
  • From the messages we receive from our families growing up to fad diets trending on social media, we are constantly bombarded with ideas about how we should or should not eat and what our bodies should look like. Unfortunately, for many of us, these messages may lead to disordered eating, harmful emotions surrounding food, or body image issues.

    As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Jeanne Catanzaro has specialized in treating eating disorders and trauma for the past 25 years. She trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy, somatic experiencing and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), before discovering the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model, which we discussed in last week’s episode with Dr. Richard Schwartz. As an approved IFS consultant, Dr. Catanzaro served as the director of a day treatment program for eating disorders for two years, and is the author of the book, “Unburdened Eating: Healing Your Relationships with Food and Your Body Using an Internal Family Systems Approach.” In Episode 208 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Dr. Catanzaro shares the following:

    The various “burdens” we may take on over time as a result of the messages we receive from our families and society, and how these may impact our beliefs and behaviors regarding food and our bodies How the framework provided by IFS – which describes the relationships between our core, undamaged selves and our various parts that have taken on burdens throughout our lives – can be helpful in building healthier relationships with food The power of getting curious and compassionate (rather than critical) about the parts of yourself that may be driving certain beliefs or behaviors regarding food, inquiring about how they came to harbor those beliefs, and healing them if needed

    Dr. Catanzaro then guides us through an exercise designed to help us better understand our protective parts, connect with them, and begin to shift them if need be.

    To learn more about IFS and access a variety of resources, visit https://ifs-institute.com, or look for Dr. Catanzaro’s book, "Unburdoned Eating" on Amazon.

    To learn more about The Mindset Game podcast, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com. To subscribe, visit https://apple.co/3oAnR8I.

  • As complex beings, we all encompass many different inner parts, or aspects of ourselves. Often, these parts may conflict, or we may feel ashamed or angered by those parts that we consider “bad” and therefore, try to suppress them. However, each of our parts serves a particular function that is meant to help us in some way, and by understanding where they all might have come from, how they work together, and how to foster healing and harmony among our various parts when needed, we can create space for our true, core selves to shine through.

    Dr. Richard Schwartz, our guest in Episode 207 of The Mindset Game® podcast, is the creator of Internal Family Systems (IFS), a widely used, evidence-based form of psychotherapy that is particularly effective for dealing with trauma. It provides a non-pathologizing, optimistic, and empowering perspective and a practical set of techniques for working with individuals, couples, families, corporations, and classrooms. After beginning his career as a family therapist, Dr. Schwartz now serves on the faculty of Harvard Medical School, and has published five books, including “No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model.” In this week’s episode, Dr. Schwartz shares the following:

    The 8 Cs of “Self” or Self-leadership — calm, confident, curious, compassionate, courageous, creative, clear, and connected — which represent who we truly are at our core when we allow the other parts of ourselves to step aside and create space How understanding the different parts of ourselves can help us become more effective leaders, particularly for those who may have developed an over-attachment to the inner parts that have fueled their success A framework to better understand the different parts of yourself – including the critics, protectors, managers, and inner children – and why they may behave in certain ways

    Dr. Schwartz then guides us through an exercise designed to help us get in touch with those parts of ourselves that serve as protectors.

    To learn more about Dr. Schwartz and Internal Family Systems (IFS), visit https://ifs-institute.com.

    To learn more about The Mindset Game podcast, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com. To subscribe, visit https://apple.co/3oAnR8I.

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  • Ensuring proper nutrition and staying physically active are the keys to maintaining health and vitality – particularly as we age. However, many of us may encounter setbacks and find ourselves struggling to follow through with the steps required to live a healthier lifestyle. Overcoming this resistance often begins with shifting our mindset.

    Whitney Jones, our guest in Episode 206 of The Mindset Game® podcast, is a three-time winner of Ms. Fitness Olympia, a prestigious professional bodybuilding competition. She is also the owner of Pro Physiques, the largest personal training gym in Arizona, and owns and runs five additional companies, such as the Unstoppable 365 mindset, fitness, and nutrition online program, the Fearless by Whitney Jones fitness apparel line, and Whitney Jones Productions, a fitness event at which everyone from first-time competitors to pro athletes have the opportunity to step on stage and compete. In this week’s episode, Whitney shares the following:

    The importance of mindset in health and fitness, as well as specific steps to help shift your mindset — particularly when you’re not feeling mentally, emotionally, or physically optimal — and gain momentum towards a healthier life How to avoid common mistakes and overcome sources of resistance related to proper diet and exercise The power of accountability, such as working with a coach or investing in a fitness class
    3 top tips each for both nutrition and fitness that can help anyone reach a healthier state

    To learn more about Whitney and her programs, visit https://www.fitwhitjones.com or find her on Instagram at @whitneyjones_ifbbpro.

    To subscribe to The Mindset Game, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com.

  • When seeking to create change in our own lives or within our teams and organizations, one of the biggest challenges is finding a way to ensure that the changes can be sustained over time and desired by all who are affected by them. For leaders in particular, developing an awareness of some of the psychological and neuroscience-related factors behind change – and what often triggers resistance to it – can aid in the process of building positive, lasting change.

    With his well-established intentional change theory and complexity theory, Dr. Richard Boyatzis continues to research how people and organizations engage in sustainable, desired change. The theory predicts how changes occur in different groups of human organizations, including teams, communities, countries, and globally. Dr. Boyatzis has a PhD in Social Psychology from Harvard University, a bachelor's degree in aeronautics and astronautics from MIT, and is the author of more than 200 articles and nine books, including “Helping People Change: Coaching with Compassion for Lifelong Learning and Growth” and “Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence.” He is a frequent speaker on the international circuit, has consulted to many Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and organizations, and his massive open online course (MOOC), titled “Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence,” has over 1.5 million unique visitors from over 215 countries. As our guest in Episode 205 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Dr. Boyatzis discusses the following:

    Why adaptability and openness to new ideas – rather than strict adherence to defined goals – are crucial for bringing about change The importance of entering a “positive emotional attractor” state, which is linked to feelings of openness and renewal, as well as some tips that can help you attain this state Why diversity in organizations – both diversity of people and diversity of thought – is crucial for driving innovation and other key goals Specific tips to help leaders create a sense of purpose among their teams, imagine more possibilities for the future, and build more caring relationships within their organizations

    To learn more about Dr. Richard Boyatzis or to access his MOOC courses, visit https://www.coursera.org/instructor/richardboyatzis.

    To check out The Mindset Game podcast, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com. To subscribe, visit https://apple.co/3oAnR8I.

  • For all of us, loss is a painful, yet inevitable, part of life – whether we’re facing the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job or a dream that didn’t come to fruition, or navigating a major change that represents the loss of a previous way of life. As difficult as it may be, the key to successfully persevering through these circumstances may be to face them head on, focusing on the factors we can control and letting go of those we cannot.

    Mike Pierce, better known as “Antarctic Mike,” is an avid fan of polar exhibition history and an endurance athlete who became one of nine people to run the first-ever Antarctic ice marathon in 2006. Since then, he has completed many other winter marathons in the coldest and harshest climates on Earth, and his stories have been featured in several leading national and international media outlets. Mike's flagship program, called “Keep Conquering,” connects the drivers and principles of Antarctic exhibition history stories to the real world of finding, engaging, and keeping great people in today's business world. As our guest in Episode 204 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Mike shares the following:

    Stories that illustrate the power of letting go of things you can no longer control, in both the personal and professional realms Mindset shifts that can help ease the process of not only surviving loss, change, and other difficulties, but also embracing and even thriving amongst them Insights on navigating and finding new opportunities amidst organizational change

    To learn more or connect with Mike, visit https://antarcticmike.com or search for him on YouTube.

    To subscribe to The Mindset Game podcast, visit https://apple.co/3oAnR8I.

  • As companies of all sizes seek to drive valuation, they often encounter challenges that can lead to a disconnect between the steps they are taking to grow and succeed in the market and the results they are delivering for their customers, employees, shareholders, and communities. For business leaders, adopting a growth mindset and a “learn-it-all” culture (rather than a “know-it-all” culture) may be the key to overcoming these challenges and enjoying continued success.

    As founder of the world-renowned Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), which has over 18,000 members globally, Verne Harnish has chaired EO’s premier CEO program held at MIT for 15 years, and has spent the past four decades helping companies to scale up. Verne is also the founder and CEO of Scaling Up, a global executive education and coaching company with over 293 partners on six continents. He’s the author of several best-selling books, including “Mastering the Rockefeller Habits,” “The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time,” and “Scaling Up.” As our guest in Episode 203 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Verne discusses the following:

    Why it’s crucial for business leaders to adopt a learning-oriented growth mindset and get truly inquisitive about how their companies are running, such as by connecting energetically with employees and customers Tips for navigating the growth paradox, which often presents more complexity, challenges, and bureaucracy as companies grow larger Insights from nature that can help companies scale up – not only in terms of financial success, but also in contributing to a healthier, happier, more sustainable world

    To learn more about Verne, his books, and other resources, visit https://scalingup.com.

    To subscribe to The Mindset Game podcast, visit https://apple.co/3oAnR8I.

  • When facing chronic health issues or other conditions that may impair your quality of life and longevity, it can be beneficial to address a range of different factors that may be affecting your health. However, conventional Western medicine often disregards some of these factors, so keeping an open mind and being willing to explore various approaches – rather than blindly following medical advice – is crucial.

    As a clinical researcher, assistant clinical professor of family medicine, and founder of the Virginia Research Center and Richmond Integrative and Functional Medicine, Dr. Aaron Hartman began his journey into functional medicine when he and his wife adopted their first daughter from foster care. They went from specialist to specialist seeking treatment for her dietary issues and cerebral palsy – but even as a physician, the process caused Dr. Hartman to confront an uncomfortable realization: our current healthcare system does not have all the answers. Today, he helps patients identify leverage points in key areas of their lifestyle and health that harness their body's remarkable power to heal and begin living the vibrant life they deserve. In Episode 202 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Dr. Hartman discusses:

    The triangle of health, which consists of gut health, stress, and sleep, as well as specific tips for improving each area Significant internal and external factors that may contribute to chronic disease – many of which are surprising, such as carpeting in your home or common cleaning products How your mindset and beliefs can affect your health and healing, specifically when it comes to being an active participant in your healthcare and keeping an open mind about a variety of approaches and recommendations

    To learn more about Dr. Hartman and access his blog, videos, and other resources, visit https://richmondfunctionalmedicine.com.

    To subscribe to The MINDset Game podcast, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com.

  • Have you ever found yourself pursuing a career or other endeavor and asking, “Is this all there is?” Many of us live our lives by default – following paths because we have found success with them, or because we’re trying to live up to the expectations that others may have for us. However, this approach often leads to feelings of burnout, dissatisfaction, or a lack of passion. A more fulfilling alternative is to start with finding your “why,” or the underlying motivation that drives everything you do.

    After building a successful dentistry practice, Dr. Gary Sanchez realized that there was something bigger he was meant to be doing with his life. He is now an international speaker, author, inventor, and founder and CEO of the WHY Institute. He is best known as Dr. WHY for discovering the nine WHYs and creating the world's first why discovery tool, an online assessment that helps people accurately discover their why in under five minutes. Dr. Sanchez is the author of the book, “The Power of the 9 WHYs: How People and Teams Get Clear, Stand Out and Play Bigger,” and he is now on a mission to help one billion people unleash their true selves by discovering their WHY operating system, or what he calls WHY.os. In Episode 201 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Dr. Sanchez discusses the following:

    How discovering your why can help you access greater energy, passion, and success in what you do, as well as techniques to help you find your why The 9 WHYs, all of which live inside each of us – yet we each have one why that surfaces more strongly than the others The relationship between your why (motivation), your how (process), and your what (deliverable)

    To learn more about Dr. Gary Sanchez and the WHY Institute, visit https://whyinstitute.com. Dr. Sanchez is generously offering a special discount for listeners of the The Mindset Game podcast: use this link and enter code VERED for 10% off at checkout.

    To learn more, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com. To subscribe to The Mindset Game podcast, visit https://apple.co/3oAnR8I.

  • Beginning in early childhood, we acquire beliefs and programming from our families and communities that shape how we interact with the world, as well as various factors throughout our lives, including our physical health. However, it’s estimated that we may not even be aware of up to 95% of this programming, which takes place in our subconscious minds and is often disempowering. To create happier, healthier lives for ourselves and those around us, it may be necessary to rewrite some of this programming – particularly as we navigate a world in which our current ways of doing things are no longer sustainable.

    As a lecturer and cell biologist who has performed groundbreaking stem cell research at Stanford University, Dr. Bruce Lipton is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. He is the best-selling author of “The Biology of Belief,” “The Honeymoon Effect,” and co-author with Steve Bhaerman of “Spontaneous Evolution.” In 2009, he received the prestigious Goi Peace Award from Japan in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony. In celebration of our 200th episode of The Mindset Game® podcast, Dr. Lipton joins us to discuss the following:

    Why the current state of our world – which has been heavily influenced by Darwinian theory and values competition over cooperation – is unsustainable, and why finding ways to return to the “garden,” which represents a state of harmony with each other and with nature, will be the only way to survive and thrive into the future The power of our programming, and why it’s crucial to become more conscious of it and strive to change those beliefs and habits that are no longer serving us A scientific explanation behind the idea that we can create our own “heaven” with better health, joy, love, and harmony – but the process must begin with becoming aware of and then changing our programming

    To learn more about Dr. Lipton and access a variety of free resources, visit https://www.brucelipton.com.

    To subscribe to The Mindset Game podcast, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com.

  • When faced with a personal or professional crisis, many people seek to make significant changes in their lives. However, various limiting beliefs and mindsets can create obstacles to implementing these changes, particularly if you are considering a less conventional lifestyle or any path that may diverge from perceived expectations. While each path carries its own potential pros and cons, overcoming these limiting beliefs may be the key to preventing future crises and living your best, most fulfilled life.

    After spending years holding various roles, including serving as an industrial firefighter in the Canadian Oil Patch and a Coast Guard rescue diver, Andrew Murdoch is now a “digital nomad” who provides a full-service YouTube marketing solution for businesses built with 100% remote team members. He believes the normal approaches to life are outdated, and the best solutions require outside-the-box thinking. In Episode 199 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Andrew shares several insights into the lifestyle of a digital nomad, as well as some unconventional habits of successful entrepreneurs and the mindset shifts that inspire a less traditional path. These insights include:

    How crisis or disruption can ignite evolution, particularly when accompanied by empowering mindset shifts Two key steps to take if you’re thinking about pursuing an unconventional path: questioning your beliefs (and potentially accepting that some of your long-held beliefs may be false), and conducting extensive research using an array of sources The three levels of mastery – knowing, doing, and living – and why embracing each is crucial for bringing about positive change in your life

    To learn more, connect with Andrew on LinkedIn, or visit www.ytforbusiness.com, where he is getting ready to launch free training, resources, and community for professionals and business owners who want to use YouTube to grow their business.

    To subscribe to The Mindset Game podcast, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com.

  • In interpersonal relationships – particularly those that are romantic in nature – many people desire closer, more intimate connections. However, a variety of factors, from communication challenges to limiting beliefs about ourselves and how relationships work, may create obstacles. Overcoming these obstacles to build healthy, long-lasting, mutually fulfilling relationships often requires not only working together with your partner, but also examining your own beliefs and mindsets.

    Dr. Holly Parker, our guest in Episode 198 of The Mindset Game® podcast, is a psychologist with a passion for walking alongside individuals and couples as they strive to cultivate a more connected, enriching life. She’s the author of the books, “When Reality Bites: How Denial Helps and What to Do When It Hurts” and “If We’re Together, Why Do I Feel So Alone?: How to Build Intimacy with an Emotionally Unavailable Partner,” and regularly contributes to Psychology Today and various other publications. In this week’s episode, Dr. Holly shares the following insights:

    Specific ways in which limiting beliefs and mindsets, including personal insecurities and perceptions of relationships that we may have developed early in life, might manifest and create barriers in our interpersonal relationships Actionable techniques for shifting these beliefs and overcoming any self-protective mechanisms that could be holding you back from the love you deserve Tips for improving communication with your partner if you feel that they are not paying you adequate attention or respect

    To learn more about Dr. Holly Parker, visit https://drhollyparker.com or look for her courses at the Harvard Extension School.

    To subscribe to The Mindset Game podcast, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com.

  • Have you ever felt that your health was less than optimal, yet standard tests such as bloodwork indicated that everything was normal? Often, identifying the root causes of health conditions – and ultimately healing from them – requires digging deeper and exploring the various elements that contribute to your well-being, from the physical to the spiritual and beyond.

    As a licensed naturopathic medical doctor renowned for her pioneering work in integrating advanced, conventional and alternative medical practices, Dr. Donese Worden excels in demystifying medical science and empowering individuals to actively manage their health. Dr. Worden consults on metabolic therapies for cancer and brain disorders and maintains a far-reaching impact through her clients worldwide. She received the 2014 Hope Award for her outstanding contributions to prevention and education in behavioral health, and leads Pruvit Research, a company dedicated to validating health and wellness products, medical devices, and coaching through rigorous third-party research. A seasoned talk show host, Dr. Worden also hosts and produces “Health Hot Seat,” an upcoming innovative television debate show that juxtaposes traditional and alternative medical perspectives. In Episode 197 of The Mindset Game® podcast, Dr. Worden discusses the following:

    A detailed explanation of the 7 pillars of health – sleep, body, BMs, energy, mental state, relationships, and spiritual health – and how regularly assessing them can help you gain greater insight into your overall wellness Suggestions for actionable steps to take in order to improve each pillar of health Insights to help you identify trustworthy solutions amidst both the pharmaceuticals/Western medicine field and the health and wellness industry – and why it’s important to keep an open mind when considering both approaches

    To learn more about Dr. Worden, visit https://drworden.com or look for her on social media.

    To subscribe to The MINDset Game podcast, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com.

  • From reduced stress to greater focus, practicing meditation can offer a wide array of physical, mental, and emotional health benefits. However, many people – particularly business leaders and other high achievers – find meditation challenging, as they struggle to quiet their minds and eliminate distractions. Breath work offers a powerful way to access the many benefits of meditation, thereby opening yourself to greater clarity and creativity.

    Jason Campbell, our guest in Episode 196 of The Mindset Game® podcast, began his journey into meditation, music, and wellness 46 years ago, when his teacher told him to “never listen to notes, but instead listen to the space between the notes.” An accomplished composer and pianist, he has released over 100 albums and has been number one on multiple Billboard and Amazon charts. Jason's unique perspective on music, health, wellness, and spiritual growth comes from his lifelong study of both music and the ancient arts of Eastern health, medicine, meditation, and enlightenment. In this week’s episode, Jason shares the following insights from his signature program, “Breath Mastery for Entrepreneurs”:

    The core meaning of meditation, which is to stop thinking – however briefly – and simply be present in the moment The concept of the three treasures – matter, energy, and consciousness – and how they may come into play during meditation How quieting the mind can help enhance the function of the pineal gland, a part of the brain that functions like an antenna to help us access a higher level of wisdom and creativity

    Jason then guides us through a three-minute breath exercise designed to help us pause our cognitive thought processes and be more present.

    To access Jason’s music, visit https://www.zenpiano.com, or https://zenwellness.com to learn more about Jason’s work in Cleator, Arizona, where, as the town’s co-owner and sheriff, he is combining Western culture with Eastern wisdom to create a community committed to the uplifting of the human spirit.

    To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com.

  • Have you ever felt that despite your best efforts, you are falling short of achieving what you truly want in life? For most of us, the road to success and fulfillment contains many pitfalls and diversions, and creating your best life requires key ingredients such as clarity on your goals and values and consistency in your efforts.

    Nic Peterson, our guest in Episode 195 of The MINDset Game® podcast, is a serial entrepreneur and the author of the book, “Bumpers: The Framework for Finding Your Personal Abundance, Maximum Productivity, Greatest Profits and Highest Quality of Life.” Nic wrote this book in response to a recurring question he received – how do you get so much done in so many different industries? Similar to the bumpers you'd put up in a bowling alley, the bumpers that Nic shares with us will allow you to play all in with 100% effort, while keeping you out of the gutter. In this episode, he discusses the following strategies to help you live the life you really want:

    The value of concentrating your efforts on trying to prevent negative outcomes in the first place, as opposed to allowing them to happen and then recovering – and how sharpening your sense of hindsight and establishing your non-negotiables can help in this process Why focusing on improving your “rolling average” may be a more effective and sustainable approach than trying to constantly improve upon your best results Why it’s crucial to be honest with yourself in getting clear on what you truly want in life, and constantly checking in with yourself to identify what’s most important to you

    To learn more about Nic, visit https://www.nicpeterson.com, or look for “Bumpers” on Amazon.

    To subscribe to The MINDset Game podcast, visit www.TheMindsetGame.com.

  • Regardless of our external circumstances, such as our upbringings, educations, or professions, we all have an internal capacity to achieve great things in our own lives and the world around us. To unleash this “inner genius,” however, it’s crucial to believe in its existence and develop the desire and motivation to reach the goals that we set for ourselves.

    Nicknamed the “One Minute Mentor,” Peter Thomas is a renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist who has made significant strides in real estate and business. He founded Century 21 Real Estate Canada, and is growing his Dogtopia business to be the top dog daycare and boarding brand in North America. Beyond business, Peter leads Thomas Pride International, investing in innovative ventures with a positive community impact. His philanthropic efforts include the Todd Thomas Foundation and the Thomas Foundation, supporting children’s mental health and education. Peter champions values-based living and leadership through the LifePilot program, and has also authored several books, including his latest, “The Dream Factory: A Proven Formula to Turn Your Dreams into Reality!” As our guest in Episode 194 of The MINDset Game® podcast, Peter shares the following:

    Why it’s important to get clear on your values, and then strive to set and accomplish goals – beginning with small goals before expanding to more ambitious ones – that align with your values The power of surrounding yourself with people whose skills and talents complement your own, while also being cautious about which advice from others you choose to follow The value of seeking mentors – which may include channeling the intuitive guidance of great figures throughout history whom you admire – to help encourage you in the process of harnessing your genius potential

    To hear more from Peter Thomas, follow him on social media (@peterhthomas_ on Instagram and Peter H. Thomas on LinkedIn and Facebook), or look for one of his books.

    To subscribe to The MINDset Game podcast, visit www.TheMINDsetGame.com.

  • Whether you’re changing roles within your organization, seeking a position with a different employer, or pursuing an entirely new career path, navigating a career transition can present a range of emotions, from uncertainty to fear to excitement. While the transition process involves several concrete steps – such as updating your resume or tapping into your professional network – it often requires a mindset shift as well, including overcoming limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from new opportunities.

    In Episode 193 of The MINDset Game® podcast, we welcome back Hallie Crawford, a national career expert with over 25 years of experience as a certified coach and speaker. Hallie has published numerous books and is regularly featured as a career expert in leading media outlets. Her personal experience navigating a difficult career transition inspired her to start her company, Create Your Career Path, out of a desire to help people find jobs they love. In this episode, Hallie discusses the following:

    Common limiting beliefs that people experience when facing a career transition and actionable steps to help overcome those beliefs, such as writing down a realistic, step-by-step plan and seeking support from others How to harness the power of past professional accomplishments and positive feedback from colleagues to boost your confidence as you pursue new opportunities Specific tips for different types of job seekers, including those who are already between positions, those who are still in their current roles but are anticipating a transition in the future, perfectionists, and those who aspire to roles for which they may not yet have all the necessary qualifications

    To learn more about Hallie, access her programs, or schedule a consultation with a career coach, visit https://createyourcareerpath.com.

    To subscribe to The MINDset Game podcast, visit www.TheMINDsetGame.com.

  • From health problems to challenging interpersonal relationships, we all experience crises of varying degrees throughout our lives. While a common pitfall is to adopt a “victim” mentality, a more empowering approach is to search for the lessons amidst these crises and use them to ignite our growth and evolution.

    From the time she was a young child, Lynn Balter has navigated an array of personal crises, including family trauma, sexual assault, breast cancer, addiction, divorce, and more. However, she developed the mindset that these challenges were perfectly intended for her growth – a growth that would continue to align her personality to her soul, or what she calls her “true self.” After earning her business administration degree from Western Michigan University, Lynn moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, where she began her career as a property manager and real estate broker before becoming a highly successful entrepreneur in the vacation rental industry. Following her son’s autism diagnosis, Lynn has helped raise millions of dollars for Autism Speaks and the Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center. She is also the author of the book, “Walking Through Pain to Purpose.” In Episode 192 of The MINDset Game® podcast, Lynn shares more of her inspiring story, as well as the following insights:

    Why it’s important to examine the patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that have repeatedly surfaced throughout your life – particularly in response to difficult circumstances – and strive to shift those that may no longer be serving you The power of going inward when faced with challenges and trying to identify the lessons they may be trying to teach you, as well as the parts of yourself that may need healing How using the lessons you’ve learned from your challenges as a way to help others who may be facing similar situations can help fuel further transformation and joy in your life

    To learn more about Lynn and her book, visit https://lynnbalter.com.

    To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit www.TheMINDsetGame.com.

  • Creativity is often associated with artistic talent, which can cause many of us to identify ourselves as either creative or not creative. In reality, however, we all engage in creative acts numerous times each day – and by enhancing our innate capacities for creativity, we can build resilience and improve our overall well-being.

    As a researcher and instructor at Harvard University, Dr. Shelley Carson has been a consultant and expert on the topics of psychopathology, creativity, and resilience. She serves as Director of Education and Research at the Brain Health Initiative, and has also served as a subject matter expert for the Department of Defense and a scientific consultant for corporations, mental health groups, and individuals. Dr. Carson is the author of the award-winning book, “Your Creative Brain: Seven Steps to Maximize Imagination, Productivity, and Innovation in Your Life,” and she's the co-author of the critically acclaimed book, “Almost Depressed.” She has won multiple teaching awards at Harvard, and her research has been widely published in both national and international scientific journals. Join us in Episode 191 of The MINDset Game® podcast as Dr. Carson shares the following:

    Different definitions of creativity and how they may manifest in activities you perform on a day-to-day basis Why creativity is necessary for navigating life’s challenges with resilience, particularly in today’s rapidly changing world, and how making time for creativity can reduce stress, increase positive emotions, and ultimately boost resilience Why divergent thinking – which involves considering multiple potential solutions to a problem or prompt – is integral to creativity, as well as fun exercises to help you practice divergent thinking How to transform negative emotions, such as sadness or anxiety, through creativity

    To learn more about Dr. Shelley Carson, visit www.shelleycarson.com, or https://extension.harvard.edu to explore her courses and others from Harvard Extension School.

    To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit www.TheMINDsetGame.com.

  • In the quest for optimum health and healing, many people find it beneficial to combine a variety of practices, ranging from Western medicine to energetic and spiritual techniques. One approach that encompasses several of these practices is known as biofield science, which is playing an increasingly vital role given the challenges and discord facing our world today.

    A psychologist, scientist, and social entrepreneur, Dr. Shamini Jain is the founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a nonprofit collaborative accelerator that connects scientists, health practitioners, educators, and artists to help lead humanity to heal ourselves. Shamini has received numerous awards for her pioneering research in meditation, biofield healing, and psychoneuroimmunology, and she’s the author of the two-time award-winning book, “Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health.” Shamini and her team at CHI are currently working on a documentary called “The Energy that Heals,” which explores healing practices in the living intelligence of the biofield and interface connecting us to Universal Life Force and consciousness. As our guest in Episode 188 of The MINDset Game® podcast, Shamini discusses the following:

    The concept of the biofield – which encompasses a set of fields of energy and information that guide our health – and how gaining an understanding of the biofield perspective can promote greater healing and well-being Steps you can take every day to increase your vitality and foster the healing process in yourself and others Insights from biofield science that may be particularly valuable for leaders Tips for encouraging healing in a loved one, as well as some of the research that explains how we may be able to affect the physiology of others

    To learn more about the Consciousness and Healing Initiative, visit https://www.chi.is. For more information on CHI’s upcoming documentary, visit https://www.theenergythatheals.com.

    To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit www.TheMINDsetGame.com.

  • In today’s world, there’s a growing sense that change is happening at an unprecedented pace, and the ways that things have been done in the past may no longer serve us in the future. Successfully navigating this evolving, increasingly complex reality will require a new level of leadership, which some experts have referred to as “integral leadership.”

    In Episode 187 of The MINDset Game® podcast, we dive into the concept of integral leadership with our guest, Bob Anderson. As the founder and Chief Knowledge Officer of The Leadership Circle and co-author of the books, “Mastering Leadership” and “Scaling Leadership,” Bob has been a pacesetter in the field of leadership development for over 30 years. He created The Leadership Circle Profile™, a 360-degree assessment used by organizations worldwide to measure the effectiveness of their leaders (both individually and collectively), chart a pathway for their development, and assess their progress along the way. In this week’s episode, Bob discusses the following:

    Different stages of leadership development, beginning with reactive leadership, in which we’re authored by those around us, then progressing to creative leadership, in which we shift to an internal locus of control and self-authoring process, and finally culminating in integral leadership, in which we’re authored by an emergent future Characteristics that define integral leadership, and techniques that can help leaders reach this level Scientific insights that support the concept of integral leadership and the capacity to tune into a new emergent paradigm How embracing Eastern practices, including intuition and expanded consciousness, can help leaders at any level achieve higher states of awareness

    To learn more about Bob and access assessments and other resources, visit https://leadershipcircle.com. If you'd like to learn more about the Unity Academy, visit https://leadershipcircle.com/leadership-coach-certifications/unity-academy/

    To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit www.TheMINDsetGame.com.