Leisure – Yeni podcastler

  • This podcast is about the love of motorcycles, taking trips with friends and the open road. Each episode we talk about motorcycle trips where we share stories, tips, and the sheer joy of riding. It's not just about the routes; it's about the experiences, the laughter, and the sense of freedom you feel when you're out with friends. We take you on the adventure with us, wind in your hair, and a smile on your face. It's a journey through the world of motorcycles trips, but more than that, it's about the unforgettable moments and the bonds that riding creates. We want to make your next motorcycle trip the best it can be. Get show notes at https://bestmotorcycleroads.com/podcast

  • Dobrodošli pod kapo najbolj sproščenega avtomobilskega podcasta v Sloveniji - "Pod Haubo"! Vsak teden se podamo na divjo vožnjo skozi najnovejše modele avtomobilov in najbolj vroče avtomobilske novice, vse skupaj pa začinimo s ciničnim in sarkastičnim komentarjem, kot bi ga slišali ob pultu vaše najljubše gostilne.

    V "Pod Haubo" ni zadržkov; od razkrivanja absurdnosti industrijskih trendov do iskrenih mnenj o najnovejših 'konjičkih' na trgu, gostitelja Andraž in Primož razgrinjata avtomobilske teme brez dlake na jeziku. Pričakujte nepričakovano, ko ti dve kvazi avtomobilski duši razpravljata o vsem, od zmogljivosti in designa novih avtov do najbolj perečih skrivnosti industrije.

    Ali je novi model res vreden svoje cene? Kakšne inovacije lahko resnično spremenijo vašo vožnjo? In kateri avto je največji flop leta? Za odgovore pritisnite play in se pridite Pod Haubo - kjer avtomobili in humor trčita v eno!

    Primerno za: Ljubitelje avtomobilov, kritike in tiste, ki uživajo v sproščeni debati.

    Pogostost: Tedenski izidi

    Jezik: Slovenski

    Dolžina epizod: Približno 30 minut

    Poslušajte nas kjer koli in kadarkoli preko vaše najljubše aplikacije za podcaste. Ne zamudite nobene epizode sarkastičnega raziskovanja avtomobilskega sveta "Pod Haubo"!

  • Hablemos de Gambling | El podcast donde entrevistamos a los referentes de la industria del gambling de LATAM y compartimos sus conocimientos y experiencia.

    Hablemos de Gambling es auspiciado por Pow Gaming, la plataforma de esports B2B para operadores de casinos online, que ofrece torneos real money de juegos basados 100% en habilidad.


    #podcast #gambling #referentes #latam

  • Welcome to Toy Federation - the ultimate podcast for toy enthusiasts and collectors alike! Join us as we unlock the treasure trove of nostalgia nestled within the walls of Toy Federation, the premier destination for vintage toys, and the powerhouse behind a thriving YouTube channel.

    Delve deep into the colorful world of vintage toys with our passionate team of Toy Federation employees, who bring decades of combined expertise and a contagious love for all things playtime. From iconic action figures to rare collectibles, each episode is a journey through the annals of toy history, exploring the stories, trends, and innovations that have shaped the industry.

    Discover behind-the-scenes insights into the inner workings of Toy Federation, where every toy tells a story and every collector finds a connection. Hear firsthand accounts of epic toy hunts, exclusive interviews with industry legends, and lively discussions on everything from toy restoration to the latest market trends.

    Whether you're a seasoned collector, a curious newcomer, or simply someone who believes that toys are timeless treasures, 'Toy Tales' is your passport to the magical world of vintage play. So grab your favorite action figure, tune in, and let the nostalgia flow as we embark on an unforgettable journey through the vintage vault!"

  • Die besten Mountainbike Trails findest du bei SUPERTRAILS. Deine Trail-Guides Markus und Maxi recherchieren für dich, wo du mit dem (E)Mountainbike voll auf deine Kosten kommst. Vom Singletrail bis zum Bikepark, von Finale Ligure bis Bischofsmais – gemeinsam erkunden wir die schönsten Destinationen für (E)Mountainbiker. SUPERTRAILS ist dein Revierguide im Podcast-Format.

    Zwei Moderatoren. Zwei Generationen. Eine Leidenschaft. Fotograf Markus Greber und Mountainbike-Vagabund Maxi Dickerhoff sind Singletrail-Biker mit Leib und Seele. Die beiden Abenteurer nehmen dich mit auf ihre Reisen zu faszinierenden Mountainbike-Destinationen. Gemeinsam erzählen Markus und Maxi ihre ganz persönlichen Reisegeschichten und von ihren Lieblingstrails. Ein inspirierender Reiseführer für alle Singletrail-Enthusiasten.

    Markus Greber, Jahrgang 1968, hat die Blütezeit des Mountainbikesports Ende der 80er-Jahre miterlebt. Er ist Mountainbiker der ersten Stunde und seit Jahren einer der gefragtesten Mountainbike-Fotografen weltweit. Seinen Lebensunterhalt verdient Markus als Fotograf, Journalist und Buchautor. Mit dem Buch „40 SUPERTRAILS IN DEN ALPEN“ hat er zusammen mit Co-Autorin Gitta Beimfroh einen mitreißend bebilderten Reiseführer für alle Singletrail-Mountainbiker geschaffen.

    Maxi Dickerhoff, Jahrgang 1988, lebt für das Mountainbiken. Zehn Jahre lang startete er bei internationalen Downhill-Rennen. 2013 wechselte Maxi zum Endurosport und fuhr für das Canyon Factory Enduro Team in der Enduro World Series. Er ist ein Mountainbike-Nerd und gilt als wandelndes Bike-Lexikon. Rennfahrer, Testfahrer und Redakteur – in der Mountainbike-Szene ist Maxi als rasender Reporter bekannt. Maxi blickt auf eine ereignisreiche Karriere zurück. Im SUPERTRAILS-Podcast erzählt er von seinen Erlebnissen auf und neben dem Bike.

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  • First off, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, we really appreciate it!

    Welcome to the FIRST EVER Episode of RenoState Rocks!! Follow us (Sheldon and Corey) on our journey of education, exploration, fun conversations, and funny content, with a Rock N' Roll edge/twist, into the ever-changing world of Real Estate. We will dive into Renovations and Home Inspections along the journey as well. Episode 1 gets to know Corey and myself (Sheldon): How did we become Agents? Why did we become agents? What was the appeal to being a Real Estate Agent and why did we both leave our careers to be one? We will also discuss how YOU can become an agent, the benefits, pitfalls, a little about the education process, and what to expect.

    Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND SHARE!! Your support means the world to us!! Follow us @renostaterocks.

  • Дружні розмови про все, що нас цікавить. Хаотичні думки, бурхливі емоції, плутані пояснення – сюди не за експертністю, тут по-простому.

  • Your #1 Source of Automotive Chicanery | www.ninetyoneoctane.com

  • The S3 Boys (a crew of friends, family, pro off-road racers, and influencers) share their wild adventures -- from mudding in the swamps of Louisiana to journeys all over the world!

  • Listen in on Jason, Patrick, and their guests ramble on about grassroots motorsports. We cover track days, time attack, endurance racing, sim racing, and working on our racing junk.

  • "It's All About The Build" Podcast gives you a front row seat into the minds, and behind the scenes of One-Off High End Custom Car builders known as I.B.F.HotRods. This Podcast brings you topics and perspectives of the HotRod world from not only a builders standpoint, but the business of HotRodding as a whole. Grab your favorite drink and enjoy a No-Holds-Barred perspective on one of the most challenging and greatest professions that is Custom Car Building!!
    WARNING: This Podcast is not for the faint of heart OR the easily offended. You have been warned.

  • Welcome to "How to Quail," the podcast for anyone interested in self-sufficiency through raising backyard quail! Join me as I dive into the world of quail husbandry, offering expert tips, techniques, and insights on everything from housing and feeding to breeding and health. Whether you're a novice hoping to raise some of your own food while living in the city or a seasoned homesteader looking to add quail to your farm, this podcast provides invaluable guidance on maximizing your quail production for eggs, meat, and sustainability. Hosted by a seasoned quail keeper, each episode explores different aspects of raising quail.

    •What are the benefits of raising quail for self-sufficiency?
    •Can I raise quail in my backyard if I live in the city?
    •What are the housing requirements for quail?
    •What do quail eat and how should I feed them?
    •How can I breed quail for small scale meat production?
    •How should I care for quail chicks?
    If you’ve ever asked any of these questions, this is the podcast for you. Tune in and embark on your journey towards self-reliance with "How to Quail"!

  • Life Imitates Art as two friends navigate life's challenges while raiding dungeons and leveling up.

  • 行銷鬼才(信)Vinci、特(別無)助Tina,歡迎光臨INFP與他們的產地小包廂,這裡專門聊一些沒有解答的人生問題,有時講幹話,偶爾開悟聽眾,歡迎投稿你的疑難雜症,我們不會採用(會啦) (*´∀`)

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  • A U.S.-based group of friends playing DnD5e and other ttrpgs. In this hall, we unite under one banner; Live by the die, die by the die.

  • Just a group of aussie friends playing dnd

    DM: Ben
    Amy: Azys Argenthrixus (Dragonborn Paladin)
    James: Tallah (Changeling Bard)
    Jordan: Jilwaris of the Mithrilmind (Leonin Barbarian)

  • The Grail Hunters Comics Podcast: Hunting, Collecting, Flipping and Investing in comics - all while having a laugh