History – Canada – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • On Defence and Security – is a podcast series that examines defence and military affairs both in Canada and internationally. Bridging the gap between academic research and policy is crucial, especially in areas as complex and important as military and defense affairs. By providing a platform for informed discussions, Conversations on Defence and Security can help policymakers make more well-informed decisions and enable the public to better understand these critical issues. It likely serves as a resource for scholars, policymakers, military personnel, and anyone interested in defense and security matters, both in Canada and globally.

  • Join Ryan from Commander Cookout and his good friend MAC, every Monday, as they take a deep dive into the history of Magic the Gathering's best format: Commander

  • Au micro du balado Du Fleuve à la Mer, historien·ne·s, universitaires, militant·e·s et artistes mettent la lumière sur le génocide du peuple palestinien lors d’entretiens animés par Millia Luz Collombat. Toutes les deux semaines, découvrez sur nos ondes un décryptage féministe et décolonial de la situation en Palestine, ponctué de récits de vie, de témoignages, de lectures et d’analyses livrées par nos invité·e·s. Au programme : racines historiques et politiques du génocide en cours, étude discursive de l’oppression, coulisses de la résistance et récits de survivance de l’identité palestinienne.     

  • Hekmat Aboukhater is a Syrian American journalist whose studies in International Relations, Economics, and Finance, and lived experience as an immigrant from the Middle East has left him with a plethora of questions about Geopolitics, the American Dream, Globalized Media and many other topics where he's left simply wondering: What the Heck?

  • Join brothers Dr Matthew Hoskin and Father Jonathan as they explore the devotional tradition of Anglicanism as a way to know Jesus better.

  • Last Call is a podcast on the stories behind the places where everybody knows your name. It's a chance to soak up the ambiance of the world's greatest watering holes without leaving your home.

    I’m Richard Crouse. I tended bar for seventeen years everywhere from hot spots to dive bars and I thought I had seen it all.

    In my life behind bars I witnessed everything from first dates and marriage proposals to knife fights and a woman who brought a pet monkey in for a drink.

    Nothing could surprise me.

    Or so I thought.

    Then I heard about how a lion who visited Harry’s New York Bar in Paris inspired Ernest Hemingway to write one of his greatest novels. And why there are century old chicken bones hanging above the beer-stained bar at McSorleys in New York City. And how Vincent Sardi refused to do business with the mob during Prohibition, so his famous Broadway Restaurant didn’t serve alcohol until the 21st amendment passed, six year after they first opened.

    With the help of the Last Call radio players, music and interviews with cocktail detectives Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller, The Indiana Jones of Tiki, Jeff “Beachbum” Berry and Two and Two: McSorley's, My Dad, and Me author Rafe Bartholomew, I bring these stories, and many more, to life in my podcast Last Call. It’s fact folded in with a sprinkling of fiction, because, well, who doesn’t exaggerate after a few drinks?

    So, open that bottle of wine or crack that beer and join me for an intoxicating guided tour of some of the strange stories from some of the world’s best boozers.

  • A DC Comics podcast covering the history of the DC Comics Multiverse by reading every issue published by DC Comics pertaining to the superhero universe from the very beginning.

  • À l’occasion des 40 ans du Regroupement des femmes de la Côte-Nord (RFCN), l’organisme marque le coup et lance « Parole de Nord-Côtières », un balado où les femmes se racontent.
    Ce récit immersif de huit épisodes retrace l’histoire de femmes de la Côte-Nord durant les quatre dernières décennies à travers leurs témoignages.

    Animée par Ann-Édith Daoust, originaire de la Côte-Nord, la série s’attarde aux femmes de sa région natale, à leur courage, leur force et leur sagesse.

    Dans des conditions souvent difficiles, elles ont en effet, depuis 40 ans, su défier les intempéries sociétales en lien avec les inégalités de genre, la violence conjugale, les violences à caractère sexuel ou encore l’accès aux soins de santé en région dite éloignée.

    Parole de Nord-Côtière est un balado produit par le Regroupement des femmes de la Côte-Nord.

    Animation et entrevue par Ann-Edith Daoust

    Réalisation, prise de son, mixage et musique par Virage Sonore

    Épisode 6 : Extraits sonores tirés du film Partition pour voix de femmes de Sophie Bissonnette

    Recherche par Ann-Édith Daoust, appuyé de Mireille Boivin et l’équipe du Regroupement des femmes de la Côte-Nord

    Le projet balado est réalisé grâce à l’aide financière et le soutien des partenaires de l’Entente sectorielle de développement en matière d’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes dans la région de la Côte-Nord 2022-2024, soit : le Secrétariat à la condition féminine, le ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation, les MRC de Caniapiscau, du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent, de la Haute-Côte-Nord, de la Manicouagan, de la Minganie et de Sept-Rivières, ainsi que le Regroupement des femmes de la Côte-Nord.
    **Le Regroupement des femmes de la Côte-Nord (RFCN) tient à reconnaître que ce Balado n’est pas représentatif de l’expérience des femmes innues et naskapies du territoire. Nous considérons qu’il était impossible, dans le cadre de ce Balado, de faire un portrait juste du rapport au féminisme des femmes allochtones et autochtones sans en diluer l’expérience de celles-ci. Dans une perspective féministe intersectionnelle, il est important pour le RFCN de reconnaître que les femmes autochtones se trouvent à la croisée d’oppressions différentes des femmes allochtones, due au colonialisme et au racisme systémique.

  • Broadcasting every 4th Thursday, this show focuses on the historic Jefferson Highway, an international highway that runs from Winnipeg, Canada down through Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, to New Orleans, Louisiana. There are some parts of Arkansas that were also part of the historic route.

    Created by the Jefferson Highway Association, which was originally founded in 1915, the Jefferson Highway is also known as “The Pines to the Palms Highway." This historic vacation route is going through a tourism rebirth and it’s exciting for travelers and destinations alike! Learn more through the Jefferson Highway Association: https://jeffersonhighway.org/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Conversations organized around themes explored in a new book about the cultural and political resurgence of Canada's Métis, a people truly born of this land. We’ll get to know the leaders, the artists, and the executives who are defining what it means to be Métis in the twenty-first century, and we’ll talk about the ongoing campaigns to win recognition, forge a stronger sense of community, and advance genuine reconciliation with other Canadians.

  • Immerse yourself in Canada’s history! Witness to Yesterday episodes take listeners on a journey to document a time in Canada’s past and explore the people behind it, its significance, and its relevance to today. If you like our work, please consider supporting it: https://bit.ly/support_WTY. To learn more about the Society and Canada’s history, subscribe to our newsletter at https://bit.ly/news_WTY.

  • "Debriefed" is a casual and captivating podcast that offers an enthralling behind-the-scenes look at the investigations featured The Area52 YouTube channel.

    Join us as we delve into the intriguing subjects explored in each investigation, sharing captivating stories, discussing findings, and unraveling the mysteries that lie within. From conspiracy theories to paranormal encounters, "Debriefed" provides an engaging and informative experience, bringing you closer to the captivating world of the unexplained.

  • Amazing Adventures is a podcast devoted to sharing experiences of travel with others. Come join us as David Glickler and Nicole Cloutier share their experiences of their travels across this Great Nation and Abroad.

  • Embark on a thrilling journey through the clouds with "Skybound Chrocicles," the ultimate podcast for aviation enthusiasts and curious minds alike. Join us as we navigate the vast and fascinating world of aviation; from riveting stories of airborne adventures to discussions about cutting-edge aircraft design, "Skybound Chrocicles" offers a diverse range of topics that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the magic that happens above the clouds. So, fasten your seatbelt, adjust your tray table, and prepare for takeoff as we soar into the captivating world of aviation.

  • A look at the differences between men’s and women’s clothes using fashion history. Why are men's and women's clothes different?

    Any piece of clothing is just cloth until we, as humans, assign meaning to it. These meanings are fluid and changing all the time. Things that seem so concrete now, weren’t always that way. I want to dive deep and see why we have these meanings and deconstruct them. Knowing where these meanings come from can allow each person to decide for themselves if the meanings hold value for them, hopefully allowing more freedom in dress.

  • Histoires vraies criminelles, terrifiantes et macabres pour nourrir vos cauchemars.

  • Déjà-vu, c'est un projet de 4 épisodes qui souhaitent poser un regard sur des faits marquants de l’Histoire et explorer les impacts de ceux-ci sur notre présent et notre avenir. À travers des conversations franches avec des actrices et des acteurs de changement des communautés noires, ce balado souhaite redécouvrir le passé, réaffirmer le présent et redéfinir le futur.

    Production, animation et recherche : Elsa Mondésir Villefort
    Appui à la recherche : Mélissa Calixte
    Production musicale : William NKUSI
    Graphisme : Leoarts
    Studio d'enregistrement : Great Things Studio

  • जब युधिष्ठिर कौरवों के साथ जुए में अपना सब कुछ हारकर अपने भाइयों और द्रौपदी के साथ वनवास का समय काट रहे थे, तब एक दिन ऋषि बृहदश्व वहाँ पधारे। युधिष्ठिर ने ऋषि का यथोचित सत्कार करने के बाद उनसे कहा,"महाराज! मुझसे ज्यादा अभागा कौन होगा इस संसार में जिसने अपना सब कुछ जुए में गवाँ दिया और अब यहाँ अपने परिवार के साथ वन में भटक रहा है।" इस पर महर्षि बृहदश्व ने कहा,"धर्मराज! ऐसा नहीं है। मैं आपको राजा नल कि कहानी सुनाता हूँ।"  

    महर्षि बृहदश्व ने युधिष्ठिर को राजा नल और दमयन्ती के प्रेम और वियोग की जो गाथा सुनाई वही गाथा यहाँ प्रस्तुत करने का प्रयास किया है।


  • Barack Obama is widely regarded as one of the greatest public speakers of all time. He is known for his eloquence, his ability to connect with his audience, and his use of powerful language and imagery to convey his message.Obama's speeches are often characterized by their clarity, their focus on substance, and their use of personal stories and anecdotes. He is also a master of the rhetorical device of repetition, which he uses to emphasize his key points and drive them home to his audience.Obama is also known for his ability to deliver his speeches in a way that is both engaging and informative. He uses a variety of vocal techniques, such as pauses, emphasis, and changes in tone, to keep his audience's attention. He also uses gestures and facial expressions to convey his emotions and make his speeches more personal.Here are some specific examples of Obama's strengths as a public speaker:
    Clarity and focus on substance: Obama's speeches are always clear and concise, and they are always focused on substance. He avoids using jargon or technical language, and he always takes the time to explain complex issues in a way that is easy to understand.Use of personal stories and anecdotes: Obama often uses personal stories and anecdotes in his speeches to connect with his audience and to illustrate his points. This makes his speeches more relatable and engaging.Use of repetition: Obama is a master of the rhetorical device of repetition. He uses it to emphasize his key points and drive them home to his audience.Engaging and informative delivery: Obama delivers his speeches in a way that is both engaging and informative. He uses a variety of vocal techniques and gestures to keep his audience's attention and to convey his emotions.Some of Obama's most famous speeches include:
    2008 Democratic National Convention acceptance speech: In this speech, Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. He delivered a powerful and inspiring speech that called for a new kind of politics based on hope and change.2009 inaugural address: In this speech, Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. He spoke about the challenges facing the country and called for Americans to unite and work together to overcome them.2015 eulogy for Reverend Clementa Pinckney: In this eulogy, Obama spoke about the life and legacy of Reverend Clementa Pinckney, one of the nine victims of the Charleston church shooting. He delivered a moving and powerful speech that called for an end to gun violence and racial injustice.These are just a few examples of Barack Obama's many public speaking engagements. Throughout his career, Obama has used his voice to advocate for hope, change, and justice. He is a powerful and inspiring speaker who continues to make a difference in the world.