Ciência – Novos podcasts
bettering yourself daily
Buikbelang is de podcast over het darmmicrobioom en wat dat voor je doet, met elke aflevering een gesprek met een arts of wetenschapper. Deze podcast wordt mogelijk gemaakt door de kernpartners van Buikbelang: MDL Fonds, het UMC Groningen en Wageningen University & Research, samen met de andere partners van Buikbelang. Wil je meer weten over het darmmicrobioom en het effect op de gezondheid? Ga dan naar
Programa de divulgación científica sobre temas interesantes de biología marina y filosofía de la ciencia.
Si son de tu agrado, puedes apoyarme en la siguiente liga. -
Abordamos diversos argumentos sobre modelos pedagógicos
Welcome to the reality of life.
The Humanistic Counselor is a podcast for discussing, analyzing, critiquing, and celebrating both established and cutting-edge ideas across the field of humanistic counseling. The host is Brett D. Wilkinson, Ph.D., LMHC, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Humanistic Counseling (JHC). Applies an semi-structured interview format with authors of peer-reviewed journal articles published in JHC and beyond. Sponsored by the Association for Humanistic Counseling (AHC;
Naked Psychology with Doug and Kendall is a podcast where we explore the connections between psychology and everyday life. With over 30 years of experience in counseling and psychology, we aim to present complex topics in an accessible and relatable way. Our primary goal is to provide insights that help you better understand yourself and the world around you.
Conversations about wacky ideas, economics, and the art of living well.
Dé podcast van over alle wetenschappen, de achtergronden en meer. Met Diederik Jekel en Krijn Soeteman. Met regelmaat ontvangen ze een gast om dieper op een specifiek onderwerp in te gaan. Ook bespreken ze het opvallende wetenschapsnieuws van de week.
Welcome to "The Naked Truth About"-Podcast.
Let’s start with sharing with you what this podcast is all about.
We are Daniëlle Hellebrand, executive coach, keynote-speaker and columnist at Better Brains at Work and Beverley Wilson-Wünsch, Professor at a an International University in Germany.
We are constantly creating open, meaningful, challenging conversations about subjects that affects us all. We are talking to fascinating people who share their backgrounds and stories with us. More than ever people are hungry for the truth. And truth is not always easy; it can be hard and forces us to go beyond our comfort zone.
Tune in and let's learn out loud together with us and all the other fellow travelers on this journey called "life". -
Welcome to Sustainability Rewired—the podcast where smart ideas meet a greener future! We’re diving into the latest eco-innovations, cutting-edge tech, and bold strategies reshaping industries worldwide. Whether you're a sustainability pro, a business leader, or just curious about the future of the planet, this is where fresh thinking meets actionable insights.
For more forward-thinking sustainability insights, follow
AI-Generated Audio -
In today’s episode, we will be talking about what global warming is doing to polar bears, some facts about polar bears and why polar bears are going extinct.
The Pharmaceutical Industry is undergoing a transformation driven by advancements in technology and data analytics. Smart Manufacturing, also known as Pharma 4.0, is revolutionising the way pharmaceutical products are developed, manufactured, and distributed. This podcast provides an in-depth exploration of Smart Manufacturing principles and Technologies as applied in the Pharmaceutical sector. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of how digitalization, automation, and data-driven decision-making are reshaping pharmaceutical manufacturing processes to enhance efficiency, quality, and compliance. We'll speak with industry experts, data scientists, and supply chain leaders to uncover the opportunities and challenges that come with integrating technology into one of the world's most critical industries. Whether you're a Professional in Pharma, Tech, or simply curious about the future of Healthcare or Pharmaceutical Manufacturing in particular, this is the podcast for you.
Human Design è la scienza della differenziazione, una sintesi innovativa di antichi saperi e conoscenze contemporanee che ci porta un messaggio chiaro e semplice: riconoscere noi stessi, togliere tutte le sovrastrutture e i modelli a cui somigliare.
Sei pronto/a a spogliarti delle maschere e diventare ciò che SEI?
Ti accompagno nel viaggio di riconnessione con la tua IMPRONTA UNICA. -
“Mind Power” with your Favorite Instagram Realist & Public Figure& Stylist “Kitty Couture Banks” . A Podcast where the Only Conversations had , are the only conversations worthy enough to be Heard . Minds Run non stop Every Single Day 365 days a year. The question in the back of your mind that makes you wanna ask it you can definitely ask it here. Tune in to learn more
Lo hice como si fuera una emisión de radio :)
En este podcast podrás encontrar algunos puntos importantes sobre estos temas
Explicó las 2 teorías más habladas sobre la evolución de las expecies y hablo sobre la evolucion de la tegnologia
株式会社ZEN-BU代表 宇野宏泰(会津百姓一揆発起人/第0次産業探求者):東西・自然の叡智に根差して、新しい人間の営みを探求するナビゲーター。一橋大学ビジネススクールでの研究経験と、福島県最大の有機農家としての実践知を元に、人の在り方を根本から変容させるべく活動中。
株式会社OXNY LAB代表 (ゲストMC/会津百姓一揆パートナー/AI時代の精神論探求者):米国育ちの日系2世。日米での起業経験や暗号資産ベンチャーでの経験を経て、拝金主義的価値観から覚醒。事業家やエンジェル投資家として活動しながら芸人としても活動。ヴィパサナー瞑想など精神修行をを重ねながら、AI時代における人類の精神性の在り方を探求する。 - Mostrar mais