
  • In the first of another two-parter, Leggy and Daniel go hard, vulnerable and honest about another not-so-small topic: addiction. There’s a lot to cover so Leggy’s story will have to wait until Part 2 (out next week!), but first, in this extended first half, the 2 LADS discuss Daniel’s thoughts on addiction, from believing everybody’s an addict to how he came to recognize it in himself and begin to work through it. The 2 LADS also discuss comfort zones, being young and ruthless, training for a triathlon and the surprising silver lining to struggling with extreme addiction. Settle in because tackling the topic of addiction is going to take a while.

    The 2 LADS podcast tackles big topics with brutal honesty and vulnerability; replacing shame and guilt with truth and love in the quest for emotional and spiritual growth. These conversations are unflinching, uncomfortable, funny... and ongoing.


    (02:47) - The Check In - “When you hug Leggy, you feel worse. It's like hugging a bag of hammers.”

    (04:41) - Thriving vs. being in survival mode - “I've always been in a state of making it up on the fly and I don't know what it is to be living or what it is to take care of myself.”

    (12:29) - Leggy’s comfort zone - “I think I’ve honestly jeopardized my career over the years because I always would rather be in my comfort zone.”

    (20:31) - Failure knocking the lads down a peg - “I was ruthless. I had no experience so I was just like, ‘I'm the shit.’ I was just the biggest narcissist in the world.”

    (26:57) - Daniel’s definition of addiction - “Addiction is not necessarily the pursuit of a high, it's more the escape of pain.”

    (28:32) - Daniel’s story of facing addiction - “For me, drugs and sex became a way of just feeling something different for a little while and it felt ‘in control.’”

    (35:10) - Daniel’s want to be impressive - “My biggest struggle my whole life is that I'm so fucking desperate to be respected.”

    (43:21) - Combating addiction with community - “God knows where I'd be if I didn't have you lads.”

    (46:17) - Leggy asks Daniel if he’s an addict - “I think everybody's an addict.”

    (53:18) - Addiction forces self reflection - “God help you if you're in the middle zone where it doesn't show up as that bad that you have to look at it. And that happens to a lot of people, and it's like what do you do then?”


    Connect w/ Daniel on Instagram, Twitter and IMDB

    Connect w/ Leggy on Instagram and Spotify

    Thank you for listening! Follow 2 LADS on Instagram, and don’t forget to follow, rate and share the show wherever you listen to podcasts! #The2LADS

    The 2 LADS podcast was created and produced by actor Daniel Sharman and music producer Christian 'Leggy' Langdon. With additional editing and production by Katie Sunku Wood and StudioPod Media. Sarah Jade Wilson is the Brand Director. With photography by Diana Mantis. Graphic design/video editing by Aldona Kowal. Music Composed, Mixed and Mastered by Christian ‘Leggy’ Langdon.