Government – Estonya – Önerilen podcastler

  • #maailmanaba on Eesti Välissuhete Nõukoja taskuhääling. Twitter: @eestivalisnk

  • “Välispoliitika kompass” võtab igal nädalal fookusesse aktuaalsed välispoliitilised teemad ning selgitab kuulajale lahti nende olemuse, tähtsuse ning olulisuse käesolevas ajahetkes. Saadet toetab välisministeerium.

  • Aprenda chino básico con RTI, y conozca toda la sabiduría, los cuentos y proverbios clásicos de esta cultura milenaria.

  • Weekly long-form conversations with fascinating people at the creative edges of national security. Unscripted. Informal. Always fresh.

    Chatter guests roll with the punches to describe artistic endeavors related to national security and jump into cutting-edge thinking at the frontiers where defense and foreign policy overlap with technology, intelligence, climate change, history, sports, culture, and beyond. Each week, listeners get a no-holds-barred dialogue at an intersection between Lawfare's core issue areas and something from Hollywood to history, science to spy fiction.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • The Labour government has a huge majority in parliament – but Keir Starmer’s administration is also facing an incredibly complex set of policy challenges. So how can the prime minister and his team turn around public service performance? What can chancellor Rachel Reeves do to get the economy growing again? What will mission-driven government actually mean in practice? Who should be making the key decisions in Westminster – and beyond? And what will the appointment of a new cabinet secretary mean for the future direction of the civil service?
    From reforming how the centre of government works to the battle for the future of the civil service, from making a success of levelling up to achieve net zero goals, IfG EVENTS stimulate fresh thinking and share ideas about how government works – and how it could work better.

  • Podcast "Turvatunde telgitagused" on sissevaade siseturvalisuse tagajate maailma.

    Eestis on turvaline elada, kuid turvalisus pole enesestmõistetav. Selle taga on 12 000 inimese igapäevane töö.
    Need inimesed on olemas 24/7. Nad töötavad selle nimel, et kriisid saaksid lahendatud, elud päästetud, avalik kord hoitud ja põhiseaduslik kord tagatud.

    1.detsembril tähistame turvalisuse päeva. Sel päeval tunnustame ja täname ühiskonnana siseturvalisuse valdkonnas töötavaid inimesi - politseinikke, kaitsepolitseinikke, piirivalvureid, päästjaid, päästekorraldajaid, IT-inimesi, kadette, õppejõude, vabatahtlikke ja ka kõiki tagalas töötavaid taustajõude. Ütleme neile kõik koos 1. detsembril AITÄH!

  • Каждый день мы готовим часовую программу передач, которая состоит из выпуска новостей и двух-трёх передач на самые разные темы.

  • Welcome to Seize & Desist - the first podcast to explore the fascinating and complex world of seized assets.

    In this show, Asset Reality co-founder and CEO Aidan Larkin will be joined by some of the industry’s most influential and renowned experts to discuss their perspectives on the latest headlines, trends and challenges shaping the future of global asset recovery.

    They’ll explore how asset recovery impacts individuals and organisations alike and how it's evolving to keep pace with emerging technological advancements like cryptocurrencies, NFTs and other virtual assets.

    Whether you're new to the world of seized asset recovery or a seasoned practitioner, join us inside the world of asset recovery and uncover the stories shaping its future.

    Subscribe to be the first to hear new episodes of Seize & Desist.

    Connect with Asset Reality on social media:
    Twitter (X):

    Stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments by reading our blog:

    Connect with our host Aidan Larkin on social media:
    Twitter (X):

    Seize & Desist is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal, tax, financial, and/or investment advice. Listeners must consult their own advisors before making decisions on the topics discussed.

    Asset Reality has no responsibility or liability for any decision made or any other acts or omissions in connection with your use of this material.

    The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by Asset Reality employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the views of the company.

    Asset Reality does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of the information in any particular podcast and will not be responsible for any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies of any part of such material.

    Unless stated otherwise, reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Asset Reality.

  • Today's premiere episode is a discussion about UAPs/UFOs. Today I will be discussing the past UFO efforts that were shut down and how I fear history could repeat itself once again..

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Diving deep into the issues of international relations and security studies, Localizing the Globe is the podcast run by students of the John F, Kennedy Institut for North American Studies, a central institute at Freie Universität Berlin. Our mission is to bring new academic perspectives on contemporary and historical events that shape the international system.

  • Two of the world's most profitable political gamblers tell you how to bet & win real money on elections, legislation, and court cases. A must-listen for anyone tired of partisan news & bogus polls that obscure the facts.

  • Михаил Стальнухин, политик из Нарвы (Эстония), анализирует политическую обстановку в Эстонии и не только.

  • Explore the crucial world of national security with the "Department of Defense (DoD)" podcast. This insightful series delves into defense strategies, military operations, and cutting-edge technology. Perfect for enthusiasts and professionals, each episode features expert interviews and detailed analysis, providing listeners with an in-depth understanding of the pivotal role the DoD plays in safeguarding the nation. Stay informed on current defense issues and developments by tuning into the "Department of Defense (DoD)" podcast.

    For more info go to

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  • Welcome to the Tallinnovation Podcast, where we share real stories about the ideas and people shaping the future of our cities. Each episode takes you behind the scenes of groundbreaking projects, creative solutions, and big challenges faced by innovators in Tallinn and beyond. Whether it's smart mobility, sustainability, or making city life better for everyone, we bring you conversations that are inspiring, down-to-earth, and full of insights. Tune in and discover how cities are evolving—and how we can all be part of the change!

  • The Public Eye Podcast uncovers and celebrates excellence at all levels of public sector HR. Produced by the Public Sector HR Association, providing human resource leadership, advocacy, professional development, and community for HR professionals in the public sector.

  • When the People Decide, a podcast from the McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Penn State, explores the promise — and sometimes peril — that ballot initiatives have brought to American democracy by telling the stories of people who have organized initiative campaigns across the country.

    America’s founders were famously skeptical of direct democracy, citing fears of mob rule if people had too much power. Since then, however, the initiative and referendum process has emerged as one way that citizens in some states can vote directly on policy and join forces to bring issues they care about directly to their fellow voters.

    When the People Decide is hosted and reported by Jenna Spinelle and produced by LWC Studios for the McCourtney Institute.

  • Delfi valimissaade uurib 2023 riigikogu valimiste eel erakondadelt ja kandidaatidelt, kuidas kavatsetakse järgmisel neljal aastal elu Eestis paremaks teha? Miks ja mida lubatakse ning mis kasu inimestele või riigile sellest sünnib. Sekka saavad sõna ka eksperdid, et vaadata, kas kõik mis peale vaadates ilus näib, nii ka seest välja paistab.

  • Vanad meremehed teadnud rääkida, et vaid saatanal pole varju. Vari annab igale inimesele, aga ka nähtusele otsekui teise mõõtme, peegelduse, milles maailm paistab hoopis teistes toonides. Vari ei pea olema üldegi sünge ega tume, vaid saab olla välklev ja värviline, otsekui tulesäde seinal. Just sellisena hakkab loodetavasti Eesti Päevalehe ning Delfi katuse all kogunev, Eesti 200 ja Keskerakonna variministrite valitsus jälgima praeguse, viimaseid kuid tegutseva pärisvalitsuse tegemisi. Ja nii on üks mõõde juures ka lugejate-kuulajate-vaatajatel, et anda 5. märtsiga tipnevatel valimistel hinnang: kes varjutab keda?