For many children from traditional Chinese families, making decisions can be especially difficult. In this episode, Linsey and Danni analyze why decision-making is so challenging. When we reach the age of becoming parents, should we adjust our approach to education so that our children can break free from the “inability to make decisions” cycle? The differences between the two cultures are very apparent in this episode. We can analyze whether this is a matter of “skills” or “expectation management.” Countless decisions shape our destiny, so should destiny be something we get to choose?
在这一集里,Linsey 和Danni浅聊了一下对“成功”的见解,在传统的观念里,40岁一无所有简直就是一场噩梦!“成功”这个每个人都想要,但是不一定每个人都能感觉到的东西,究竟应该如何去定义?如果我们没有拥有世俗意义上的成功,就意味着我们正在过着失败的一生吗?“成功”这个每个人都想要,但是不一定每个人都能感觉到的东西,究竟应该如何去定义?如果我们重新定义了成功,焦虑是不是就会少一些呢?我们是不是可以试图让自己活得不要那么沉重呢?
In this episode, Linsey and Danni have a light discussion about their views on “success.” In traditional thinking, being 40 and having nothing is considered a nightmare! “Success” is something everyone desires, but not everyone feels they have achieved it. So how should we define it? Does not having conventional success mean we are living a failed life? If we redefine success, will it help us feel less anxious? Can we try to live in a way that feels less heavy and burdensome?
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Here’s a simple episode introduction that explains the main content of this season and the whereabouts of our regular guest, Mark. We hope to have a great time together in this season!