Nye podcasts

  • Sharpen your healthcare innovation, commercialization, and in/entrepreneurship skills. This is the place to celebrate victories, learn from failures, and keep a pulse on the industry. 
    The Health Innovators Show is a video podcast about the leaders, influencers, and early adopters who are driving change in healthcare. Follow them on their journey, with candid stories about what it’s really like to commercialize in healthcare.
    Brought to you by Legacy DNA, a strategy company for health innovators. Check us out at www.legacy-dna.com.

  • Eu sou o Zeppa e este é o meu podcast "Bora #FazerAcontecer".

    Convido você para uma jornada semanal de #INSPIRAÇÃO, #MOTIVAÇÃO e #ATITUDE.
    Sou empresário, empreendedor social, palestrante e realizador. Compartilho aqui a minha paixão por transformar ideias em realidade. A cada episódio, vou receber convidados de diversas áreas - empresários, artistas, palestrantes, esportistas - para explorar histórias de sucesso, desafios superados e estratégias práticas para você também tirar seus sonhos do papel.
    Bora #FazerAcontecer?

  • Somos uma escola pensada e idealizada para ajudar pessoas a não desistirem do seu sonho de empreender e ter o seu próprio negócio.

    Tentamos explicar coisas que as vezes podem parecer muito difíceis, de uma forma simples e fácil de entender.

    Nosso objetivo é dar um gás e te ajudar a tirar do papel aquele plano antigo, ou nem tanto assim, de ter a sua independência financeira, ser o seu próprio chefe.

    Se você se identificou, então chega mais, venha fazer parte da nossa comunidade…
    a Comunidade dos Fazedores!

  • De podcast met een kwinkslag voor, door en over de gemeente en de lokale overheid. Steffen en Michiel leggen aan de hand van actualiteiten uit hoe een gemeente werkt. Waar haalt de gemeente zijn geld vandaag? Wie is er nu echt de baas in de gemeente? Het komt allemaal aan bod!

  • Um Podcast onde o Hugo vai falar tudo e mais um pouco sobre o universo do Marketing Digital, Lançamentos, Empreendedorismo, Conteúdo e muito mais.

  • Welcome to the "SaaS Growth Podcast," your go-to destination for unraveling the stories and strategies behind successful Software as a Service ventures. Join us as we sit down with innovative SaaS founders, delving into their entrepreneurial narratives, navigating challenges, and uncovering the proven tactics that fueled their growth. Whether you're a startup aficionado, aspiring entrepreneur, or industry expert, our podcast is your source for insightful conversations, actionable tips, and the latest trends shaping the SaaS ecosystem.

  • O que não te contaram sobre o empreendedorismo
    Hosts: Felipe Pestana e Gustavo Marion
    Bate papo #semfiltro com as maiores referências do mercado

  • Hi, we're Hello Grow! Hosted by Cort Brady and Carlos Souza.

    At Hello Grow, we believe in the power of growth – personal, professional, and everything in between. Our podcast aims to explore inspiring stories, share valuable insights, and create a platform for conversations that foster growth.

  • Welcome to Find A Way Podcast, the podcast that celebrates the remarkable journeys and groundbreaking achievements of immigrant entrepreneurs who have founded startups in North America. 
    Join us as we dive deep into the personal stories of these inspiring individuals, exploring their challenges, triumphs, and the diverse range of innovative companies they have built.

    Each episode features engaging interviews with immigrant founders, hailing from various corners of the world, who have embraced the North American dream and turned their entrepreneurial visions into reality. Discover how they overcame cultural barriers, navigated complex immigration systems, and seized opportunities to create thriving businesses that have made a lasting impact.

    Our conversations delve into the heart of their entrepreneurial spirit, shedding light on the lessons learned, the unique perspectives they bring, and the passion that fuels their ambition. Listen as they share their insights, strategies, and unconventional approaches to problem-solving, revealing the power of diversity and inclusion in shaping the startup landscape.

    From technology-driven ventures to socially conscious enterprises, "Find A Way Podcast" covers a wide range of industries and sectors. 
    Gain invaluable knowledge from these trailblazers as they discuss their disruptive ideas, successful growth strategies, and the profound impact they are making in their respective fields.

    Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a startup enthusiast, or simply curious about the human stories behind innovative businesses, this podcast offers a wealth of inspiration, practical advice, and thought-provoking discussions. Join us on this captivating journey as we celebrate the resilience, creativity, and determination of immigrant founders who have turned their dreams into tangible, world-changing realities.

    "Find A Way Podcast" is your go-to resource for unlocking the wisdom of remarkable immigrant startup founders, exploring the intersection of entrepreneurship and multicultural experiences. Get ready to be inspired, informed, and empowered to embrace your own entrepreneurial journey.

    Subscribe now and join us for insightful conversations with immigrant founders who are redefining what it means to innovate in North America.

  • Ajudo profissionais faturarem R$10mil por mês com Consultoria Ambiental.

  • The NGBI Lab shines a light on startups in Canadian Life Sciences. This is the sister podcast of NGBIdeas and part of NextGreatBigIdeas.com - Canada's Life Sciences Summit.

  • Nesse podcast trazemos a história de pessoas COMUNS que construíram resultados INCOMUNS!
    Empreendedores, atletas, profissionais liberais, autônomos e pessoas que se destacaram no mundo corporativo para que possam compartilhar dicas, insights e também mostrar oportunidades e possibilidades para que nossa comunidade enxergue caminhos e comportamentos para melhorar seus resultados.

  • Entrevistas com empreendedores de agronegócios, com dicas para quem deseja empreender na área. Conversas com especialistas na área e troca de ideias.
    AgriWorld, seu podcast de agronegócios!

    **Trabalho de faculdade**

  • The Bleed is about making it (and faking it) as a working creative in this strange era. Listen for insights and inspirations from creative professionals about overcoming blocks in one's work, psyche and bank account. Hosted by writer, filmmaker, and journalist Daedalus Howell.

  • Podcasts sobre empreendedorismo e gestão empresarial para você aplicar na sua empresa e na sua vida.

  • Welcome to "Your HR Business Partner," – the essential podcast for small business owners seeking growth and freedom through delegation. In each episode, we unpack the complexities of HR with practical advice, expert interviews, and a dose of real-life humor with successful people leaders.

    With over a decade of HR experience and a successful business of her own, Christa Myrick will help you grow your team and your bottom line. Whether you're hiring your first employee or leading an ever-growing team, join Christa as she decodes the intricacies of managing people.

    Follow along as we turn challenges into opportunities!

  • O Capital Business Podcast é o podcast oficial de negócios de Brasília. Todo mês, um novo episódio para falar sobre carreira, negócios e empreendedorismo. Tudo isso com convidados muito especiais, que vão desde CEOs, gestores e investidores, até grandes personalidade do mundo da internet.

  • EMI, Inflation (பணம் அதிகரிப்பு), முதலீடு, stocks (பங்குகள்), FD – இதையெல்லாம் புரிந்துகொள்வது மிகவும் கடினமானது என நினைக்கிறீர்களா? அப்படியெனில் நீங்கள் சரியான இடத்திற்கு தான் வந்துள்ளீர்கள்.

    ஒரு சிப் பைனான்ஸ் தமிழ் பாட்காஸ்டிற்கு உங்களை வரவேற்குறேன். இங்கு, ஒரு பெண்ணின் நிதி குறித்த எண்ணங்கள் முதலும் முக்கியமாகவும் கருதப்படும். இது பெண்களுக்கான மற்றும் நிதிநிலை குறித்து அறிய விரும்புகிறவர்கள் அனைவருக்குமான பாட்காஸ்ட் ஆகும் - பெண்கள் நிதிநிலை குறித்தும் பொருளாதாரத்தை குறித்தும் நுட்பமான விஷயங்களைப் பற்றி இங்கு ஒரே இடத்தில் சிறப்பாக அறிந்து கொள்ளலாம்.

    நாம் நமது குடும்ப நிதிநிலை குறித்த விடயங்களை எப்படி புரிந்து கொள்வது என்றும், Personal பைனான்சினை எப்படி நிர்வாகம் செய்வதென்றும், Inflation குறித்து ஆராய்ந்து பார்ப்பது பற்றியும், ஆபத்து, வருவாய்கள் மற்றும் பிற நிதி குறித்த விடயங்களை எல்லாம் சுலபமாகவும் சுவாரஸ்யத்தோடும் அறிந்து கொள்ளவோம். உங்கள் வீட்டின் லட்சுமிதேவியை வெளிப்படுத்த, இதோ நமது பிரியங்கா ஆச்சார்யாவின் ஒரு சிப் பைனான்ஸ் பாட்காஸ்ட்-ன் தமிழ் தழுவலை கேட்கத் தவறாதீர்கள். அதுமட்டுமின்றி

    இந்தப் பாட்காஸ்ட் 8 மொழிகளில் உள்ளதென்று அறிவீர்களா? ஏனெனில் நாம் அனைவரும் வெவ்வேறு மொழிகளில் பேசினாலும் நம் அனைவருக்கும் ஒரேவிதமான பிரச்சனைகள் தான் உள்ளன.

  • 4 friends were having a sleepover until something felt off, something weird was happening. A virus was spreading through eastern PA turning people into zombies