when everything is important?
Subscribe today and tune in every Tuesday where no topic is too big or too small to dive into.
** About your host:
Lia Garvin, the “Team Whisperer” provides team leaders and business owners with simple strategies and tools to communicate better with their teams, reduce overwhelm as managers, and turn their employees into profit-generating machines. She is a 3x bestselling author, TEDx speaker, host of the top podcast Managing Made Simple, and team operations consultant with experience leading team operations within Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Bank of America.
She is a sought-after expert in the media, featured across Harvard Business Review, Inc, FastCompany, ABC News, CNN Business, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, and more.
Learn more about Lia's programs, workshops, and speaking at: -
Welcome to the 99 Projects Podcast, a weekly show that deep-dives into creative and enterprising projects. Each week we uncover insights from the people behind intriguing ventures – and discuss the results, outcomes, and, most importantly, the lessons learned.
I’m David Richardson, an acoustic engineer, musician and AI student. I’m curious about why and how people do what they do. Join me as I track down the creators, experimenters and outsiders behind smart ideas, innovation and invention – and explore real stories of endeavour, trial and error.
A hybrid of guest interviews, recordings from the field and insight sharing – episodes typically last for around 30 minutes and new shows are added every Tuesday.
You can find this podcast across all usual platforms. Feel free to subscribe wherever you’re tuning in from and stay up to date with new episodes. If you’d like to get in touch or ask us a question, visit There, you’ll also find our blog, where we document and share resources related to this podcast, links to social media and bonus material.
Thank you for listening
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dive into cutting-edge discussions on landownership, forest management, and empowering Christian principles for land stewardship. This is your podcast where faith intertwines inspiration, new perspectives and practical tips. Each episode delivers actionable insights and powerful strategies to take on the responsibilities of managing your land. Join Danielle, professional consulting forester in Georgia, as she gives you the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the world of forestry. Don’t just manage your land—master it with expert guidance and confidence with God, every step of the way!
I'm Diana Richardson and I’ve been doing digital marketing for 20 years and it’s REALLY time to set some things straight - buckle up! This is realistic marketing advice in under 5 minutes.
Need a marketing plan or a consultation? You can find me at -
In 10 exklusiven Folgen sprechen wir mit unseren Beratern, UMA-Kunden oder Expert*innen aus der Hotellerie und Gastronomie über die Entwicklungen in unserer Lieblingsbranche und beleuchten dabei die neusten Trends, Herausforderungen und Geschehnisse.
Dieser Jubiläumstalk liefert Ihnen neue Denkanstöße und Ideen, macht Antworten auf komplexe Themen aus der Hotellerie und Gastronomie übersichtlicher und vermittelt dem Zuhörer Eindrücke aus dem nicht allzu typischen Alltag einer Unternehmensberatung für Hotellerie und Gastronomie. -
A ”No-Nonsense” Guide For The Modern Day Beautypreneur! Are you ready to build a killer beauty career? Do you crave more out of your current business? If so, you are not alone. At Shut Up and Start we take a no nonsense approach to building a profitable, pleasurable and sustainable business in the modern day beauty industry.
This is Storyhouse, a podcast that invites you to step out of the noise to think deeply about the things that matter – in life and in business.
I’m Lindsay Hotmire, your host and founder of Storyhouse Fifteen, a strategic coaching and branding studio that helps small business owners and do-good organizations find the clarity, the story, and the strategy to reach more people and grow their impact.
Every episode, I’ll be sharing the thoughts and questions I’m chewing on so that you can join me in the journey. Together, we can figure out how to find better stories, how to tell better stories, and ultimately, how to live better stories. -
Ask Your Work Wife is a podcast for ambitious women who want more out of Corporate America.
«Карьера где?» — подкаст о том, как студенты Московского Политеха пробую себя на рынке труда, обозревая существующие карьерные возможности вместе с приглашенными гостями. А также взаимодействуют с Центром Карьеры Московского Политеха.
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Хотим выразить благодарность работникам Московского Политеха, нашей команде и ребятам, которые согласились ответить на наши вопросы.
Do you have a genius idea for a physical product that you want to take to market? Make Real Stuff will walk you through the entire process to bring it to life. This podcast covers a broad range of topics, including product design, prototyping, pricing, packaging, manufacturing, trade shows, sales strategies, and much more. Your host, toy and gift industry veteran Ryan Hamilton, shares his 20+ years of experience as a retailer, sales rep, corporate buyer, and inventor. The podcast provides valuable insights and tips on how to take your product from sketchpad (or napkin sketch) to the store shelf. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out on your journey, “Make Real Stuff” is the perfect resource for anyone looking to turn their product idea into a reality.
(LT) „Ant Agile Sofos“ tai pirmasis Lietuviškas Podcast įrašų ciklas nagrinėjantis Agile metodiką. Jo sumanytojai bei laidų vedėjai tai trys Agile Coach‘ais dirbantys ir ilgametę patirtį šioje srityje sukaupę Agile metodikos entuziastai.
Ant Agile Sofos komanda taip pat teikia konsultavimo ir mokymų paslaugas įvairiomis su asmeniniu, komandų ar organizacijų efektyvumu susijusiomis temomis. Padedame tiek pradedantiesiems, tiek ir labiau pažengusiems pagilinti savo žinias, efektyvinti darbo principus ir pasiekti geresnių rezultatų. Mūsų tikslas – jog Agile mąstymas atneštų kuo daugiau naudos kuo didesniam ratui įmonių Lietuvoje.
Kviečiame susisiekti su mumis, klausytis tinklalaidžių, užduoti klausimus ir dalintis savo komentarais Agile temose bei įkvėpti vis daugiau žmonių pabandyti šį veiklos organizavimo būdą.
(EN) "Ant Agile Sofos (On the Agile Couch)" is the first Agile themed lithuanian podcast diving deeper into agility and methodology of agile. Co-founders of this podcast are 3 Agile Coaches practitioners with extensive experience from this workfields.
On the Agile Couch team also provides agile trainings and consulting in various, personal, team or organizational efficiency related topics. We can help everyone - ones that are just starting their journey or more experienced individuals and companies. We strive to make your working environment more efficient and to reach better results by applying Agile principles. Our goal - to help agility adoption bring as much as possible benefits for organisations in Lithuania.
We do invite you to contact us, listen to our podcasts, raise questions and share your own experience or insights about agility adoption and inspire more and more people to try this mindset - AGILE. -
5AM - podkastas, kurio tikslas padėti nors vienam žmogui žengti žingsnį į priekį link geresnio gyvenimo.
Esminė mūsų pokalbių vertybė - atvirumas, nes tik taip galėsime sukurti reikšmingus pokalbius, kurie kam nors padės gyvenime.
Kalbinam žmones, kuriais tikim ir kurie tikrai gali padėti kitiems! -
Céline Harleaux – Host of the award-winning It's A Funny Thing Podcast. Author of 40 Days To Self-Love. Advanced ThetaHealing® Practitioner.
Since 2017, Céline has inspired thousands of women to improve their relationship with themselves, using simple and effective tools. Céline’s audience absolutely loves her playfulness, authenticity and honesty – she never hesitates to share her most awkward stories, as well as her best tips for powerful and long-lasting change. -
Industrial Talk is about celebrating the women and men of industry and manufacturing. We celebrate these innovative leaders and companies because they make our lives better and are changing the world for the better! These passionate leaders collaborate, innovate and educate with speed and purpose to positively impact people and communities around the world. Industrial Talk in collaboration with industry and manufacturing leaders address topics that include: Digital Transformation, Big Data, Industry 4.0, IoT, IIoT, AI, ML, Optimization, Edge, Cloud, Asset Reliability, Maintenance, 5G, Sales, Marketing and Branding and strategies for success. This is a podcast that is focused on Getting Stuff Done and learning from individuals and companies that have been there and have a track record of success. We celebrate a bright future in industry and manufacturing from with women and men dedicated to making our communities and world a better place.
„Tiek daug knygų, taip mažai laiko“ – Frank Zappa buvo teisus. Tačiau šiais laikais laiko knygoms mes turime kur kas daugiau, nes mes turime savo išmaniuosius telefonus ir... audioknygas! O klausyti knygų galime ir vairuodami, ir sportuodami, ir čiučiuodami mažuosius, ir gamindami, ir net miegodami. Žinių Radijo laidoje „Savaitgalio skaitiniai“ kviečiame susipažinti su naujausiomis lietuviškomis audioknygomis, o susipažinus – atsisiųsti Audioteka programėlę ir išbandyti jas savo kailiu. Laidą rengia – lietuviškos audioknygos tavo telefone.