A Dark History Podcast where 2 girls talk about everything from serial killers to aliens, from literature to the darker side of history. Come join us as we explore these 'Curious Tales'.
Η πόλη, οι αλλαγές στο πέρασμα των αιώνων, η απαράλλαχτη ουσία που την συνέχει
Take a look at how the past shapes our present. Deep dive into history with Matt Lupu and learn a bit about the world around us, how it came to be, and why it matters to you.
Развлекательный подкаст, в котором Женя и Юля рассказывают и обсуждают истории про Петербург, его здания, людей и события. Здесь много интересных фактов, предположений, интерпретаций и шуток, а также усердное дилетантское старание погрузиться в историю этого города.
Во втором сезоне Дилетантки приглашают гостей!
Новый эпизод каждые две недели.
Больше интересных фактов о нас и наших историях в inst*: @the.dilettantes.podcastВы выпусках может присутствовать упоминание Instagram*.
*Meta признаны экстремистами на территории РФ
A free audio guide that helps you discover the history and context of Rome's ancient sites.
Go to for an interactive map of the locations covered and full transcripts of the episodes.
Each episode focuses on a specific historical site and guides you through a short tour with the goal of providing a concise but insightful summary of the history and context.
Hope you find this informative and useful. Enjoy your time in Rome!
I have endeavored to check all the information presented against the latest known interpretations of the archaeological evidence. Please feel free to provide feedback or corrections if you note something is wrong or has changed since the time of recording.
This podcast builds on the extensive notes, information and pictures recorded by Jeff Bondono (see ( ). Jeff kindly gave permission for me to use his site for reference materials. I encourage you to explore the comprehensive pictures he has created to record all the sites covered in this series (and many more). You will also see that Jeff's work (and therefore this podcast) builds on the prior notes and walking tours created by Walter Muzzy. -
Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan maistiaisia Podmen Mayday-podcastista!Mayday on suurista ja dramaattisista tosielämän katastrofeista kertova podcast. Käymme läpi järkyttäviä ihmiskuntaa kohdanneita tapahtumia, ja yritämme ymmärtää niihin johtaneita syitä. Maydayn on tuottanut qast, yksinoikeudella Podmelle. Kaikki jaksot löydät Podme Premiumista.
Dans ce podcast, je vous raconte les parcours des puissants, les grandes affaires et les phénomènes qui ont marqué notre époque.
Et si vous voulez les images, rendez-vous sur YouTube (Gaspard G).
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Jump on an enchanting journey with Jordan's Mosaic Podcast, where each episode unravels the layers of this captivating country. Join me, Lina, your guide, as we delve into the rich tapestry of Jordan, exploring its history, vibrant culture, and hidden treasures. Discover the essence of this small yet mysterious gem through engaging stories and insightful conversations. Welcome to a podcast that paints a vivid picture of each element, gradually revealing the complete mosaic of Jordan – welcome to Jordan's Mosaic.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jack Quaid (Oppenheimer, The Boys) stars in this docuseries podcast, as one woman retraces her WWII veteran father's steps, after he was captured by the Japanese and kept in one of the most notorious POW camps, and had to find a way to survive.
Porchtales is a podcast by HumanitiesDC, Washington's humanities council, and an independent affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Each season we work with a guest producer to focus on a historic or cultural topic and dig deeper to learn and celebrate the unique experiences that shape our fascinating city. Whether jogging by the capitol or driving along the California coast, Porchtales listeners get to experience DC through the eyes of those who make up the fabric of our nation's capital. Have an idea or a question, send us a note at
*Any views expressed in this podcast do not necessarily reflect those of HumanitiesDC or the project’s funders. -
Podcast by Дилетант
Schließe ein Abo ab: to "THINK NOW" podcast, where we explore the power of the mind and how to harness it to achieve our goals and desires. In this episode, we'll be diving deep into the concept of "Your Wish Is Your Command" and how it can help you manifest the things you want in your life. We'll be discussing the various techniques and approaches for programming your subconscious mind, such as visualization, affirmations, and suggestions.Help us to make this knowledge available for everyone by donating here:
У подкасті «Вулиця Степана Бандери» розкажемо як творилася наша історія та ідентичність впродовж століть. Поговоримо про креативних українців, які боролися за незалежну Україну та українську мову. Спробуємо з’ясувати, чи потрібні нам історичні знання, щоб знайти себе як націю та «горіти надзвичайним світлом» на міжнародній арені.
Ежедневные утренние новости России с сибирским акцентомЭто первое шоу студии «Осторожно: подкасты!». События прошедшей ночи и анонсы на текущий день обсуждают ведущие Иван Притуляк из Омска и Арина Тарасова из Красноярска. Начните свой день с самых важных новостей — подкаст выходит каждое утро по будням.
Ведущие — Арина Тарасова, Иван Притуляк
Продюсер — Даша Данилова
Редакторы — Сергей Простаков, Вероника Дёмина
Монтажеры — Марина Теренжева, Михаил Бень
Дизайнеры — Александра Филиппова, Екатерина Коновалова
SMM — Дарья Паяcь, Константин Сперанский
(с)Студия «Осторожно: подкасты!», 2021-2022
C'è una malattia molto diffusa di cui non si sente mai parlare. Nasce come una grande passione amorosa e porta persone insospettabili, apparentemente molto forti e sicure di sé, a cadere in una spirale di autodistruzione che sembra inarrestabile. Si chiama dipendenza affettiva. Selvaggia Lucarelli racconta la sua storia di caduta e rinascita, e quelle di persone che come lei sono state vittime di una dipendenza affettiva, hanno toccato il fondo e hanno poi ricostruito la propria vita.
Proprio a me è una serie di Selvaggia Lucarelli, prodotta da Chora Media.
Realizzata con la collaborazione di Debora Campanella. Il sound design e la sigla sono di Luca Micheli. La finalizzazione di Guido Bertolotti. La supervisione editoriale è di Pablo Trincia e la producer è Valentina Meli. Il fonico di studio è Pietro Bozzini. -
Olen Sinu taskusõbranna Kati ja mõtisklen koos Sinuga teemadel nagu tervis, suhted, raha, elu ja ilu! Astume koos samme oma unistuste elu suunas! Toredat kuulamist ja saame koos paremaks! :)
Every soldier has a story. Some, they try to forget. Others, they can’t stop thinking about – stories that no one else would believe happened. Something that terrified them. Something they cannot explain.
From Ballen Studios, and hosted by Marine Corp Reconnaissance veteran, Luke Lamana, this is Wartime Stories. A weekly podcast that is a mix of horror, mystery, and awe inspiring tales. Where the strange, dark & mysterious meets the battlefield and beyond.
New episodes every Monday.
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"Regilaulu Podcastid", ehk maakeelse nimega "taskuhäälingud", on ellu kutsutud Eesti Pärimusmuusika Keskuse poolt, et pakkuda kuulajaile ning lauljatele ehedas esituses eesti iidseid regilaule. Et juhtida tähelepanu nende laulude poeetilisele vormile ja laulukõlale. Tuua tagasi lauldud regivärsi kaduma kippuvat funktsiooni.
Regilaul on Eesti kultuuri tüvitekst ja väärib kindlasti laiemat kasutamist, siia on kätketud meie rahva tuhandete aastate vältel korjunud ellujäämisstrateegia ja maailma mõistes eriline kunstiline omapära.
Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiivis säilitatakse sadu tuhandeid rahvalaule ja tänu arhiivi fanaatilistele ning südamlikele teaduritele on välja antud trükiseid, albumeid ja võrguandmebaase, kust iga huviline võib leida tuhandeid viise ja tekste. Nimetatud võimalused sarnanevad siiski pigem muuseumi külastusele kui elavas traditsioonis olevale laulukutuurile. On aga lihtsaid ning karismaatilisi eesti inimesi, kelle jaoks need iidsed laulud on väga tähenduslikud oma elulisuses ning ilulisuses. Otsekui värske kodueesti õhk, milleta kodu ei oleks kodu.
Nõu ja jõuga oli abiks Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiivi vanemteadur Janika Oras.
Podcastide kunstiline juht on Lauri Õunapuu.
Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiiv:;
Eesti Kultuurkapital;
Eesti Pärimusmuusika Keskus: