Religião e espiritualidades – Ucrânia – Novos podcasts
Welcome to The Heart of a Singer Podcast. I’m Sarah Toth, Heart Coach, mom of 2, trained opera singer, and passionate lover of Jesus.
This podcast is a home for Christian women who have trained and worked in singing, opera, and musical theater; but maybe you’ve found yourself in a place of unrest, bottled-up emotions, and even feeling far from God. But through the hurt of your circumstances, you might be feeling an invitation from the Lord - to learn to hear his voice more clearly and to open up yours in a new way.
It’s time to move out of your desert season, musically, spiritually, and emotionally so that you can move forward in a healthy way and step out into the next chapter that God has for you.
So I invite you to open up your journal, grab your favorite pen, and then join me, as we move from Stuck to Thriving, while unlocking your heart again to beat for His Kingdom Purposes.
Contact: [email protected] -
Dowling Catholic High School Basketball Play-by-Play by Mark Amadeo
Ласкаво просимо до щотижневого подкасту церкви «Нове Покоління» у Першотравенську! Тут ви знайдете записи християнських проповідей, які підтримають вас у вірі та допоможуть глибше зрозуміти Слово Боже. Підписуйтесь, щоб не пропустити нові випуски і зміцнюватися в духовному шляху разом з нами.
Sermons from Freedom Bible Church in Evans, GA.
In this podcast, Chase walks his listeners through practical application of everyday issues. You will learn from a wide array of topics and issues that our world faces every single day. He encourages each listener, to always glorify God, and give Him the praise, rather than trying to claim the praise for ourselves. Being a Christian is not something that we are just two days out of the week, but rather it is a day to day battle that we are constantly fighting. This podcast will help arm you to successfully win this war.
Ця книга призначена допомогти всім, хто хоче пізнати правду спасіння. В ній ви знайдете відповіді на питання: для чого створена людина, в чому сенс її життя, що таке гріх і як від нього звільнитись, як народитися від Бога і стати святим та праведним вже сьогодні, тобто як увірувати по правді.
I'm going to be talking what it's like to have a proper relationship with God
Це підкаст ВМРЦ Світло Євангелії
On the Evolving conversations podcast, Salina talks about spirituality, manifestations, self-development, law of attraction, self love and many more. Follow Salina on her journey in sharing what she’s learned and what has transformed her life. This podcast is to inspire and guide like-minded spiritual souls. You can find her on Social Media @salinamcollins
Yoga Workshops in Poltava in 2012 discovers the authentic Yoga Tradition
Join me on a journey to self-empowerment through self-discovery allowing us to heal from past wounds, create healthier relationships and embody self-worth.
Catherine Simic is a certified practitioner of feng shui, angel therapy, and a certified intuitive medium. Founder of Peace and Radiance. Megan Shiffra is a published author, certified meditation coach, and Domestic Adoptee. She spent 35 years in corporate America and decided she needed more. Embark on a transformative soul journey with us. With their combined wisdom and experiences, Megan and Catherine offer a safe and inclusive space to explore various aspects of spirituality. From mindfulness and meditation to energy healing and manifestation. But more than that they like to have fun.
Welcome to Everyday Magic for Ukraine, the meditation podcast that supports you as you support Ukraine. Debuting at #37 in the US and #11 in Australia on Apple Podcasts, the show invites you to pause, unwind, and channel your inner strength towards Ukraine. Proud to be one of the top 100 Spirituality podcasts on Goodpods. Hosted and Produced by Colleen Thomas, Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher.
Wundervoll, dass du hier bist! Der Podcast ‚achtsam, frei & glücklich‘ verbindet Inspiration zu Themen rund um persönliche Entwicklung und bewusstes Leben. Hier erwarten dich viel Wissen und Tipps rund um Mindfulness und bewusstes, achtsames Leben, sowie Tools für deine persönliche Weiterentwicklung. Und ich teile immer wieder eine Meditation oder ein Mantra mit dir.
Als Transformationsbegleiterin, Yogalehrerin und Mindful Leaderin begeistert es mich, Menschen und Organisationen bei Entwicklung und Veränderung zu begleiten. Viel Wissen, Erfahrungen und Lebenstipps möchte ich dir davon weitergeben. Komm mit auf den Weg und bringe mehr Frieden, innere Freiheit und Glück in dein Leben.
Du möchtest noch mehr über persönliche und spirituelle Entwicklung, Embodiment, Yoga und das Leben erfahren? Dann besuche mich auf
Deine Chill -
Усе про тибетський буддизм українською мовою. Практичні поради з медитації, біографії видатних майстрів Дгарми минулого, загальні етичні поради - усе це ви знайдете тут.
Тут - лише про автентичне буддійське вчення, яке перевірене на практиці впродовж тисяч років і напевне зможе змінити ваше життя на краще, зробити ваш ум спокійнішим яснішим, мʼякшим та добрішим. -
This is a collection of intuitive Sound healings made just for you! Each Tuning fork, koshi bell, chime, quartz bowl or percussion instrument have specific frequencies/qualities which entrain inconsistencies in your bio field. We’re all on healing journeys so it’s a process. Your H.Self/Spirit know when you’re ready to release & transmute memories, emotions..old uncover the true you!!Waves of love,Amy Wolf🪘✨www.inner-ease.comIG:@ LockLearwolf
There are times in our lives when we question our existence and we try to find the purpose of our lives and the meaning behind everything. When questions like Who created us? What are we doing on this planet? Where do we go when we die? etc. etc. pop in our heads and we struggle to find the answer. This is the right place to find all your answers. With the help of this podcast, you can learn about your true identity and connect with your true self and learn to control your mind, so you can unleash your inner powers to get the most out of your life. I invite you to come along with me, on this journey of spiritual awakening...!!! This podcast is available in Hindi. In case of any queries , suggestions, reviews write to me on my email id : [email protected] Or [email protected] for more content , follow me on Instagram @thenightskymeditations & @pallavisharma.writes
Welcome to The Lifestyle of the Weird and Interesting Podcast! Where the discussions are about topics that you would never find in a handbook of life.
This podcast came about from conversations between two best friends, and through that realizing that everyone is a little bit weird in their own way - but that's also what makes each of us interesting! These are topics that we want to share with others, and "normalize" by talking about them. -
Themen auf den Punkt gebracht:
- Spiritualität und ihre Wurzeln
- Humor ist der „Schlüssel“ zu einer kraftvollen und entspannten Spiritualität
- Bauchgefühl-das „GPS“ des Menschen
- Medialität - viel mehr als ein moderner „Hype“
- Lebensfreude ist zeitlos
- soviel gesunder Menschenverstand muss sein
- „Schnauze voll“ von Manipulation und Co
- Balsam für die Seele-bitte mehr davon!
Und vieles mehr...
Wenn Dich diese Themen anziehen wie die „Motten das Licht“, dann würde ich sagen:
Welcome to the „SHOW“ und besuche mich auf meiner Webseite
Eure Jacqueline - Mostrar mais