Образование – Эстония – Новые подкасты
A podcast of the Warfighting Society, Controversy and Clarity aims to generate critical discussion and honest debate on U.S. military matters. To support the Warfighting Society, please click on "Support" below or visit our Patreon page at www.patreon.com/thewarfightingsocietyAnd if you have questions, comments, or curses, don't hesitate to send them to [email protected]. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/damien-oconnell/support
This is the podcast you need to level up your identity, self concept and the unlimited power that's within you to manifest whatever you want in life.
Every teacher hits a low point. Many recover. Some don't.
Dear Teacher, Don't Give Up! is a show that brings you stories of how some of today's best teachers have gone from surviving to thriving in one of the toughest jobs there is. Jeffery E. Frieden is on a mission to connect teachers so that we can increase our impact and WIN in the classroom!
Join us as we draw encouragement from great teachers who have pushed past the lowest points in their career and found that teaching really can be the job of their dreams.
Email [email protected]. and share your story. -
Silma Õpikoja uudised ja soovitused looduse avastamiseks
Hingecast - koht, kus räägime elulistel teemadel hingelises võtmes!Selle podcasti eesmärk on tõsta teadlikkust konstellatsioonist kui meetodist ja seda läbi konstellatsioonifilosoofia ja eluliste näidete. Muidugi ei jää puudutamata ka hingelised teemad nagu naiseks olemine, enda tee leidmine, partnerlussuhted & erinevad enesearengu praktikad. Oma mõttekõlksatusi jagab Elisabeth Tischler.
Подкаст «ДЕЛО ЖИЗНИ» — это вдохновляющие истории о том, как найти себя и свое дело. Здесь мы изучаем ролевые модели тех, у кого получилось, и исследуем их образ мысли. С нашими выпусками легче жить.
Серия встреч с нашими видными соотечественниками – людьми, которые оставляют нам в наследство свою мудрость.
An enlightment channel on Social issues
Usarlo como herramienta de aprendizaje.
The daily details of an action oriented team innovating the public education system.
Disrupting Peace explores why peace hasn’t worked, and how it still could. In each episode, Bridget Conley, research director at the World Peace Foundation, speaks with a researcher specializing in one obstacle to peace, and an activist who’s changing systems from the ground up. Together they explore what worked, what didn’t, and why we shouldn’t give up.
It’s your body. You’re in it all the time. But how well do you really understand it?
Join Aly DiRoma host of Modern Body as she brings you the truths behind using Pilates and movement as a way to better understand and take care of your body in your modern life for life.
Drawing from personal experiences as a Pilates and Movement instructor, expert insights, and the latest research on movement Aly unravels the trends and gives you the facts, so you walk away each week with a practical and realistic approach to movement and taking care of your body. -
Welcome to the Bathtub Refinishing Podcast. Powered By BathTubGuys Refinishing. This is where we discuss the Refinishing Industry, Interview Owners and Operators and Give Tips to Customers and Entrepreneurs.
Alexi Pappas's Mentor Buffet is a podcast about mentorship: Who influenced the people who influence us? Who helped them along their journey?
Alexi is an Olympian, filmmaker, actress, and bestselling author, and she's leaned on mentors to help her level up faster than she could on her own. After losing her mom to suicide when she was four, she needed to find other people to lean on. Now, it's Alexi's turn to peel back the curtain on mentorship. In each episode of Mentor Buffet Alexi sits down with people who inspire her—athletes, entrepreneurs, creatives, and beyond—to have conversations about chasing dreams and befriending pain, through the lens of those who have shaped them into who they are today. -
in this podcast i will talk about brain and new hacks to increase your productivity and make you a superhuman
Being a dad is awesome. And awesomely hard.
2 times a week, a 2-minute episode to help you be a great papa. -
At the beginning of the 21st century, more than half the world’s population live in cities. Issues about governance, intensification of social relationships, the impact of globalisation, and the way green spaces are utilised become ever more pressing concerns. The tracks on this album explore some of the challenges faced across the world as citizens and administrators adapt to ever increasing pressures on city spaces and resources. The material forms part of the course DD304, Understanding Cities.
Welcome to the TIRIgogy ConnectED Podcast series hosted by Nurun Nahar (Assistant Teaching Professor) University of Bolton! Each episode in this series, offers 10-minute exploration of diverse subjects that deeply matter to educators, facilitators, administrators, leaders, researchers, students, and anyone invested in the future of Higher Education learning. Our goal is to equip our listeners with actionable ideas and strategies that can be applied to enrich their practice. Join us as we uncover critical topics shaping the Higher Education landscape with prominent guest speakers.
”GÕM” taskuhäälingu eesmärgiks on jagada kahe noore nägemust maailmast ja selle arenemist läbi aja. Saates käivad ka külalised, kelleks on enamasti teised eakaaslased, kelle ideid ja harjumusi lahti mõtestatakse. Taskuhäälingus üritatakse kogu maailm pulkadeks võtta ja sellest aru saada, olgu see maailma juhtide suured otsused või küsimus, ”miks tomat burgeri vahel käib?”. Tegemist ei ole surmtõsise taskuhäälinguga, vaid pigem võetakse asju huumoriga. Kõik on välja mõeldud ja midagi pole juhtunud, millest me räägime!
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