• Katram no viņiem bija atšķirīgs ceļš uz ārpolitiku. Tomass auga diplomāta ģimenē. Aivaram patika Rolling Stones un Led Zepellin un tāpēc viņš klausījās «aizjūras balsis». Pauls dzīvoja ASV, bet gribēja saprast, kas notiek Latvijā. Taču visus trīs vieno interese par pasaulē notiekošo un pārliecība, ka mums visiem ir jāsaprot globālie procesi, kas mūs ietekmē. Tagad Tomass, Aivars un Pauls ar savām dažādām pieredzēm un skata punktiem tiekas vienā raidījumā, lai diskutētu un dalītos ar iespaidiem un zināšanām. Raidieraksts tapis pateicoties mediju atbalsta fonda ieguldījumam no Latvijas valsts budžeta līdzekļiem. #SIF_MAF2022

  • Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
    Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Подкаст о медицинских открытиях, которые изменили мир.

    Педиатр Фёдор Катасонов рассказывает, как врачи учились лечить болезни, которые раньше считались приговором, решались на новые операции и открывали — иногда случайно — лекарства, без которых мы не представляем себе современную жизнь.

    Новые эпизоды — по средам раз в две недели.

    Это подкаст студии «Либо/Либо».

    Instagram студии: @libolibostudio

    YouTube канал студии: ЛибоЛибо

  • Mūsu redzes lokā aktuālo notikumu analīze Latvijā un pasaulē: politiskās diskusijas, ekonomikas, sociālo u.c. problēmu analīze, amatpersonu izvaicāšana, pētnieciskie raidījumi. Tāpat studijā kopā ar ekspertiem izvērtējam un komentējam politiskās, ekonomiskās un sociālās norises Latvijā. Klausītājus viedokli aicinām izteikt "Brīvajā mikrofonā".

    „Krustpunktā” komanda pārbauda informāciju, kas radījusi aizdomas par negodīgu rīcību, un bieži vien veic savu žurnālistisko izmeklēšanu.

  • Правильный, комбинированный фид избранных передач, версия 3.0

  • Литературный подкаст «Закладка» с Екатериной Шульман и Галиной Юзефович

  • «Никакого правильно» — это депрессивный стендап о ментальном здоровье, родительстве и правах женщин. Ксения Красильникова и Маша Карнович-Валуа разговаривают о том, что каждый и каждая имеет право на сложные чувства, на поиск способов обходиться с ними, а еще на личные убеждения и свободу.

    Приходите к нам в инстаграм: @no.pravil.no
    По поводу партнерств пишите на [email protected]

  • Raidījums par ārpolitikas aktualitātēm, kurā kopā ar ekspertiem un ārpolitikas pārzinātājiem apspriežam un analizējam nedēļas svarīgākos notikumus pasaulē.

    Aidis Tomsons: "Pasaule ir daudz mazāka, nekā mums reizēm šķiet. Notikumi, kas risinās otrā pasaules malā, atstāj nospiedumus arī uz mūsu ikdienu. Mūsu uzdevums - skaidrot ne tikai to, kas notiek, bet arī kāpēc un kādu iespaidu tas var atstāt uz pasaules skatuves."

    Eduards Liniņš: "Saprašanai par "te un tagad" ļoti noder zināšana par "reiz un citviet"."

  • No politikas līdz biznesam, par sociālo dzīvi un krimināldrāmām – pētnieciskais raidījums “Atvērtie faili” iedziļinās mūsu laika svarīgākajos notikumos. Katrs raidījums ir dokumentāls audiostāsts par procesiem un cilvēkiem, kas veido mūsu sabiedrisko dzīvi.

    Ja vēlies ar mums sazināties, raksti uz [email protected] vai sūti balss ziņas WhatsApp vai Signal lietotnēs uz numuru 28001144.

  • Биолог и журналист Илья Колмановский рассказывает о научных открытиях, говорит с людьми, которые их совершают, и отвечает на вопросы слушателей всех возрастов. Подкаст выходит по средам, раз в две недели.

    Послушать бонусные эпизоды подкаста «Голый землекоп» можно по подписке ЛибоЛибо+ в Apple Podcasts https://cutt.ly/gol03epap или в закрытом телеграм-канале https://cutt.ly/gol03eptg Подписка — лучший способ поддержать нашу студию.

    Подписаться на Патреон или Бусти Ильи Колмановского: https://patreon.com/ilyakolmanovsky/ и https://boosty.to/zemlekop/

    Телеграм-канал «Голый землекоп»: https://t.me/kolm_zemlekop

    Редактор: Андрей Борзенко

    Продюсеры: Настя Медведева, Данил Астапов

    Звукорежиссёр: Алексей Воробьев

    Композитор: Кира Вайнштейн

  • Katru piektdienu Ir žurnālisti izskaidro, apspriež, reizēm arī iesmej par nedēļas politiskajiem un sabiedriskajiem notikumiem. Atklāj gan notikumu, gan pašu darba aizkulises, kurām neatrodas vieta tradicionālajā drukātā žurnāla rāmjos. Raidījuma pastāvīgie dalībnieki ir žurnāla komentētāji Aivars Ozoliņš un Pauls Raudseps, kam katru nedēļu pievienojas viens komandas žurnālists, kurš padziļināti pētījis kādu no aktuālajiem tematiem.

  • Diplomātiskās pusdienas (darba brokastis, pusdienas vai vakariņas) ir oficiāls termins. Darba pusdienās bieži neformālā atmosfērā tiek pieņemti svarīgi lēmumi.

    Raidījumā ārpolitikai pievērsīsimies interesantā un neierastā veidā, stāstot par kādu konkrētu valsti un tajā aktuāliem notikumiem šīs nedēļas kontekstā.

    Raidījumu vada Latvijas Radio Ziņu dienesta vadītājs Uģis Lībietis kopā ar Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūta direktoru, politikas zinātnes doktoru Kārli Bukovski.

  • Илья Красильщик и Александр Поливанов обсуждают, как мы (неправильно) тратим деньги. Брать кредиты или занимать у друзей? Жить в съемной квартире или в ипотечной? Планировать путешествия или отдыхать по вдохновению? Покупать машину или пользоваться такси?

  • Pagātnes notikumi nosaka mūsu šodienu, bet šodienas pasaules uztvere maina skatījumu uz pagātni. Atgādināt būtiskās likumsakarības un grozīt iesīkstējušus aizspriedumus, atklāt senāku un nesenāku vēsturi gan pētnieka distancētajā skatījumā, gan notikumu aculiecinieka pieredzes tiešumā - to savās sarunās un stāstījumos cenšas veikt raidījuma autors Eduards Liniņš.

  • Industry veterans, degenerate gamblers & besties Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks & David Friedberg cover all things economic, tech, political, social & poker.

  • Tim Ferriss is a self-experimenter and bestselling author, best known for The 4-Hour Workweek, which has been translated into 40+ languages. Newsweek calls him "the world's best human guinea pig," and The New York Times calls him "a cross between Jack Welch and a Buddhist monk." In this show, he deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, chess, pro sports, etc.), digging deep to find the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use.

  • Science, pop culture, and comedy collide on StarTalk Radio! Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and Director of New York's Hayden Planetarium, and his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities, and scientific experts explore astronomy, physics, and everything else there is to know about life in the universe. New episodes premiere Tuesdays. Keep Looking Up!

  • Alles wat zich afspeelt in de kosmos - en dus ook op planeet Aarde - wordt in deze podcast besproken door de wetenschapsredactie van de Volkskrant. Tonie Mudde, zijn verslaggevers en academici bekijken de wereld met een onderzoekende bril.

  • В этом подкасте публикуются курсы сайта Arzamas — лекции лучших российских ученых по истории, литературе, искусству, антропологии и философии. Материалы к курсам, а также другие статьи, видео и игры вы найдете на сайте https://arzamas.academy.

  • Best-selling author Mark Manson brings his irreverent, hard-hitting style right to your ear holes with life advice that doesn't suck.

    Featuring a mix of guest appearances, burning reader questions, and solo shows with just Mark and a microphone, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast explores all the uncomfortable questions that, if you're brave enough to ask yourself, might just change your life.

    Whether it's your relationship, career, health, wealth, or happiness, Mark tackles it all with refreshing honesty and a dash of foul-mouthed humor.

  • Imagine you were a fly on the wall at a dinner between the mafia, the CIA, and the KGB. That’s where this unprecedented story begins. A journey through the dark world of Russian intelligence where, for the first time, a professed “sex spy” tells her story. All of it.

    Host Neil Strauss (Rolling Stone, The New York Times) brings listeners into the dangerous world of sexpionage, where enemies of the State are not the only victims. So too are the spies themselves, brainwashed to believe that their bodies belong to Russia and meticulously trained to become “the perfect weapons.” Who is Aliia Roza? From the creators of the hit podcast series To Live and Die in LA, this is To Die For. Binge all 8 episodes now.

  • TELOS ir intelektuālas ievirzes polemiski izglītojošs tīmekļa žurnāls, kurš apvieno Latvijas konservatīvos domātājus. Šajā “Sarunu” aplādē mēs pētīsim dažādus jautājumus, izšķirsim un definēsim svarīgus jēdzienus, mēģināsim atdalīt patiesus spriedumus no maldiem un atgādināsim par Rietumu intelektuālo mantojumu.

    Saziņai: [email protected]

  • В наших головах полно идей и планов, которые хочется осуществить. Поэтому каждую неделю мы бросаем себе вызов и пробуем что-то новое!

    Честно обсуждаем результаты и делимся личными историями.

    Начнём с понедельника!

    [email protected]

  • "Speaking of Psychology" is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important and relevant psychological research being conducted today. Produced by the American Psychological Association, these podcasts will help listeners apply the science of psychology to their everyday lives.

  • Комедийное шоу с определенными патологиями.
    Мы панчим на все темы и новости, читаем ублюдские стихи и ставим радиопостановки.

  • Оу, привет всем диванным криминалистам. Это тру-крайм подкаст о маньяках, серийных убийцах и прочих неприятных личностях.

    🔞 | Мы здесь не бьюти-боксы распаковываем. Только трукрайм, только хардкор.

  • Robeža starp zinātni un pseidozinātni bieži vien nav viegli pamanāma, ja neesi eksperts. Tāpēc palīgā nākam mēs – podkāsts “Zinātne vai muļķības”. Katrā epizodē “Delfi” žurnālisti Edžus Miķelsons un Jānis Sildniks uzdod reizēm ne pārāk gudrus jautājumus ļoti gudriem cilvēkiem. Ar zinātnieku un speciālistu palīdzību kliedējam mītus par aizraujošām tēmām – sākot no tā, vai būt resnam ir izvēle vai tomēr gēni, homeopātijas solījumiem un padomiem par redzes uzlabošanu mājas apstākļos, līdz pat cerībām par mūžīgo jaunību un pareizo taktiku akciju tirgū, lai izceltu lielo piķi.

  • Шоу, в котором четыре девушки дают советы по любым жизненным вопросам, хотя их об этом никто не просил.

  • Оля Крумкач, врач акушер-гинеколог, вместе со своими гостями рассказывает о женском здоровье, обсуждает «стыдные вопросы», делиться опытом и разбирает сексуальные аспекты жизни.

    Этот подкаст как большой справочник с ответами на вопросы, которые волнуют всех без исключения. 18+

    А 18 апреля 2024 года при поддержке HiFi-стриминга Звук выйдет 8 специальный сезон подкаста для пацанов, поэтому слушайте спецсезон в HiFi-стриминге Звук

    Инстаграм Оли Крумкач: https://www.instagram.com/reo_mur/

    Онлайн консультации: https://t.me/Tolko_sprosit_bot

    Книга "Всё о ней. Бережная гинекология от первой менструации до постменопаузы" https://kiosk.shop/individuum-books/vsye-o-ney-berezhnaya-ginekologiya-ot-pervoy-menstruatsii-do-postmenopauzy

    Обложка: Нина Захарова

    Звук и монтаж: Валерия Кусто, Юрий Беляев, Юра Шустицкий

    Название: Катя Долинина

    Сотрудничество: [email protected]

  • Рассказываем обо всём, что можно «взломать»: о здоровье, работе и технологиях, об образовании, спорте и отдыхе, об отношениях, финансах и мотивации. Помогаем решить проблемы или упростить ситуации, с которыми вы сталкиваетесь каждый день. Отвечаем на вопросы и призываем посмотреть на привычные вещи другими глазами.

    Наш сайт: https://lifehacker.ru/
    Наша почта: [email protected]
    Канал наших подкастов в Telegram: https://telegram.me/podhacker

  • Каждую неделю Саша Поливанов и Илья Красильщик обсуждают, как правильно тратить деньги (сами они это делать совершенно не умеют).

    Подкаст «Деньги пришли» — про то, на что уходит зарплата, а на самом деле про то — как мы живем. Наша главная задача — не научиться тратить или экономить, а понять, как это устроено. Мы разбираемся с помощью гостей, у каждого из которых есть пример удивительных взаимоотношений с деньгами.

  • A rundown of the most important global business stories you need to know for the coming day, from the newsroom of the Financial Times. Available every weekday morning.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Katru piektdienu padziļināta diskusija par nozīmīgākajiem nedēļas notikumiem un procesiem.

    Žurnāliste Olga Dragiļeva piektdienās stundu garā diskusiju raidījumā analizē nedēļas svarīgākos un pretrunīgākos notikumus un procesus, izvaicā krustugunīs nonākušas amatpersonas un politiķus. “Hard talk” stila raidījuma mērķis ir padziļināti ielūkoties problēmu un procesu būtībā un saukt lietas īstajos vārdos.

  • Why am I making a podcast? The best answer I can come up with is that I feel like I’ve been failing my entire life, so I can speak from plenty of experience. Sure, I was on The X Files and Californication, I wrote some books and made some music. But I also got a literal F in The New York Times. I had a high-profile divorce and a magical mystery tour through rehab. So now I want to get into the way that failure looms over all of us and really shapes who we are. What’s good about that, what’s bad about that, what’s holding us back in shame? Lots to unpack here. So join me and some cool guests from sports, tv, politics, business and beyond starting May 7, wherever you get your podcasts – and we’ll get into it.

  • Uzbrukums Ukrainai ir krasi izmainījis un turpina mainīt Krievijas vietu starptautiskajās attiecībās un Krievijas režīma attiecības ar savu sabiedrību.

    Tas ir skaidrs – Ukrainai jāuzvar un jāizcīna sev jauna vieta Eiropas valstu kopībā! Bet neatbildēts paliek jautājums: Kas būs ar Krieviju? Raidījumu ciklā iezīmēsim iespējamos Krievijas nākotnes scenārijus, sarunājoties ar politologiem, publicistiem, politiķiem Latvijā un ārvalstīs.

    Kas būs ar Krieviju? Neizbēgamie jautājumi un iespējamās atbildes par mūsu austrumu kaimiņvalsts nākotni.

  • Простыми словами о тайнах нашего мозга и эффективном саморазвитии. https://t.me/anna_art_piano - Телеграм-канал с ежедневной пользой.

    МАСТЕР-КЛАСС "СТЫД И СТРАХ" апрель-2024: Казань, Москва, Санкт-Петербург. Билеты: https://annaivannikova.ru/#rec688946737

    Записаться на коучинговое сопровождение, узнать детали работы: https://t.me/anna_ivannikova_ICF
    Поддержать на Бусти: https://boosty.to/anna_art_piano

    Автор подкаста: Анна Иванникова @anna_ivannikova во всех соцсетях

    Официальный сайт: https://annaivannikova.ru/

    Звукорежиссер Лиза: https://t.me/penseravoixhaute
    Художник Александра Almist: https://vk.com/almist_art

    Благодарю за ваши отзывы, подписки и обратную связь. Это очень важно и ценно!

  • Медиапоэт Камилла Лысенко рассказывает захватывающие истории из мира книг. Для тех, кто любит читать и тех, кто хотел бы читать больше. Легкий голосовой ASMR и глубокое погружение в контекст. Думать - это сексуально!

  • Kas spēj ietekmēt un pārveidot cilvēka dzīvi - zināšanas, informācija, tikšanās ar interesantiem cilvēkiem? Kā uzlabot mūsu sadzīvi, kā saglabāt un uzturēt labu veselību, kā izaudzēt puķi, kā salabot mašīnu, iekārtot māju? Kā uzzināt par visu jaunāko dažādās nozarēs, kas ietekmē vai var ietekmēt mūsu dzīves kvalitāti?

    Mums jādzīvo labāk tagad, jo šis ir mūsu laiks. Un šeit, jo šī ir īstā vieta!

  • Welcome to BeingMe, a top teen mental health and wellness podcast brought to you by BeMe Health, the creators of the BeMe app designed specifically for teens.Join us on the BeingMe podcast as we delve deep into the world of teen mental health, engaging in conversations with a diverse range of individuals, including mental health experts, celebrities, athletes, & other teens. Together, we will explore their personal mental health journeys, seek valuable advice, & gain insights into how they successfully navigated the challenges life threw at them. There's a lot to talk about, so let's talk!

  • News in Slow German is a podcast for those who already possess a basic vocabulary and some knowledge of German grammar. Your hosts are native German speaker from Germany.
    In our program we discuss the world news, grammar, and expressions, and much more in simplified German at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence.
    Learn real German with us! In our course we emphasize all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension, rapid vocabulary expansion, exposure to grammar and common idiomatic expressions, to pronunciation practice and interactive grammar exercises.

  • «К тебе или ко мне?» — секс-подкаст, в котором Кристина Вазовски и Егор Егоров каждую неделю выбирают одну неоднозначную секс-тему, спорят и пытаются разобраться — чья правда. Инстаграм Кристины: @krisvazovsky Инстаграм Егора: @psy_chay Телеграм-канал: @ktebe_komne Инстаграм: @ktebe_komne

    По вопросам рекламы: [email protected]

  • No Dunks is a daily NBA podcast hosted by Skeets, Tas, Trey, and JD — the original basketball podcasters. Join 'em as they break down the league's biggest games and headlines, answer listeners' questions, interview guests, and more.

  • Подкаст «Вокруг да okolo» — это совместный проект бренда уходовой косметики okolo и студии подкастов «Шторм». В новом сезоне мы погружаемся в мир наших гостей, вдохновляемся их историями про бизнес и творчество. Выясняем, как заботиться о себе и где искать место силы.

    Ведущая: Лера Дергилева — телеведущая, актриса и путешественница-исследователь

    Продюсер: Алена Гладун

    Звукорежиссер: Даниил Шинкарев

  • The Neuron covers the latest AI developments, trends and research, hosted by Pete Huang. Digestible, informative and authoritative takes on AI that get you up to speed and help you become an authority in your own circles. Available on all podcasting platforms and YouTube.

  • Kad bize vaļā, tad ir arī vējš matos un jūra līdz ceļiem. Reizi nedēļā Kārlim, Edgaram un Dāvim ir visi trīs. Tad tiek ieslēgti arī mikrofoni.

  • Завтракаст – это самый популярный подкаст про технологии, игры и медиа в России. Веселые ведущие, свежие новости, советы и обсуждения под хорошую музыку и крутыми гостями

  • Labākais Latvijas Radio politikas saturs - diskusijas, analītika, intervijas, pētniecība un informācija par Latvijā notiekošo.

  • In each episode of "Goldman Sachs Exchanges," people from the firm share their insights on developments shaping industries, markets and the global economy.

  • Hear Trevor Noah in a way you’ve never heard him before. “What Now? with Trevor Noah” is a show wherein each episode Trevor will go deep with a special guest, including entertainers, CEOs, actors, athletes, and thought leaders. These are the kind of conversations that happen behind the scenes, full of radical candor, authentic back-and-forths, and honest reactions, with Trevor bringing to bear his classic, effortlessly playful and equally probing style. Produced by Spotify Studios in partnership with Day Zero Productions and Fulwell 73.

  • Latvijas Televīzijas Ziņu dienests piedāvā regulārus ziņu izlaidumus - "Dienas ziņas" pl. 18.00 un "Panorāma" pl. 20.00. Darba dienu rītos sākam īpaši agri un plkst. 6.30 skatītājus modina "Rīta panorāma", bet katru svētdienas vakaru piedāvājam pētnieciskās žurnālistikas raidījumu "De facto". Otrdienas vakari pieder diskusiju raidījumam "Viens pret vienu", bet no pirmdienas līdz ceturtdienai ēterā vērojams raidījums "Šodienas Jautājums".

  • Alix Steel and Paul Sweeney harness the power of Bloomberg Intelligence to analyze market news and provide in-depth company and industry research. Watch us LIVE on YouTube: http://bit.ly/3vTiACF.

  • Immerse yourself with real French dialogues and learn French language structures naturally in everyday situations.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

  • Bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert returns for the second season of her hit podcast MAGIC LESSONS, ready to help another batch of aspiring artists overcome their fears and create more joyfully. This year’s guest experts include Neil Gaiman, Gary Shteyngart, Amy Purdy, Michael Ian Black, Brandon Stanton, Martha Beck, and Glennon Doyle Melton.

    MAGIC LESSONS art courtesy of Riverhead Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC.

  • If you want to make bets about the future, you have to understand the why behind a startup’s success. Company Breakdowns from Turpentine is a deep dive with influential tech insiders like Tomasz Tunguz, Alex Clayton, CJ Gustafson, and Tanay Jaipuria, hosted by Erik Torenberg. We’ll be breaking down a particular company's strengths, such as its products or services, growing customer base, business model, and potential for market penetration and domination. Special episodes will dissect S-1 filings. Companies covered this season include: Reddit, Rubrik, Databricks and more. 

    Company Breakdowns is a podcast from Turpentine. Learn more: www.turpentine.co

  • Bestselling author, professor and entrepreneur Scott Galloway combines business insight and analysis with provocative life and career advice.
    On Mondays, Prof G Markets breaks down what’s moving the capital markets, teaching the basics of financial literacy so you can build economic security.
    Wednesdays, during Office Hours, Scott answers your questions about business, career, and life.
    Thursdays, Scott has a conversation with a blue-flame thinker in the innovation economy.
    And Scott closes the week on Saturdays with his Webby Award–winning newsletter, No Mercy / No Malice, as read by actor and raconteur George Hahn.
    To resist is futile…
    Want to get in touch? Email us, [email protected]

  • Этот канал посвящён записям живых трансляций по истории, в первую очередь истории культуры. Временные и географические рамки охватывают всю возможную историю человечества, однако распределение тем неравномерно - в конце концов, я всего лишь один человек и у меня есть собственные предпочтения.

  • Weekly market commentary by Hedge Fund Manager Erik Townsend and interviews with the brightest minds in the world of finance and macroeconomics. Made possible by funding from Fourth Turning Capital Management, LLC

  • Подкаст о переменах.

    Даша Черкудинова и Настя Курганская говорят о том, как меняется мир и всё самое важное в нём.


  • The Matt Walker Podcast is all about sleep, the brain, and the body. Matt is a Professor of Neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of the book, Why We Sleep and has given a few TED talks. Matt is an awkward British nerd who adores science and the communication of science to the public. 

  • When ex-Bunny girl Jayne Gaskin spots the desert island of her dreams for sale online, she decides to risk it all. Trading in their English village home, Jayne and her family relocate to their own private paradise, just off the coast of Nicaragua. And a reality TV crew follows them to film a new show, No Going Back. But soon they all discover that paradise has its secrets. The locals claim the island belongs to them, and it’s been sold illegally. Jayne’s not leaving without a fight. A fight that will soon turn deadly.

    Hosted by Alice Levine.

    Listen to The Price of Paradise on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts. Start your free trial by visiting https://wondery.com/links/the-price-of-paradise/

  • A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Balaji Srinivasan, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, James Smith, Dr David Sinclair, Mark Manson and more. Understanding the world is hard. This podcast will help.

  • Having lived in Boston their whole life and now balancing living in two places at once, Nick, Matt, and Chris aren't your everyday siblings. Better known as the Sturniolo Triplets, these social media power houses spend most of their lives in front of the camera, making content for the millions of fans who have come to know and love them. But what happens when the cameras are off, and these three aren't coming up with the next piece of content? Well, on the Cut the Camera podcast, Nick, Matt, and Chris are going to give their fans the unfiltered, real-to-life experience of hanging out with them as they share who they are when no one is watching. There are stories and thoughts that don't fit into a TikTok video. There are subjects that are worth a deeper dive. Nick, Matt, and Chris are here to bring you along for the ride as they continue to shape and define who they are and what obstacles they need to overcome as they live a life in the public eye. From mental health, to ridiculous questions and theories along with special guests, this podcast is here to give you even more of what you already know and love from the Sturniolo Triplets. So, grab your beverage of choice, a bag of chips, and follow along as we Cut the Camera.

    Co-Produced by The Sturniolo Triplets and Z Star Studios
    Distributed by Studio71
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]
    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4
    Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%Policy

  • You’ve made it to Date Yourself Instead, a podcast intended to inspire you to become the best version of yourself. In 2021, social media personality Lyss started a self-love series on TikTok which amassed over 100+ million views on her videos and counting. In this podcast, she gets candid about her relationship experiences, and touches on other topics including business, beauty, wellness, and so much more. Welcome to the #dateyourselfinstead movement. Episodes every Monday.

  • We're Dropouts! We're basically friends you can put in your ears and take anywhere, so come hang out with your favorite degenerates!
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]  

  • ✨ Sleep Magic ✨ is a podcast that harnesses the power of Sleep Hypnosis and Meditation to help you fall asleep easily every night, hosted by hypnotherapist Jessica Porter. Alongside helping you drift off into a deep sleep, we’re also going to spend time talking about all the different things that go into being, well, human! From releasing worries to building self-love, we’ll dive deep into how we can improve our relationship with ourselves, as well as our sleep, one night at a time.🌙 Free episodes every Wednesday and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or via https://sleepmagic.supercast.com/ for Jessica's entire Sleep Wave back catalogue and an ad-free, Super Sleepy experience.

  • Bloomberg's Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway explore the most interesting topics in finance, markets and economics. Join the conversation every Monday and Thursday.

  • The Strange, Dark & Mysterious delivered in podcast format.

    Follow the MrBallen Podcast on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes publish twice a week—every Monday and Thursday. Prime members can listen to new episodes 1-month early and all episodes ad-free on Amazon Music. Wondery+ subscribers can listen ad-free in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.

  • The world’s most controversial events, and the complex beliefs behind them. From Bigfoot sightings to bitcoin takeovers, alien landings to assassinations, who’s shaping the narrative — and why? Conspiracy Theories is a Spotify Podcast. New episodes Wednesdays.

  • Vada: Ivars Austers, Ieva Siliņa

    Raidījums iepazīstina klausītājus ar Latvijas zinātnieku pētījumiem, eksperimentiem un jaunatklājumiem. Raidījumā tiek iztaujāti zinātnieki par viņu akadēmisko un praktisko ikdienu – lekciju sagatavošanu un pasniegšanu, studentu darbu vadīšanu, sadarbību ar valsts institūcijām vai privātajiem partneriem.

    „Zinātnes vārdā” ļauj uzzināt, ar ko nodarbojas dažādu nozaru Latvijas zinātnieki, mēģinot runāt par zinātnieku darbu, sasniegumiem un grūtībām visiem saprotamā un aizraujošā veidā.

    Raidījumu arhīvs 2011-2013

  • Many of us are setting new personal goals in the new year – like exercising, eating healthier or even trying to lose weight. What does our weight really tell us about our health? Is it possible to feel healthy without obsessing over the numbers on the scale? Are our ideas about weight and health based on outdated beliefs? On this season of Chasing Life, CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta is talking to doctors, researchers, and listeners to take a closer look at what our weight means for our health. Plus, what you need to know about the latest weight loss drugs and how to talk about weight and better health with others, especially kids.

  • Алина Чичина и осознанность.
    Подкаст о wellness и о том, как наладить контакт с собой и своим телом.

  • Welcome to The Overlap.

    The biggest names in football, politics, business and world sport share real stories with me, Gary Neville, reflecting on their careers & vulnerabilities.

    Plus we’ll have Overlap Live where I'll answers your questions & Overlap Reacts, where I'll react to the biggest incidents in sport.

    Follow to never miss an episode.

    Brought to you exclusively by Sky Bet

    YouTube: https://bit.ly/TheOverlap

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In the Village of Nothing Much, everyday life is full of glimmers of ordinary magic. From the Inn on the Lake to the Farmer’s Market, from the bookshop in downtown to the cabin in the woods, enjoy soothing stories that lean into small pleasures and celebrate community. Based on the enormously popular podcast Nothing Much Happens, these family-friendly stories are an antidote to anxiety and a dose of simple goodness. Listen on your commute, on a walk, or whenever you want to visit a place where people are kind and simple things are enjoyed.

  • Interneta žurnāla ”Satori” podkāsti par kultūru, zinātni, sabiedrību, politiku un vidi.

  • True stories for English speakers learning Spanish. From the makers of Duolingo, the most popular language-learning app, comes a new podcast that delivers fascinating real-life stories in easy-to-understand Spanish with English narration. These are not language lessons; they’re life lessons through language. Hosted by Martina Castro, co-founder of NPR’s Radio Ambulante.

  • Most celebrity feuds start with a diss. But what happens between that first diss and the scandalous story that hits the internet? From Wondery, this is Diss and Tell, a weekly podcast that unpacks the most iconic celebrity feuds in pop culture history. We explore the juicy rumors, the explosive accusations, the conflicting opinions and tell it all. Comedians and hosts Sydney Battle and Matt Bellassai get the gossip and register the receipts. Getting to the bottom of the drama is our true calling.

    Listen to Diss and Tell on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.

  • Подкаст YouTube-канала Бег Вреден.

    Здесь мы говорим о спорте и здоровье простым языком с экспертами

    Наш мерч доступен у нас на сайте www.begvreden.ru

    Для всех запросов используйте электронную почту

    📧 E-mail: [email protected]

    Пушистых ног!

  • The High Performance Podcast turns the lived experiences of the planet's high performers into your life lessons. Jake Humphrey (broadcast presenter of 20 years) and Professor Damian Hughes (leading high performance expert), speak to athletes, authors, entertainers and experts about the key to their success. But, Jake and Damian look beyond the guests achievements and encourage guests to share how they developed their mindset, what gives them confidence, how they navigate adversity and much more. Hear from guests as you’ve never heard them before. The High Performance Podcast aims to help listeners navigate their own version of high performance.

    Want to get the most from High Performance? You can download the new home of High Performance for FREE to listen to every episode we've ever recorded, get access to exclusive content and daily boosts of motivation. Everything you need to unlock your own version of High Performance. Simply click here or search High Performance in the App store. Then enter your exclusive access code: HPAPP

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Through interesting conversations (or at least I hope so!), I want to help you improve your French listening skills or maybe just get you familiar with the French language. If you like my podcast and you wish for some more content, you can help me by contributing on : https://www.patreon.com/talkslowfrench For some questions, you can contact me on my instagram account : https://www.instagram.com/nagisa_morimoto/?hl=fr Music composed by Corrodile : http://hyperurl.co/Clumsy

  • Listen up, you naughty little chickens! Dating, sex, and relationships in your twenties—it’s messy, confusing, and sometimes you just want the male perspective. That’s where Boyfriend Material with Harry Jowsey comes in. Every Tuesday, Harry Jowsey lets you in on what the male brain is thinking—he’ll break down all of your relationship questions and situations in a manner that only Harry can bring. He’ll give you his honest advice on your friends-with-benefits situation, that late night text, or whether that fuck boy from your past even deserves a second chance. Candid, hilarious, and always ready with a story, he’ll tell you like it is before commiserating with you by sharing his own embarrassing dating anecdote. So listen to Boyfriend Material with Harry Jowsey every Tuesday to land the guy—or walking red flag, absolutely no judgment here—of your dreams.

  • Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown is a quirky, informative, and interactive podcast breaking down the myths and misunderstandings about mental health and emotional well-being. Neuroscientist Mayim Bialik combines her academic background with vast personal experience to provide listeners with valuable practical advice focusing on removing the stigma surrounding mental health and encouraging an understanding of the mind-body connection. Nothing is off limits as Mayim breaks it down with an amazing collection of guests.

  • In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.

  • The Intercooler podcast covers all things cars, driving and motorsport, plus the latest car news. Hosted by Ti co-founders Dan Prosser and Andrew Frankel. Find The Intercooler at www.the-intercooler.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Stories and interviews about the paranormal, cryptids, forgotten history, folklore, and more.

  • The No1 kids bedtime stories & sleep meditations podcast that helps children sleep like a dream. Hosted by the world's biggest fan of bedtime stories, Abbe Opher! All episodes are safe for babies, children and really big kids 0 to 100, so settle down tonight and get sleepy with the world's greatest bedtime stories & sleep meditations for kids. Upgrade to Koko Club Today! 🐨👑 for zero ads, weekly bonus episodes & a shout-out from Abbe! Upgrade today on Apple Podcasts or via https://kokoclub.supercast.com/🌙

  • Every week, your wellness "big sis", Rebecca Leigh (@rebeccaleigh), hosts casual chats to help guide and empower you to grow into the best, most authentic version of you - so that living and feeling your best life becomes effortless. Think of this podcast as your daily dose of self-development to strengthen your mindset muscle, just like going to the gym for your physical body. This is where a positive mindset and holistic wellness come together. And don't forget - it all starts within YOU!

  • welcome to inside anna's mind! i'm anna, a 22 year old from the uk, sharing the highs and lows in my life and all the lessons that come along with them. from mental health to fitness to relationships to finding balance, no topic is off limits. for me, this podcast is all about talking through my life experiences whilst building a community of wonderful people. its our lil safe space <3

    my podcast also has it's very own instagram page @insideannasmind which you can follow for more tips, words of wisdom and advice x

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Уютный подкаст о разных городах планеты через личные истории реальных людей. В каждом эпизоде герои — релоканты, эмигранты, репатрианты — рассказывают о переезде и жизни в другой стране. Кто-то переехал недавно, а кто-то много лет назад. Одних ждала работа и семья, другим приходилось устраиваться на новом месте с нуля — без связей и помощи.

    Также мы обсуждаем плюсы и минусы разных городов, разбираем стереотипы об их жителях и знакомимся с достопримечательностями, которые точно стоит посетить во время путешествий.

    Этот подкаст создан студией Red Barn

  • Приходит время, и мы задаем себе, а иногда и другим, мысленно или вслух, одни и те же вопросы, которые волновали человечество испокон веков: что такое жизнь и что такое смерть, зачем я живу, что такое любовь и почему возникает ненависть, гнев, бессилие.

    Есть ли судьба? Надо ли быть покорным или идти напролом, преодолевая себя и жизненные трудности?

    Каждый сам ищет ответы на эти непростые вопросы. Но есть мудрость, заложенная поколениями людей, которые верят в определенную историю и уклад мира.

    Возможно, именно она — эта мудрость — поможет вам в какой-то очень серьезный момент понять — что происходит и как жить дальше.

  • Подкаст ”AWS на русском”.

    Говорим про использование облачных технологий, построение serverless приложений, развертывание kubernetes и внедрение ML/AI и не только.
    Лучшие практики и свежие новости из мира AWS в формате интервью на русском языке.

    Смотрите и слушайте #awsнарусском

  • Ogni giorno due notizie dal mondo scelte dalla redazione di Internazionale. Dal lunedì al venerdì alle 6.30, con Claudio Rossi Marcelli e Giulia Zoli.

    Se ascolti questo podcast e ti piace, abbonati a Internazionale. È un modo concreto per sostenerci e per aiutarci a garantire ogni giorno un’informazione di qualità. Vai su internazionale.it/abbonati

    Produzione di Claudio Balboni e Vincenzo De Simone. Consulenza editoriale Chiara Nielsen. Musiche di Tommaso Colliva e Raffaele Scogna. Direzione creativa di Jonathan Zenti

    Per contattare la redazione scrivi a [email protected]

  • True Crime News and Creepy Compilations, Scary Mysteries covers all the weird stories you want to hear. Everything from murder mysteries and missing persons cases to ancient sites, mysterious creatures and ghosts, we got it covered. And for even more in depth coverage on the craziest stories out there, check out our brother podcast called Every Town: https://open.spotify.com/show/4K2gvVKzxlEx636qMFSooj

    Hosted by: Andrew Fitzgerald

    👀 Watch This Episode On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/scarymysteries
    🎧 Our Other Podcast, Every Town: https://open.spotify.com/show/4K2gvVKzxlEx636qMFSooj
    💀 Exclusive Content & Perks: https://www.patreon.com/scarymysteries 
    👁 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andrew.fitzg
    👁 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@andrewfitzgerald
    👁 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scarymysteriesofficial
    🗣 Business Inquiries, questions and comments hit us up at [email protected]

  • Come hang out in a different woman’s life on each episode. It’s everything you love about reality TV, just on the radio, with 100% more reality. Just women sharing their actual morning to night — days that are anything but ordinary. Curated and crafted by Jane Marie (The Dream, This American Life, Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast) and Joanna Solotaroff (TeamCoco, 2 Dope Queens, Scattered). Try on some other lives while you do whatever you want with yours.

  • In un mondo in cui spazio e tempo sono stati stravolti e ne abbiamo sempre meno di entrambi, esploriamo il mondo con The Essential, una rassegna che racconta l’attualità politica, economica e culturale in cinque minuti. Notizie scelte e raccontate ogni mattina da Mia Ceran.
    Puoi inviare i tuoi suggerimenti per la puntata del sabato direttamente nei commenti dei singoli episodi su Spotify!
    Seguici su Instagram @will_ita

  • Welcome to The Jungle — a League of Legends podcast, where everything's on the table and we hold nothing back.

  • Привет! Я Юля.

    Я воплощаю в жизнь свою мечту - создаю бренд натурального и полезного печенья. Это мой первый опыт в бизнесе, и у меня нет инвесторов или больших накоплений — только куча идей и огромное желание воплотить их в жизнь!

    В этом подкасте я буду общаться с предпринимателями и энтузиастами из ЗОЖ-сферы, спрашивая про их опыт, трудности и первые победы. Мы будем говорить не только о бизнесе, но и о том, как не сойти с ума в погоне за результатом.

    И, конечно же, ваш ждет и моя история! :) Давайте общаться: https://instagram.com/yulia.bikeeva

  • I ask philosophers five questions about themselves.

    New episodes post on Tuesdays.

  • Merak ettiklerimizi öğreniyor, öğrendiklerimizi paylaşıyoruz.

    İletişim: [email protected]

  • Mirgün Cabas ve Can Kozanoğlu önceki podcast serileri İlk Sayfası'nda yazarlarla bir "sözlü yazı atölyesi" yapmıştı. Şimdi de bir kurs/seminer dizisine başlıyorlar. Farklı disiplinlerin uzmanlarıyla yaptıkları söyleşilerde bu alanların temel kavramlarını, meselelerini konuşuyorlar. Daha fazla derinlesmek isteyenler için konuklarından okuma önerileri alıyorlar.

  • Авторское описание курса:
    На сей раз в фокусе нашего внимания окажется понятие образ, которое, как известно предстает точкой дискурсивного пересечения самых разных областей исследования визуального. Мы сконцентрируемся на данном понятии в построениях Фрейда и Лакана. Нас будет интересовать сама функция внедрения субъекта в видимое, также как сбой этой функции – размещения себя в картине мира, и неизгладимый для человеческого порядка разрыв между взглядом и глазом, между зрением и актом видения и способы его функционирования в изобретаемых человечеством пространствах.

    Вопросы, сопутствующие разработке понятия образ, будут сопряжены для нас с другими, разжигающими теоретический интерес. Попробую их наметить. Довольно тривиальным предстает высказывание о том, что мы живем сегодня в мире образов, в обществе спектакля. Но что это за образ? Если следуя Полю Вирильо выделить различные эпохи образов, а именно – эру формальной, диалектической и парадоксальной логики образа (последняя связана с цифровой образностью), то неплохо было бы выяснить, в чем разница способа их функционирования и какие нюансы они вносят в логику конституирования субъекта. Прошло совсем немного времени с того момента как Лакан на одном из своих семинаров, размышляя о тревоге, говорит о переживании отвращения, неприятия, ужаса, которое внезапное появление собственного образа «в способной распространяться повсюду и умножаться до бесконечности форме может порой спровоцировать». «Именно этим переживанием обусловлено бывает и нежелание быть снятым на пленку – ведь одному Богу известно, что с этим снимком в дальнейшем может произойти». Эти слова и опасения субъекта «быть заснятым на пленку» сегодня, в эпоху засилья собственного образа, сами по себе вызывают удивление.
    Что сегодня с образом, какова диалектика видимого и невидимого в этом мире, какие нюансы вносит психоанализ в данную диалектику, которая предстает ключевой и для феноменологических изысканий? Что такое сегодня изобретение формы с присутствием, тревожащей интенсивной формы, о какого рода присутствии идет речь?
    Все перечисленное – не просто теоретические вопросы, хотя, уверена, без психоаналитического инструментария в них не разобраться, и потенциал психоанализа в полной мере в данной проблематике еще не исчерпан. Они имеют очень серьезную этическую направленность, позволяющую занять некую позицию в мире назойливо репродуцируемого образа и различных версий его производства; более того, способ обращения с образом может оказаться местом различения психоанализа и психотерапии

    курс прочитан март - июнь 2019

  • For the curious.

    A philosophy podcast that sometimes flirts with other disciplines, Within Reason has featured guests including Richard Dawkins, Douglas Murray, William Lane Craig, Peter Singer, Konstantin Kisin, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

  • Welcome to the HOLOSKY podcast with your hosts Steve and Kyle, where we cover all things paranormal from aliens, ghosts, missing people, and much much more. LET’S GET WEIRD!

  • Welcome to the Cryptonaut Podcast hosted by Marc Storrs, Chris Carnicelli and Rob Morphy. Exploring everything from Aliens, Cryptozoology, Cryptids, Ghosts, Monsters, The Occult, Paranormal Phenomenon, UFOs, Ufology and Unsolved Mysteries .... all while keeping a close eye on our reptilian overlords that dwell in the flat, hallow, robot infested Earth. This is the Cryptonaut Podcast.

  • Follow Mysterious Radio to immerse yourself in the most captivating subjects beyond your wildest imagination! Engage in thought-provoking discussions with best-selling authors, researchers, and award-winning journalists on topics encompassing sinister hauntings, terrifying alien abductions, unexplained disappearances, tales of time travel, sinister secret societies, shocking conspiracies, unimaginable true crimes, heart-stopping creature encounters, bizarre phenomena, and beyond! By staying true to our mission statement – To inform and empower people through knowledge – we strive everyday toward a vision that seeks mental enlightenment for all who seek it. Are you ready? Listen to hundreds of other episodes by becoming an Apple Subscriber on Apple Podcasts or by joining our community on Patreon now! Mysterious Radio is proudly produced by an independent podcast team.

  • Join The Alien Theorists as they wade through the BS and get inspired by the possibilities. An open-minded comedy podcast discussing: Space exploration, the UFO and ET phenomenon, cold case mysteries, cryptozoology, and anything else in the world of the weird.

  • Подкаст о вещах, событиях и персоналиях, важных для понимания японской культуры. О самураях, носивших европейские ботинки, о нечисти, заботящейся об экологии, о рецептах приготовления восковой еды и о том, как мы, европейцы, сначала принесли в Японию оружие, установившее мир, а затем торговые договоры, посеявшие смуту.

    Больше информации на https://japanexplained.com/

    Телеграм-канал: https://t.me/japanexplained

    Голосуйте за темы новых выпусков: https://japanexplained.com/ru/topic-ideas/

    Поддержите шоу: https://japanexplained.com/#support

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@japanexplained_ru

    Дизайн обложек: @justlavi

  • Podcast by Живой Гвоздь

    Наш проект создает для вас уникальный продукт - мы собираем в одном месте мнения политологов, экономистов, социологов и других экспертов. О политике, экономике, событиях в мире и стране. Как поступить с финансами и что нас ждет в будущем? Ответят гости наших эфиров.

    Также смотрите нас на YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWAIvx2yYLK_xTYD4F2mUNw

  • Тимур Каргинов и Андрей Коняев пытаются переполнить свою жизнь смыслами.

  • HR Podkāsts ir iespēja cilvēkresursu vadības ekspertiem dzirdēt dažādu HR profesionāļu, praktiķu viedokļus un pieredzes, kā arī uzzināt jaunākos rīkus, kādus lietot, lai vēl labāk izmantotu savu kompetenci un sniegtu stratēģisku atbalstu biznesam. Podkāstam ir divas jaunas rubrikas - HR PODCAST plus, ko vadu kopā ar Elīnu Bulāni un CEO dienasgrāmata, kurā sarunājos ar uzņēmumu CEO un vadītājiem. Autors: Ilze Medne

  • производство: БИГ НАМБРЗ

    Проект «Сережа и микрофон. Подкаст». В нем Сергей долго и серьезно говорит с неслучайными, интересными ему людьми. Подкаст является сайд-проектом youtube-шоу «Сережа и микрофон», в котором Сергей коротко и смешно говорит со случайными людьми

  • Iknedēļas aktualitātes, mūsdienīgi gadžeti, globālās tendences, sociālo tīklu uzplaiksnījumi, aizraujoši zinātnes sasniegumi, kosmosa piedzīvojumi un vienkārši amizantas lietas digitālajā pasaulē. Pasniedz Artis Ozoliņš un Rihards Blese, katru nedēļu pie Digitālo brokastu galda aicinot savu jomu ekspertus.

    Skaties #DigitālāsBrokastis video formātā:

    👉 https://ej.uz/DB-video

    #DigitālāsBrokastis dzirdamas arī podkāsta formātā:

    👉 http://www.podfollow.com/digitalasbrokastis

    Gadžetu testēšanas politika

    Raidījums #DigitālāsBrokastis apskata dažādas tendences tehnoloģiju pasaulē, no kurām neatņemama sastāvdaļa ir viedas ierīces, automašīnas, programmatūra un dzīves kvalitāti uzlabojošas tehnoloģijas. Lai nodrošinātu raidījuma aktualitāti un paplašinātu tās veidotāju redzesloku, raidījums #DigitālāsBrokastis pieņem testēšanā un raidījumā autonomi apskata bez finansiālās atlīdzības dažādas jaunās tehnoloģijas. Izvēloties kādas tehnoloģijas tiek testētas un apskatītas, tām ir jāatbilst kādam no šiem kritērijiem:

    - nesen vai tuvākajā laikā piedzīvos savu debiju,

    - jau piedzīvojusi savu debiju un guvusi plašu atpazīstamību agro adaptētāju vai plašākas sabiedrības vidū,

    - Latvijas jaunuzņēmumu ražojums vai prototips,

    - unikāls tehnoloģisks sasniegums nozarē,

    - ekskluzivitāte, pieejama ierobežotam lokam tās cenas, ģeolokācijas ierobežojumu vai cita apstākļa dēļ,

    - vintāža un sniedz jaunu perspektīvu mūsdienu tehnoloģiju kontekstā.

    Raidījums tapis Latvijas Radio 1 sadarbībā ar Latvijas Radio 6 Radio Naba.

  • Dažreiz mēs mēdzam jautāt: “Vai tas ir normāli, ka mēs jūtam skumjas tik ilgi? Ka dusmojamies? Ka iemīlamies un tad atkal vairs nemīlam? Ka jūtam trauksmi bez acīmredzama iemesla? Ka nevaram iziet no mājām, nepārbaudot, vai aizslēdzām durvis… Ka draugi noliedz depresiju un saka, viss jau ir kārtībā…”

    Podkāstā īsti terapeiti sarunājas ar reāliem cilvēkiem par viņu problēmām.

    Savukārt iknedēļas raidījumā meklēsim atbildes uz jautājumiem, kas saistīti ar psihisko veselību, psiholoģiju, psihoterapiju un dzīves kvalitāti kā tādu. Kopā ar studijas viesiem mēģināsim “normalizēt” jeb izskaidrot, kas ir un kas nav normāli, un kāpēc psihologi vai psihoterapeiti reizēm izvairās no šī vārda.

    Vai tas ir normāli, ka vīrietis ir neizlēmīgs, bet sieviete ambicioza? Vai tas ir vai nav normāli, ka vairs negribas darīt darbu, kurš ir tik ierasts, bet no kura nav drosmes aiziet, kaut arī gandarījumu nejūtam? Jā, arī tā mēs varam jautāt, jo raidījumā aplūkosim visdažādākos tematus, kuri iekļauj arī sociālpsihooģisko skatījumu. 

    Raidījuma viesi būs nozares profesionāļi – psihologi, psihiatri, psihoterapeiti un citi speciālisti. Klausītājus aicināsim iesūtīt jautājumus un aktualizēsim tos raidījuma laikā.

  • В подкасте я буду рассказывать вам истории, о которых, скорее всего, вы не слышали. Это рассказы о людях и о времени, в котором эти люди жили. Как любили, творили, и совершали ошибки. Это будут истории о гениях и злодеях, и эпохах которые они изменили. Меня зовут Никита Исанов и я историк.Подкаст можно поддержать. Заходите в группу подкаста Вконтакте "При царе Горохе", и нажимайте кнопку "Поддержать автора". Это поможет подкасту развиваться быстрее.По рекламе обращаться на почту: [email protected]Заказать мою книгу можно в магазине Читай-город:https://www.chitai-gorod.ru/product/pri-care-gorohe-istorii-o-geniyah-zlodeyah-i-epohah-kotorye-oni-izmenili-2984975?productShelf&shelfIndex=0&productIndex=0Группа ВК: https://vk.com/history_podcastПодкасты apple: apple.co/37b2plKЯндекс Музыка: https://music.yandex.ru/album/12418829Castbox: https://castbox.fm/channel/При-царе-Горохе-id3410846?country=ru

  • Подкаст про секс на экране и в жизни. Гости и ведущие обсуждают, что смотрят только в режиме «инкогнито».

    По вопросам сотрудничества — [email protected]

  • Russia Goes Clubbing is a weekly 1 hour radio show, presented by Bobina. Originally it was produced exclusively for one of the biggest FM dance stations in Russia. Nowadays, it’s aired weekly on Digitally Imported & on several radio stations in the federated Russian countries (incl. DFM Russia & KissFM Ukraine) plus available through iTunes as podcast. The show features an exciting, entertaining mix of hot news and track premieres of electronic dance music with a trance & progressive house bias. Recommended by Apple.

  • Daudzi teiks, ka ģimene ir pats svarīgākais mūsu dzīvē. Lai steidzīgajā ikdienā par to neaizmirstu, piedāvājam pavadīt stundu "Ģimenes studijā", tiecoties kļūt zinošāki, radošāki un viens otram tuvāki.

  • A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. New episodes every Friday!

    For business enquires please email [email protected]

    New merchandise here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/

  • The one big story. Making sense of the news with our experts around the world. Insights you can trust, Monday to Friday, from the BBC. Episodes will be ready by 10:30 GMT.

    Host Katya Adler and our BBC teams guide you through one major global news story each episode.

    From Beijing to Boston, Baghdad to Bangalore, our unrivalled reach will take you beyond the headlines to help understand and explore what’s happening.

    The Global News Podcast brings you the latest updates and, on The Global Story, we will drill deep into a single story.

    From the climate emergency, to the burning questions around Artificial Intelligence, to the movements of money and markets, and the power of the ballot and the bullet.

    Katya Adler has been a BBC correspondent and editor for more than 25 years, covering conflicts in the Middle East, political and economic crises in Europe, and drug cartels in Mexico.

    The Global Story team would like to hear your stories and experiences on the issues that we’re covering on the podcast. Please get in touch: [email protected] #TheGlobalStory and tell us your thoughts on what you would like us to talk about.

  • «Что случилось» — новостной подкаст «Медузы». Он выходит каждый день, кроме субботы и воскресенья. Мы не пытаемся рассказывать обо всех событиях дня. Каждый выпуск посвящен одной теме, которая еще долго будет влиять на нашу жизнь. Ведущий — журналист Владислав Горин.

  • Документальный подкаст о громких исторических трагедиях, которые никто не смог предугадать.

    Авария в Чернобыле, развал СССР, теракт 11 сентября — всё это «Черные лебеди», которые изначально кажутся аномальными и неожиданными, но постфактум оказываются вполне логичными. В этом подкасте мы разбираемся, что привело человечество к подобным катастрофам, как это переживали люди и какие уроки можно из этого вынести.

    Один сезон — один «Черный лебедь». Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс» — [email protected]

  • Raidījums "Krustpunktā" Latvijas Radio ēterā skan jau vairākus gadu desmitus, tas ir viens no galvenajiem sabiedriskā radio informatīvajiem vēstnešiem. "Krustpunktā" ierasti runā par aktuālajiem notikumiem un šeit satiekas dažādi viedokļi un vērtējumi par konkrētā brīža svarīgākajām norisēm.

    Sestdienās turpmāk "Krustpunktā" stunda būs veltīta tam, lai uz šodienas notikumiem paraudzītos ar krietnas pieredzes skatu. Un ne tikai uz šodien aktuālo, bet atgādinot arī par Latvijas liktenim un cilvēkiem svarīgiem notikumiem pirms 20 - 30 gadiem un vēl krietni senāk.

    Raidījums "Laikmeta krustpunktā" balstīsies uz vienu no lielākajām Latvijas Radio bagātībām – fonotēku. Esam pārliecināti, ka tas ir Latvijas zelta fonds, jo Latvijas Radio audio arhīvs ir dokumentējis mūsu valsts vēsturi, cilvēkus, kultūru, politiskos un sabiedriskos notikumus.

    "Laikmeta krustpunktā"  sarunāsimies ar cilvēkiem, kuru balss ierakstus glabā Latvijas radio fonotēka, bet viņus pašus kādu laiku, iespējams, neesam tik plaši dzirdējuši.

  • Мослекторий - просветительский проект для тех, кто любит думать. Наши лекции о последних трендах в науке, искусстве, литературе, культуре, музыке и не только.

  • Александра Яковлева, автор и ведущая подкаста, психолог, журналист, создала уникальную экспертную платформу, куда она приглашает авторитетных психологов и педагогов, разговаривает с ними на самые разные и важные темы — от стресса и зависимостей до поиска пары и причин семейных конфликтов.«Психология», в первую очередь, образовательный проект, где гости выпусков делятся своими знаниями, которые могут быть полезны каждому. Взгляд конкретного гостя не является истиной в последней инстанции, но позволяет задуматься и обратить внимание на некоторые аспекты нашей жизни.

    Реклама и сотрудничество: https://t.me/tttreshka

  • William Hill TV ir sporta medijs kur šķeļas viedokļi par sportu starp spēcīgām personībām.
    ''Ģenerālis pret Bukmeikeru'', ''Ģenerāļa un Buļa Naglas'', ''IZRĀVIENS'' un ''NoKAUTS'' daudzi citi raidījumi un podkāsti.

  • You may know them from Grey Sloan Memorial… but did you know Jessica Capshaw and Camilla Luddington are actually BFFs in real life?!

    As all besties do, they navigate the highs and lows of life together. When one of them sends out the distress signal, the other one always answers the call. Big or small, they are there for each other.

    And, what does that look like? A thousand pep talks. A million “I’ve got you’s.” Some urgent “I’m coming overs”…

    Laughing through the tears and problem solving over glasses of rose… okay, sometimes it take tequila! Because, let’s face it, life can get even crazier than a season finale of Grey’s Anatomy!

    Now Jessica and Camilla are opening up the friendship circle to YOU!

    Someone’s cheating? They got you on that.

    In-laws are in-lawing? Let’s get into it.

    Toxic friendships? Air it out.

    They’re on your side to help you with your concerns, talk about theirs and every once in a while bring on an awesome guest to get their take on the things that you bring them.

    While they may be unlicensed to advise, they’re gonna do it anyway!

  • Подкаст о кино, в котором Алексей Хромов и Михаил Вольных говорят о своих любимых и нелюбимых фильмах, исследуют жанры, разбирают знаменитые киновселенные и франшизы, а заодно советуют, что точно стоит посмотреть в свободное время.

    Наш сайт: https://lifehacker.ru/

    Наша почта: [email protected]

    Канал наших подкастов в Telegram: https://telegram.me/podhacker

  • «Прошедшее время» — подкаст об истории России и ее соседей. Здесь мы обсуждаем, как по-разному можно смотреть на события, про которые нам, казалось бы, все понятно с детства, и выясняем, что эти точки зрения значат для нашего настоящего и будущего. Ведущие — журналист «Медузы» Дмитрий Карцев и учитель истории Сергей Фокин.

  • Гиковский контент про айтишку, технологии и науку. Без цензуры и лишнего пафоса.
    Слава Україні. Жыве Беларусь. Погнали!

  • Регулярно занимающий первое место в рейтингах образовательных подкастов, "Не учи меня жить" дает вам инструменты для помощи себе в повседневной жизни, а также для создания той жизни, которую вы действительно любите.

    Подкаст выходит каждый второй четверг. Ведущая: Алена Борьессон.

    •Телеграм-канал: Алена о мышлении — https://t.me/alenaborjesson

    • Инстаграм подкаста: @alena.borjesson

  • Datassette presents a series of mixes intended for listening while programming to focus the brain and inspire the mind (also compatible with other activities).

  • See the world through the eyes of society's greatest rule-breakers. The "Live Players" podcast charts the key individuals shaping our future from first principles across multiple domains: business, politics, philanthropy, and broadcasting from the digital town square

    Join host Samo Burja and Erik Torenberg as they analyze the mindsets of today's most intriguing business leaders, investors, and innovators through the lens of their bold actions and contrarian worldviews. You'll come away with a deeper understanding of the development of technology, business, political power, culture and more.

    If you want more than soundbites and sensationalism, this podcast delivers reasoned reflections on the live players who renew and transform civilization, whether we ask them to or not.

    Topics frequently covered: Business titans, political players, and philanthropists like Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Peter Thiel, George Soros, Donald Trump, and more with the power to remake industries, policies, borders, or societal norms.
    Live Players is part of the Turpentine podcast network. Learn more: www.turpentine.co

  • Over 2 million downloads! Having trouble sleeping? You are in the right place. Looking for a way to fall asleep quicker, relax, meditate, or focus? Sleep Better is a weekly podcast that features white noise/brown noise/pink noise and nature sounds along with relaxing ambient music to help quiet your mind. These 30 minute episodes are designed to help you everyday achieve a good night’s sleep, mindful meditation, or perfect background noise while you study and need to focus.

  • For 20 years, the Modern Love column has given New York Times readers a glimpse into the complicated love lives of real people. Since its start, the column has evolved into a TV show, three books and a podcast.

    Each week, host Anna Martin brings you stories and conversations about love in all its glorious permutations, dumb pitfalls and life-changing moments. New episodes every Wednesday.

    Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp

  • Brian Windhorst and a team of ESPN's Insiders sort out life in and around the NBA world.

  • Offside takes you into the world of American soccer—with Taylor Twellman as your tour guide. After nine years in MLS and 13 years as an analyst, Twellman built a reputation for knowing it all—except how to stay onside. Get breaking news and all-access interviews from across America’s ever-changing soccer terrain as Taylor engages players, friends, insiders, and fans with his no-nonsense brand of humor and possibly offside attitude. Whether you’re a seasoned supporter or MLS-curious, you’ll enjoy the ride through American soccer’s unpredictable landscape.

    Offside With Taylor Twellman is a Major League Soccer podcast, produced by Apple TV and Rain Delay Media. Listen and follow on Apple Podcasts.


  • Наш подкаст посвящен новой культуре и жизни в городе с собаками. Первый сезон о том, как завести собаку и быть к этому готовым.
    В первом сезоне Алена и Вера обсуждают как выбрать собаку, что такое такое иметь собаку, к чему быть готовым, как воспитать питомца и себя, как сделать среду вокруг еще более дог френдли.
    Собака из приюта, от заводчика или с улицы? Как выбрать щенка? Как выбрать амуницию? Собака с детьми? И многое другое.

    Мы старались делать выпуски не длинными, но что-то пошло не так. Темы емкие и наболевшие :)
    П.С. Иногда в эпизодах попугай Кеша встревает в разговор.

  • Dive into the minds of the world’s greatest athletes, leaders, thinkers, and doers with Dr. Michael Gervais—a high performance psychologist and world-renowned expert on the relationship between high performance and the mind. Dr. Gervais’s client roster includes Super Bowl winning NFL teams, Fortune 50 CEOs, Olympic medalists, internationally acclaimed artists, and more.

    On Finding Mastery, Dr. Gervais sits down with the best at what they do, like David Goggins, Brene Brown, Toto Wolff, soccer legend Abby Wambach, neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman, and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella — translating their life stories, mental skills, and personal practices into applicable tools you can use to unlock your potential.

    Walk with us to the edge of human possibility and learn what you are capable of. New episodes every Wednesday.

  • Relax or fall asleep with fascinating stories and trivia from history, all narrated in a calm voice. Perfect for distracting your stressful thoughts at bedtime or anytime. “I never thought that learning about Easter Island, Joan of Arc, and the Titanic could be so calming.” Access all the Archive and Bonus episodes at calmhistory.com.

  • Welche Nachrichten bringt der Tag? Und was geschah in der Nacht? Mit dem F.A.Z. Frühdenker erfahren Sie das schon beim ersten Kaffee. Kompakt in zehn Minuten erhalten Sie den Überblick über alles, was heute Gesprächsthema sein wird. Hören Sie rein in unseren Podcast Montag bis Freitag um 6 Uhr.
    Sie können den Frühdenker auch hier hören oder als Newsletter lesen: www.faz.net/podcasts/f-a-z-podcast-fruehdenker/

  • Tune into our award-winning podcast, Lingokids: Stories for Kids. Discover rich storytelling combined with traditional learning and modern skills for kids.

    For ad-free listening, exclusive content, and early access to new shows and episodes, join Lingokids Plus on Apple Podcasts. With your Lingokids Plus membership, you'll get an unlimited, all-access pass to the Lingokids app and podcasts—only available on Apple Podcasts.

    Questions? Contact us at [email protected]. Follow @lingokids on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. www.lingokids.com 💙

  • Presented by Uninterrupted and ThreeFourTwo Productions, Mind The Game is an entry into the heralded basketball minds of LeBron James and JJ Redick. The two sit down weekly to discuss the state of the game, dissect X’s and O’s, and wax poetic about the game they love.

  • The Experts Edge Podcast is where experts come to command the stage, position themselves as authorities, and scale their business up. Join host Colin Boyd, as he discusses influence, persuasion, and communication with the industry's leading experts. Are you ready to increase your influence and leverage your passion into a successful business? You're in the right place.

  • Matt Gallagher and Tom Bellingham are two diehard F1 fans, here to bring you all the latest news, reaction, predictions and opinions from the best sport in the world. From every Ferrari strategy blunder to spicy off-track controversies, we’ll be in your ears keeping you up to speed.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Design is everywhere in our lives, perhaps most importantly in the places where we've just stopped noticing. 99% Invisible is a weekly exploration of the process and power of design and architecture. From award winning producer Roman Mars. Learn more at 99percentinvisible.org.

  • Welcome to FluentlyForward (Fluently Forward) the podcast hosted by Shannon McNamara where we dive into the world of celebrity gossip, blind items, and conspiracy theories. If you're looking for juicy details and inside information on your favorite stars and the scandals they're involved in, then you're in the right place!

    Each episode, we'll be discussing the latest trending topics in the entertainment industry, from celebrity breakups and makeups to the latest rumors and gossip. But we won't just be regurgitating the same old stories you've heard before - we'll be bringing you speculation, insider information and exclusive details that you won't find anywhere else.

    We'll also be delving into the world of blind items - those tantalizing pieces of gossip that don't come with any names attached. We'll be using our expert sleuthing skills to try and uncover the identities of the celebrities involved, and we'll be discussing the implications of the rumors and how they might affect the stars in question.

    And of course, we'll be exploring some of the most intriguing conspiracy theories that have emerged in the entertainment industry. From secret celebrity societies to hidden messages in music videos, we'll be exploring the wild and wacky world of celebrity conspiracies and trying to separate fact from fiction.

    But most importantly, we'll be bringing you all of this information in a fun and entertaining way. We'll be sharing our opinions and analysis, and we'll be inviting guests onto the show to share their own insights and stories. So whether you're a die-hard fan of celebrity gossip or just someone who's curious about the world of entertainment, FluentlyForward is the podcast for you!

  • Learn real English through inspiring stories told by people from all over the world. Intermediate to advanced learners — especially those preparing for Cambridge B2 First, C1 Advanced, and IELTS exams — will improve their English by listening to life-changing stories and motivational advice. Bree Aesie uses her psychology background to take you into the lives of extraordinary people, discovering different English accents and cultures. Studies show that stories activate your brain, making fluency fun and easy. Join our community and access learning materials at www.intothestorypodcast.com.

  • "Як ми кохалися" - це подкаст етнологині Ірини Ігнатенко про історію інтимних стосунків у традиційному українському суспільстві. У кожному епізоді дослідниця розповідає, які традиції і порядки мали наші предки і як вони отримували і позбавляли себе задоволення. Це нагода крізь призму минулого трохи краще зрозуміти себе теперішніх і будувати нове майбутнє.

  • Raidījumā skaidrojam un analizējam sabiedrībai svarīgākos notikumus ekonomikā Latvijā un pasaulē, lai vairotu sabiedrības zināšanas par ekonomikas procesiem un ikviens kļūtu gudrāks personīgo finanšu pārvaldībā.

  • McCartney: A Life in Lyrics offers listeners the opportunity to sit in on conversations between Paul McCartney and poet Paul Muldoon dissecting the people, experiences, and art that inspired McCartney’s songwriting. These conversations were held during the past several years as the two collaborated on the award winning book, “The Lyrics: 1965 to Present.” Over two seasons and 24 episodes of “McCartney: A Life in Lyrics”, you’ll hear a combination master class, memoir, and improvised journey with one of the most beloved figures in popular music. Each episode focuses on one song from McCartney’s iconic catalog – spanning early Beatles through his solo work. Season 2 premieres on February 7th.

    “McCartney: A Life in Lyrics” is a co-production between iHeart Media, MPL and Pushkin Industries.

    Cover Portrait © 1967 Paul McCartney / Photographer: Linda McCartney

  • Образовательно-развлекательные разговорные форматы с комиками и не только.

    История на ночь: Женя Чебатков, Расул Чабдаров и Томас Гайсанов разбирают крупные исторические события

    SEGOZAVTRA: учёные + комики исследуют будущее

  • From Rick Rubin, Malcolm Gladwell, Bruce Headlam, and Justin Richmond. The musicians you love talk about their life, inspiration, and craft. Then play. iHeartMedia is the exclusive podcast partner of Pushkin Industries.

  • Coach Bennett brings the motivation and inspiration and a seemingly endless supply of useful and useless knowledge. This podcast is about running... and this podcast is not about running. 

  • Париж наяву - это подкаст-погружение в атмосферу Парижа, историю, культуру, гастрономию и повседневную жизнь.

    Автор подкаста -  гид, историк и журналист Полина Фомина, один из основателей тур-ателье koroli.i.kapusta, живет в Париже.

    продолжение историй вас ждет в instagram.com/koroli.i.kapusta

    благодарность автору можно выразить материально через Paypal: [email protected]

    предложения о сотрудничестве ожидаются по тому же адресу [email protected]

  • Arrested DevOps is the podcast that helps you achieve understanding, develop good practices, and operate your team and organization for maximum DevOps awesomeness.

  • In Should I Delete That?, Alex Light and Em Clarkson want to explore the nuance that is often left out of the polarising conversations that take place on social media. Join them as they dive deep into the grey area, talk to experts, tackle shame and have a laugh along the way…

    Purchase tickets here for our first ever ✨LIVE TOUR!!✨

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Лекторий радио Сахаров: всё о том, на чем основано современное социокультурное пространство.
    Историки, философы, социологи, политологи и экономисты рассказывают, как зародились и развивались базовые понятия Сахаровской триады - мир, прогресс и права человека.

  • On March 16, 2000, two police officers were shot in one of Atlanta’s oldest neighborhoods. One officer died and the other claimed the shooter was Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, the leader of a local mosque. Once known as H. Rap Brown, a charismatic leader of the Black Power Movement, and an honorary officer in the Black Panther Party, Al-Amin was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. But was Al-Amin truly guilty? Or was it payback for decades of work against the establishment?

  • Every week day, Certified Scrum Master, Agile Coach and business consultant Vasco Duarte interviews Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches from all over the world to get you actionable advice, new tips and tricks, improve your craft as a Scrum Master with daily doses of inspiring conversations with Scrum Masters from the all over the world. Stay tuned for BONUS episodes when we interview Agile gurus and other thought leaders in the business space to bring you the Agile Business perspective you need to succeed as a Scrum Master.
    Some of the topics we discuss include: Agile Business, Agile Strategy, Retrospectives, Team motivation, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Backlog Refinement, Scaling Scrum, Lean Startup, Test Driven Development (TDD), Behavior Driven Development (BDD), Paper Prototyping, QA in Scrum, the role of agile managers, servant leadership, agile coaching, and more!

  • Welcome to the Scrum.org Community podcast, a podcast from the Home of Scrum. In this podcast we feature Professional Scrum Trainers and other Scrum Practitioners sharing their stories and experiences to help learn from the experience of others. 

  • yet another podcast — регулярный подкаст о технологиях Яндекса и людях, которые над ними работают. В каждом выпуске ведущий Павел Кушелев с гостями обсуждают один продукт компании: большое обновление, важную разработку, новый гаджет, а также все внутренние процессы, стоявшие за ними

  • Despite the Grateful Dead’s ethos of peace and love and communal music, there is a darkness that surrounds the band. Across five decades, a string of unexplained accidents, murders and disappearances have befallen some of the band’s most dedicated fans; affectionately known as "DeadHeads." Some were last seen on their way to Grateful Dead concerts, others simply vanished or were tragically murdered while attending shows. 
    Hosted by Payne Lindsey (Up and Vanished) and Jake Brennan (Disgraceland), DEAD AND GONE Season 2 dives deep into the DeadHead subculture, investigating four of these tragic unresolved cases while simultaneously navigating the career of this iconic band. A long, strange, deadly trip into the world of The Grateful Dead.

  • Подкаст двух родителей, которые искренне делятся своим опытом не боясь признавать ошибки, ищут ответы на волнующие вопросы вместе с экспертами и просто каждый день становятся лучше, с рождения Льва.

    В первом сезоне повествование плавно движется от беременности до 4 месяцев жизни малыша. Второй сезон полностью посвящен теме налаживания детского сна в возрасте от 4 до 18 месяцев. В третьем сезоне мы обсуждаем темы связанные с возрастом 6 месяцев +.

    Четвертый сезон выходит на YouTube по ссылке https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaylkDvuo1E8aO49aeN5K2Q , теперь на нас можно посмотреть 😁

    Если хотите предложить какую-то тему для обсуждения или стать гостем в следующем выпуске - пишите на почту [email protected], или в Telegram @svobodamarina приятного прослушивания.

  • В этом подкасте провизор Анастасия Биргер и диетолог Екатерина Черепанова разговаривают на популярные темы, развенчивают мифы и обсуждают последние новости в сфере здоровья.

  • Every summer for the past seven decades, 50 high school seniors—one from every state—descend on Mobile, Alabama to take part in one of the country’s most lucrative scholarship competitions for teen girls.

    The Competition takes you behind the scenes of the Distinguished Young Women (DYW) program, and follows seven girls as they experience the highs and lows of competing for two weeks, away from home and under the most high-stress circumstances. Some girls enter for the money, some for prestige. All of them are used to being the best and the brightest. But only one will walk away with the top prize.

    Host Shima Oliaee (Dolly Parton’s America, Pink Card) was Nevada’s contestant in 2001. More than 20 years later, she returns to Alabama as a judge. What can two weeks with 50 of the country’s most ambitious teens tell us about girlhood in America?

    Follow The Competition on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to The Competition early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.

  • Welcome to the Love, Sex, and Leadership Podcast, where insightful dialogues and transformative teachings await. Join Aaron Kleinerman on a journey to explore the intersections of love, sexuality, and leadership. Through candid conversations with experts and live audio teachings, Aaron creates a safe space for self-discovery and empowerment. Embrace your true power, awaken your soul's wisdom, and live an inspired life as a natural, intuitive, and heart-centered leader. Dive into the mysteries of the universe and unlock the secrets to mastering the human experience. Tune in and embark on a path of profound transformation.

  • In 2016, survivalist and world traveler Justin Alexander goes missing in the Parvati Valley while on a spiritual trek into the Himalayan Mountains. While the circumstances of his disappearance point to murder, a chilling message he left behind throws everything into question: “I should return mid-September or so. If I’m not back by then, don’t look for me.” Four years later, host and true crime newcomer Liam Luxon is introduced to Justin's story and embarks on an investigation into the mysterious case. "Status-Untraced" is a 10-episode journey that explores the secrets the Valley holds, the stones left unturned, and what really happened to Justin Alexander.

  • Brené’s newest podcast is based on her book, Dare to Lead, which debuted at #1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists, and has become the ultimate courage-building playbook for leaders at every level. Brené writes, “The Dare to Lead podcast will be a mix of solo episodes and conversations with change-catalysts, culture-shifters, and as many troublemakers as possible. Innovating, creating, and building a better, more just world requires daring leadership in every part of our daily lives – from work to home to community. Together, we’ll have conversations that help us show up, step up, and dare to lead.”

  • Surma and Jake talk about whatever's going on in the world of tech & web development.

  • Are you finding it hard to grow fast even though you've been working long and consistently on your show?

    Over the last 3 years, Anthony & Taig, the founders of GetMoreListeners.com, have interviewed & coached 250+ podcasters and written multiple podcasting bestsellers (under the pen name Daniel Larson).

    ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’ is their show focused on helping topic-focused podcasters (coaches, business owners & experts) gain clarity on why their shows aren’t growing as fast as they’d like.

    Every Monday, a successful podcaster with tens of thousands of listeners and a fully monetized show will leave you a 5-10 minute voice note sharing their stories, strategies, failures & the mindset needed to grow a successful show.

    Every Wednesday, Anthony shares growth-murdering mistakes podcasters often make causing slow and steady growth, and breaks down the changes needed to fast-track growth.

    If you’re looking to gain 1000s of listeners who not only follow your show religiously but take the next step, whether that’s becoming a patron, client or just supporting the show…

    You need to know what steps are worth taking and which to ignore.

    Step 1: listen to #2: 7 Reasons Why Most Podcasts Struggle To Grow That No One Is Talking About

  • Strength Coach Network is bridging the gap from the class room to the weight room. This is why we are where Strength Coaches come to learn. In fact we bridge the gap from 📚 to 🏋️‍♂️ so well we have members all across athletics. How do we do this?

    Strength and conditioning in athletics SHOULD be exciting. Yet too many people make it dull and boring. We are not sure why this is the case - working with professional and collegiate athletes is awesome! In this show from Strength Coach Network, join Dr. Justin Lima as he talks with experts in the field of strength and conditioning.

    Dr. Lima has been working in college athletics since 2009 after his athletic career ended. Since then he has worked in college sports at Big 10, ACC, Ivy League, and more helping hundreds of athletes while placing some into professional careers. He also earned his PhD in Health and Human Performance and Masters in Strength and Conditioning.

    Each week he is joined by coaches who make their living working in the field of strength and conditioning. On the show we dive into the world of working in professional and collegiate sport - but make it interesting! Yes we dive into the science of exercise, our spin on it makes it digestable for everyone to understand how elite athletes are able to perform.

    So be cheeky and indulge on this conversation in the middle of each week, and learn how the best athletes prepare for GameDay.

    For more information from Strength Coach Network follow us at:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/StrCoachNetwork

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strength_coach_network/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@StrengthCoachNetwork

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/strengthcoachnetwork

    Blog: https://strengthcoachnetwork.com/blog

    Website: https://strengthcoachnetwork.com/

    Education Courses: https://strengthcoachnetwork.com/fundamentals

  • Do you want to advocate for a happier, healthier life for your pet? Then you're in the right place! Join host Judy Morgan DVM, CVA, CVCP, CVFT, world renowned author, speaker, and holistic veterinarian for an exciting show where you will discover healthy options for raising your pets in a more holistic manner. Find out the answers to all of your questions as Dr. Judy interviews other top experts and showcases the latest products that will help your pets stay naturally healthy.

    Interested in sponsoring a Naturally Healthy Pets podcast episode? Email [email protected]

  • A podcast that illuminates the US empire. Subscribe to our Patreon to get access to exclusive episodes and content! https://www.patreon.com/americanexception https://americanexception.com

  • Dr's Nick (vet and nutritionist), Brendan (vet and nutritionist) and Conor (doctorate in behaviour and nutritionist) are the Raw Pet Medics.

    We're driven to help you give your pets the very best of health. 

    Via our weekly podcast, we bring you specialist knowledge on all things dog health, and have a bit of fun while doing it!

    Each show we catch up on the week, cover a different topic and give our best health nutritional advice to get your dog out of the said situation.

    We have great ambitions for RPM to be a powerhouse of holistic nutrition advice and optimal health for those most important family members.

    Each episode is taken from our weekly Tuesday night live streams which you can check out over on our Facebook page.

    If you would like to subscribe to this podcast you can do so by visiting our Patreon page, where you can gain access to all of our exciting bonus content.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • When did you say ”THAT’S IT! I’VE HAD IT!”? Time to Disrupt and Interrupt with host Karla Jo. Every week KJ interviews professionals who are disrupting their industries and altering economic networks that have been antiquated with bull-headed predecessors holding up the progress.

    KJ delves into uncovering more from industry rebels and innovators that you didn’t know you needed in your life.

  • A podcast from Daniel Bessner and Derek Davison that provides listeners with everything they need to know about what’s going on in the world.


  • When Afrikka Hardy was strangled in 2014 it seemed completely random, but it wasn’t. It was part of a pattern.

    Four years earlier, reporter Thomas Hargrove had created an algorithm to detect serial killers and flagged Gary, Indiana as the site of an unusual number of strangulations.

    But when Hargrove reached out to warn local police, he was ignored -- until Afrikka Hardy was murdered, and those cold cases suddenly didn’t look so cold.

    Algorithm follows the investigation into Afrikka’s murder, exposing the warnings that police ignored, and uncovering more than anyone expected -- that a serial killer was strangling women in Gary, Indiana could've been stopped. And that Afrikka Hardy should be alive today. 

    This podcast will explore how technology can be used to identify and track serial killers, and how an algorithm can influence the way homicides are investigated all across the country.

  • Harvey Proctor was a dark political star who burned brightly in the 1980s, until a tabloid sting brought him down. 25 years later he found himself facing another vicious scandal. What had he done - and what had we done - to bring him to that moment?

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This podcast is dedicated to helping you learn all of the blueprint topics for the PANCE exam. I will go week by week, following the NCCPA blueprint topics, giving you tips and tricks I used when I was in PA school to help me remember the massive amount of information needed to pass the PANCE and become a certified Physician Assistant. All of the podcasts will be short, to the point, and high yield. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/scott--shapiro/support

  • Des portraits de chercheuses, chercheurs et médecins formé·e·s à la médecine conventionnelle, qui utilisent aussi le monde de l'invisible pour aider leurs patient·e·s. Secret, soins énergétiques ou chamaniques, médecine spirituelle ou méditation sont leur quotidien, tout comme antibiotiques, diagnostics ou psychothérapies classiques : des témoignages de médecine intégrative pour envisager la guérison autrement.

    Une émission de Pauline Vrolixs et Samuel Socquet réalisée par Jean-Daniel Mottet et David Golan.
    Disponibilité des fichiers audio illimitée. - Pour un usage privé exclusivement.

  • Мы исследуем повседневность — в прошлом и настоящем, российскую и не только. Нас интересует то, как люди живут, и то, что они для себя выбирают как поприще, как цель или как миф. К разговору на эту тему мы приглашаем ученых и практиков, готовых обсуждать ее на своем материале.

  • Sasha Wolf, author of PhotoWork: Forty Photographers on Process and Practice, continues her conversations with friends, photographers she represents, and photographers she has always wanted to speak with.

  • Thought provoking lectures from the world's sharpest minds. Science talks from the Royal Institution every month.

  • Traumatologu, ortopēdu, mugurkaula ķirurgu, reimatologu un rehabilitologu apvienotais ORTO Klīnikas ārstu kabinets. Atvērts un pieejams vienmēr – neatkarīgi no tā, kādi vēl jauni ierobežojumi Latvijā tiks ieviesti. Runāsim par to, kā varam palīdzēt, par simptomiem, saslimšanām, profilaksi. Dalīsimies zināšanās, lai varam saglabāt veselību vismaz tādā līmenī, kā tas ir šobrīd, līdz laikam, kad valstī tiks atkal atļauta plānveida medicīniskā palīdzība. Turaties veseli!

  • Divu Latvijas Žurnālistu asociācijas 2019. gada un 2020. gada Izcilības balvas laureātu un viena Supernovas finālista izdvestas ķermeņa skaņas. Labākais podkāsts Latvijā, Rīgā un reģionos !! Var uzlikt fonā, veicot uzkopšanas darbus vai braucot vilcienā uz Siguldu. Mūsu ik nedēļas podkāstā dzirdēsiet viedus vārdus un dažādus patiesus faktus par visu. Viedokļu apmaiņas punkts - dažādi dzīves stāsti, kas liek aizdomāties un kustēties uz priekšu. Mēs rādām, lai tas vairāk nenotiktu.

    Video podkāsti: www.patreon.com/boitoiroi
    Iesūti savu saturu šeit: [email protected]

  • Привет, я Настя.
    Тут я просто помогаю своему парню уснуть и каждую неделю рассказываю ему историю жизни одного известного писателя.
    А он берет и делает из этого подкаст. Так что все кто прогулял литературу в школе из-за того что было слишком душно - заходите, я тут немножко приоткрыла форточку и делюсь подробностями личной жизни акул пера, о которых училка по литературе решила умолчать.

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/burdinana/

    Покормить Настю https://pay.cloudtips.ru/p/77e8b86c

  • Twice-monthly community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, where every conspiracy theory is true. Turn on your radio and hide. Never listened before? It's an ongoing radio show. Start with the current episode, and you'll catch on in no time. Or, go right to Episode 1 if you wanna binge-listen.

  • «дочь разбойника» — это подкаст Насти Красильниковой о правах женщин и о том, как они добиваются справедливости.

    «Мне за это ничего не будет» — сезон, в котором Настя Красильникова и Полина Агаркова разбираются, что такое культура отмены: существует ли она в России, с какими последствиями сталкиваются отмененные и чего могут добиться отменяющие. Авторки сезона анализируют публичные сообщения о насилии и домогательствах, имевшие место с 2018 по 2022 год в русскоязычных соцсетях и СМИ, расследуют обстоятельства, из-за которых эти сообщения появились, и вместе с героинями подкаста, исследовательницами гендерных вопросов и психологами рассуждают о том, как меняется общество благодаря каждой смелой женщине, которая делится своей историей.

    Для связи: [email protected]

  • Привет, ребята! Я рассказываю поразительные истории о людях и событиях начала XX века. Революция, секс, наркотики и панк-рок в Российской империи — то, о чём не рассказывают в учебниках истории.

    Это время невероятного взлёта искусства, время идеалистов-революционеров, время политических перемен и свободных СМИ, время расцвета мистицизма и время прогресса. Время двух революций и двух войн.

    Подкаст выпускает студия Либо/Либо: libolibo.ru
    По вопросам рекламы: [email protected]

    Поддержать проект можно на сервисах:
    telegram: cutt.ly/zak08tg

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  • I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.

    I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

  • Ever wanted to know how music affects your brain, what quantum mechanics really is, or how black holes work? Do you wonder why you get emotional each time you see a certain movie, or how on earth video games are designed? Then you’ve come to the right place. Each week, Sean Carroll will host conversations with some of the most interesting thinkers in the world. From neuroscientists and engineers to authors and television producers, Sean and his guests talk about the biggest ideas in science, philosophy, culture and much more.

  • The comedy podcast that takes history seriously. Greg Jenner brings together the best names in comedy and history to learn and laugh about the past.

  • This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, ready by 6 a.m.

    Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp

  • Говорим о будоражащих и страшных преступлениях с долькой сарказма и за бокальчиком вина.

    Послушать эксклюзивный контент и посмотреть, что еще интересного мы делаем: https://taplink.cc/tyttakoedelo

    По вопросам рекламы: [email protected] (Мария)

    Связаться с ведущими: [email protected]

  • Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

  • Самые яркие страницы истории отечественной и не только, судьбы людей и империй, дворцовые интриги и великие хартии, все это в программе петербургского историка Сергея Виватенко.
    Вопросы задает Александра Ромашова
    ➡ Архив программ: https://vivat.podster.fm

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