Health & Fitness – Indonesia – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Sleep Aid If you like my podcast, please follow me! !

  • Loma Linda University Faculty Medical Group’s first-ever podcast, “Evening Rounds,” is a podcast featuring ground level health discussions and shared life lessons from the doctors who provide care at Loma Linda University Health. The series features a variety of guests across the multitude of specialty areas at the organization.

  • If you think getting a bloke in his late 40's to talk about the stuff going on in his head is should try getting him to stop.

  • Menjadi seorang yang percaya diri dan mencintai diri sendiri itu penting, karena dari situ kita bisa menampilkan hal baik pada diri kita maupun orang lain. Jadi kurangi insecure perbanyak bersyukur.

  • Are you finally ready to break your addiction to pornography?

    Are you sick and tired of watching porn and all the negative side effects that come along with it?

    Are you motivated to fight, overcome and eventually beat your pornography addiction once and for all?

    Then the Stop Your Porn Addiction Podcast has the potential to change your life.

    What makes this podcast different from other podcasts that give advice on how to quit porn?

    Other podcasts, products, and coaching programs focus on changes in your conscious mind. They only scratch on the surface. We go deeper that that...way deeper.

    Your subconscious mind holds the key to your new self in which you are free from pornography and you no longer have the desire to watch porn.

    Achieving this state of complete freedom is only possible when you go through an intense and life-changing identity shift from porn addict to your porn-free new self.

    I would be honored if you allowed me to help you, guide you and support you on your journey towards freedom from pornography addiction:

    You can also contact me here: sebastian

  • Käsittelemme tässä podcastista omaa henkisen kasvun polkua sekä kaikkea sen ympärille kuuluvaa. Keskustelu kupruaa varmasti aiheen ohi ja lähes mitään ei sensuroida.

  • Salvatore Berbagi Cerita adalah Podcast yang lahir karena banyaknya cerita dari masalah dan keresahan yang dialami oleh mahasiswa FKIK Atma Jaya angkatan 2016 atau akrab disebut Salvatore.

    Kami hadir dengan insight yang menarik, pandangan yang baru, serta cerita yang pastinya akan membuka pikiran yang belum pernah terjamah oleh para pendengar sekalian. Selain itu, kami juga akan memberikan ilmu-ilmu yang tentunya akan membuka wawasan kalian. Pastinya, hanya di Salvatore Berbagi Cerita.

  • SEASON 3 DAILY EPISODES AT 5:55 AM! Welcome to the "5am Baddies Club" podcast, where I, Rafaela D'Almeida, your host, spill the tea on practical morning routines designed for baddies everywhere. Join me for daily mindful discussions and actionable tips to amp up your day, starting at 5:55 am. From self care to productivity secrets, we're here to embrace our baddie energy while honoring morning routines. Grab your cafe, palo santo or match and let's the start of our day together! Podcast: @5ambaddiesclubHost: @balancedmami Support this podcast:

  • Two Type 1's, with over 60 years combined experience, discuss the world of diabetes and the rollercoaster ride of management and daily living, all from a kitchen table in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Your hosts are Tim (40+ years PWD) & Tisha (20+ years PWD). Sound engineer (and all around cool dude): Trevor Brolin

  • The Reformed Lounge is a podcast on spiritual formation for the wandering heart. Our goal is to provide a space filled with conversation and discussion on issues concerning mental health and the local church. Our podcast includes banter and discipleship; humor and friendship; biblical perspective and cultural issues.

  • Seasoned dietitian and culinary nutrition specialist Deepa Deshmukh answers all of your nutrition-related questions, exploring the ways that you can make healthy eating habits easy, flavorful and fun. Advice for making sustainable lifestyle changes, simple-yet-delicious recipe ideas and interviews with wellness experts are all fair game on this holistic health podcast.

  • Hidup ini memang melelahkan, bukan? Tapi kamu berhak bahagia. Sederhana, ketika lelah, istirahatlah. Pandang langit diluar sana. Matahari masih bersinar untukmu, angin masih bertiup, pepohonan masih tumbuh. Jadi, dunia ini belum berakhir. Istirahatlah, dan dengarkan Balada Senja.

  • Personal Growth - Subconscious Healing - Spiritual Connection - For Christian Women

    Have you struggled with pain, trauma, toxic relationships, anxiety or addiction and you’ve tried traditional therapy, affirmations and meditation, but you still feel stuck in the struggle?

    Have you been working diligently toward a goal in your life or business for a long period of time and no matter what new skill or approach you try, you can’t quite obtain the goal you aimed for?

    Have you prayed and prayed about a particular recurring issue or difficult relationship and you just don’t ever see any changes?

    Chances are high (like 99.9%) that your subconscious is working overtime to keep you “safe” in the patterns it used during childhood to help you survive. I know, that’s a whole lot to grasp, and that’s why I’m here!

    Hi! I’m Erin Jean and I have been there and done that! After 18 years in a difficult marriage and over 5 years as an entrepreneur with no real success, I BROKE. I was diagnosee with PTSD, battling panic attacks and suicidal thoughts all while going to counseling trying to save my marriage and still show up for my kids. I didn’t love or value myself and my life just wasn’t going in the direction I wanted.

    I. WAS. DONE.

    Thankfully, I decided to fight hard to turn it all around! I was a mama to three beautiful children, and I knew they needed me on this planet.

    God led me to some amazing resources to heal my mind, release my trauma and truly love and embrace the person He made me to be!

    Inside this podcast I will share all the tools that strengthened my faith and helped to heal my heart, mind and soul. Yep, that’s right! I said goodbye to panic attacks and my inability to deal with emotional triggers and I found my purpose in bringing this same healing to others. I felt such passion for all that I learned that I became a certified hypnotherapist, got trained in Timeline therapy, EFT and NLP and began to work with clients to help them achieve similar results.

    So listen in and grab a warm mug of your favorite drink as we get into The Business of Inner Peace! You can also connect with me via email at [email protected] or on Facebook ( and on Instagram @erinjeancoaching .

  • Jangan takut untuk memiliki sebuah impian. Karena semua orang di dunia ini berhak untuk memiliki harapannya masing-masing. Yang membedakannya adalah apakah kamu memiliki cukup semangat untuk mewujudkannya.

  • Andaikan semua gunung adalah pena, Andaikan semua lautan jadi tinta berwarna
    Andaikan Aku adalah seorang penyair maka akan kutorehkan rasa jiwa & hati ini pada sebuah pengakuan bahwa Tuhan Itu Maha Kuasa dan Maha Kasih.
    Setiap Cakrawala manusia memiliki logaritma ceritanya masing² hingga tak ada yg bisa mendeklarasikan bhw dirinyalah yg paling baik & paling segalanya.

    Di Cakrawala Diary ini akan hadir lembar² warna kehidupan..
    Semoga disukai tiap lembar yg tersaji..

  • Hai, sekarang kamu lagi ada di podcast Suara Hati, terima kasih sudah berkenan mendengarkan podcast ini. kamu bisa mengirim suara hatimu kepadaku melalui instagram di @talitaputri.a yang nantinya akan aku dan temanku dengarkan,
    selamat menikmati podcast suara hati~

  • Positive Vibes in the Morning isn’t designed to be a long discussion but more of something that we all can listen to quickly on the way to work, while making the bed, or brushing our teeth. Listening to something that helps us start our day can put us all on track to impact others in a positive way. So sit back, listen, and consider today’s vibe.

  • Kesehatan Mental, Cerita, Curhat, Pengalaman dan sebuah motivasi hidup