Естественные науки – Исландия – Рекомендуемые подкасты
Tilgangur 24/7 er að spyrja spurninga sem gefa okkur innsýn í hvernig áhugavert fólk horfir á heiminn og þeirra lærdóm í lífinu svo að við getum lært af þeim og hagnýtt þá vitneskju í okkar eigið líf.
Two Bros cover all of the mysteries of the universe. Paranormal, Aliens, Conspiracies, Cryptozoology, Famous Murders, Urban Legends, Monsters, Demons, Occult and Strange Occurrences. Nothing is off limits. The Bros are driven by crude humor and the ability to laugh at everything. If you flirt with the dark side of humor and lack maturity, this podcast could potentially change your life. Instagram: @brohiopodcast Twitter: @Brohiopodcast Email: [email protected]
"Von Ráðgjöf - er podcast þar sem við hjónin miðlum persónulegri reynslu í bland við faglega af lífinu bæði í blíðu og stríðu vonandi meira í blíðu. Við nálgumst efnið sem sendiboðar sem boða von frekar en einhverskonar rannsóknarfræðimenn sem hafa grandskoðað öll akademísku ritin. Við störfum bæði i Lausninni fjölskyldu- og áfallamiðstöð. Baldur er menntaður Markþjálfi og fyrirtækja markþjálfi og Barbara er með b.ed., gráðu í grunnskólakennarafræðum og Fjölskyldufræðingur Ma-Diplómunám. Samanlagt eiga þau 7/8 börn eftir því hvernig talið er og 2 barnabörn. Útskýrum það nánar í þáttunum. Við vonum að þið hafið gott og gaman af því að hlusta.
Sci Guys is a podcast all about the weird and unbelievable ways that scientists learn about the world around us. Each week, Corry (@notcorry) tells the story of a particularly strange scientific study while his cohost Luke (@lukecutforth) does his best to derail the conversation with questions, jokes, and whatever nonsense he can think of.
A science and science fiction based podcast hosted by two high school friends, and two college friends. Listen and learn and geek out. In this podcast, science meets fact, meets fiction.
Viðtöl um ýmis málefni sem tengjast heilbrigðismálum, starfsemi og mannauði Landspítala
Ruslið okkar kemur upp um okkur segja sérfræðingarnir. EKKERT RUSL er að vonum skemmtilegt og lifandi hlaðvarp um umhverfismál í umsjón Lenu Magnúsdóttur, sem hefur verið umhverfissinni frá fæðingu og Margréti Stefánsdóttur, sem er ekki beint umhverfissinni en er öll af vilja gerð að læra. Við fáum til okkar skemmtilega og jafnvel óvenjulega gesti í samhengi við umhverfismál sem og viðmælendur sem þekkja hvað best til málanna. Umhverfisvernd er heita kartaflan í dag – flestir hafa eitthvað til málanna að leggja, eða vilja það að minnsta kosti. Það er ekki nóg að kaupa Teslu og telja sig umhverfisverndarsinna - það þarf víst aðeins meira til. Kannski slæðast nokkrir fræðslumolar með inn á milli í þessu hlaðvarpi til þess að hjálpa venjulegum íslenskum heimilum að bæta sig í umhverfisvernd. Við sitjum víst öll í sömu súpunni og þurfum að hysja upp um okkur. Við getum þetta saman.
An exiled Northern Irish anthropologist and a hitchhiking Australian psychologist take a close look at the contemporary crop of 'secular gurus', iconoclasts, and other exiles from the mainstream, offering their own brands of unique takes and special insights.
Leveraging two of the most diverse accents in modern podcasting, Chris and Matt dig deep into the claims, peek behind the psychological curtains, and try to figure out once and for all... What's it all About?
Join us, as we try to puzzle our way through and talk some smart-sounding smack about the intellectual giants of our age, from Jordan Peterson to Robin DiAngelo. Are they revolutionary thinkers or just grifters with delusions of grandeur?
Join us and let's find out! -
A series of conversations around the implications of climate change in different aquaculture and aquatic food contexts. These particularly feature early-career researchers tackling issues in different parts of the world. They have been produced with financial support from the Belmont Forum and Natural Environment Research Council and we hope they will be a useful contribution to the upcoming COP26.
The From The Shadows Podcast is a program where we seriously discuss the supernatural, the paranormal, cryptozoology as well as ufology. Anything that cannot be rationally explained has a platform for discussion here on the From The Shadows Podcast.
Podcasts from HRW Shift, a specialist multidisciplinary behavioural science team of experts within the healthcare market research agency Healthcare Research Worldwide (HRW). HRW are a global agency dedicated to 'accessing reality'; taking a scientifically-rigorous, collaborative, holistic approach, utilising and developing the best and most appropriate consumer and healthcare techniques (qual, quant and online), whatever the respondent type, anywhere in the world across the whole healthcare sector (pharma, device and diagnostics, OTC, personal care, medical nutrition, babycare....). It's research that reflects the real world, to help you make the right business decisions.
Podcast dedicated to the history, science and legacy of the all-time classic film and one of the greatest works of art of the twentieth century, Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Why are some people able to talk with just about anyone—about almost anything? In this Slate miniseries, Charles Duhigg dives into the science of conversations from his acclaimed bestseller Supercommunicators. With psychologists, social scientists, and even a Hollywood writer, he explores how to ask the right questions, communicate without words, and find meaningful connections in our lives.
A Paranormal News podcast featuring credible witnesses, experiencers, researchers and investigators.
We are a show about nature’s role in tackling climate change. A new industry is taking shape, and our goal is to host a candid, cross-disciplinary conversation on nature and its role in addressing climate change. We are three friends with diverse backgrounds who met in business school at Stanford and share a common interest in demystifying natural climate solutions. Together, we’ll unpack this growing field and connect the dots across the people and ideas shaping its future. Whether you work in the space already or are hearing the term “nature-based solution” for the first time, this show is for you. Join the conversation with industry juggernauts, environmental thought leaders, and entrepreneurs around the world who are operating at the frontier of nature-based solutions.
A Mayo Clinic curated podcast sharing Mayo Clinic knowledge and advancements on the state of testing, science, and people who are making it happen behind the scenes.
Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jake-robbins0/subscribeBecome a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jake-robbins0/subscribeBecome a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jake-robbins0/subscribeInterviews with Alien abduction victims, military whistleblowers and experiencers. Stories of high strangeness! Accounts of hauntings, near death experiences and close encounters! If you enjoyed todays episode the best way you could help is to leave a 5 star review! It really does help a lot!If you would like to share your experience or sighting (anonymously is preferred) please contact us by leaving a voicemail on our profile (on episode page) and I will reach out to you! All stories are welcome! Or you can email me at [email protected]!! ALL stories are good stories!
Can we practice hope better? Can we recognize and value the people and initiatives that inspire and embody hope in the world? What happens when we focus on these kinds of practical hope? Join Indy Rishi Singh and friends to face the shadows in our society by engaging in neuroplastic, hopeful conversations.
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