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    Do you ever wonder how the concept of "everyone's a winner" is impacting the mindset of young athletes today? Maybe you’ve questioned how entitlement and instant gratification are affecting not only sports but broader success narratives? In this episode, I'm sitting down with highly accomplished coach Justin Kavanaugh to dive into these pressing issues. Justin shares his unique insights on the importance of earning success, the role of parents in fostering a growth environment, and the delicate balance between hard work and achieving one's dreams.

    This episode is for you if you're curious about how top athletes really think, seek strategies to foster resilience and drive in young athletes, or simply want to glean wisdom from a coach who has worked with some of the best in the world. Don't miss these invaluable lessons on building success from the ground up.

    In this episode, you will:

    Learn about Justin's approach to coaching, which emphasizes honesty, confidence-building, and the necessity of putting in the effort.Discover how high achievers can struggle with celebrating success and the need for self-awareness and reflection.Understand that the significance of having a clear vision, putting in the necessary work, and the role of faith in achieving dreams.

    Mentioned Links

    Man Up: The 5 Areas of Focus to Your Athletic Sucess

    Connect with Justin Kavanaugh



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    Do you find yourself avoiding changes in your life due to fear of the unknown? Maybe you’ve invested time and money into solutions that haven’t brought the results you hoped for. In this episode, I'm talking about confronting our fears, warning about shady practices, and emphasizing the necessity of embracing responsible and effective change.

    This episode is for you if you're ready to confront your fears, reassess your decisions, and take control of your personal growth and well-being, all while learning from real-life examples and expert insights.

    In this episode, you will:

    Learn how to critically assess the potential negative impacts on your health and finances before making significant lifestyle changes or investments.Discover how to embrace change and reframe your fear of the unknown.Understand how the fear of failure and the impact of ego can hold you back

    Mentioned Links & Resources

    Ep 2: Couples Q & A: Roger and Nathalia

    Not all emotions are created equal: The negativity bias in social-emotional development

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    Do you struggle with your relationship with food, finding it challenging to balance enjoyment and health? Maybe you find yourself trapped in a cycle of ineffective diets and waning confidence. In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Lisa Lewis, a seasoned psychologist specializing in exercise motivation and behavior change, to unpack the psychological nuances of weight management and fitness coaching.

    This episode is for you if you've ever wondered how to harmonize your food preferences with your health goals, seek to understand the true drivers of motivation, or want to break free from the rigid health guidelines that often do more harm than good.

    In this episode, you will:

    Understand the importance of addressing psychological and physical aspects in fitness coaching for long-term success.Learn about the transtheoretical model of change and how it can guide you through different stages of behavioral transformation.Gain insights on navigating social media pressures and developing sustainable motivation by internalizing your fitness goals.

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    Celebrating our 50th episode here on the Unfiltered Fit Life, I wanted to do something special and celebrate one of our Powerhouse Academy members, Jessica. Before talking with me, Jessica tried multiple coaches and never truly felt understood or supported. In our conversation, Jessica details her journey from skepticism to success, breaking down the barriers that held her back and sharing how personalized support made all the difference.

    This episode is for you if you're a busy woman struggling to meet your fitness goals, feeling overwhelmed by conflicting advice, and longing for a supportive community that listens, understands, and delivers real results.

    In this episode, we cover:

    Jessica's initial skepticism and how she overcame itThe impactful role of listening and personalized support in fitness coachingThe tailored meal plans and their importance in achieving fitness goalsThe supportive community within the Powerhouse AcademyManaging work-life balance while staying committed to fitness goals

    Mentioned Resources

    Book a call for the Powerhouse Academy

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    Do you ever wonder how high achievers maintain their momentum and avoid settling for mediocrity? Maybe you're curious about how authenticity and a strong personal brand can transform your business's social media presence. In this episode, I sit down with Nick Shaw, co-founder and CEO of RP Strength, to dive into the importance of leadership, the power of self-leadership, and the critical role of authenticity in business and personal success.

    This episode is for you if you're looking to inspire change, embrace challenges, and understand the real trade-offs of pursuing excellence in your personal life and career.

    In this episode, we cover:

    The role of leadership in business sustainability and person management.The importance of self-leadership and caring authentically for the people around you.Strategies for engaging an audience with genuine humor and personality on social media to enhance business growth.The balance between professional commitments and personal growth, with key lessons on setting realistic expectations.

    Mentioned Resources

    Fit for Success - Lessons on Achievement & Leading Your Best Life

    Connect with Nick



    RP Strength Podcast

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    Do you ever feel like everyone has more time than you to get their life together? Have you caught yourself enviously scrolling through perfectly curated lives on social media, wondering how some people seemingly manage to do it all? In this episode, I'm talking about a heated debate that was on my socials last week about the concept of everyone having the same 24 hours and how our choices shape our reality.

    This episode is a wake-up call if you're feeling stuck in comparison mode or if you’re questioning the fairness of your circumstances.

    In this episode, we cover:

    The misconceptions and truths about the "same 24 hours a day" sayingExamples that illustrate varying daily challengesThe impact of societal expectations and personal circumstances on time managementStrategies for making empowered choices with the time you have

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    Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a cycle of negative self-talk, or maybe you find yourself sabotaging your own progress despite your best intentions? In this episode, I'm joined with business performance coach Gavin McHale as he shares insights from his journey from near-professional sports to empowering others in overcoming their mental barriers to success.

    If you're ready to challenge your beliefs, redefine your identity, and break free from the patterns holding you back from achieving your true potential, this episode is for you. Listen now to transform how you approach your fitness goals and life challenges with revolutionary mindset strategies.

    In this episode, you will:

    Understand the importance of internal beliefs in shaping our realities.Learn strategies for overcoming negative self-talk and self-sabotage.Identify and learn from failures to foster growth.Discover the necessity of patience and persistence in changing lifestyle habits.

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    Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder if plastic surgery could be the answer to achieving your ideal body image? Maybe you've been tempted by the promises of cosmetic procedures you've seen splashed across social media, but you're confused about what's truly achievable and safe? In this episode, I'm joined by a special guest to cut through the filters and fiction to bring you the hard-hitting truths about the plastic surgery industry.

    This episode is for you if you're considering plastic surgery or simply curious about the reality behind the Instagram-perfect bodies and what it really takes to maintain results post-surgery. Join us as we empower you with knowledge directly from Dr. Rachel Walker, a board-certified plastic surgeon dedicated to patient education and safety.

    In this episode, you will:

    Learn about the complexities of board certification in plastic surgery, the meaning behind being "triple boarded," and which certifications to look for when choosing a plastic surgeon.Discover how to properly research and vet a plastic surgeon's background and credentials, including checking state medical licenses and understanding the potential for misleading claims in the industry.Understand the symptoms associated with breast implant illness, the current lack of specific lab tests for diagnosis, and why it’s important to consider other health factors before attributing all symptoms to breast implants.

    Mentioned Resources
    The American Board of Plastic Surgery

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    Do you ever wonder about the realities of plastic surgery and how it meshes with a fitness-focused lifestyle? Maybe you've struggled with the idea of cosmetic procedures, wondering if they're just for people who don't want to put in the hard work of maintaining their health and physique. **News flash - it isn't** In this episode, I discuss the decision-making process, the importance of being transparent AF, and how to embrace technology and medical advancements to enhance your confidence.

    This episode is for you if you're looking for an unfiltered discussion about body image, the role of plastic surgery in self-improvement, and how to find the right medical professional to meet your personal goals.

    In this episode, you will:

    Explore the emotional and psychological aspects of choosing cosmetic surgeryGain valuable knowledge about the process of selecting the right surgeon, understanding board certification, and preparing for plastic surgery Learn about the realistic expectations one should have when pursuing procedures like a reverse tummy tuck or skin tightening

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    Do you ever wonder how pregnancy and postpartum affect a woman's body or how to safely exercise during and after pregnancy? Maybe you're a former athlete facing the daunting task of redefining your fitness goals postpartum, or you're struggling with the idea of taking the necessary time to recover after childbirth. In this episode, we are discussing the experiences of pregnancy and postpartum athleticism with, Brianna Battles. She's not only the founder and CEO of Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism, but a mother who embodies the strength and resilience of women navigating this profound life stage.

    This episode is for you if you’re looking for a blend of real talk, expert insights, and empowering stories that shine a light on the importance of balance, the misconception of rushing recovery, and why embracing a life of ‘athlete brain’ might not always be the best approach. Join Nathalia and Brianna as they unpack the realities, changes, and revelations of being an athlete through pregnancy and beyond.

    In this episode, you will:

    Understand Brianna's transition from a focus on high-level athletic training to becoming an advocate for pregnant and postpartum athletes.Learn about the evolving perceptions and expectations surrounding fitness during pregnancy and postpartum.Discover managing "athlete brain" and understanding the importance of stability and mental well-being during and after pregnancy.

    Connect with Brianna
    Practice Brave Podcast
    Instagram - Brianna
    Instagram - pregnant.postpartum.athlete

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    This episode was inspired by a conversation I overheard at the gym - are you ready?

    Do you stick to a strict diet and wonder why the scale isn't moving? Maybe you're frustrated by the lack of progress in your weight loss journey, even though you feel you're doing everything right. In this episode, I'm getting real AF with you about the common traps of under eating and overeating cycles, the sneaky "invisible calories" that could sabotage your efforts, and why consistency is key in maintaining a caloric deficit.

    This episode is for you if you're ready to understand the nuances of nutrition, debunking weight loss myths, and uncover practical strategies to cut cravings and manage hunger effectively for lasting results. Let's go!

    In this episode, you will:

    Understand the common pattern of undereating during the week and overeating during the weekend, and reflect on personal habits.Discover practical tips and strategies for managing cravings and hunger effectively, including increasing protein intake and fiber to maintain a true caloric deficit.Learn about caloric deficits, how they can be achieved, and why they are necessary for fat loss.

    Links & Mentioned Resources
    Cut Your Cravings Cheat Sheet

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    Do you ever look at your family's health patterns and wonder how much is written in your genes and how much is drawn by lifestyle choices? Maybe you've noticed the similarity in weight issues across generations and questioned if it's more than just shared DNA. In this episode, I'm diving into genetics and the environment when it comes to being overweight, especially in children.

    This episode is for you if you're a parent grappling with the complexities of creating a healthy home environment or simply someone curious about how much power we have to shape our health destiny. Join me as we explore how adopting smarter lifestyle choices can buck the trend despite our genetic hand and how the responsibility we hold today can ripple positively into the health of future generations.

    In this episode, you will:

    Discover the role parents play in shaping their children's healthUncover the significance of the food industry, societal norms, and the 'obesogenic' environment as contributing factors to obesity.Understand how genes and environment collaboratively affect children's health outcomes.

    Links & Mentioned Resources
    Is Obesity A Disease or A Behavior Abnormality?
    Childhood obesity: causes and consequences
    Vertical Transmission of overweight: Evidence from a sample of English adoptees
    A genetic analysis of weight and overweight in 4-year-old twin pairs
    Childhood Obesity: Trends and Potential Causes

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    Inspiration for today's episode came from this quote -

    "We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change." - Sheryl Sandberg

    Do you ever wonder what really goes on behind the scenes of bodybuilding competitions? Maybe you've heard whispers of the extreme measures athletes take to maintain those chiseled physiques, but you're not sure what to believe. In this episode, as a former bodybuilding champion, I'm peeling back the curtain to reveal the harsh realities of the industry.

    This episode is for you if you're curious about the truths often overshadowed by sparkling trophies and perfect tans or are considering stepping into the world of competitive bodybuilding and want to make informed decisions. Join me as we dive into a world where determination is as prized as it is potentially detrimental, and learn how to navigate it with your well-being intact.

    In this episode, you will:

    Gain insight with my behind-the-scenes look at the competitive world of bodybuildingHear about the less glamorous aspects of bodybuilding, including the pressures and unhealthy practices that competitors faceRealize the lack of transparency and accountability affecting competitors

    Links & Mentioned Resources

    Being a Self-Driven Badass with Dianna Dahlgren Bates

    Diet Culture BS: Prioritizing Mental Health & Self-Acceptance with Felicia Romero

    Being Boss AF with Alison Lewis

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    Are you obsessing over every morsel you put on your plate, caught up in the whirlwind of "healthy eating" do's and don'ts? It's a f*cking minefield out there, with every corner of the internet shouting about the next superfood or dietary villain. But here's the thing – could this intense focus on eating "perfectly" be doing more harm than good? In this episode, I'm diving into the tricky territory of what healthy really means and why your definition might need a refresh.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Understand the risk of orthorexia nervosa and the dark side of an obsession with healthy eatingDiscover the importance of critical thinking when it comes to dietary choices and lifestyle changesLearn the role of balance and moderation in a truly healthy diet and how to find a sustainable approach for the long haul

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    Today's episode is a little bit different because I'm going down memory lane. I turned 40 in January - and before you think I'm not excited about it, let me tell you.... I AM excited about it! I'm ready to make the best of it, and what better way to start than talking about things I wish I knew when I started my fitness journey 26 years ago?

    This episode is for you if you're ready to finally have a sustainable plan that doesn't involve payment plans or a cabinet full of supplements.

    In this episode, you will:

    Learn to recognize the importance of investing in understanding energy balance and nutrition.The drawbacks of trendy diets and embracing a nutrient-dense, balanced approach to sustainable nutrition and well-being.Understand the critical link between exercise, nutrition, and long-term results and the pitfalls of trying to out-exercise a bad diet.

    Mentioned Resources:

    Apply for Powerhouse Academy

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    Do you find yourself overwhelmed with household chores, struggling to balance work, family, and personal time? Maybe you're feeling the weight of trying to do it all and be everything to everyone. In this episode, I'm sharing the transformative power of outsourcing and its impact on my personal and professional life. This episode is for you if you're ready to reclaim your time, reduce stress, and focus on what truly matters to you

    In this episode, you will:

    The cost-effectiveness of outsourcing and how it can provide more time for meaningful activities and reduce burnout.How outsourcing can help you focus on essential aspects of your life or work, leading to increased productivity and well-being.The impact of outsourcing on personal and professional well-being and the potential benefits it can bring to individuals and those providing the services.

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    Struggling to find the perfect balance between nailing down fitness goals and maintaining your workout commitment? You're in luck as we dive into setting clear fitness goals and the importance of realistic commitments for sustainable progress. Ready to gain insight into aligning your efforts with achievable expectations, overcoming common roadblocks, and reevaluating your willingness to put in the necessary effort for lasting change? Let's go!

    In this episode, you will:

    Learn why setting clear and specific fitness goals is important.Discover the significance of aligning efforts with expectations for sustainable long-term results.Understand the importance of being realistic about training commitments and expectations.

    Links & Mentioned Resources

    5 Tips For Finding the Right Fitness Coach

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    How do you create the perfect meal plan for you to actually get results? This is one question that I get asked all the time. So, today, I'm sharing my step-by-step guide on creating the perfect meal plan to achieve your fitness goals. PLUS 5 tips to help you stay on track with your meal plan. Fair warning - this episode is heavy with information as I break down the process from calculating your caloric intake to determining your protein needs, and offering practical tips for meal prepping and making educated food choices.

    Ready to simplify meal planning and feel empowered AF? Grab your pen, paper, and a calculator and let's go!

    In this episode, you will:

    Learn step-by-step how to create the perfect meal plan for yourself to achieve results.Understand the process of calculating the amount of calories you should be eating each day.Learn how a Powerhouse Academy member has lost over 100 pounds and still has wine, steak, and peanut butter.

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    Ready to crush your fitness goals in 2024? I've got your back with 5 insider tips for choosing the perfect coach. I'm diving in and outlining five crucial factors beyond the qualifications they have on paper.

    Listen, you're not going to want to work with a coach who primarily focuses on men, and you are a pre-menopausal woman.

    And don't get me started on coaches who use jargon and can't explain in layman's terms what the f*ck something means.

    Are you ready to prioritize long-term impact over cost and find a coach whose connection, experience, communication, and track record align with your needs?

    In this episode, you will:

    Learn the significance of considering a coach's experience, certifications, and hands-on expertise rather than solely focusing on cost.Discover the importance of seeking guidance and support in reaching fitness goals, especially with busy lifestyles and specific needs like postpartum fitness and menopausal stages.Understand the importance of investing in the right help for fitness and its long-term impact on your body.

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    Listen, if I open my phone to one more cold water plunge video, I might actually throw my phone at the wall. There are some trends that just need to disappear as "quick" as they claim to work, and never come back.

    These are definitely going to piss people off, and it was a hard list to narrow down, but here are the 7 fitness trends to leave behind in 2023.

    In this episode, you will:

    Learn 7 fitness trends that need to be left in 2023.Find out which trend is more obnoxious than it is beneficial. Discover the risks of popular medications and fitness accessories.

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