Notícias – Novos podcasts
Newcastle Live is the Hunter’s source of entertainment and lifestyle news and information. We’re devoted to all the great things happening in the region. We’ll keep you up to date with what’s on in Newcastle, the Hunter and Lake Macquarie.
Ein Podcast über Musik
- is the most iconic Michigan Wolverines fan site and magazine. Led by an experienced and uber-talented team of Michigan Wolverine sports and recruiting insiders, fans will have unparalleled access to breaking news, inside scoop and analysis.
JD Talkin Sports covers a plethora of sports topics from football to the WNBA. You name it, we discuss it!
Your Commercial Real Estate Insider guide. From profiles of the biggest dealmakers to skyline-shaping transactions, we bring you the deals, breakdowns and war stories that move the market — for insiders, by insiders. From bad-boy guarantees to CMBS tranche warfare to syndicator sins, we cover it all.
Each week, The Promote Podcast explores three of the most interesting and consequential stories in CRE, taking you well beyond the headlines and into the heart of the action. Hosted by the award-winning “Bard of CRE,” Hiten Samtani, founder of ten31 media and author of The Promote newsletter, along with no-BS institutional insider Will Krasne. -
Estás a pensar comprar casa, mas não sabes por onde começar? Chegou a altura de entregar o IRS, e não sabes o que são as deduções? Queres encontrar o amor, mas estás farto de dating apps? Então e agora? Neste Manual de Sobrevivência para Novos Adultos, os jornalistas Inês Martins e Cristiano Costa vão à procura de respostas práticas e orientações para os dilemas de quem procura um rumo nesta fase da vida.
When the teams go cold the takes stay hot. Sports from a Georgia sports fans' perspective.
Taylor's Twitter and Instagram: @taylorbell222 -
「スポーツをすることは人権のひとつである」と言われるように、スポーツは人の生活に欠かせないものです。ちょっとしたジョギングも、ゴール裏のスタンドで声を上げるのも、寝転がってテレビで野球を見るのも、たしかに楽しいでしょう。ただ、その表面の楽しさの内にあるスポーツの地軸(AXIS)をのぞいてみませんか? スポーツをもう少し知るだけ、考えるだけで、愉快なこと満載、楽しさ倍増、まちがいなしです。
【小崎仁久 プロフィール】
スポーツライター。1969年生まれ、名古屋大学大学院(工学研究科)修了。 サッカー、バレーボールを中心に取材しながら、スポーツ文化、スポーツビジネス、スポーツアカデミズムなどにも取り組む。
『週刊プレイボーイ』『webスポルティーバ』(集英社) 『サッカーダイジェスト』(日本スポーツ企画出版社)『サッカー・クリニック』(ベースボール・マガジン社)『ビーチバレースタイル』などで主に執筆。InterFM「Green Jacket」コメンテーター、雑誌編集、コーディネーターなども務める。
・Supersonic Entertainment Design -
Strictly on Talking about philly sports news and I explain to fans about the news and talking about world wide news also
アルビレックス新潟レディース 川澄奈穂美選手をパーソナリティに迎え
The show where red team stories from around the world are explored by the guys at Redacted Information Security, and new techniques and tools are pulled apart and discussed.
Diskusní pořad, který v regionálních problémech nachází odpovědi na celostátní otázky. Šest hostů, různé profese, názory a pohledy. Putování po českých městech odkrývá autentické příběhy míst, jejichž ozvěna přesahuje hranice regionů.
Česko 2025 je projekt Radiožurnálu a Českého rozhlasu Plus, ve kterém chceme ukázat, jak budou politické strany a uskupení, které by se podle aktuálních průzkumů dostaly do sněmovny, řešit klíčové problémy Česka.
Všechny díly podcastu Česko 2025 můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu -
Five years ago San Francisco was the envy of the world. It was the undisputed
capitol of cutting-edge technology. It had a tapestry of communities and culture
— ranging from Chinese and Mexican to Muslim and LGBTQ+ — living in harmony
and inclusiveness. From all corners of the globe, everyone wanted to come see
San Francisco or else emulate it back home.
So what happened to arguably the greatest city in the world? and how do WE come together to fix it? -
On the Discourse Magazine Podcast, you’ll hear from a diverse range of authors, thinkers, and scholars who are dedicated to discourse, to the notion that good thinking and good ideas arise amid the interplay of different viewpoints and perspectives. In these conversations, we discuss a variety of different topics, and almost everything is on the table. We hope that you enjoy the podcast and that these conversations help spark new thinking and more... discourse.
Kajian seputar isu-isu politik di kawasan Timur Tengah
Dengan kejadian yang terjadi sekarang ini kami dari Departement SOSPOL ASSET UPI mengadakan program terbaru yaitu podcast (Sospol talk). episode ke-1 ini membahas tentang rumitnya proses hukum yang terjadi di indonesia, dengan narasumber yang edukatif yaitu Aditya oktavianto dia adalah mahasiswa fakultas Hukum Unsika yang menjadi ketua umum forum diskusi ilmiah tahun 2019 sampai sekarang. Dipandu jalannya acara oleh Bagus permana sidiq dan Pasya mutia reflin. -
> Cansados de los medios de comunicación progres, tomamos el análisis político en nuestras manos✋> Siguenos en Instagram y YouTube como Dextera Domini
At Girlbossing Politics, hosted by Co-Executives of Women in Politics, Rebecca and Katherine, we are on a mission to break down barriers and inspire change. We believe that women have an essential role to play in shaping the political landscape, and we are here to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and motivation you need to thrive in the political world. Whether you're a seasoned political enthusiast or just starting to dip your toes into this field, our podcast is designed to empower you to make your mark.
Hondo Handy’s Podcast will consist of life long journeys of athletes from around the country, as well as Recreation Professionals throughout the nation sharing their thoughts on the importance of Good Sportsmanship in youth sports and Maryland Leaders thoughts on the value of youth sporting events and how amusements and major attractions can benefit.
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