
  • Are you investing in the right relationships? Lori and I had a deep conversation about the amazing impact that relationships can have in our lives, and how fostering different types of connections can pave the way for extraordinary achievement in life. We talk about the 4 tiers of relationships we all have - from our closest family, friends, and business associates, to our online connections. Lori shared how she decided to set boundaries and say "no" to certain relationships, which ultimately made her less drained. Get ready for tips to invest your energy in the relationships that truly matter!


    How to identify relationships that nurture vs debilitate you.

    What we do to invest time and energy into relationships.

    The most valuable asset that will help you achieve your biggest goals.

    How to say "no" to relationships that don't serve you.

    How your network influences your net worth.


    Buy GLOCI at 15% OFF use Coupon CODE: HAPPY

    Join us for our upcoming Italy trip - go to chrisharder.me/italy

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    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Momentum is hard to get, the most important thing to have in your business, and it’s easy to lose. There is one common mistake I see entrepreneurs make that kills their momentum, I’ve even been guilty of this myself. So I’m breaking it down for you so you know exactly when you go ALL-IN on your business to pour fuel on the momentum you’ve built to keep it building.


    The mistake many entrepreneurs make that kills their momentum.

    When to go all in on your business to multiply the success you’ve created.

    What it takes to sustain momentum (+ what the successful are willing to sacrifice for it.)


    Join us in Italy for a once in a lifetime experience - go to chrisharder.me/italy

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

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  • You won’t believe what happened to me on my worst date (hint: the police got involved!) Lori recently went on Liz Moody’s podcast, she has an incredible show and is part of my elite mastermind. Liz had these amazing conversation cards and today we decided to have fun and pull some of the cards at random to answer. We share our love languages, dating disasters and times we’ve been envious (plus how we overcame it.) Get ready for some laughs and aha moments as we share what really goes down behind closed doors.


    Activities that invigorate you vs activities that deplete you

    A hot button issue that has caused tension in a relationship.

    What our love languages are and how we express them.

    Awful dating experiences we’ve had back in the day.

    Times we’ve been envious of other people (and how we’ve overcome it!)


    Join us for our upcoming Italy trip - go to chrisharder.me/italy

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • If you’re only focusing on having an amazing product, but you’re not learning to run your company well, you’re running on borrowed time. Listen in for examples of solopreneurs who have amazing skills or services but struggle because they don't understand things like cash flow, team management, and scaling. I really encourage you to listen because taking time to learn business fundamentals will set you up for long-term success no matter what products or services you offer down the road.


    Skills you need to develop in business outside of developing products.

    WHO to hire, especially early on when the team will need to wear multiple hats.

    How to proactively plan cash flow so you don’t rely on panic selling to generate funds.

    The funnels you need to automate customer attraction and not rely on yourself as the only marketing.


    Grab a spot on our upcoming trip to Italy - go to chrisharder.me/italy

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Lori and I are about to share with you something that has changed our lives, our businesses and our relationship. Traveling, especially when you’re in a different country that has its own unique experiences and way of life, has been one of my biggest teachers. In this episode, Lori and I share some of the biggest lessons we gained from a 30 trip we took to Europe that ultimately led to us starting our legacy companies, Frello and glōci today. We also share how you can join us on a once in a lifetime trip to Italy this year.


    The once in a lifetime experience that led us to start Frello and glōci.

    Ways traveling has changed our relationship and how we live our life.

    The moment I realized I wasn’t thinking big enough.

    Details on how you can join us for once in a lifetime experience in Italy.


    Go to chrisharder.me/italy to fill out an application to join our once in a lifetime trip.

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Every summer for the past few years I’ve driven my mom and her dog from her Winter home in Scottsdale to her summer home in Wisconsin. This year was our best road trip yet! We got to have great conversations, make fun stops along the way, and I gained 3 major lessons from this week long trip with my mom that I want to share with you. Whether you’re also like Lori and I and are in a busy season, are trying to figure out your next best move, or you’re wanting to enjoy life more, I have some great tips for you.


    Honor the phase you’re currently in and the sacrifices you have to make.

    What I learned from my mom about charting your own course vs blindly following the masses.

    How to create more peace in your life through simplicity.


    Go to chrisharder.me/italy to get on the waitlist to learn about our upcoming trip to Italy.

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • We just went to the most epic dinner party hosted by our friend Christopher King at the home of makeup mogul Anastasia. After going to this intimate dinner with a group of high performers, Lori and I decided to share some tips we know will help you connect deeper and have better conversations the next time you step into a networking event or dinner like this. Plus we share some of our biggest takeaways from this dinner party on living a truly rich life, pursuing your purpose, and what the best entrepreneurs and brands in the world focus on that have led to global (legacy level) success.


    What to focus on instead of trying to be interesting in conversations.

    Would you make different decisions or actions based on a 100 year plan?

    The #1 thing the biggest luxury brand focuses on to be successful (and it’s not sales.)

    Why one billionaire will never retire and the purpose that drives her.


    Get glōci HERE Use code: HAPPY at checkout for 15% off!

    Text ITALY to 310-421-0416 to be the first to get details on our upcoming once in a lifetime trip.

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Does your calendar reflect what you say is most important to you? To say I’m busy right now is the biggest understatement. No matter how busy I am, I don't compromise the things that are most important to me - my health and making memories with the people I love. Listen in for the major lesson I gained when my Dad unexpectedly passed in 2020, why I’m currently on a road trip with my mom this week, and how I’ve gotten creative to keep my priorities the main thing during the busiest season of my life.


    How my Dad’s passing changed the way I run my life.

    What I delegate to buy back my time to be present for important events.

    How to fit EVERYTHING in your calendar that’s important to you.


    Get glōci HERE Use code: HAPPY at checkout for 15% off!

    Text ITALY to 310-421-0416 to be the first to get info on our upcoming once in a lifetime trip.

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • When you are a high performer and have high expectations of course you’re going to shoot for the stars when you set a goal. What happens when you don’t hit that goal you had set? In this episode, we share the power of recognizing your accomplishments while also looking at the data to see tweaks you can make to improve and move forward. If you want to be successful you need to be in the long game, the improvement game, and the examining data game. I’m playing all of these games and putting them into practice on my launches. Listen in for the levers I’m pulling, and the data that will guide you towards success.


    How to pivot when you set super high expectations of a launch and don’t hit it.

    The most important data to look at and make adjustments to your next launch.

    What sets the people who have successful launches apart from the rest.

    How likely is it to get success overnight?


    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Are you destined for success? I've always had a deep knowing inside that told me I was going to achieve big things, even when the evidence wasn't there yet. If your current circumstances don’t match your dreams, I’m right there with you. I share the action I’m taking to make moves towards my biggest goals, and cheat codes that will collapse the gap between where you currently are, and the success that is inevitable when you follow through.


    How to trust your intuition and inner knowing you’re meant to be successful.

    Tips to make progress towards your big vision if your current circumstances aren’t matching your dreams.

    The work I’m doing right now to get to make moves toward my biggest goals.

    Cheat codes to collapse the gap between where you are and the results you want.


    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Stop waiting for opportunities or connections to come your way. Both Lori and I, and the most successful people we know have built what we have by adding value first! Especially to high performers we want to build relationships with. We just had the most incredible couple of days connecting with friends in Nashville and we’re here to share some of the ways we gave value, found who we need for our businesses, and deepened connections with new and “old” friends doing big things in the world. In this episode, we share ways to identify how you can best add value to those you want to connect with and tips to create an engaged audience online.


    Connections we made on our most recent trip to

    Ways to add value to high performers you want to connect with.

    How to make sure you aren’t sitting in the same situation a year from now.

    Tips for growing an engaged following online.


    Make our network, YOUR network - grab a seat at the next Dinner Series event! Go to chrisharder.me/dinner

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • How much should I be investing to get a Return on Investment (ROI) vs Return on Enjoyment (ROE)? This is just ONE conversation I’ve been having with friends lately and there is so much to be said about the conversations you’re having in your friend circles. I’m in Nashville now as I record this, and Lori and I have been getting together with other high-level couples sharing ideas and collaborating in our businesses. Listen in to hear 3 main conversations I’m having with friends from investing to retirement and more.


    How I can predict the results you’ll get by looking at your friend group.

    3 main conversations I’m having with friends that are doing big things.

    Auditing which friend groups are pulling you up or potentially pulling you down.

    Balancing what you invest in Return on Investment (ROI) vs Return on Enjoyment (ROE)


    Grab your seat at our upcoming Dinner Series in Beverly Hills - go to chrisharder.me/dinner

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • I'm the busiest I’ve ever been and have the most energy at the same time - and in this episode I’m going to show you how to do it all. Lori and I have been reflecting on simple ways we’ve been able to generate as much energy as we need (and more) as we’re navigating crazy schedules, travel, juggling multiple full time jobs all while launching new businesses. In this episode, we’re sharing common things that drain your energy and our non-negotiables for optimizing our health and focus to accomplish our big goals.


    How to choose the most important things to put on your calendar.

    Daily habits that will generate more energy (and things to avoid!)

    How to protect yourself from social media draining your mental and physical energy.

    The power of having something to look forward to on your calendar


    Grab your seat at the next Dinner Series Event - chrisharder.me/dinner

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Want to know the one thing that is a dead giveaway for whether or not you’re fully committed to reaching your goals? I was at an event recently where I walked someone through the exercise of auditing her calendar to see if you’re on track to reach your goals. For most of you listening this will be a reality check, and luckily it also means you will know what you need to do to get fully committed to the future you want to create vs more of the same.


    My daily ritual to focus on gratitude and the power of stopping to smell the roses.

    How I can predict if you’re going to reach your goals (or not.)

    The consistent action you need to take to go from tire kicker to ass kicker.

    How to get our framework for building relationships in high performing circles.


    Join our upcoming Free webinar on our TOP 3 STRATEGIES we use to build relationships in ultra high-performing circles - go to chrisharder.me/webinar

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • What if you could guarantee your success? Lori and I were reflecting on some of the simple things that have made us successful over the years despite facing major setbacks, and we’re sharing 3 things you can implement immediately to create more success in any area of your life. We share what it looks like to have a “front row” identity in your life, how to get the opportunities you want, and the investments that will actually move the needle in your life and business.


    What it means to have a “front row” identity (and how it impacts every area of your life!)

    How to get more of the opportunities you want.

    The best investments you can make to move the needle in your business.


    Grab your seat at our next Dinner Series event in Beverly Hills - go to chrisharder.me/dinner

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Do you feel like the lens you’re looking through is generally positive or negative? Lori and I were on one of our walks with the dogs recently and we ran into some people in our neighborhood that were perfect examples of the 3 lessons I’m sharing in this episode. If you want to create more success and joy in your life, your perspective (and the 3 things I’m about to tell you) have such a massive impact on everything you do in life. Tune in for some simple ways to shift how you feel in your day to day.


    The mantra to say every morning that will shift your entire day for the better.

    The power of choice + how you actually have more power over your life than you may think.

    How to find more joy and fulfillment in your work.


    Text DINNER to 310-421-0416 to get on the early access list for the next Dinner Series event.

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • I couldn’t be more excited to take a moment to celebrate Lori publicly with you. Glōci is here, people are already getting so many benefits, and I hope this episode is a reminder to celebrate your own wins in life and business. In this episode, Lori and I share a few things like the power of assembling the right team around you, staying focused on your zone of genius, and keeping a positive mindset is key to navigating the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.


    Soaking in this moment of seeing everyone receive their glōci starter kits.

    Lessons we’ve learned from hiring rockstar team members.

    Surprising benefits people are getting from glōci.

    The power of celebrating wins along your entrepreneurial journey.


    Get glōci HERE

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Ever wonder what members of my elite mastermind get to experience at our mastermind events? In this episode, you get the smallest sneak peek into a Q&A we did with my friend Natalie Ellis, Founder of Bossbabe. She shares key things she’s done to build freedom-based businesses prioritizing what really matters like family, while still growing a multi-million dollar business. She'll also reveal her viral content formulas for filling your funnel without spending a dime.


    What you should be doubling down on in your business to generate more

    How to fill your funnel without spending a dime.

    Natalie's "10x10 challenge" to efficiently grow your social media audiences.

    How to scale your business intentionally to maintain work-life balance and have more freedom.


    Text DINNER to 310-421-0416 to get early access for a seat at the next Dinner Series Event!

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Natalie: @iamnatalie

    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • I just spent the last few days in NYC for the sole purpose of going to dinners and connecting with celebrities and incredible entrepreneurs. As Lori and are both in this season of building startups it’s super important to put yourself out there and get in rooms full of opportunities. Lori and I recorded this episode the other night when I got to my hotel and we’re sharing exactly how you can create your own massive opportunities instead of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for it to be your turn.


    Stop waiting for opportunities to find you - look here instead!

    Rooms and events Chris and I have been to recently that have blown our minds.

    Tips to have rapid growth if you’re ready to go all in.

    Results I’m hearing from all of you that have received your first Glōci order


    Text DINNER to 310-421-0416 to Get on the VIP early access waitlist for the next Dinner Series event

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Relationship capital is one of the most valuable assets you will ever have. I recently spoke at my friend Jim Kwik’s mastermind and we got into the importance of investing in your relationship capital. We all have different types of relationships, and in this episode I’m sharing the 4 different rings or tiers of relationships that everyone has and should be intentionally investing in. Investing can of course be writing a check, but it doesn’t have to be, it can be spending time, attention, and giving support to each other. Take time to add value to each of the 4 rings of relationships from your bullseye to your virtual circle.


    The 4 rings of relationships we all have and should consciously be investing in.

    The formula for adding value and building relationship capital.

    Different ways to add value and invest in different types of relationships.


    Text DINNER to 310-421-0416 to Get on the VIP early access waitlist for the next Dinner Series event!

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app