الجوكاست هو بودكاست بستضيف فيه الناس اللي بشتغل في ال Digital space او اي محتوى و بيزنس موجود علي الانترنت - الناس دي بشتغل معاهم و بتعلم منهم و فرقوا معايا و متأكد انهم هيفرقوا معاكم
ليه بودكاست في الوقت ده ؟
لأن معظم الناس بيضيع منها وقت كبير في الانتظار … انتظار الطوابير في البنوك .. انتظار الدكاترة … انتظار دورك في اي مصلحة حكومية … انتظار صحابك في العربية … و انت في اي تاكسي/ اوبر / ميكروباص و عايز توصل و معاك وقت … استغل الوقت الضايع بأنك تسمع من ناس في المجال اللي انت حابب تدخله -
يقدم بودكاست مطاعم 101 نصائح عملية ومدروسة ومن أرض الواقع في قطاع المطاعم والمقاهي بناءً على خبرات وتجارب حقيقية
Welcome to the Holistic Interior Design Podcast, where we explore the transformative power of mindful practices and holistic principles in creating spaces that nurture and inspire. Whether you’re a homeowner, wellness enthusiast, or industry professional, this podcast is your go-to resource for integrating holistic design into your environments.
Join me, Rachel Larraine Crawford, an experienced holistic interior designer with over 20 years experience, as we dive into the world of sustainable materials, energy flow, and design strategies that promote well-being and harmony. Each episode features insightful conversations, practical tips, and expert advice to help you create beautiful, balanced spaces that reflect your unique style and values.
This podcast is for you if you have the following questions:
What is holistic interior design?
Where do I source sustainable resources for interior design?
What are some sustainable brands for interiors?
How do I choose materials and furnishings that enhance health and sustainability?
How can I utilize color, light, and texture to create a serene and inviting atmosphere?
How do I incorporate elements of nature to foster connection and tranquility?
How do I implement Feng Shui and other energy-balancing techniques?
What is Feng Shui?
How do I design spaces that support my lifestyle?
Whether you’re redesigning your home, planning a new hospitality venture, or simply curious about holistic interior design, this podcast will guide you in making intentional choices that elevate your space and your life.
Tune in to the Holistic Interior Design Podcast and start your journey toward a more mindful, beautiful, and harmonious living environment.
About our Host Rachel Larraine Crawford
Rachel is a Holistic Interior Designer and founder of her Interior Design firm Tiger Veil, focusing on high end residential and hospitality interior design projects based in Encinitas, Ca. Her work been featured in several exhibitions, including Del Mar’s KAABOO festival, and in publications such as San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles, Modern Luxury Magazine, San Diego Magazine, Exquisite Weddings, Style & Decor and Serendipity Magazine. Learn more about her and her services at -
مقتطفات من بساتين الكتب المتنوعة تلخص أفكار وموضوعات الكتاب وتشجع على القراءة
بودكاست كوزين مختص في طرح مواضيع تهم زوار المقاهي و المطاعم و المهتمين في الاستثمار في هذا القطاع
Michal, an Instagram influencer and content creator, takes you through the ins and outs of modest fashion.
Hijab Forum: where Munira, founder of Hijab Forum, connects with fellow entrepreneurs and various guests. They share success stories, tackle real-life everyday misconceptions, and have panel-like discussions on relatable topics.
Welcome to Made for Cloudy Days, the podcast by Cloud Cosmetics dedicated to wellness, self-love, and personal growth. Whether you’re seeking balance in your daily routines or a deeper connection with yourself, this is your safe space for guidance and inspiration.
Hosted by Katie Kvietkus, founder of Cloud Cosmetics, each episode dives into the heart of wellness—exploring mindful rituals, restorative self-care practices, and conversations about health, mindset, and the art of living well.
Join us every Monday for actionable advice and uplifting insights designed to help you nurture your inner light and shine—even on the cloudiest days.
Find us on Instagram @madeforcloudydays
For feedback and questions, email us at [email protected] -
Oh, cravings... we all get them!
That delicious burrata pasta dish you ate last year in Italy, the dessert Grandma could whip up without a written recipe, the fresh squeezed juice concoction you invented that tastes like paradise, the lobster roll from that food truck you saw a well-known chef devour on Insta Stories...
On this podcast, Chicago-based twin sisters, Lauren Feingold and Sari Feingold, encourage you to follow not only your food cravings, but also your craving to create. After all, you can't spell create without e.a.t!
In our episodes, we bring you deep conversations with inspiring, food-loving, entrepreneurial guests who all share a craving to create across a variety of disciplines. Every Monday, we - and our guests - share our stories, insights, and lessons about what can happen when you do not ignore your cravings to create recipes, passion projects, businesses, or a lifestyle that aligns with who you are. Our guests also dish out their highest quality ingredients for living life to the fullest, so you can use ‘em in your own life!
If you are an ambitious, food-loving, creative soul seeking some direction on how to live a more fulfilling life, this is your show. While working hard is a big part of life, there is so much more that fills you up. That's why we make sure to ask our guests about ALL of their cravings, so you have recommendations to add to - and cross off of - your food, travel, and creativity bucket lists!
What are you waiting for? Let's dig in to the show.
Visit for more ways to connect with us and other listeners! -
انغمس في عالم من المعرفة والترفيه مع مكتبتنا الشاملة التي تضم آلاف الكتب الصوتية العربية والأجنبية. سواء كنت تبحث عن رواية مشوقة لتُنسيك هموم اليوم، أو كتابًا تعليميًا لتطوير مهاراتك، أو قصة ملهمة لتحفزك على تحقيق أهدافك، فإننا نقدم لك كل ما تحتاجه. استمتع بأعلى جودة صوتية وتصفح قائمة واسعة من الكتب التي تناسب جميع الأذواق والأعمار. اشترك الآن واستكشف عالمًا جديدًا من المعرفة والمتعة.
Podcast Record -
خمسة بيزنس هو بودكاست عربي يناقش استراتيجيات نمو الشركات أونلاين.
مقاطع صوتيه من كتب وروايات عربيه لعشاق الكتب المسموعة
Listen to thousands of Audio Books here - from fiction to comedy, from science fiction to family, from romance to horror and from drama to short stories - you'll find everything here.
عبد الرحمن الأبنودي هو شاعر مصري عظيم، ترك بصمة واضحة في الشعر العربي العامي. لقد كان صوتًا للشعب، وعبر عن همومه وآمالهم.
Wir lesen dir aus Tolkiens Welt zum Einschlafen vor... Mach’s dir bequem und kuschel dich ein!
Dieser Podcast wird durch Werbung finanziert. Infos und Angebote unserer Werbepartner:
CC BY-SA 4.0 -
Interviews with real estate industry leaders, hosted by 25-year industry veteran, Bill Risser. The Real Estate Sessions was selected as the 2019 Inman Innovator Award Winner for Video/Podcast Show.
Unlike many shows in the real estate space, Bill does not focus on investing, sales and marketing, or any specific topic. He focuses on his guest and does his best to get their backstory.
Bill is curious by nature and finds the backstory of our industry's leaders fascinating. He has discovered lenders who were ballerinas, Chief Creative Officers who managed bands, and CEOs who sold vacuum cleaners (and not very well) in college.
So, if you are looking for stories about industry leaders with a bit of strategy and business knowledge tossed in, give The Real Estate Sessions a shot. -
The Artist Business Plan is a weekly business podcast for artists sponsored by Superfine Art Fair. Hosted by Superfine CEO Alex Mitow and co-founder slash professional artist James Miille. Join us as we speak with leaders in the art, marketing, and business arenas each week for tips, tricks, and value bombs designed to help you thrive and sell more art!
How do you turn a creative hobby into a sustainable, lucrative, business?
How have some creators been able to supercharge their side hustle, assemble a team, and start to generate reliable income - all without burning out?
Angus Parker and George Blackman work for Ali Abdaal - a YouTuber, podcaster and entrepreneur with a combined audience of more than four million people. In this podcast, Angus and George sit down with impressive ‘Creatorpreneurs’ from around the world and break down the practical steps for scaling a side hustle and quitting your job.
They’ll also be chatting to people just like them - those who work for Creatorpreneurs, to shed some light on how it’s possible to enter the creator economy without necessarily wanting to create content yourself.
Angus is Ali’s Director of Operations, and helped grow his YouTube channel into a business which turned over nearly $5 million last year. George was hired as one of Ali’s writers in 2021 and is now Head of Content for the Creatorpreneur brand.
Through these conversations, the podcast aims to showcase the legitimacy of the creator economy in 2022, and to highlight the different routes Creatorpreneurs have taken on their journey to success. -
بزنس أسهل مع تهامي هو بودكاست بيناقش التحديات المختلفة اللي بتقابل الناس في رحلة البزنس. بعد خبرة أكتر من ١٧ سنة في ريادة الأعمال والتسويق، تهامي هيجاوب على أسألتك وهينقلك خبراته وتجاربه اللي هتساعدك تعيش حلمك و تسهل رحلة ريادة الأعمال وتخليها ممتعة ومؤثرة.