Regering – Nye podcasts

  • Il podcast di riferimento, pensato per offrire una visione d’insieme sui principali temi legati alla digitalizzazione del ciclo di vita dei contratti pubblici. Una risorsa essenziale per orientarsi tra strategie, obiettivi e strumenti innovativi rivolto principalmente ai RUP e al personale delle stazioni appaltanti e delle centrali di committenza di ambito nazionale, regionale e locale.

  • This is a really hard time to be an American public servant. This is the place where we get to know who they are, what experiences shaped them, why they chose a path of service, and how they're continuously reimagining their lives and careers. We want to know them on a deeper level, and maybe learn a thing or two about ourselves.

  • La Ville de Sherbrooke lance son tout premier balado, Côtes à côtes, une série de 6 épisodes où des collègues de divers services discutent de sujets d’actualité liés au développement du territoire.

    Les thématiques abordées, comme la crise du logement, la densification, les changements climatiques, la mobilité et la protection du patrimoine, touchent les défis liés à l’aménagement du territoire et les solutions pour y répondre.

    Les échanges sont alimentés par des commentaires citoyens émis sur différentes plateformes, dont les médias sociaux et des activités de participation publique. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre de la démarche du plan d’urbanisme, où la communication joue un rôle essentiel.
    - Ville de Sherbrooke

  • Een nieuw Wetboek van Strafvordering zet op 1 april 2029 de opsporing van strafbare feiten op zijn kop. Niet alleen politieagenten, ook officieren van justitie, rechters, advocaten en alle andere betrokkenen in de strafrechtketen gaan van het ene op het andere moment héél anders werken. “De agent, de wet en de opsporing” vertelt hoe de politie zich hier samen met haar ketenpartners op voorbereidt. En schetst de grote impact op politiewerk, -onderwijs en -ICT.

  • Nous partagerons ici differentes discussions concernant la RDC en particulier et l'Afrique en general.

    Here different topics and discussions about DRC and Africa, in general, are shared.

  • Hoe maken én houden we Zuid-Limburg zo veilig mogelijk. Voor die belangrijke vraag staat Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Limburg elke dag weer. In deze serie podcasts proberen we een antwoord te geven op die vraag. En daarvoor nemen we je mee in de boeiende wereld van de brandweer, crisisbeheersing en rampenbestrijding.

  • עמוק לתוך המאה העשרים ואחת עיריות רבות מתפתחות בקצב מסחרר. חברת מוניפלוס מבית זוויות, מלווה רבות מהרשויות המקומיות בארץ, מקרוב, מהשטח, ואנשיה צברו ידע מקיף על תהליכים עירוניים מורכבים. ’מזיזים ערים’, הפודקאסט של חברת מוניפלוס, מארח בכל פרק דמויות מהחברה ומהעולמות העירוניים והציבוריים, לשיחות על אתגרי העירוניות הנוכחיים והעתידיים, והפתרונות בדרך לעתיד בר קיימא

  • This is your What does the US U.S. Representative to the United Nations do, a 101 podcast.

    "Explore the dynamic world of international diplomacy with 'U.S. Representative to the United Nations Living Biography.' This captivating podcast delves into the lives and careers of the United States' representatives to the UN, offering listeners regularly updated insights and compelling biographical stories. Discover the pivotal moments, challenges, and achievements faced by these influential figures in global politics. Subscribe now to stay informed and inspired by their extraordinary journeys."

    For more info go to

    Check out these deals

  • Local issues examined in depth through interviews and with our municipal panel.

  • По-человечески объясняем, как работает судебная система и применяются законы. Каждый выпуск записан в формате юридической консультации, в рамках которой ведущая подкаста Ира задает вопросы Алле — юристу с 10-летним опытом работы. Авторы стараются объективно, с долей юмора, рассмотреть правовые явления с разных сторон и на примере реальных дел обратить внимание на детали, которые полезно знать всем.

  • Um podcast da Rádio Crea-MG do Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Agronomia de Minas Gerais.

  • Welcome to the Tallinnovation Podcast, where we share real stories about the ideas and people shaping the future of our cities. Each episode takes you behind the scenes of groundbreaking projects, creative solutions, and big challenges faced by innovators in Tallinn and beyond. Whether it's smart mobility, sustainability, or making city life better for everyone, we bring you conversations that are inspiring, down-to-earth, and full of insights. Tune in and discover how cities are evolving—and how we can all be part of the change!

  • Explore the crucial world of national security with the "Department of Defense (DoD)" podcast. This insightful series delves into defense strategies, military operations, and cutting-edge technology. Perfect for enthusiasts and professionals, each episode features expert interviews and detailed analysis, providing listeners with an in-depth understanding of the pivotal role the DoD plays in safeguarding the nation. Stay informed on current defense issues and developments by tuning into the "Department of Defense (DoD)" podcast.

    For more info go to

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  • Lobbying, special interests, corruption. Former members of Congress Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush pull back the curtain on politics in the US.

  • Pantsuits and Lawsuits is a no-holds-barred podcast featuring Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes as they break down the biggest legal and political battles shaping the nation. With sharp wit and deep expertise, these two trailblazing AGs will keep you informed on what’s happening in their offices, how they’re fighting to protect your rights, and what’s at stake in the courts. From democracy and civil rights to corporate accountability, they’ll tackle it all—bringing in expert guests along the way to dig even deeper. Smart, bold, and unapologetically candid—this is the legal commentary you didn’t know you needed.

  • Step inside the Gambling Commission and explore the intricacies of regulating gambling in Great Britain. This podcast is designed for professionals and stakeholders in the industry, offering a deep dive into the principles, challenges, and operations behind the regulation of betting, gaming, and lotteries.

    Why listen?
    - Learn about the latest developments in gambling regulation.
    - Gain clarity on compliance expectations and enforcement processes.
    - Hear directly from the experts driving change within the industry

    For more information about the Gambling Commission visit the website:

  • Carolyn (Caz) Heise talks to a range of incredible people in education, the arts, politics, business, environment and beyond to get conversations started in our community. Conversation is critical to the health of our democracy and our community. So Let's Talk!

  • Truth, Trust and Democracy is a new podcast series that examines polarization in politics and the media, the spread of misinformation and disinformation via social media and the impact of generative AI in elections. It also examines the role of the media and the importance of digital literacy and civics.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Australia’s leading democracy research institute invites you to join us as we explore the inner workings of politics, policy and public integrity. With a commitment to elevating public discourse, this new series offers three distinct perspectives:

    Decision Makers: The Hon Michael Barker KC interviews parliamentarians, revealing the challenges, successes and outstanding issues that they have encountered.In the Weeds: Executive Director, Dr Catherine Williams, unpacks the nuances of policy design with leading experts.The Centre: Quentin Dempster AM delves into the personal journeys of our experts, sharing the stories that inspired their commitment to transparency and accountability.